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Chapter 130: No need

It wasn't until the next day that the city lord of Yue City learned that the guard commander Li Yang had died.

He led two senior extraordinary detectives to hunt down an ordinary person, but to no avail for a long time.

The lord of Yue City was furious and sent someone to press for questioning, only to find the bodies of three extraordinary monks near the border of Yue City.

The death of three extraordinary subordinates is nothing, and even if they die on the way to capture an ordinary person, it is not incomprehensible that some political enemy secretly wants to use Qin Nianmin as a spearhead to stab him and even the forces behind him.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

But what really horrified the city lord of Yue City was that the three extraordinary monks who were chasing Qin Nianmin actually seemed to have died of the plague.

Their appearance is almost exactly the same as those who died from the epidemic.

The extraordinary monks have always been the backbone of the fight against the plague, and can even be said to be the only positive force.

But now this "plague" can actually touch and harm extraordinary beings?

Once even the extraordinary monks are in danger, you can imagine how bad the situation will be!

It's just that we can't be sure whether this situation was caused by the plague, or whether he was infected with the plague after death. Or whether he was deliberately "arranged" to be like this.

Because it is an isolated case, there is no final conclusion.

However, the city lord of Yuecheng still did not dare to neglect and reported the matter to Rizhao County Government as soon as possible.

Because the epidemic has begun to affect him, because even if he is an extraordinary strong man, even if he has a high position, there is already a possibility of encountering danger.

When it comes to your own safety, it is no longer about how many people were killed in a certain town, or how many people were infected with the epidemic in a certain street... Death is no longer just a cold number on paper.

And as he seemed to have reached his door, there were frightening footsteps.

So this time, his efficiency was faster than anyone else's, and his actions were more decisive than anyone else's.

Although the plague has spread to Akao County, the infection is still shallow. At least as far as Cangfeng City is concerned, the public sentiment is relatively stable.

Only roadblocks were set up in the direction coming from Rizhao County, strictly prohibiting people from coming from Rizhao County.

Tianxialou is located in the north city of Cangfeng City. It is more like a restaurant than a killer organization based on its appearance.

There were people coming and going inside, and it was very lively.

For a killer organization, this is of course very strange. But when I think of a killer organization with such a flamboyant name as "Tianxialou", and that this organization has also trained killers like Su Xiuxing, I feel that it is better to open a killer organization in

It is not difficult to understand the downtown area.

"After traveling in the world for so many years, there must be some people who disgust you. There must be some things that are unforgettable for you. But you have a good temper, or... you worry too much! So you can't help it."

When Jiang Wang walked into Tianxialou, a man came close and said this.

This person looks quite ordinary, the type that cannot be found in a crowd. In a sense, he is quite consistent with the identity of a killer.

"So?" Jiang Wang asked.

"So you need us!" The man clapped his chest and immediately said with pride: "We are very powerful in the world, with many strong men, masters, and ruthless people. We have swords, guns, clubs, halberds, fists, palms, claws and knees, that's how it is

Proficient in everything, knowing everything. It’s a three-year-old brand and worthy of your trust!”

"...So you've only been in business for three years?"

Jiang Wang was not too surprised that Tianxialou had only been open for three years, but it was even more surprising that this killer organization had been open for three years.

"Three years is not a short time!" the man said: "It is said that one life is two, two begets three, and three begets all things. Three years is equal to countless years, my guest!"

Jiang Wang's mouth twitched. Do today's killer organizations also have waiters?

"That's right." Jiang Wang said, "There is indeed a person who makes me very angry."

"Come! Invite the guests!" The man suddenly raised his voice and leaned into Jiang Wang's ear and said: "Our organization is very strict about rules. When discussing business, you must not be in a crowd because we need to protect the privacy of our guests.


It sounds like that's the case.


He led the way, leading Jiang Wang out of the crowded lobby, into a private room, and sat down in order.

Listening to the clearly audible noise outside, Jiang Wang wondered what kind of privacy such poor sound insulation could protect.

However, this man already spoke eagerly: "Guest, just give me the mission!"

Her eager look was like that of a madam who hadn't received any customers in months.

"What is your name?" Jiang Wang asked politely.

"Just call me A Ce." The man said, "Guest, just give me the mission!"

"Oh, Ace." Jiang Wang continued to be polite: "I wonder what position you have in Tianxialou?"

"Everyone who comes to my building is a brother. Although I am the number one killer in the Eastern Region, I don't stick to my status. I run errands, entertain guests, etc., and occasionally do the same!" As A Ce said, he turned around suddenly.

, brought the topic back again: "If the guest has any tasks, just ask him!"


This strong sense of unreliability made Jiang Wang silent for a while before he could continue the topic.

He calmed down his emotions for a while and said: "Someone scolded me, turned around and ran away. I am so angry now that my hatred will never go away!"

"This..." A Ce said with some embarrassment: "I just scolded you, do you want to hire a killer to kill him?"

He was even ready to get off the chair. How much business can such a trivial matter turn into? What a waste of time!

"I'll give you twenty Dao Yuan Stones." Jiang Wang added lightly: "Deposit."

"That's too much!" Ace shouted. "Who is that little thief's name, and where does he live? I will definitely take his head off for our guests!"

"Su Xiuxing." Jiang Wang said.

Ah Ce sat back again without embarrassment: "Your surname is Su, huh?"

Jiang Wang looked at him with interest: "Why don't you know him, A Ce?"

"We know each other..."

"How about calling him out directly and asking him to talk to me?"

"To be honest," Ace said, "This person has betrayed the organization and is no longer in the world!"

Jiang Wang was surprised and said: "Didn't you, such a powerful killer organization in Tianxialou, chase the traitors to death?"

"This is because the customers don't understand. We are in the killer business, and we have to make money by killing people. Who will pay for killing Su Xiuxing? We can't do things that cost money."

"Even if it's to hunt down traitors?"

"Even if it means hunting down traitors."

"You are really principled." Jiang Wang nodded and pointed to himself: "Don't I pay the bill now?"

"Uh." Ah Ce finally lost his composure, but still managed to say: "He has mixed up with another organization now, which is not easy to deal with. After all, it is inevitable to have some friendship between colleagues. The so-called keeping a line when meeting people,

See you soon!"

"Oh..." Jiang Wang suddenly realized: "You can't afford to offend that organization?"

A Ce said angrily: "That's hell. There is no door. A lunatic who dares to kill even the generals of a country!"

This is the second time Jiang Wang has heard the news about No Gate to Hell. It seems that Yin Guan has developed well after leaving Youguo. But as Chong Xuansheng said, he is dancing on the tip of a knife.

On the other hand, Su Xiuxing's ability to sneak into Hell was really surprising to him. It didn't look like he had the kind of talent that could be noticed by Yin.

Jiang Wang sighed: "In this case, I can only let this big enemy go for the time being."

"Nine out of ten things in this world are not what you want." A Ce pretended to sigh and asked: "Guest, if you think about it again, hasn't anyone else scolded you?"

Jiang Wang: "..."


This chapter has been completed!
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