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Chapter 164 The Three Ultimate Flying Swords

"Only my way of swordsmanship...the best of the three flying swords."

After leaving Qiang's residence, Jiang Yan said this in Tongtian Palace.

When facing Long Mian, he repeatedly asked to take his place in the battle. Although he acted as if he did not want Jiang Wang to die in battle, he probably knew very well in his heart that he once again aroused Jiang Wang's resentment and vigilance.

Jiang Wang, who has gone through so much, would never trust his life or death to anyone else, especially a being with unknown origins like Jiang Yan.

He didn't have the habit of chatting before, so he started talking now, probably out of consideration for easing the relationship. At the same time, it also showed value. His broad knowledge is a rare value in itself.

"The top of the three flying swords?"

It is impossible for Jiang Wang not to be curious about the flying sword technique that he can use to fight against the strong men in the Neifu Realm.

"The world of spiritual practice has gone through many changes since its development. I can't tell the specific era. In short, it is in the present world and not as far back as ancient times." Jiang Xiang sighed: "That was the era when the art of flying swords was prevalent.


Jiang Wang is still clear about the concept of "era", although he knows almost nothing about the dusty history.

Before the present world, countless years passed. The sages generally divided it into four eras, namely the ancient era, the ancient era, the medieval era, and the modern era.

Each of these four eras with huge time spans can be subdivided into some smaller eras.

The division of eras is not limited to time, events, politics, or culture, but they are all recognized.

For example, the modern era mentioned by Jiang Yan includes the "Era of All Saints", "The Era of Yizhen", etc.

As for the current world, it started from the first year of Dao Li, and it has been 3,918 years so far.

Of course, this first year of the Taoist calendar marks the beginning of a new era, but it does not represent the history of Taoism.

The history of all saints and hundreds of schools of thought can be traced back to earlier times.

The so-called first year of Dao Li should be said to be the restart of Dao Li year.

Going back to what Jiang Yan said, his so-called "Three Peaks of Flying Swords" appeared in this 3918-year history and once belonged to a certain era during this period.

Jiang Wang asked: "Are you saying that the flying sword technique you have practiced in Qianqian is the top of the three flying swords?"

"In the era when the art of flying swords was popular, there were three great swordsmanships, which were the peerless swordsmanship that stood at the pinnacle of the era. There is no match in the world, so it is called the peerless swordsmanship." Jiang Xiang said: "The only way of swordsmanship that I have cultivated forward is

It's one of them. His origin is not simple, you have to be more careful."

If it is said to be the pinnacle of swordsmanship in an era, then it is not so difficult to understand that Qianqian fought against the strong men in the inner realm. Even for the swordsmanship that once stood at the pinnacle of an era, the performance of Qianqian

It should be considered unsatisfactory.

Maybe something happened in the meantime, maybe it's been lost until now, maybe...

Jiang Wang did not comment on his reminder, but asked with vigilance: "Is this also the knowledge inherited from the Bone Evil God?"

"Don't underestimate the Bone God." Jiang Yan's tone was meaningful: "Even if there is a temporary victory or defeat, you must always remember that he is a nearly immortal god of the underworld."

Rather than admonishing Jiang Wang, it was more like admonishing himself.

He said: "Although I am only the result of a brief contamination by the White Bone God, the information I have come into contact with is already vast. You can't even imagine what kind of world it is."

"Are you saying that Du Ruhui's victory is not worth mentioning?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It is great in a short period of time. But when their lifespan is over, if we are still alive at that time, you will know how small this wave is in the long river of time."

Jiang Wang couldn't help but admit that just the words "Feijian Sanjue Peak" made him feel the vastness and greatness of history.

To this day, of course there are still monks who practice the art of flying swords, but he has never heard of the so-called Three Ultimates.

The ultimate swordsmanship that once stood at the top of the times has now become unknown.

What a great power time is!

In the palace of Zhaoheng City.

Yang Jiande rubbed the certificate of credence in his hand again and again, and finally threw it on the desk.

This is already the third copy.

Bingbi eunuch Liu Huai stood aside and whispered: "Your Majesty..."

"I asked him to surrender three times but he still didn't come. Chongxuan Chu Liang has made up his mind and won't come." Yang Jiande stood up and walked out.

At the beginning, I was still weak.


After one step, I already had my hands behind me.

After two steps, he actually raised his head.

After three steps, he got angry and bullfighted.

"The imperial edict!" He put his hands behind his back and walked forward: "I have been bullied too much by Mr. Jiang. The country is in jeopardy and the country is in danger. I call upon all the diligent kings in the world!"

"Raise the troops of the Yang Kingdom, Gu Yao and the fierce hunter will be slaughtered across the borders of the country!"

"Another edict is sent to Chongxuan Chu Liang. If he does not receive a letter of surrender, he will receive a letter of war."

"The outcome was not decided thirty years ago, but life or death will be decided thirty years later!"


Thunder sounded outside the palace and rain poured down.

On the last day of July, the Lord of the Yang Kingdom finally gave up all illusions and decided to fight for his country.

Even though...this may be the result that Chongxuan Chu Liang wants to wait for.

After all, Yangguo is a country where ancestral temples have been enshrined for dozens of generations. Even if the territory is getting smaller and smaller due to various reasons, the border can still be called long.

The Qiu Sha Army blocked the border of Yang State, so naturally it was impossible to rely entirely on the soldiers themselves.

Formation is the main means of trapping.

Along the entire border of the Yang Kingdom, there are small formations of ten miles and one hundred miles. They are interconnected and influence each other. The core of the main formation that finally gathered lies in the commander's tent, guarded by Chongxuan Chu Liang himself.

The other countries bordering Yang Country have all kept silent on this matter in a tacit understanding.

Of course, everyone understands the principle of dying lips and cold teeth, but it is by no means an exaggeration to say that a small insect shakes a big tree.

Taking Rong Guo as an example, Shizuo, the general stationed in Guangguang City, is already a rare hardliner. He was the first to expose the plague in Yang Guo throughout the Eastern Region, and he was not afraid of possible threats from Yang Guo.

Revenge afterwards.

However, in the face of Qi's involuntary occupation of the border between Rong and Yang, and the deployment of formations on the border between the two countries, he did not say a word other than silently reorganizing his army as a precaution.

This is not only his personal attitude, but also the attitude of the entire Rongguo court.

Why is Qi the undisputed overlord of the Eastern Region? Why can it occupy the most fertile and resource-rich land in the entire Eastern Region?

This is not a public recommendation.

It's a status gained through battle after battle.

Looking at the entire Eastern Region, is there any country that has not been conquered by Qi? The Xia Kingdom, which straddled the two southeastern regions and was at its peak, is still huddled in the southern region and has not dared to look to the northeast for thirty years.

Also on this day.

In Yingguang City, in an ordinary inn, a graceful woman walked in.

Everyone in the inn straightened their eyes.

Even though she is well-dressed in this autumn, she still gives people a sense of endless charm.

The black gauze covering her face could not conceal her enchanting eyes.

ps: The world seems to have opened up a corner~


This chapter has been completed!
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