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Summary and Remarks on Volume 13 of Mayfly Seeking the Way

Mayfly Seeks the Way—Summary and Remarks on Volume Thirteen

First, it is customary to summarize the results.

"" has been written until the end of the thirteenth volume, with 73,057 orders in total, and 88,000 more have been read, with a total order of 163.36 million.

There are seven hundred and ninety-seven alliance leaders, including two gold alliance leaders and thirty-four silver alliance leaders.

Various data are still rising steadily, and the rise is not slow.

For a novel of eight million words, this is simply a miracle.

Review the writing of this volume.

In the entire "Chao Wen Dao" volume, from the beginning to the present, I haven't added many updates.

Because I told myself that the most important thing at this stage is to make this super long novel come to fruition smoothly. Performance and other things are no longer the most important thing. Filling in the gaps is the foundation, and other things can be left to chance.

The big holes filled in this volume include martial arts development, the Jinghai Project, the Long River Dragon Lord, and the secrets of the Middle Ages. The small holes are filled in densely.

Sun Xiaoman, a martial arts monk who appeared in the first volume, connected with Wang Ao, the pioneer of martial arts. From the first volume to the latest volume, to Wang Ao's punch, completing the development of martial arts. This is a straight line, although it spans

Thousands of mountains and rivers, there is no difficulty in writing.

The whole Jinghai plan has been laid out since the second volume, when Jiang Wang first met Xu Xiangqian and the giant turtle of Youguo appeared for the first time, until now in the thirteenth volume, spanning seven million words, with looming connections and flows.

At the corners of different stories, they finally meet in the sea.

Jingguo, Qiguo, Youguo, Haizu, Yinguan, Jiangwang, the intersection of multiple perspectives and multiple clues. It also connects the nine sons of the Xihun family, Changhe Dragon Palace, Renhuang Lieshan, and medieval stories.

How to fully express it in an increasingly narrow writing space requires more thinking.

Finally, the world is cut down to end this scene.

The chaos of heaven and earth caused by the decline of heaven and earth indirectly led to the death of Li Longchuan and the failure of Jiang Wang to prove the Tao with his strength.

Jiang Wang met Li Longchuan because of Xu Xiangqian, and he also first came into contact with the giant turtle of the Jinghai Project at that time. In the end, Li Longchuan died in the aftermath of the Jinghai Project, on the back of the giant turtle.

The scene where Tian Anping raised the knife and said, "You started the war," my writing personality thought that it had a sense of beauty. It would be very beautiful in the movie screen.

The fallacies and unknowability of fate, the paradox and the predetermined destiny are the reasons why this world is moving.

Chekhov said that if a gun appears at the beginning of a story, then there will definitely be a gunshot at the end of the story.

In fact, in the serialization of online articles, what many readers want is that a gun appears on the first day, and the gun should go off the next day. Even if a gun is shown in the first paragraph, it should go off in the second paragraph.

"Chao Wen Dao" and "I'm Like a God Coming" are the same to some extent.

The titles of these two volumes tell you that the protagonist will definitely come to God/Evolve the Way.

So readers will be very much looking forward to the arrival of that moment.

Therefore, when the protagonist delays in finding his way, the readers will become very irritated and become more and more irritated.

Every day the questions are “Has God come?” “There is no God.” “Someone else’s God has come.”

"Did it grow?" "No." "Look at the wool."

In fact, the readers of "" are already considered to be patient. After all, they have been reading for so long. Everyone knows each other a little bit, and there is a certain amount of trust. If I were to read other novels, I'm afraid I would have rebelled in Chapter 10. Read "

"Chao Wen Tao", but it was only halfway through the trip that he started to rebel...

I sometimes thought that maybe it would be better to change the title of the volume. Don't let the gun out, maybe readers will be more patient.

But there really is no more appropriate volume title than this.

"Appropriate" trumps all reasons.


So be it. Whatever!

There are three places where you can end the volume in this volume.

Once, Jiang Wang went to sea in the state of heaven and human. When he completely tortured Tian Anping and forced the lunatic to cover his neck and leave, his mood was actually a state of ending. Many readers also felt that it was over. Jiang Wang also

You can break through the human state due to extreme anger and reach the peak of enlightenment. It is not a bad result. It is best to kill Tian Anping at the same time. That can also add more impression points because of the refreshing feeling of revenge.

The second time was when Jiang Wang proved the Tao with his strength. He created an unprecedented record, completely surpassed the legend of Xiang Fengqi, pointed his sword at Li Yi, and completed the reverberation of Zhen Guanwai.

The wrapping here is simply perfect.

Most readers also expect this.

From "A real person should crown himself" to "Li Yi!", the readers' emotions have reached their peak.

In fact, the catch-up reading at that time had reached 87625. In other words, I spent twelve more days, wrote thirteen more chapters, wasted so much effort, and received so many scolds. In terms of intuitive results,

There hasn’t been much change. The ups and downs of a few thousand readings are normal, and a few hundred is nothing.

Just like I saw a reader's message yesterday - couldn't I have written it like this earlier? I have to go around such a paragraph, and I will get so much scolding in vain.

That makes sense.

The perpetrator doesn't think the violence is wrong, he just thinks your posture is wrong.

Before the chapter "Above the Sky", I had been exhausted for several days because of some things in my life. At that time, I just talked about it with the readers of Mengqun.

The night I wrote "Above the Sky", I wrote until about two o'clock in the morning. After lying in bed, my mind was very active, and I didn't fall asleep until four o'clock. I didn't dare to sleep at that time, because I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to revise and update it when I woke up. I thought

It was better to practice before going to sleep, so I simply got up. I was not in good spirits, so I continued to practice intermittently until about seven o'clock before going to bed.

Maybe my body is really not as good as before.

After staying up all night, a person becomes useless, and immediately starts to have a headache. The forehead is twitching, and the nerve at the temple is twitching at random, and I can't sleep for several nights. Then my tonsils become inflamed, and it hurts to swallow.

I also have fever and cough! I feel pain and soreness after coughing.

Of course, I am not saying this to win sympathy. There are many people who are sick and trying to make things worse. This is your job.

I just want to show off to my friends how awesome I am, how strong my willpower is, and how good I am at writing.

In "Above Heaven", there were two paths before me.

One is to end the paper like this. As you can see, after receiving Li Yi's sword, it is enough to let Jiang Wangjuedian take advantage of the situation. It is only a matter of adding a few hundred words, which is not difficult. At most, let Jiang Zhenjun

Go to the foreign tribes and complete the Tianjing City Proposal, which will not exceed 2,000 words.

The reader's emotions can be completely vented at that time.

I can get a happy holiday, readers' joy and satisfaction, and good results at that time. And almost no one will think there is anything wrong.

The other way is like this now, dragging the sick body and starting a twelve-day torturous journey. To close the heaven-human line from the first chapter to the one hundredth chapter, to achieve enlightenment in one autumn, and to complete the "Chao Wen Dao"

Theme. Make an expression that runs throughout.

Every time you meet the readers' expectations, it means you need to do better to win back the readers' hearts.

So on this road, I need to face——

The difficulty of writing increases, the physical discomfort, the weakening of energy, the dissatisfaction of readers who are expected to be intercepted, and the endless curse attacks from those people who have no lower limit.

In fact, I am not sure that I can do better after holding down this level of expectation. I just know that there is such a road ahead, and I think it is better, but I have not arrived, and I am not sure.

Can my energy and physical strength support me to get there?

And once I fail to do it, I know very well what will be waiting for me.

The pros and cons of these two paths are so clear that for an adult with a normal IQ, choosing is not a problem.

The only problem is-

As for why love is so serious, this is not a multiple-choice question.

This was never a choice.

The first certification of heavenly beings is for the last thirteen certifications, which is for the seven emotions and six desires. The heavenly state is to correspond to the demonic state. When the name "Chao Wen Dao" came up, I was thinking of the spirit of hearing the Dao from morning to night.

Is a mayfly only born for a moment? The moment passed by you may also be the life of a certain mayfly seeking enlightenment!

So what's the reason to stop me from writing this?

You know.

No one, no voice can change me.

I always know how I want to write and how I know how to write.

From the beginning to now, the only change for me is that I understand better what I will face when I write this way.

Then I face it.

Then I continue to write like this.

It may be right, it may be wrong. It doesn't matter. It's what I want most.

Human life is so short, and the creative life will be even shorter. I just want to write the works I want to write. Otherwise, this life will be too boring. Otherwise, if I sit in front of the computer day after day, I will be too withered.

In fact, this volume is more than just the ending.

It was the same when martial arts was established.

When Wang Ao found Wang Zhao and said, "I took it, two clears. If I can't take it, two clears." I turned the camera.

There were also many people scolding me.

Nowadays, the pace of society is too fast, and everyone wants a result as soon as possible. They can’t wait to think about it in one second and realize it in the next second. Delayed gratification is actually a luxury.

Wang Ao punched out, and his martial arts was opened up.

But the story of the pinnacle of martial arts has not been revealed at all. The will of several martial arts masters has not yet been expressed.

If these few strokes are not sketched out, how can it move people to see the four great martial arts masters entrusting Wang Ao?

Later, Qi Zhiben lurked in the deep sea of ​​heaven, set up a trap to block the way, and even plotted against Jiang Wang, but he couldn't get involved.

Hey, there's no point in saying all this.

Those who like it will still like it, those who hate it will still hate it. Those who support it will still support it, and those who criticize it will still criticize it.

I just got off work and complained to my friends casually (it shows that everyone needs to complain)

I don’t want to talk about the general environment, the lack of understanding, or the hostility of society.

Since I choose to write like this at such a time, I face everything that results from it, and I accept it. If I really can't accept it, I will complain to my friends, and if it doesn't work, I will block it.

Just like when you are a reader, if you don't like an author or a work, just delete it from the bookshelf. Who can hold your head, force you to subscribe, and force you to read?

There are one hundred chapters in total, starting from "Heavenly Man" and ending with "Morning Life, Evening Death, Morning Hearing the Tao".

In writing this volume, I think I have reached my peak.

Even if I had to do it over again, it would be difficult for me to write better.

In other words, if you are not satisfied with this volume.

Then content that satisfies you may not appear again in the future.

We have reached the late stage and there is not much left to write.

We have reached the pinnacle of transcendence, what is the road ahead?

There's no way I can do it all over again with an ascension or something.

The present world is the only map, and it is also the highest map.

I just want to finish it exactly as I want without interference.

Everything else besides that is not that important.

An author who had misunderstood me once said something like this to me, which touched me deeply.

He told me - after you finish a book, all public opinions will turn over. This is a pain that only a super long novel will experience, and it will deepen all misunderstandings and prejudices step by step. I believe you can get out of it, come on.


When a novel is serialized to eight million words, when you feel uncomfortable while reading it, the discomfort accumulated in the reading process may suddenly break out at a certain moment. Those things that move you and make you laugh

You won't remember those moments for a long time, those unpleasant and uncomfortable places are like a thorn in your eyes.

Eight million words are enough for it to take root and sprout.

Eight million words! Readers' threshold has been raised to a position that is difficult to reach, and aesthetic fatigue has inevitably begun - although the author is trying hard to tell the story in different ways and racking his brains to make the story still interesting after eight million words.

It can be innovative. But just looking at those names will make you tired.

It took the author four and a half years to write a long novel of eight million words, and many readers have been following it for several years. In the end, everyone has their own expectations for the story and hopes to see the development they want to see.

Some people just want to see the development they want to see.

Some extreme ones even try to influence the author in their own way, forcing the author to only go in the direction they want.

Including constantly cursing, constantly sending breakup letters, sending "decision to sue the board of directors," and announcing with great fanfare over and over again, "I'm going to withdraw my capital!" "I'm going to withdraw your shares in this book!" "I won't read it. What are you going to do!" "Don't look at it, everyone. Let's go quickly! Of course I won't leave. When you all leave, he will only listen to me."

Too normal.

Nearly 90,000 people have read it. With so many readers, who doesn’t have their own ideas?

Everyone has their favorite characters. When they see their favorite characters appearing, they want more shots. When they see the characters they hate appearing, they want to die quickly. This is human nature.

The only problem is-

Qing He Yi Shi can't just go in the direction Qing He Yi Shi wants.

The writing of Qing He Yi Shen will not be affected by any voices outside the world of the novel.

Sometimes he also wants to see something "cool" that he wants to see, but this novel world doesn't allow it.

Sometimes he also wants to have the best of both worlds, and he also wants to satisfy everyone, but it is impossible to do so.

Of course he will be in pain, fatigue, and suffering. But he will still write in the way he wants most.

This is the world of Xianxia in Qing He Yi Shen, which carries all the imagination of Xian Xia in Qing He Yi Shen. At the same time, it is not responsible and cannot meet everyone's expectations.

Even in the smallest alliance group, with only more than 300 people, I often see two people talking about their completely different expectations for the development of the story, one after the other, less than a minute apart. In other words, no matter whether No matter whether you turn to the left or to the right, there is always someone who will be disappointed.

Not to mention the 90,000 genuine readers who are following it, and those readers who can’t even be counted on the entire Internet?

Who do you listen to?

I have always said that I bring my work to find a close friend. I seek companions on the road.

People are constantly coming and people are constantly leaving.

I will always welcome readers to this world of fairy tales, and I will never regret anyone leaving.

Because getting together and parting again is the normal state of life.

Even if you write an 800-word essay that is full of loopholes, it is really easy to find faults in 8 million words. If you learn a little bit about taking quotes out of context, you know how to extract a few points and create them again, and then add a few more Prejudice, that's perfect. Don't be too harsh. The story of Snow White is just a story about a woman and seven men. The story of Calabash Baby is just about seven men taking turns to go to a couple's home. The last seven The man is still fit.

Moves are fleeting, happiness is fleeting, but negative emotions accumulate indefinitely.

So do I.

Those who praised me would be happy at the time, and those who scolded me might laugh it off. A few days later, when I was in a bad mood, I suddenly thought back to that moment - no, he was sick, right?

It's nothing big, I will finish the story completely.

According to my original thoughts, follow my original wishes.

I would like to write down this article to record my feelings.

This is the way of my ephemera.


I really enjoy writing, especially after going through a lot of things.

Although there are rivers and lakes wherever there are people, there are inevitably some smoky things.

But it's always a reader-facing thing.

When words enter the mind, there is inevitably a thinking process. This forms the initial threshold.

Readers all have their own aesthetics and their own thinking.

Those intrigues and intrigues are of little significance. We can only whitewash them for a while by all means.

The tide will eventually recede, and you will finally be able to see who is naked and ugly in the water.

If you write well, some people will read it and read it. No matter how others slander, spread rumors, or belittle you, they cannot shake your foundation.

If your writing is bad, no one will read it. No matter how much you jump up and down, try to please others, cheer for others, or even kneel down and kowtow to others, and press the readers’ heads in front of your shabby book, those who can’t stand it will simply not be able to stand it.

I like simple things like this.

It tells you that all your hard work pays off.

It tells you to do the right thing.

Finally, I would like to ask all readers a question——

Before "", have you ever followed a novel in which the map is used from beginning to end, and the characters who appear in the first volume and even the first chapter are still shining and still playing a role after eight million words?

Time, space, various forces and characters, from the beginning to the present, are constantly colliding and intertwining. Can you see the dense and intricate lines in these eight million words?

Can you imagine the difficulty of writing such a novel?

Do you understand how much effort it takes to maintain 4,000 updates per day after writing 8 million words like this, and to ensure quality and keep so many readers unable to put it down?

How can you say I don't work hard?

I can't remember many details. I have to keep flipping through the collection and reading the previous chapters, writing something casually, and looking forward for a long time. Sometimes I really want to make an ascension or something, and start all the relationships between the characters from scratch.

The reader's threshold has been raised again and again during the long journey of eight million words. The aesthetic fatigue is accumulating more and more day by day. But the patience has become less and less day by day after the novelty has worn off.

What’s even more frightening is that as an author, in such a literary world, the space for you to play has become extremely narrow.

At first glance, the first eight million words appear to be shackles.

I have slowly reached the point where I am struggling, and I am also very curious about how I can walk the road ahead, and how I can reach the ideal end point.

Very distressed and very looking forward to it.

Finally, thank you all for your continued support.

I am very grateful to those who can still give me patience and companionship after eight million words - to be honest, if I were asked to click on an eight million word novel to read, I would not have the courage to click on it.

Unless it's called "."

No matter where you read this book, no matter how much you loved it or hated it.

It's there.

exists in its own way.

You can come at any time and leave at any time.

Thank you to everyone for reading it, and thank everyone for your experiences and feelings about it.

Thank you for coming to this fairy world.

Thanks to those who have traveled this rough and tumble journey. It is you who have given me the strength and the courage to carry these eight million words and reach their due destination.

The story will eventually be told.

We will say goodbye eventually.


I have gotten over my tonsillitis, fever and headache, but my cough has not gone away until today. All kinds of syrups and medicines have no effect. It lasted for half a month, and my lungs hurt a little from the cough (maybe my ribs hurt, anyway)

It was on the right rib), and I felt that it would be nothing serious. But I was very afraid of death, so I decided to take a photo to see first.

I wrote this summary while I was waiting in line at the hospital. It was five to six thousand words long, and it was like a fountain of literary thoughts.

If only writing novels could be this efficient. Damn it, I will reach the pinnacle of enlightenment.


at last.

Five days of rest. Counting today, it will be six days.

There is already some plot in the new volume, but the plot line has not been sorted out yet, and the volume title has not been thought of. I am so tired, so tired, so tired that I have no energy to talk.

On May 19th, the update of the next volume will start.



Thanks to book friend "Mu Chen D" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 795th alliance!

Thank you to the book friend "Meow Meow Not My Intention" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 796th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Xiu Tianlan" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 797th alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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