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Chapter 97: The wind started at the end of Qingping

After the death of Hu's father and son, the affairs of Hu's mine came to an end.

The truth was found out, the mastermind behind the scenes was brought to justice, and there was compensation from the Xi family, the Hu family's property, and compensation from the five small families in Jiacheng...

Regardless of the truth, interests, and face, everything is there.

This celestite vein depletion incident can be considered a complete success, and no one can fault it.

This laid the foundation for him to later take over and integrate all the Chongxuan family's businesses in Yang State.

Jiang Wang's prestige in Hu's mine has also been established.

Prestige means one means prestige and the other means trust.

He who kills pig bones and noodles is to establish his prestige.

Letting Su Xiuxing go and chasing Hu Shaomeng would be a sign of trust.

After this battle, no one in Hu's mine will doubt what Jiang Wang said.

Not to mention the obedience of the miners and mine warriors, Zhang Hai also expressed his loyalty again and again.

Arrange for the mine to resume work, inventory and organize relevant resources, contact Zhong Xuansheng, and ask him to send someone to take over...

His goal is to unify the Chongxuan family's business in the entire Yang Kingdom and build this place into the foundation for Chongxuan Sheng. And the Hu's Mine is the foundation for him to achieve that step.

After completing some tasks, Jiang Wang returned to the room and had time to clean up his own harvest.

In compensation for the five small families, except for the rare skills, Jiang Wang gave all other resources to Chongxuan Sheng.

Including the Hu family's property and the Xi family's compensation, Jiang Wang didn't take any of it.

Of course, how much Zhongxuansheng exploits and how much he distributes to the family is Chongxuansheng's own business.

His personal harvest included a Azure Cloud Sheep, the spirit of Azure Cloud Stone, four hundred and fifty Dao Yuan Stones, a Treasure Light Technique, and a Treasure Mirror that greatly enhanced illusions.

Among them, he planned to give half of the Tian Qing Yun Sheep to Chong Xuan Sheng, because although he had taken it back from others, it came from the Chong Xuan family's mineral veins after all.

Tianqingyun Sheep can directly digest and absorb it, which can greatly increase the absorber's control of the wood element's vitality and enhance the wood element's related talents. Even if it is only half, it should not be underestimated.

It can be regarded as the advanced effect of completing the practice of the Four Spirits Body Refining Jue Qinglong chapter.

However, in order to avoid excessive imbalance of the five qi, Jiang Wang planned to use it after the White Tiger chapter has been completed and the four spirits have merged.

The effectiveness of Baoguang Jue is that the caster can have a certain chance of seeing the "precious light". The strength of the treasured light reflects the value of the treasure contained.

Hu Shaomeng's precious mirror is called "Hongzhuang". After research, Jiang Wang found that it itself has additional illusions to create illusions, which is also the reason why Hu Shaomeng appears and disappears.

Although the illusion has no combat effectiveness, it is valuable just to the extent that it is fake and real.

Not to mention the "red makeup" and the mirror world to hide in.

However, when a person enters the mirror world, the mirror itself loses its protection. Jiang Wang does not plan to go in and explore it personally before the sacrifice is complete.

After entering the illusion of Taixu and communicating with Zhongxuansheng, Jiang Wang pushed the door open and walked out.

As expected, Xiaowei was standing outside the door. It looked like he had been standing there for a long time.

"Master, I dare not lie to you. It was my decision to feed the dogs the flesh and blood of Hu Shaomeng and that monster. Miss Zhu just helped me cover up. They are your enemies. I heard that if you are eaten by a beast, you will never die.

Chaosheng. I don’t want them to have a chance to seek revenge from you in their next life.”

She lowered her head and waited for the verdict.

Jiang Wang was not surprised.

It is difficult for people like Zhu Biqiong who grew up in a greenhouse to have such cruel thoughts.

When he didn't expose it at that time, he gave Xiaoxiao an opportunity. If she didn't seize it, the opportunity would be gone.

In this cruel world, the bottom line of human beings has become lower than ever. Some people die for honor, and some kneel for money.

What made Jiang Wang wary was not the small bottom line, but her concealment.

"Next time, don't call me master." Jiang Wang said and walked out.

"There won't be a next time." Xiaoxiao stood still behind him and bit his lower lip.

Hu's mine yielded nothing and he returned to the city with his soldiers in despair. Xi Zichu no longer had any thoughts about managing his image.

The cat entered the house silently.

The death of a Tenglong-level family elder cannot be considered insignificant to the Xi family, which only has four Tenglong-level combatants.

But compared to the Hu family's fate, it doesn't seem that hard to accept.

The city lord's palace was heavily guarded and the atmosphere seemed very tense.

Having offended the Chongxuan family, even if they were compensated, it seemed to have eased the conflict. But as a weak party, it is not surprising to have such a reaction.

Xi Zichu thought this way and walked outside his father's study.

The soldier guarding the door did not dare to stop him and let him knock on the door.

"Come in." After a while, a voice came from the room.

Pushing open the door and entering, Xi Zichu first saw Master Liu sitting with his back to him, and his father Xi Munan was behind the desk with a half-stern look on his face.

Scattered around were the chief and deputy commanders of the city guard, the chief and deputy lieutenants in charge of public security, and the powerful elders of the Xi family... They all saluted when they saw Xi Zichu.

It looked like they were discussing something important.

But Xi Zichu himself was completely unaware of this.

He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Father, what's wrong?" he asked.

Xi Munan glanced at him and waved his hand: "Just go down and do what I just said."

"Student, please leave." Mr. Liu stood up first, held his hands in front of him as a gift, and took the lead to walk out.

He was born in a Confucian school, but he did not want to take up his position. In front of the city chairman Munan, he often called himself a student to show respect.

For Xi Zichu, he just nodded lightly, which was regarded as a courtesy.

No matter what he felt in his heart, at least on the surface, Xi Zichu did not dare to neglect him. He returned the greeting seriously and then bowed his hands to the others who filed out one by one.

As the last person left, the door was closed.

Xi Zichu looked at his father who looked confused and couldn't help but ask: "What happened, father?"

Xi Munan avoided talking: "Tell me about you."

"I lost, I lost very cleanly. I gained nothing in the mine. The treasure planned by Hu Shaomeng was the spirit of the Azure Cloud Stone, and the manifested Azure Cloud Sheep was caught by Jiang Wang."

Xi Zichu did not shirk responsibility and directly admitted: "The family has suffered a great loss this time, and the entire responsibility lies with me."

Xi Munan looked at him quietly for a while, looking at his only son.

He had two sons in his early years, but one died in infancy and the other was killed by his enemies.

He did not overindulge in his last son, who he had placed all his trust in, but was extremely strict in his discipline.

This kind of "discipline" does not involve morality of words and deeds, but mainly involves maneuvering, practicing fighting, and being sober.

In his opinion, romance is not a bad thing, it is the right thing to do to spread the branches and leaves of the Xi family and make the descendants of the Xi family flourish.

Pride is not a problem, the problem is to have the ability to match your pride.

"The elder who died in Hu's mine, even me, has to be called uncle." Xi Munan said: "He could have enjoyed himself at home, and it was the right time to enjoy his old age. He should have died in a warm bed instead of

Killed in the cold mining area."

"He is the only Tenglong-level combat force that the Xi family can mobilize now. I asked him to come out to help you, and he was very willing. Because you are a descendant of the Xi family and the future of the Xi family. Because he is your uncle!


Xi Munan pressed his forehead: "But I didn't even see his body come back."


This chapter has been completed!
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