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Chapter Ninety-Nine: Who in the Heavens and All Realms Doesnt Know?

Chapter 2354 Who doesn’t know in all the worlds?

King of Hunters, Ray Ai, is naturally good at hunting.

He has been fierce and aggressive since he was a child, but he calmed down a little after being crowned king.

Along the way, we have hunted down powerful enemies and destroyed countless calamities.

But at this moment, seeing the old Buddha in the deep sea of ​​heaven, not only can’t I feel any resistance, I can’t even feel the slightest bit of vigilance!

The majestic true king is able to grasp the truth of the world, truly understand himself, and "hold his own truth" at all times, but here he is in a trance, ignorant and wants to surrender.

The possibility of ascending to the sky was clearly just bait. But the power of heaven was twisted into a fishing line. The emperor's position was like a hook through the gills. What he felt was completely unmatched power, like a fish being fished.

The fish out of the water can only be slaughtered by others!

Who is sitting in the deep sea of ​​heaven fishing for sentient beings?

Ray Ai almost bowed his body on the sea, his spirit was completely subdued.

What he saw in his eyes was a seated Buddha, with the sky and the sea boundless.

This body is so insignificant. It is an equal sentient being before the Buddha. It is not special, it is extremely ordinary.

He could hear the profound charm of the way of heaven in his ears, and the sound of chanting sutras in a trance passed through his ears and echoed in his heart.

His voice was solemn and majestic, and he said: "It should live indestructible and disappear into the sky after a calamity. Blue leaves and flowers will fly away, and rotten fruits will disappear!"

"I'm going to die!" Ray Ai knew that he was going to die, but he couldn't resist at all, and he couldn't even have the heart to resist. He burst into tears and asked sadly: "What sutra is this?"

In the center of the deep sea of ​​heaven, the yellow-faced old monk, cross-legged on his throne, opened his compassionate eyes for a moment. The folds of time contain all kinds of emotions in the world, and all emotions flow with time. He raised his skinny

The five fingers of his palm were warmly opened and stretched forward slowly, like soothing a lost lamb, pressing towards the face of the true king of the sea clan.

Ray Ai felt a tremor deep in his soul, and he was deeply moved.

This sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and he has already welcomed the ferry!

The soul is indistinct, and the Tao body is also light.

And the last voice he heard was actually so calm. It told him calmly——

"Three Jewels Tathagata."

These four calm words seem to be an insignificant story. It is about a small mountain, a small temple, an old monk, and two young monks.

The little holy monk of Xuankong Temple was born with the Tao, "Three Jewels Tathagata Sutra"!

In the ghost prison of Fengdu.

Xiong Zidu was deep in his dream when he suddenly stood up and looked towards the opposite door.

An aisle and two fences separate each other.

His neighbor, the young monk with fine features and beautiful features, was sitting in the lotus position in the middle of the cell.

The cramped and shabby room is like a sea of ​​suffering, and the situation is perfect when you sit there.

Xiong Zidu saw two lines of clear tears falling from the corners of the eyes of the handsome young monk. But the young monk himself seemed to be smeared with gold paint and shining with Buddha's light!

"Master Imperial Master, what's wrong with you?" Xiong Zidu warned: "It's not time for us to go out yet!"

The young monk did not answer his question. He just chanted in a low voice: "When I become a Buddha, my true nature will be innocent."

"When I become a Buddha, the Three Jewels will be unblemished."

"When I become a Buddha, the empty door will not be empty."

"When I become a Buddha, there will be no suffering in the world. I will have a destination and I will have no pity or sorrow."

Tears streamed down his face, but he raised his voice: "Junior brother... please become enlightened!"

His master once told him that the "Three Jewels Tathagata Sutra" is the supreme Buddhist scripture second only to "The Wisdom of Suffering Enlightenment Sutra" and cannot be passed on to anyone. Even the abbot and his uncle would scold him if he wanted to hear it.

He did listen and didn't tell anyone. He just passed it on to his junior brother. Even if his junior brother didn't want to listen, it took him a long time before he agreed. Because this is the home of Buddhism and a member of Sanbaoshan.


The Dharma is not spread externally. This is not external teaching, but internal dissemination.

Now my brother is praising the Buddha with the way of heaven, and it is indeed called "The Sutra of the Three Jewels Tathagata"

Rebirth for the sake of suffering, and hard work for the purification ceremony!

But it is said that in the ancient imperial city, on the Conferred God Stage, a grand promotion is underway.

As the "king line" of the demon clan that has continued since ancient times, the Qi clan's power will never fade.

When the demon clan was at its peak, it terrorized the world. After the demon clan retreated to the world of Hell, it was still the backbone of the world.

Due to the difficulty of reproduction, the birth of every Qi clan member is a major event worthy of celebration.

And a Qi tribe's enlightenment attracted the attention of the whole world, and congratulations came from all directions. Even the human race, the overlord of the world, also paid attention!

Especially Qi Xianglin, who was promoted today, is a rare and famous general of the demon clan.

This adds a layer of legend to today's grand leaping ceremony.

A total of six true demons, each wearing ancient sacrificial robes, stood in the direction of Liuhe, guarding the Qi Xianglin in the middle.

This gentleman was born with good looks, gentle and elegant, more like a scholar than a general. But the armor he wore was as heavy as a mountain, and it was stained with blood, so it was by no means an ornament.

Nothing major has happened in the demon world recently.

Although the human race has taken frequent actions, they are still pruning the branches and removing all hidden dangers, so as not to attack this most powerful opponent first.

The war surrounding the Five Evils Basin was almost started by the demon clan on their own initiative.

Even though Li Yi, the peerless genius of the human race, was preaching at the Dragon Crossing earlier and almost caught the Sky Demon Lion An Xuan off guard, Qi Xianglin, as the commander-in-chief, quickly adjusted his defenses and stabilized the front line. This unexpected incident did not cause anything.

substantial loss.

Today's Qi Xianglin's sermon is the biggest event in recent years——

His return to the Ancient Imperial City today and his sermon at the Supreme Conferred God Platform not only represents Qi Xianglin's own path in this life, but what he plays is the prelude for the demon clan and true demons to attack the path of creation one after another!

In twenty-six years, the world of Shenxiao will be officially released.

Before the battle of life and death comes, what the demon tribe needs is the deterministic combat power of the heavenly demons, rather than the illusory and transcendent power that may not be even 10% after ten thousand deaths. The existence of transcendent common covenants also decrees the heavenly demons to be the main force in the war of all realms.

The protagonist.

Those who aspire to be higher, those who look beyond, those who are constantly polishing themselves in the realm of true demons and hoping for great scenery, can start sprinting now.

The strong men who hesitated before Yan Dao are all outstanding talents who are rare among billions. They defeated countless opponents before they were able to retain opportunities for themselves. Destroying eternity is naturally a choice to kill one's spirit, but only by winning the Shenxiao War

, only the demon clan has a future.

The Qi clan is the backbone of the demon world today, and is the only remaining "kingly clan". There have been demon kings in history, which have profoundly affected the situation in the world. From ancient times to the present, they have always shouldered the greatest responsibility.

Today it is!


The beetle leaves clanked.

Qi Xianglin climbed up the golden stone steps, as if he were stepping on the eternal heavenly road, walking steadily to higher ground step by step.

It's extremely cold at high places.

He looked at this city that Qi Weiyi said was "very hard", at the beings in the demon world who worked very hard, and saw his friends, his subordinates, bloodline, teachers and students, political opponents, and fellow travelers.

There was a breath of anger in his heart that had to be exhaled.

This tone made his steps difficult, and made him declare when he ascended to the sky——

"The heavens and the worlds are fighting for eternity! Immortality is destroyed, glory is lost, and we are all nameless. The present world is as far away as a shadow, and the heavens are all clouds and smoke. When you see me, it is nothing more than this. When I see you, I am a prisoner!

You can all revile me, but what can I say if I cry?"

"The so-called destiny demon clan has been imprisoned in this world for more than three eras. They have been bloody for generations and charged for many generations, but they are struggling! Fortunately, the great ancestor Yu Zhen has filled the Dao Fruit by himself, and with his [infinite possibilities], everything will go wrong

If you get 10%, it will be a game of Shenxiao."

"We monsters, even the hope of war, must bury the transcendent ones to fight for it! Everyone! Can we stay in seclusion forever? Can we sleep peacefully in the long night?"

"I don't want Shenxiao to be the end, I would rather the demon be the end."

He opened his arms wide, embraced his race and his homeland, and shouted: "The Qi people, Qi Xianglin, are taking the lead for the world today!"

"Liuhe" means up, down and four directions.

Within Liuhe are all known worlds, and outside Liuhe are all unknown worlds.

But if Liuhe is represented on the same plane - such as the base of the Conferred God Platform.

Then it is an equilateral six-sided shape, all diagonal lines intersect at one point, and Qixiang Lin is at the center of the known world.

The six true demons surrounding Qi Xianglin in this Liuhe direction, each summoned their strength at this moment, and all gave a great gift——

"Blessings to the Heavenly Lord!!!"

Rather than saying that they came to protect Qi Xianglin, it would be better to say that they came to watch and congratulate him, because this was a step that was inevitable.

Qi Xianglin has reached the highest point of the Golden Conferred God Platform. The sky is endless and the summit is right in front of him.

The glory of the Conferred God Platform enveloped him, covering him with golden light.

The eyes of all parties were fixed on him, and they crowned him with honor.

He raised his feet just one step, and after practicing all his life to this point, this was the pinnacle of the path to transcendence.

On the tall city gate tower in the distance, Tian Yao Qi Guanying has turned around and gone downstairs.

Qi Weiyi stared unblinkingly at the Conferred God Platform in the city, watching Qi Xianglin's climb to the top, and asked, "Don't you want to watch?"

"It's just a process. It's not difficult for Qi Xianglin to give up his detachment and reach the top." Qi Guanying said quietly: "After today, I plan to hand over the Doubu Heavenly Soldiers to him."

Qi Weiyi suddenly turned around, surprised and happy: "You——"

"Do you think he is suitable?" Qiguan asked.

Qi Weiyi thought about it thousands of times in an instant, and finally said seriously: "In terms of talent, morality, responsibility, and military affairs, there is no better choice than him."

"Me too -" Qi Guanying said quietly and walked down calmly, but suddenly his body shook and turned around suddenly!

This action is so intense that even the words are broken, and the railing overlooks the Conferred God Platform!

Including Qi Guanying, many powerful demon clan men saw——

Qi Xianglin's gentle and powerful figure, stepping on the splendid steps of heaven, has already reached the highest level.

To be precise, there is still an insignificant, almost unnoticeable gap from the highest point of the extraordinary path. There is no need to lift your feet anymore, you just need to drop your boots firmly and stick to the peak, that's all.


But at this moment, at that extremely high place, a splendid figure suddenly appeared!

A man with a long body and a sword hanging on his body is independent, and there is no one like him in the sky throughout the ages.

The long frost-colored mantle seems to be tying up the dome, and the red sky fire is like the sun surrounding it.

The golden sun of the demon world cannot cover its brilliance, and the brilliance of the ancient imperial city cannot take away its color.

He simply stood there, already the end point of all gazes, the home of all wonder, fear, and all emotions, and the center where countless creatures looked up.

The mountain is not too high, he is at the top.

His facial features are not too aggressive, not aggressively sharp, and his eyebrows are delicate and sparse. They are mountains and rivers with their own order, calm and peaceful, bearing all gazes and the weight of all gazes.

About everything the world has given him.

He accepts, he faces, he owns. And he will not be changed by any force, he walks his own way.

All the powerful people in the demon world who can be named must remember this face.

Remember the look in his eyes and what he did.

Not just the demon world!

Who doesn’t know it in all the heavens and the world? The greatest truth in the world from ancient times!

He actually appeared in front of Qi Xianglin who was about to climb to the summit!

Today is nothing like yesterday!

He is now welcoming Qi Xianglin at an extraordinary height. Could it be that he has been crowned king?

Qi Zhiben is still sleeping, and the demon clan has great expectations for the consequences of Tianxian's crime, but it has not ended his legend, failed to stop him from moving forward, and made him become enlightened in Yiqiu?

Wang Ao destroyed the merits of opening the path on his own and failed to transcend, so Qizhiben's plan was considered a success. Because preventing the martial arts opener from transcending was the foundation of the plan. The fundamental purpose was achieved, and everything else was secondary. Kill in order to preserve the way.

The Pathfinder is just an optimal but unrealized choice.

In the same way, after Jiang Wang killed his life and then the Tao, in order to achieve enlightenment in Yiqiu, he failed to achieve the strongest Tao, so Qizhiben’s plan can be regarded as a success!

Killing Jiang Wang is the optimal solution, but cutting off Jiang Wang's invincibility is the foundation of this game.

And it has been achieved.

The overwhelming power is cut off, and the future of the human race is lowered.


Qi Guanying quickly overturned his own judgment because he noticed that Jiang Wang at this time had not yet developed the Tao, but was still a Dongzhen body.

What is relatively scary is... Like Qi Xianglin, Jiang Wang is also in the process of climbing to the top.

Summit again?

Summit today?

He actually reached the top of the demon world?

Could it be that he has been hiding in the demon world?

No. This is not right either!

Qi Guanying stepped into the [Dao Realm] of Heavenly Hell in an instant. In this mysterious and mysterious extraordinary space, he could not catch any trace of Jiang Wang. He opened his third eye between his eyebrows, and instantly looked at all the worlds, and he was connected with Jiang Wang.

Everything related to it. Seeing that Jiang Wang has never traveled to the demon world, nor has he been involved in the [Tao Realm] of Heavenly Hell, he has nothing to do with this world.

As the protector of the ancient imperial city, Qiguan should be an unparalleled celestial demon, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, well-informed, and always confident and sure.

At this time, he repeatedly overturned his own judgment and proved himself wrong. Everything about Jiang Wang repeatedly overturned common sense and shattered imagination. Even he had difficulty understanding it, let alone predicting it.

After a brief thought, he was sure——

Jiang Wang came from the deep sea of ​​Tiandao and waded into the sea.

He has walked the old path of Qizhiben!

Even he didn't come to the demon world specially to reach the top, and he didn't stay alone in this world.

He reached the top in this world and in all realms at the same time!

The pinnacle of the demon world is just one of his paths.

And in the process of climbing to the top, he still had enough energy to stop in front of Qi Xianglin, startle him, block his way, and even... use his sword on him!

At this moment, all the heavenly demons in the Heavenly Hell World could only watch this sword helplessly, just like when Jiang Wang climbed to the top with invincibility in this world before, but he knew that he had suddenly descended from the deep sea of ​​heaven. The encounter was just a face-to-face encounter.

, the consequences of Tianxian’s crime have been generated.

That was Qi Xianglin’s own ultimate path.

Everything that is irrelevant here is irrelevant for the time being.

Everything is too late, everything is too late!

Today it is!

That was a sword that appeared out of nowhere, cutting at the very top of the mountain, erasing the fate of the way back.

Yesterday's cause, today's effect.

Yesterday, Qi Zhiben appeared in this world and suffered a calamity. Today, Jiang Wangwang’s heavenly prison has returned the calamity without any chance!

At the pinnacle of spiritual practice and the pinnacle of demon life, Qi Xianglin faced the most desperate moment in his life——

Looking across the heavens and all realms, throughout the past and present, which Dong Zhen can serve as this sword?

The slightest distance becomes eternity!

Papers will be completed tomorrow.

Thank you to book friend "Quab" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 792nd alliance!

Thanks to book friend "androidez" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 793rd alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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