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Chapter 113 Failure is a crime (ask for monthly votes on the last day)

Chapter 2368 Failure is a crime (ask for monthly votes on the last day)

Lou Yue's tall figure is like a mountain roaring forward.

His raised voice was like a thunderbolt that shocked the world, causing the entire Sanqing Xuandu Palace to reverberate.

In the Tao system, apart from the leaders of the three major holy places, the Celestial Master has the highest status. To a certain extent, he can sit across from the Emperor and discuss Tao.

For thousands of years, in the Tao Kingdom, has anyone dared to question the Heavenly Master like this?

He almost pointed at his nose and scolded Yu Yu for having bad intentions.

Lou Yue is arrogant, the following is my fault!

"Presumptuous!" But it was Jin Wang Ji Xuanzhen who stood up at this time. He glared at Lou Yue and sounded like a bell: "Mr. Lou Yue, you are so brave! Who allowed you to talk to Xitian Master like this?!"

Is Lou Yue qualified to talk to Yu Yi?

In fact, there is.

Although the current status and strength are not as good as today, the future is promising and the future is visible.

It's still what Jiang Wang said in Tianjing City - "The top is just the scenery I must pass by."

As the most powerful real person in Zhongzhou, and after Jiang Wang attained enlightenment, he was the most powerful competitor for the best real person in the world... Of course, after Jiang Wang attained the peak of enlightenment, no one talked about the number one real person anymore. That was already meaningless.

, even more boring than being the most lethal person after Xiang Fengqi's death. Because the real person who is the most powerful person in all time is right in front of us, and he is still active at the top.

In short, Lou Yue can take that step at any time, so he is not much lower than Yu Yi. When he is emotional, he is entitled to be forgiven for a few rude words.

Of course, in terms of status, the four heavenly masters have a transcendent status, and Yu Yi represents Yujing Mountain, so he is a bit rude.

Ji Xuanzhen, who is also a member of the imperial party, denounced angrily, which was a kind of defense——

I have already criticized you, so you can no longer criticize me. I have already made an attack on behalf of the clan, and you cannot use it as a representative of the Taoist sect.

Lou Yue's official official position is that of the Privy Councilor of the Military Aircraft Building, one of the three military ministers besides the Commander-in-Chief of Eight Armors.

The other two alongside them are Ji Xuanzhen, the Prince of Jin, and Ji Yumin, the minister of Zongzheng Temple.

It is not difficult to see that they are all imperialists.

The Jin Palace has its own royal guards, the number of which is no more than 5,000. Zongzheng Temple also has temple guards, who specialize in dealing with the clan's illegal affairs, and the number is only 10,000. The number of private soldiers of Lou Yuona Yingtian's first family does not exceed 3,000.

Compared with the Eighth Army Commander-in-Chief, who holds heavy troops, they are more like idle posts in the military aircraft building. In fact, this is indeed the case. These three military ministers usually only serve as counselors on military affairs and do not actually lead troops to fight.

He rarely even expresses his opinions on military affairs. He often holds a cup of tea and drinks it until the military meeting is over.

Rulou made an appointment to go to the East China Sea this time, just to bring a few teams of people to complete the preliminary paving the way to the Middle Ages.

But their sitting in the military aircraft building is a manifestation of power. They are listed as privy envoys in the military aircraft building, which represents the emperor and firmly controls the direction of the highest-level military meeting in the Central Empire.

In fact, the expansion of the military aircraft building is just a glimpse of the past expansion of imperial power.

The earliest Jingguo Military Aircraft Building was like the Qi State Military Hall. There were eight powerful military commanders, and there were eight privy envoys. From eight places to today's eleven places, and the three additional places were all from the Imperial Party

.This is a huge power change for any country, but in a country like Jingguo, which is the oldest and most ancient and where various forces are intertwined, it happened without any trouble.

This is exactly what happened after Ji Fengzhou came to power.

Today, I am especially good at doing great things in silence, turning thunder into drizzle.

In the past, Wanqi Jinghu died unexpectedly on the eve of the Yellow River Meeting. It was such a big event, but it passed silently.

Jingshitai falsely accused Jiang Wangtong of demons and was slapped in the face by the Sanxing Palace. This was originally a matter that greatly damaged the credibility of the ancient demon-slaying covenant, but it was quickly downplayed.

Zhuang Gaoxian risked the disapproval of the world, and with the help of the internal forces of Jingguo, behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, he took action against Jiang Wang, who was fulfilling the responsibility of the human god. What was the result? No one mentioned it anymore, and the ripples rippled in

deep water.

But such a huge failure as Canghai can no longer be erased silently.

The towering trees want to be still, but which wind from the southeast, northwest and northwest is willing to stop?

So many people suddenly saw it today - it turns out that the monarch of the Central Great Scenery Empire did not just do whatever he wanted, but he also had to face so many problems and so many disturbances.

As soon as the King of Jin spoke, Lou Yue immediately took a step back: "Your Majesty is right in reprimanding me, which makes me wake up. The country should be governed by etiquette, and cultivating the Tao should be respected. It is inappropriate to point out pictures rashly, and it is even more disrespectful to speak ignorantly. I want to express my grievances on behalf of the Prime Minister.

I was speechless for a moment in anger, Heavenly Master, please forgive me!"

These imperial parties have always been like this, especially in recent years.

He always talks to himself, sets up his own stage and sings by himself. In this Jingguo world, is the only person named Ji?

Yu Yu smiled coldly: "Prince Jin, there is no need to speak for me!"

"If you let people speak, you will not destroy the country. If you don't let people speak, you will be in danger of destroying the country. There is no such thing as the following. This is the meeting hall of the Dajing Empire. The sky is not too high. You can speak loudly if you have reason!"

He used Lou Yue's rudeness to set the tone of the discussion and prepared for another attack on the Emperor. Then he flicked his sleeves and said: "Since I was the Heavenly Master, I have controlled demons and demons, commanded gods to kill ghosts, and served the country.

Great undertakings never take hard work into account and repeatedly consume the foundation. I only hope that the Taoist door will be prosperous and the Taoist country will be ruled forever. I only hope that the weather will be smooth, the people will be happy, and the people of the world will be able to live in peace."

He stood with his hands behind his back, his posture arrogant: "You ask me what my intentions are, this is my intention! Master Taiyuan, is this kind of intention good?!"

"This is the public spirit, what we want, and the plan of the Prime Minister!" Lou Yue said very sincerely: "Master Tianshi, we are like-minded and should work hand in hand. Why should I say that I am innocent today?

Destroy the great sedum beam?"

Yu Yi looked at Lou Yue with a surprised look: "Who is Dacheng Tianliang? Is it you Lou Yue? Or a specific name? Or is it my thousands of Taoist practices that have been passed down from ancient times to this day?

Where’s the spirit?”

"You Lou Yue are a loyal person to the country, and the Prime Minister has proven himself time and time again. But things in the past and things today are not the same thing. Maybe the original idea was good, but there is a word for things to backfire, and there is another word,

It’s called having a good eye but a weak hand.”

His tone gradually became fierce: "You said that in the past, the speaker was not guilty and the perpetrator was not guilty. I also remember the Taizu Chen Zhi. But the speaker was not guilty because he was honest and upright, not a deceiver.

The perpetrators' innocence is a matter of loyalty to the country, not a loss of power and humiliation of the country!"

"Deceive the public with monstrous words? Lose power and humiliate the country?" After Yu Yi said these words, Ji Xuanzhen couldn't be a peacemaker anymore. She lowered her eyes for a moment and her face was extremely ugly: "Master Xitian, are these words too serious? Do you want to think about it again?"

"What else do I need to consider?" Yu Yu was rude to him: "The soldiers and civilians of the Tao Kingdom sacrificed their blood and flesh to create a spectacle that shocked the world and made some people proud of themselves in the sea. But where did the ancient road to heaven end? Eternity

Who does the Sky Monument hold the sea for? You answer me!"

Can such a huge failure as Canghai be covered up?

It was his wish that King Jin should die in person!

It just depends on when the emperor can't sit still!

"The ancient road to heaven was broken by the transcendent Changhe Longjun Ao Shuyi. Do you Yu Yi have the ability to stop it!?" Ji Xuanzhen was furious. No longer showing any apparent gentleness, he strode forward directly and exchanged gongs and drums with Yu Yi.

Gu, calling him by his name: "The Eternal Sky Monument is trapped in the depths of the sea, Commander Yuque blocks it with his own body, Daojun Lingchen risks his own life to recapture one of them, and destroys three others - what do these mean to you, Yu Yi?"

Did Yu Shuai lose his power and humiliate the country? Did Lord Lingchen lose his power and humiliate the country? Or those soldiers who cannot go home, they lost our sovereignty and humiliated our country?!"

"Daojun Lingchen has fulfilled his duties in his position. Yu Shuai died for the country, which is a heroic act. You need to move out to block the arrows! Those soldiers who died in the country are not worthy of your words. You, the King of Jin, are so messy.

Is it? It’s just to make people feel cold!” Yu Yi looked at him coldly: “I’m just discussing the matter, is it too difficult for you?”

Song Huai sat there with a calm expression, letting both sides move the headmaster of Penglai Island around, shielding him from the left and right, as if he didn't care at all, and seemed not to hear anything.

But some people didn't want him to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Beitian Master Wu Daoyou turned his head to look at him at this time and said aloud: "These things are so noisy, it can be regarded as clear-eyed. I guess people's hearts have their own scales - what does Dongtian Master think?"

Song Huai glanced at the eldest Celestial Master with no expression, and smiled slightly: "I think that it doesn't matter if we all discuss it or quarrel, it won't hurt, and the speaker is not guilty."

Ji Xuanzhen immediately said: "The speaker is not guilty, but do some voices want this country to be better, or do they want to rely on their own intolerance to stubbornly influence the direction of the country, or let some people die? I think,

It remains to be discussed. Right words are not guilty, loyal words are not guilty, and using words as a knife will harm the family and the country. How can this trend be encouraged?"

Song Huai smiled and said nothing, not knowing whether he agreed or disagreed.

Wu Daoyou waved his hand: "It's because of your emotions that you attack each other, but there is no need. Although the court meeting is a quarrel, a big quarrel in the big court and a small quarrel in the small court, it is rare for everyone to get together today, and it is not just to watch the quarrel."

These words made many ministers smile knowingly and eased the atmosphere slightly.

Then he stood up and left his seat.

The most senior Celestial Master has a head full of white hair, styled into a bun, like clouds in the sky. His well-maintained white beard hangs down to his abdomen, like a waterfall hanging upside down.

Wearing a white Taoist robe with fluttering sleeves, he looked like an immortal. He walked down from the golden bridge and walked in front of Danbi, along with the rest of the Western Heavenly Master, Jin Wang Ji Xuanzhen, and Military Privy Envoy Lou Yue. Usually, it is also next to Lu Qiu Wenyue who is lying on the ground.

If Lu Qiu Wenyue's pile of famous accounts on the ground is like a monument, his body is thrown to the ground, waiting for death like a tomb in front of the monument.

Then there are three pinnacles, and one is the most powerful real person in the Central Realm. The four of them stand at the four corners, like four long nails in a coffin, nailed in all directions.

I don’t know who wants to nail the coffin and who wants to lift the lid of the coffin.

Wu Daoyou came here, but did not look at Lord Dan.

He turned around, faced the civil and military officials in the palace, and said slowly: "I don't agree with what Master Taiyuan said earlier!"

Lou Yue bowed to him: "Those who speak are not responsible, but those who act have intentions. Naturally, the Heavenly Master may not agree with me, just as I may not agree with you."

But Wu Daoyou didn't look at him: "I have been crazy for many years, and today I rely on my old age to sell my old age. Let me say a few words from people who have experienced it - in the past, Taizu founded the country and rewarded brave men, which led to the development of the demon world; Emperor Wen governed the country and showed kindness to the world, so he won the submission of all nations. ; As for the former emperors, they rewarded their merits and punished their faults, giving both kindness and power. Today, the chips we are swaying on the grasslands, in the sea, in the world and even in the heavens and all the worlds are the favors left by the ancestors and the assets accumulated by the past dynasties. Food should not be squandered carelessly."

"What do I want to say?"

He raised his voice: "The leader of a hundred men should call the flag; the vanguard general should break the enemy's formation; the army of hundreds of thousands and millions of people should overwhelm the country in one battle, and then we should win! That high position is not It is for people to sit up and enjoy the scenery. Sitting in that position, you have the responsibility to bring victory. Other than that, it is all empty talk! No matter what the reason, what excuse, what is outside and inside, what is the meaning of talking about it? "

"Of course it is unimaginable to be a detached person. No one among us can stop Ao Shuyi, nor can we observe, plan, or design a detached person. If we praise his name and think about him, he will be aware of it. However, this is outside the scope of the discussion. Have we ever made such a big bet to fill the sea? I didn’t agree with the Jinghai plan at the beginning. Who is insisting on it, and who is stubborn? "

"The result is the result, and the process is just the process. The result is the result of a mistake, so no matter how tortuous the process is, it is just a different wrong process. The Jinghai Plan failed, so it is wrong. It is that simple."

He finally turned around and stood in this hall like a true heavenly master standing outside the gate of heaven.


The old Heavenly Master with gray hair and beard, facing the Emperor of Dan, looked at Lu Qiu Wenyue who was lying on the ground, but he was talking to Lou Yue: "You have a deep understanding of the word sin, but in life I’m not talking about any mistakes or breaking the law, I’m going to say this - failure is a crime!”

These last four words made the whole hall seem to shake.

The trembling and restless thing is almost also the human heart.

Failure is a sin, but whose fault is it?

What does Yujingshan want to do? What does Daluoshan want to do?

Who is the sword pointed at today?

At this moment, a louder voice sounded outside the main hall: "It's a crime if you fail!"

Everyone turned around and saw an old man striding into the hall.

If he can freely enter the central hall and receive Wu Daoyou at will during the Great Court Meeting, this person is certainly not an ordinary person.

He broke through the sky and entered the palace. Only in appearance, he had an old look similar to that of Wu Daoyou. He had a pair of drooping white eyebrows and a pair of pale yellow eyes that looked a little cloudy at first glance.

Every step you take into the temple attracts people's attention.

He is the last minister in the military aircraft building who is not in charge of the army, Ji Yumin, Minister of Zongzheng Temple.

If you want to compare qualifications, his qualifications are older than Wu Daoyoudu!

Because he is the younger brother of Ji Yusu, the founder of the country.

Of course he is not his biological brother. Ji Yusu had six brothers and sisters in his generation, all of whom were extraordinary, collectively known as the Six Heroes of the Ji family. These brothers and sisters followed him in his rebellion and helped him achieve enlightenment. During the founding of the Central Empire, due to various They all died for various reasons.

Ji Yumin is a distant relative of Ji Yusu with a thin bloodline. He joined Big Brother and fought in all directions, establishing a deep relationship.

Ji Yusu valued this distant relative brother very much, gave him the character "yu", and moved him to his own family tree.

In other words, in legal terms, Ji Yumin can be regarded as Ji Yusu's biological brother, and he has undoubted dignity.

Ji Yusu wanted to make him king back then, the kind of king who truly divides the feudal kingdom. He refused, thinking that he did not have the talent to govern the feudal kingdom, and just wanted to take good care of the family for his brother.

So he became the Minister of Zongzheng Temple and was in charge of the affairs of the clan.

He has been in charge of Jingguo Zongzong Temple from the time of Taizu to the present, and it has not been easy for generations. He knows the most secrets of this country, and he also has the highest trust. In his eyes, the indescribable royal family with the surname Ji has no secrets. Word.

It was he who was the first to sit in the military aircraft building and opened the door for the expansion of the military aircraft building.

The sentence "In the past, Taizu's conquests led to a central world." The officials from all sides were unable to utter a single word of objection.

Can we say that Ji Yumin doesn't know how to fight?

Or is it that he is not qualified to be a counselor in military affairs?

The people who are qualified to say this are all gone.

Today, when he walked into the Central Hall, he represented that the Imperial Party had made preparations—preparations that no one dared to imagine.

And he looked at Wu Daoyou: "Unexpectedly, in this central hall, the core of the Tao Kingdom, the place of supreme power in this world, there are ignorant young people who only judge heroes by their success or failure!"

Wu Daoyou showed off his qualifications, and he also showed off his qualifications.

With his qualifications, he can indeed say that Wu Daoyou is a "younger generation"!

Wu Daoyou spoke of the Son of Heaven, and he also spoke of the Son of Heaven.

"In the past, Taizu founded the first empire and established the national system. He had the highest ideal of being the emperor of Liuhe, but he fell short and failed to reach the top. He was considered a failure. Isn't he a hero?"

"In the past, Emperor Wen made alliances with the princes and ruled the world. He wanted to fulfill Taizu's unfinished business and control the supreme power of heaven. In terms of this goal, he was considered a failure - wasn't he a hero?"

It’s the last day of the month, so I’d better ask for a monthly vote. After all, it will expire if you don’t vote~


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