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Chapter 158 Noble

Chapter 2413 Nobility

Destiny is an unyielding mountain, and life is a long mountain road. There are too many people in this world who are dying, living, falling and climbing all the time.

Ji Fengzhou, the lord of the Central Empire, is undoubtedly the most powerful person in the world.

As a result, there is no buffer in his life. If he takes a step forward, the emperor of Liuhe will suffer a disaster if he takes a step back.

The entire world was in turmoil because of Yin Xiaoheng's death, and the lives and deaths of countless people were tied to the wrath of the Central Empire.

Under this situation, Ji Fengzhou took it easy and took a few of his children with him to go on the last spring hunt in March.

The person responsible for the escort work is Jing Bajia's [Killing Disaster], whose commander is "the most powerful real person in Jingguo" in Huang Sheli's mouth, and the pillar of the Zhengtian Pei family - the master of Bing Yin Yang, Pei Xinghe.

Generally speaking, to protect the emperor, there are three armies of palace guards. The six schools in the imperial city are not just for free.

Even if you have to leave the palace and go hunting in the countryside, you must mobilize the strongest Bajia warriors to show the emperor's majesty. This is also a fight or a divine strategy. Now there is a new option, which is the imperial edict.

However, Yu Que died in battle, Dou E removed the flag, and the new commander Ji Jinglu went to the Meteor Immortal Forest but did not return. The Shence Army suppressed the original Tianshen Sect in Heguo. The emperor's deputy commander Lou made a personal appointment to meet the body of the river official Qiu Tie, and went out alone.

Go back and wait for the big fish to take the bait...

Among the few choices, among the military commanders of the three Daomai families, the emperor named Pei Xinghe, who represented Yujing Mountain. The meaning of this was quite intriguing.

Probably to ease the relationship with Yu Jingshan?

Pei Xinghe also attached great importance to this job. He repeatedly raided the royal gardens located on the western outskirts of Tianjing City. He set up sentries thirty miles away and patrolled the forest like a moat. Even if there was one with ill intentions toward the emperor,

Flies are not allowed to come in. I wish I could check every tree and expel insects as well.

When the emperor travels, his journeys are extremely expensive. The car rides that stretch for dozens of miles are just leisurely.

But today's spring hunting, and in the royal gardens, was very casual, and everyone rode horses.

There are not many accompanying people, and the only children who are qualified to accompany the Emperor Chunxue are the same three, King Rui Ji Qingnu, King Lu Ji Bainian, and Princess Changyang Ji Jianrong.

Such a formation could be regarded as a relaxing and enjoyable parent-child spring outing - if it were not for the current world situation.

It was impossible for the emperor to really take time off. Even though he was enjoying the spring hunting, he still had to deal with government affairs at every opportunity.

Tianjing officials are also there, and the imperial study room is not far away to wait on you. In short, if there are urgent government affairs that need to be handled, they will be sent to you.

The Lord accompanied the emperor's family on their trip. Several important officials in the royal queue were Ji Yumin, the minister of Zongzheng Temple, Zizhan, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Dajing, and Shang Shuyi, the censor of Zuodu. Each of them was in charge of clan power, political power, and supervisory power.


Even though Chun Yugui was considered a real person in this world, he was the least important one among them.

Behind these people was a large queue of civil and military officials from different yamen, most of whom were of low rank and relatively noble. They were taking a day off with the emperor to relax. Those who really did practical things during this period

Since his feet didn't touch the ground, he couldn't move away no matter what.

In terms of Emperor Da Jing's force, the so-called spring hunting is no longer a challenge, even if the heavenly demons and demons are let in. Not to mention that they are still wandering in the outermost hunting area, and they are still hunting the same kind of continuous hunting.

A beast with no extraordinary strength - of course, the emperor only used the strength of an ordinary warrior, took the latest standard weapons, tried to draw a few bows, and fired two crossbows. It was considered as checking the quality of the weapons for the soldiers of Jingguo.

Today's Emperor Jingguo has rarely displayed force, and has never had any individual achievements that shocked people's hearts.

As the emperor of the first empire in the world, the emperor who paved the way for his late emperor Jing Xian, he easily took over the power of this great country, ruled by strong men, and raised thousands of troops. It was indeed nothing

Opportunities to show force. He was also stingy about showing off.

Even in this spring hunting activity that showed off the royal family's military power, he refused to display even one scaly claw.

So much so that there have always been cryptic voices - saying that the emperor is restrained because he is hiding his clumsiness. The reason for hiding his clumsiness is that he is really "clumsy". The current emperor may be the one with the weakest personal force among the emperors in the past.

This may be nonsense, but no one can verify the truth.

Ji Fengzhou pulled up the reins and looked into the distance. The sun at noon was going down the mountain, and the forest was gradually bathed in light, as if it was a symbol of sadness. But there was a calm smile on his face: "The spring scenery is very beautiful!"

Now Jingguo has reached another critical node.

Only then did they calm down the sorrow of the sea, and then ushered in the death of the Eighth Commander. At the moment when Thunder was furious and was taking over the world, he faced the extremely fierce challenge from the Ping Dynasty.

In the face of the anger of Jingguo people who did not hesitate to overturn the table, all forces maintained restraint and made concessions to varying degrees.

But this restraint will not last forever, and this concession comes at a price.

When you find those ferocious jackals, each one wearing a formal dress and acting gentle, that may not be a declaration of peace, but the last etiquette of sitting down at the dinner table.

If you don’t know what’s for dinner today, maybe you’re the one serving it sideways.

If Jing Guo cannot properly handle the current predicament and save the majesty of the Central Empire, he will instead get angry and let people see that it is nothing important when it is angry, and it cannot really solve the problem when it is angry...

That's the real dangerous moment.

Among all the hegemons in the world, which one is good?

Even in Qi, which was eating meat behind closed doors, Jiang Mengxiong came out to give a fist bump.

Although the Jing Kingdom is sharpening its sword and waiting for the gods, why is it so difficult to turn the tip of the sword?

People like Hong Junyan and Wei Xuanche had been eyeing the country for a long time and were extremely ambitious. They were thinking about how to squeeze out the position of a hegemon. There is no simpler way than to pull down a hegemon.

Jing Guo has no way out, and perhaps Ji Fengzhou doesn't either.

But he acted calmer than anyone else.

Princess Yumin of Zongzheng Temple, riding a horse beside the emperor, her expression was also indifferent: "Eternal spring, the only scene in the center. The spring scenery will always be so good, Your Majesty."

He twice witnessed the central emperor approaching the position of Liuhe, and twice saw the failure of his success. After Emperor Wen, the country declined and prospered several times, and he also experienced a situation that was much more severe than it is now. Compared with those "young people"

”, he is naturally more determined.

"General Xian, what do you think?" the emperor asked.

Zuodu Yushi is the highest official of the Yushitai, known as the "General Constitution", and has the function of supervising hundreds of officials.

Shang Shuyi's name is easy to misunderstand, because it has the same pronunciation as "Shuyi" and is often used as a girl's name. But he has a stubble on his face. Although he is shaved green, he still has a masculine look.


Hearing the emperor's question, he bowed slightly on his horse and without any good prospects, he just said: "Not everyone is worthy of such a beautiful spring scenery."

"You, you are too murderous." The emperor commented without praise, and then said: "Our Chunyu has not spoken today. Is there anything on his mind?"

Chunyu Gui did not dare to say that he was worried about state affairs, but it seemed that he was ignorant and disturbed the interest of the top powerful people - everyone was enjoying the spring scenery. Is it possible that you, Chun Yugui, are the only ones who have the country in your heart?

"Fellow elders, Chun Yugui dare not speak falsely." He bowed humbly: "But listen to what is said, watch what is done, and study with all your heart."

Listening to words, observing actions, and meanings are reflected. If the powerful people in charge of the empire do not do well enough so that future generations cannot learn from them, what a terrible thing it would be.

The emperor smiled, this Chunyu Gui was still a little too unrestrained. After laughing, he sighed: "On the fingers of my fingers, how many years have passed. If Xuanyang is still there, Chunyu will not be so lonely."

Back then, Chun Yugui and Zhao Xuanyang were known as the twin jewels of the empire. Before Li Yi became famous, they supported the appearance of the younger generation of the Central Empire. Now one has lost his vitality and the other has disappeared. It is really sad.

Chunyu Gui settled on the horse's back: "Time is also destiny. I used to think that everything would develop as a matter of course, but contrary to expectations, it constitutes real life. Whether there is competition around me, whether Xuanyang is still there, I will also grow up.


The emperor looked at him with some satisfaction: "Chunyu came back from the demon world and has been meditating for a long time. He said before that he didn't want to continue to be in the army, but have you thought about which way to go? Although this country is crowded, there will always be people.

Leave a few spots for you."

Chunyu returned and said: "I don't want to continue to be in the army. I just said that after many years of fighting, I will come back to spread the blood and spend time with my family. As for where I will go next, it depends on where Your Majesty wants to place me."

"No problem if you put it anywhere?" The emperor said with a smile, "You are very confident."

"Wherever you put it, you will serve the country and be loyal to your majesty." Chunyu Gui said loudly: "I will do my best to be worthy of it."

The emperor looked at him calmly: "What do you think of the Demon-Slaying Army?"

Chunyu Gui looked up in shock!

The disaster-killing commander Pei Xinghe, who was guarding the side on horseback, was constantly adjusting his escort duties. Although there was no unnecessary expression on his face, there was an obvious lag in his movements!

"Just kidding." The emperor smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone."

No one can avoid being nervous.

Princess Ji Jianrong of Changyang has a generous and decent smile on her face, but in fact her heart is almost beating out of her chest!

She looked at her father and felt that no words could express her feelings at this moment.

"Where is Chunyu going? We will make arrangements later. A talent like yours will not have no future." The emperor was the only one who was calm. He looked at Chunyu's return and said, "I heard that you also went to the Heavenly Palace of Wen Dao? That Tibetan Palace

How about the Law Pavilion? Jiang Wang is unwilling to show his true ability?"

Chunyu Gui suppressed the turmoil in his heart and said as objectively as possible: "With my current strength, I can't tell whether he is hiding anything for himself. Personally, I don't think so. Many of his ideas on spiritual practice have benefited me a lot. And they have always been.

To this day, the practice experience in that Tibetan Dharma Pavilion is still increasing - frankly speaking, it is not easy to learn it. He is practicing all the time, growing all the time, and now he is also all the time.


"Only a person who never stops dares to let others chase him." The emperor said casually: "I will go and take a look when I have time."

Lu Wang Ji Bai Nian laughed at the side: "I volunteered to go and see for my father first, whether it is worth seeing!"

In the past, there was still some pride in the Da Jing royal family. Even if he wanted to learn some of the unique cultivation experience of the first genius of the human race, he would secretly transfer it through other people. Now that Da Jing Emperor has spoken and said that he has time to see it, then he still has

What is there to tweak?

There is no limit to learning!

The emperor glanced at him: "Whether it's worth watching or not is not something you need to consider. You still have a lot to learn in front of Zhenhe Zhenjun."

Ji Bainian's smile became even brighter: "Since my father said so, I will immediately dig out his old capital."

The emperor sighed at this time: "Today's Jiang Wang will always remind me of my Wanqi Jingwan. I often feel that the leader of the palace in the Yellow River Conference in 3919 was from Jingguo."

The emperor has sighed twice today.

Shi Zizhan counted silently.

The Wanqi family is not a top-notch family, but Wanqi Jinghu can be regarded as a talent selected by the emperor. It is expected that he will shine in the Yellow River Competition that year. If he develops step by step, he will definitely become the mainstay of the imperial party in the future.

But he died early.

Similar to this, there is You Que of the Fengtian You clan. That child has had his own opinions since he was a child. He has been accepted by the emperor for a long time and firmly supports the imperial family. He has won the first prize in the Yellow River Competition and made himself famous in the world. However, his heart was broken in the battle at Yewang City.

, and his future was ruined. A few years ago, he suffered an accident and his family was wiped out...

Sure enough, the emperor sighed again: "I am so surprised that the dragon is here, so why should I regret it!"

Three times.

Shizi watched the emperor's sighs and felt the silent emotion, but the emperor turned his head calmly: "Qingnu, you seem to be very angry?"

Even on the bumpy horseback, Prince Rui, Ji Qingnu, sat as steady as if she were on his throne. With a faint smile on his face, he looked down at the prominent and hidden veins on the back of his hands, and felt for his

I am a little worried about nourishing qi.

"Hearing these names, I can't help but get angry." He said softly.

A country's internal competition should be positive and high-spirited. It should make everyone work harder and make outstanding talents better. No matter what the political ideology is, the most important thing is to make the country greater.

But some people are becoming more and more excessive and no longer consider the interests of the empire!

The emperor did not look at him anymore, but looked at the endless Maolin in front of him, and only said: "Don't get angry easily. It usually doesn't solve the problem, but it will expose your incompetence."

Ji Qingnu lowered her head and said, "I will teach you."

At this moment, everyone on the field looked up almost at the same time——

Although the Qian Tian Mirror does not rank high among the cave heaven treasures, it is a vital national weapon for Yu Jingguo. The influence of the Central Empire in conquering the world largely relies on it.

This can be seen from the fact that its body is hung in the Palace of the Former Kings. The ancestors of the past dynasties used it to reflect on their descendants, the emperors used it to reflect on the country, and the state of Jing used it to reflect on the world.

But just now, the dry sky mirror that was supposed to be performing its mission, spreading power, suddenly experienced an unexpected fluctuation. It's not that it could damage it. At most, it could only be regarded as a mistake in the operation process. , but this kind of mistake should never happen.

This is a huge political mistake!

Shang Shuyi's brows were raised, murderous intent evident.

The Mirror World Terrace observes the world, and the Central Heavenly Prison punishes the world. However, the scope of supervision of the Yushitai includes the Central Heavenly Prison and the Mirror World Terrace.

Fu Dongxu committed the crime, and it was in his hands!

Of course, it is impossible for Lou's daughter and Lou Yue, who is implicated by her, to escape.

Emperor Da Jing still had no expression on his face. Instead, he gently urged his horse to move forward slowly. He said, "I have enough trust in Fu Taishou and Lou Shushi."

This is considered a tactful instruction.

But Shang Shuyi said: "Your Majesty, I hope they can all be worthy of your trust."

As he said that, he turned the horse's head and was about to leave.

There has always been a saying in Tianjing City - Fu Dongxu is aware of every detail, but cannot see what should not be seen; Sang Xianshou is cold and crazy, but he abuses the inferiors and flatters the superiors; only Shang Shuyi is truly upright and the same on the outside.

Emperor Da Jing could only say directly: "There is no need to check them. I already know this matter."

"Your Majesty has entrusted your Majesty with the Yushitai, and I forgive you for not being able to give this order from now on." Shang Shuyi turned around on horseback: "Your Majesty, if you want the Yushitai not to intervene in this matter, there is only one way - to grant me the gift of returning home now."

"Da Jing has its own national laws. If the General Secretary insists on investigating, I should not stop you. But... let's talk about it after this period of time." The emperor looked at him deeply, with a hint of request in his tone: "You can lock Lou Jiangyue up first. Ambassador Lou Shu will give an explanation to the people of the country."

When the emperor said this, no matter how upright Shang Shuyi was, he could only bow deeply: "I accept the decree."

Then he turned his horse and left.

The order has been sent to the Yushitai, and what needs to be done has begun, but he still has to personally supervise everything to prevent some things from failing.

Ji Yumin, the minister of Zongzheng Temple, spoke at this moment: "Your Majesty, this matter——"

Almost at the moment he spoke, an infinitely bright and infinitely tiny light spot appeared in the high sky.

When people discovered it, it had already appeared in front of Emperor Dajing——

Rather than being discovered by people, it is better to say that it informed people.

Ji Fengzhou's Taoist veins joined the Supreme Dragon Robe, and the clouds that covered the sky and the earth rolled up in an instant.

But Ji Fengzhou disappeared into that light spot!

A corner of the dragon robe was also swept away by the tide of vitality.

But all the powerful people present, including Shi Zizhan, Ji Yumin, Chun Yugui, several princes and princesses, and even Da Jing Zongxian who had not gone far, could only watch helplessly!

Pei Xinghe immediately mobilized his troops, but how could he get there in time?

Who holds the sun like a bow and shoots this shocking arrow?

Emperor Dajing was assassinated!

At this time, the King of Jin left the capital and was still slaying the heavenly ghosts.

Ouyang Jie, the chief of the Tianxia Criminal Investigation Department, has left Beijing and is arresting the leader of Hell's No Way.

Ji Jinglu, the king of Dai Mountain, has not returned.

Master Dongtian is outside.

Beitian Master is outside.

Master Xitian is guarding Tianmen.

Nan Tianshi lurked near King Jin, waiting to kill the high-ranking officials of the Ping Kingdom.

The demon-slaying commander Yin Xiaoheng has been killed.

The evil commander Kuang Ming is being surrounded and killed by the protectors of the Ping Dynasty.

Xian Nankui, the commander-in-chief of Shence, was in Heguo and guarding Tianmayuan at the same time.

The demon commander Zhang Fu is in the demon world.

The forces of the Mirror World Terrace and the Central Heavenly Prison were deployed to search and kill members of the Ping Dynasty.

The power of the dry sky mirror shines outside——

Today's Tianjing City is indeed the emptiest it has ever been.

Ji Yumin, the minister of Zongzheng Temple, was furious: "Yizhen!"

All those who knew about this were shocked to realize how familiar this scene today was.

Back then, Taoist Master Yizhen broke into the demon clan camp alone and assassinated Emperor Yuan Xi. The demon emperor, who had achieved an unprecedented victory in the demon world and almost broke through the gate of ten thousand demons, was involved in the turbulence of time and space, causing tens of millions of troops to fight. The demons arrayed in formation could only wait for the result.

This shocking stab directly resolved the crisis in the demon world, saved the consequences of the failure of the bloody battle at Centipede Ridge, and consolidated the defense line of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

The Yizhen Taoist also relied on such power to open the Yizhen Era.

Now it happens again!

Besides Yizhen Taoist Master, who else could have such means to assassinate the emperor of the Central Empire within the territory of the Central Empire?

The Yizhen Era has long come to an end. Hasn’t the Yizhen Taoist Master truly died?!

"Everyone has an answer about the country of equality."

The Holy Father once said this.

Bolu didn't understand it before, but now he slowly understands it.

An equal country is only the ideal direction for everyone, but it may not be the ideal path.

He had also complained earlier about why Pingping Country did not give more support and only secretly helped. If the three leaders and the twelve guardians could all join Tiangong City and make every effort to open up the Abi Ghost Cave and develop the ghost path resources, Tiangong City would surely Not like this.

But later I also understood that now is not the time for the equal country to stand in front of the stage.

The strength that grows in the long night may only be able to meet death under the scorching sun.

When the Equality State truly emerges, it will die.

The best result of fully developing Abi Ghost Cave is to cut off the Immortal Forest and stand on its own, becoming another demon world. Of course, it is far inferior to the demon world in terms of strength and potential. In fact, more ghost resources in the world are in

The great Nether World, what it looks like now, is obvious.

To form a world of its own and dominate behind closed doors is definitely not the pursuit of an equal nation.

The pursuit of an equal country is in this world.

Only the center of the universe can realize the highest ideal.

So Beru, what is your answer?

The flesh and blood of the Heavenly Ghost is white, similar to but different from fish flesh. On the pale flesh, there are thin and dark veins, and the blood is also white, like condensed beads.

They fly in the air piece by piece, like snow-white flesh butterflies with black lines. They dance gracefully and have a sad and sad beauty.

Ji Xuanzhen's sword skills are really excellent.

Boru has exhausted all his efforts to fight, but he can only watch himself become more and more "weak".

But he didn't feel any pain.

The ultimate pain is not physical destruction, but ideal death.

Concerning the destruction of Tiangong City, the Ping Dynasty did not completely sit back and watch, even if it was just a bluff somewhere, even if it was just hiring a few killers to cause trouble - that was enough.

He knew that it was not just his true ideals.

There are people walking with you on this road!

[Equality] may be a tool for some people, but it is not a tool for everyone. Some people really believe in it.

Does anyone understand this feeling?

"Ji Xuanzhen, ask me why I am struggling!" Bolu said with trembling teeth: "Do you know how much hardship a small country's genius needs to endure outside of cultivation if he wants to grow up?"

Ji Xuanzhen was paying attention to the information coming from all sides, especially the reason why Lou Yue's daughter interfered with Jingshi Terrace. Although the offensive on her hands continued, she took a moment to hear clearly, and calmly said: "This is what we need to be strong.

National reason."

"You would say that just because your surname is Ji." Bolu said.

Ji Xuanzhen said calmly: "Do you resent this surname?"

"I don't hate this surname, whether it's 'Ji' or 'Xiong'! But I hate people who distinguish high and low surnames." The flesh on Bolu's face was peeling off, and there was a scorching fire in the white bones: "From a certain

In this sense, the human race is even inferior to the sea race - the emperor has no surname and only serves the race! How can we be born with high or low?"

Ji Xuanzhen said calmly: "If Changhe Dragon Lord hadn't suddenly rebelled, the Hai Clan you mentioned would no longer exist."

He smiled: "Just like Tiangong City, which you think is right."

Bolu's bamboo pole weapon had long been cut off. He tremblingly pulled out the bones into poles, gathered the dispersed power with amazing will, and continued to kill Ji Xuanzhen. People with equal ideals, continue to fight: "I want to tell you——

Right will not cease to exist because of the destruction of matter."

"Maybe!" Ji Xuanzhen was noncommittal and didn't bother to argue. It was already time to close the net. The winner did not need to listen to the howl of the defeated dog: "If these are your last words, then I am a little disappointed!"

His sword, which was cutting lightly, was suddenly sheathed. The entire sea area was silent, and his sword was raised high at this moment, with an attitude of eradicating everything, about to complete the final killing——

God is destroyed, soul is destroyed, body is destroyed, Tao is destroyed!

These are the four absolute annihilating knives!


But his palm knife struck another palm.

The downward force is lifted upward.

It was like a knife that cut the sky and split the earth, striking the endless plateau.

Bolu didn't know what was going on in the world. He didn't know that Ping Ping Country was bloody hunting down the powerful men of Jing Country, but Ji Xuanzhen, the King of Jin Dynasty in Jing Dynasty, knew about it.

The country of Pingren invited the people from Hell to take action in the sea, and it was clear that it was a false shot, hitting the east and the west. The movement on the Xingyue Plain has proved this, which also means that no one will come to the sea battlefield again - this is him

The reason for the decision to end the fight immediately.

But now things seem to have taken a new turn, making the whole situation more complicated and confusing!

Ji Xuanzhen narrowed her eyes: "You——"

He saw a majestic burly man appear with the holding palm.

The man stopped the dying Bolu behind him and saw that it was a towering mountain.

"I'm Gu Shiyi!"

This handsome man, wearing a black and gold royal robe, grinned at Ji Xuanzhen: "You should have heard of me! It doesn't matter if you don't know me, I met you today!"

Ji Xuanzhen raised her chin lightly: "Holy Duke? Divine Hero? King Zhao?"

"Why are you always thinking about these issues? It's either conspiracy or profit." Gu Shiyi's robes swelled and his hair was flying: "Why can't I just be a passerby who can't see through it? Why can't I just simply think that Bolu is right!"

"No matter who you are, whether you are the leader of the Ping Dynasty or a passerby." Ji Xuanzhen said lightly: "I am surprised at your stupidity."


Gu Shiyi also showed the same indifference. He held the knife in his palm and looked at him sternly: "I don't know why. I always feel that in such an occasion, I seem to have to stand up and do something. This

It seems to be an innate sense of mission, but it may also be the reason why I can’t sleep at night——”

"It's called conscience."

The sea breeze ruffled his robe and messed up his hair.

He felt that the terrifying auras were gathering and getting closer. But he grinned and laughed wildly.

"When the road is rough, who dares to stop Jingguo's sword?"

He asked and answered himself, with the waves rising behind him like a wall connecting the sky: "The knight in the world is Gu Shiyi!!!"

7K+ in this chapter...

But the word "honorable" must be finished and cannot be separated.

Among them, 2k are added by Dameng Qilixiang live (3/3)

This chapter has been completed!
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