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Chapter 143 Confused

Chapter 2398 Confused

Your past reflects your present, and your shadow is yourself!

This is such a huge sadness, but who can understand it?

"Jiang Jun!" Yuzhen called out in a low voice, but in the end he didn't let those emotions overflow.

Along the way to White Bone Road, Xiyue Temple, and Sanfenxiang Building, there is no stopping or relaxing for a moment.

In her lonely years, she has long been accustomed to chewing loneliness.

She sat on the futon, looking up at Jiang Wang, who was so familiar and yet unfamiliar, with blond hair and golden clothes. She raised a hand and slid her sleeves away. This hand swam like a snake, slithering behind her and pointing like scissors.

, gently picked it up, and cut a wick from the swaying burning lamp. The wick was still burning with fire.

She moved the hand holding the lamp in front of her. The slender jade fingers were like flowers blooming, with green threads in the snow. The candle flame jumped on the back of her fingers, casting a wonderful light and shadow on this hand, embedded in the ground, like a dark flower.

The prison bird wants to fly but cannot.

Suddenly, the candle flame bloomed and formed a lotus shape.

The small light lotus blooming on the finger has twelve petals. It is spread out evenly, each petal is different, and each petal has endless light and shadow.

When the brilliance first began to shine, pointing to the lotus, the shadow on her face had receded, and the brightly colored facial features also showed a bit of holiness. She lightly opened her plump lips: "Ask Mr. Jiang, the lotus has twelve petals.

, the petals are all different, they grow differently, grow differently, see differently, and think differently. How to distinguish what they are supposed to do, what they should do and what they shouldn’t?”

I think not every lotus pet knows what it should do.

Lotus flowers cannot help but bloom.

Yi Tang from Renxin Pavilion sat there quietly. Among the lotus lanterns, everyone saw a different version of themselves.

Lu Gongxiang has been dead for thirty-two years.

He also grew up from a child who knew medicine with pictures to the pillar of the sect today.

Yin Xiaoheng is still alive and well.

The tranquil expression dimmed for a moment, leaving only a long and lonely sigh. But he never sighed out loud, only between his eyebrows.

"Let's talk about the Buddha!" ​​The heavenly and human Dharma minister raised his hand and pointed at the lotus of light. When he pointed at the lotus, he pointed it like a sword.

In Buddhism, wisdom is a sword. Use this sword to cut off the threads of worries!

With the blazing light on his face, the sky said in a silent voice: "Buddha said there are twelve causes and conditions, and the base is tied with this lotus. He said - ignorance, conduct, consciousness, name and form, six senses, contact, feeling, love, grasping, existence, birth,

Die of old age."

This is the basic teaching of fundamental Buddhism mentioned in the Agama Sutra. It is also called the "Twelve Factors of Dependent Origination".

Dependent Origination is an eternal and unchanging truth. The Buddha observed this truth and became enlightened.

Regardless of Mount Xumi, Xuankong Temple, or Xiyue Temple, this sutra cannot be avoided.

Every time the gods and humans say a word, the lotus petals on the back of the jade finger will produce the corresponding Sanskrit word. This is the Buddha's cause and effect, which rises and falls according to the circumstances.

Jiang Zhenjun keeps saying that he "doesn't know the Buddha", but the great road leads to the sky, and different paths lead to the same destination. He has studied hundreds of schools of thought, studied diligently, and has reached the pinnacle. He is no longer a stranger to any of them. If there is such a relationship as the suffering state, there is pure

Li, this little senior brother, has made good friends with Mount Sumeru, and obtained the Three Bells to protect the Way... It cannot be said that he is not profound in the practice of Buddhism.

He is not a great monk, but he can be regarded as a well-educated layman at home.

"Ignorance is the condition of action, action is the condition of consciousness, consciousness is the condition of name and form, name and form are the condition of the six sense organs, the six sense objects are the condition of contact, contact is the condition of feeling, feeling is the condition of love, love is the condition of taking, taking is the condition of being, there is the condition of birth, birth is the condition of old age, death and sorrow


The Dharma-Xiang of Heaven and Man said: "Since you have given the name, you should be aware of what is stated in this Buddhist sutra. The master lived in a famous temple, illuminated the blue lantern, and chanted the sutra. You should not be ignorant of it, and you should not be confused."

"Jiang Jun said the twelve causes and conditions. The poor nun knows it by himself. The poor nun knows his own place, does Jiang Jun know it? Those who love are greedy. Those who take are greedy. I can't say no to these two. When you encounter a happy place you like, you will

I am obsessed with greed, and I will try my best to get it. This is my earthly heart!" Yu Zhen's eyes are as lonely as the hanging moon, reflecting the tranquil sea in front of him: "The poor nun is confused! The Supreme Lord is not confused.


Zhuo Qingru listened, listened—that’s not quite right.

The true biography of Xiyue'an and the master of Chaowen Daotian Palace discussed Buddhism in the Zheng'er Ba Sutra, but no matter how she listened, she felt awkward.

Of course she has read some Buddhist scriptures and has some knowledge of Buddhism. Who would be scornful of her outstanding knowledge in the world?

These two people talked about the Randen Buddha and the Twelve Lotuses of Karma, and that was exactly what they said. But there seemed to be some emotion flowing between the lines, especially the Yuzhen nun. Is it possible for her to be so devoted to the discussion of Taoism? Every word was like a lamp.

, every word seems to be in the past.

She looked at Yuzhen for a while, then at Jiang Wang, and wanted to hand over the pen - did you two have any past?

Fortunately, everyone in the hall was also paying attention to the discussion, so she was not very conspicuous.

"The two causes in the past are ignorance and formation. The five fruits now are consciousness, name and form, the six senses, contact, and feeling. The three causes now are love, grasping, and existence. The two causes in the future are birth, old age, and death." The Dharma of the gods and humans stood sideways.

There, standing like this is a long distance away, and gently clasping hands: "The past causes the present results. The present causes the future results. We have to learn from the past and we must see it before our eyes."

He can talk about cause and effect, he can say that burning lamps have passed, he reads the Agama Sutra, and he knows the twelve causes and conditions.

Now that he is in this state, he understands everything. He is no longer the ignorant young man who saw a landslide in front of Yuheng Peak, nor is he a helpless and helpless lonely soul outside Maple Forest City.

But the only thing he didn't say was whether he was confused.

Yuzhen's eyes were very fixed, but he raised his hand and pointed at the lotus: "This lotus is just ordinary light, why is it called 'karma'?"

"It can be named by any name. No matter how it is modified or what shape it takes, it has already happened." The Dharma-Xiang of Heaven and Man glanced at the light lotus lightly: "It is just to make the master understand it in terms of Buddhism."

But they all know that burning lanterns goes to the Buddha.

This lotus-shaped lantern is their unavoidable past.

Ye Lan'er, who was sitting in "Fifth", did not look at Jiang Wang, but looked sideways at Yu Zhen's face from beginning to end. His face did not have the usual perfect expression, but a slightly regretful sigh.

——Yu Zhen, Yu Zhen, why did you choose to go to Xiyue Temple?

Even if a person like you really wants to escape into Buddhism, he should go to Xuankong Temple to cultivate the present, and he should go to Mount Sumeru to cultivate the future, but he should not be here. People who can never get rid of the past, how can they penetrate the past? They say they are escaping, but they

Deeply committed.

The more you practice, the more persistent you become, and the more you practice, the less you can become empty.

But she didn't speak. She knew that Meiyue had only one answer - I am willing.

If there is anyone in the world who truly understands Jiang Wang, Yuzhen nun from Xiyue Temple can certainly be counted as one of them.

So she should know very well what answer she will get when she comes to the Heavenly Palace to hear the Tao today. She also especially understands that the Dharma of Heaven and Man is the one with the most indifferent emotions and the most capable of cutting off emotions.

But she came anyway.

Yu Zhen, who knew everything, asked: "The lotus has twelve petals, the king has six features, and the nuns have four faces. But I asked Mr. Jiang, which petal, which phase, and which side can be the same, is the true self?"

The nun sitting on the futon has four faces, white lotus, unknown moon, miaoyu and jade.

Jiang Wang saw Miaoyu at Sanfenxianglou, met Bailian at Yuheng, met Yuzhen at Xiyue Temple, knew that Moeyue was at Nandou, and knew all the directions.

All sides of each of them are probably only known to each other in this Heavenly Palace of Wen Dao.

There are so many things that are hard to put into words!

After all, the cultivation of the Dharma of heaven and man is advanced, and he said in a long voice: "The flowers are all lotuses, and the six phases all prove me. Master Yuzhen, your four sides have become what you are now. I once thought I could defeat everything, but I have

All, in fact, we are all pushed by time. Neither you nor I can escape the past, we are just ordinary beings."


He raised his palms and saluted: "I hope you will gain something from coming to the Wen Dao Heavenly Palace and be able to hear its Tao."

It’s time to end. This question!

But Yuzhen persistently lifted up the lotus and continued to ask: "We are still all living beings now, what if we are detached?"

"Detachment is so difficult! It is impossible to hope for." The Dharma of Heaven and Man said indifferently: "I don't know what will happen tomorrow, and I don't know who I will be tomorrow. Especially I dare not talk about detachment."

"Although the road is long, you can see it as soon as you look up, which is still hope." Yuzhen said: "I think people like you have the answer in your heart."

After a long silence, the Dharma Prime Minister said: "After transcendence, Jiang Wang is still the same."

Yuzhen raised the Qizhiguanglian to his lips and blew it gently——

Lotus petals are flying.

Twelve petals, the illusion of infinite light fills the sky for a while.

She smiled, and her smile was really bitter: "You pointed out that this flower is the cause and condition, which leads to the twelve causes of Buddha's recitation. I would like to ask, which petal of the flower blooms is its wish, which phase of Jiang Jun is the truth, and which side of the jade is the true ego?"

The gods and humans opened their mouths to speak, but when the words came to their lips, they didn't know what to say.

Yes, which flower blooms is her wish?

Could it be that you, Jiang Wang, have made it this far because of your heart?

Are demonic apes, fairy dragons, living beings, gods and humans all true?

People always ask for easy times, but ask themselves for difficult times!

There are petals all over the sky, and each one has light and shadow flowing through it, as if it is telling something.

But on countless nights when I opened my eyes, there were always many pairs of eyes looking at me.

The past cannot be changed.

The past is forever gone.

The gods and humans lost their emotions and opened their mouths: "Next-"

"Don't be the next one!" The female nun of Xiyue Temple suddenly stood up, and her pure silk clothes rolled up. The emotions hidden under the green light surged like a tide in an instant, and she could no longer remain silent!

"I want you to answer me right now! Jiang Wang! I passed the examination and came to the palace. There is my name on the seat. This is the Heavenly Palace of Chaowen Dao. I am seeking the Dao!"

In the heavenly palace, everything was quiet for a moment.

Even a blind man could tell that something was wrong with them.

The armored man sitting in the first place looked at the True Lord Jiang Wang in front of him, and at the Yuzhen nun next to him. He tilted his head and wondered what he was thinking.

Sheng Xuehuai, who was short in stature, supported his chin with his hand, and a smile appeared on his ugly face. Things became interesting at this time. As the most talented man in the Sheng Kingdom, a romantic among Taoists, and a lyricist with a lot of makeup, he really couldn't

I am very patient with those serious questions.

The hearts of those who seek the Way are different, and the laws of heaven and man are almost expressionless.

He said: "Master Yuzhen, you have lost your composure."

"I'm rude, but I'm sober. I know what I want and I can see my heart clearly." Yuzhen was calm at this time and just looked at him: "Jiang Jun, you won't be rude, but you can

Face your heart?”

"Your Tao is not here." The Dharma Appearance of Heaven and Man only said: "As for the disciples of Xiyue Nunnery, the Tao is in the Brahma Sutra. In the past solemn kalpa, there was the Tathagata of Supreme Concentration of Light."

Yuzhen clasped his palms together. At this moment, the treasure was solemn, and there was an infinite halo of light from the burning lamp behind him: "My Buddha is in front of me."

Fan Zheng opened his mouth wide.

For him who is only ten years old this year, this sentence has a really big impact.

It was not anyone's arrangement for him to come to Wen Daotian Palace, but his own idea.

The eaves of Fan's house were too heavy. There were many things he couldn't figure out, but occasionally he wanted to come out for some air.

It's just that no matter how he is known as the "Xianyang Prodigy", no matter how he is regarded as the same as the eight-year-old Gan Chang'an, he is still far from considering the major events in life. The Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty prematurely taught him some things that the heirs of the Fan family should know.

Something he actually doesn't want to understand yet.

When he was young, he had always been taught about the human heart, taught about vertical and horizontal aspects, and learned from hundreds of schools of thought. Never had he ever felt such passionate emotions.

He has never seen spring in the suburbs of Xianyang.

But who can say that this is not seeking the truth?

In this Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace, in front of Yu Zhen, a dark and gloomy cave entrance quietly appeared, as if it was connected to the endless abyss and was the eternal hell.

"May the Supreme Lord understand it soon. I will have no fear and no fear, and realize the eternal freedom of transcendence."

Yuzhen said, taking a step forward, leaping into it, his clothes flying, and disappeared together with the dark entrance of the cave.

The images of heaven and man were still standing there, and after a moment of silence, they said: "Everyone who enters the heavenly palace today is seeking the Tao——"

Maybe I don’t think this sentence is very powerful.

He paused: "Next."

Chao Wen Dao, the Lord of Heavenly Palace, walked to his futon and sat down slowly.

The laws of heaven and man are indifferent to emotions, and the sun, moon and heavenly seal are eternal and merciless.

He sat there, fixed his body and lowered his eyes, as if he could sit there forever. He was really a devout seeker and a sincere preacher——

But suddenly stood up again!

It's not just him.

In the entire Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace, everyone who was not smart, who was not knowledgeable, all received the shocking news at this moment, and everyone was dumbfounded and shocked on the spot!

Zhong Xuanyin flicked the knife and pen in his hand, and made a wrong mark on the letter. He had to do it all over again. But he couldn't care anymore. A new storm was being born and was about to sweep across. Today's seekers in the Heavenly Palace, who can stay out of it?

Or in other words, how many people have been among them?

Yu Xianyu even lost his voice: "How could that happen?!"


There are timely bells ringing outside the Heavenly Palace.

The bell was supposed to awaken the mind and seek the Tao, and it could help the seeker to understand the charm of the Tao, but at this moment it seemed to have announced its end.

The third day of March in the year 3930 of the Dao calendar is destined to be a day etched in history books.

On this day, the Celestial Dynasty heard that the Heavenly Palace was opened, and Zhenhe Zhenjun sat in the Heavenly Palace with the appearance of heaven and man, preaching to the world. There were thirty-six seats in the palace, and there were no empty seats. On this day, Xiong Zidu of the Chu State was released from prison, and a monk named Fanshijue was accepted.

He was appointed as the Grand Master of Chu, and Xiong Ji, the emperor of Chu, launched the final round of purges in the Huangji Palace.

Also on this day.

Tianmayuan, which was heavily blocked and no one was allowed to explore, fell in a brilliant rain of blood.

The rain this spring may be too abundant!

Lying on his back on the magnificent Taoist body of Tianma Plateau, he stared blankly at the sky with his eyes wide open.

His armor was shattered, and only fragments of his weapons were left.

His heart had been dug out, his limbs had been cut off, and there were many scars on his face, from different weapons, like a chessboard carved on his face. The death was extremely miserable, declaring some kind of deep hatred.

A general who had frightened countless opponents and told them to retreat was killed here.

His name is Yin Xiaoheng.

This chapter has been completed!
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