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Chapter 103 'Negotiation'

Hearing Jiang Wang's "reasonable request", the old priest almost lost his breath.

At any rate, thanks to years of cultivating Qi, Jiang Wang was not knocked away with a slap. He just said: "This is indeed not the case."

Jiang Wang blinked: "It's okay if it can extend your life by twenty years."

The old woman looked Jiang Wang up and down, and seemed to have discovered something: "No wonder you are so anxious about this, it turns out you have a short life span."

As the leader of the "Saint Clan", she chose to "negotiate" alone with Jiang Wang, of course not because she liked Jiang Wang.

It's because of two points. One is because Jiang Wang is the strongest among the three messengers and has the most say. The other is because, judging from her perspective on people, Jiang Wang has principles, bottom lines, and sense of proportion.

He's not quite a man who can open his mouth like a lion.

Her vision was correct.

It's just that Jiang Wang, who came to the secret realm of Qixing Tower, has already risked his life in order to make up for his own regrets.

He left the fierce situation in Linzi and came to Qixing Tower alone with a very clear purpose, that is, he must gain something. Otherwise, if Zhong Xuan Sheng chose to carry Wang Yiwu alone, the risk would be in vain.

The old priest weighed it for a while and said: "Compared to you, our saint clan has a long life span. If you consider accepting the baptism of the Dragon God and becoming a member of the saint clan. With your talent, it is not possible to increase your life span to a thousand years.

Question. How about it? After killing Yan Xiao, I can personally conduct the ceremony for you."

This is certainly an irresistible temptation.

In the present world, even the lifespan of a powerful person who has broken through the life span of a mortal is limited to 518 years. As long as he joins the Saint Clan, his lifespan can be increased to a thousand years, which means he can live longer than a powerful person who has reached the level of God!

But in everything there are gains and losses.

The lifespan of the Senhai Saint Clan is so high, what do they lose?

Jiang Wang asked calmly: "If I join the Saint Clan, can I still leave the Senhaiyuan Realm?"

The priest shook his head with some regret: "My holy clan has devoted its life to the Dragon God, believes in this, serves here, and will live here forever."

"This will not be my choice." Jiang Wang said without hesitation.

Family and friends, love and hate, career and future, everything is in this world, in the place he has measured with his feet.

If you want to live forever in the world of Senhaiyuan, even if you live for thousands of years, what's the point?

However, from the perspective of life span, although the Senhai "Saint Race" is a human race, its origin is different. In terms of life span alone, it is not wrong to say that it is a "Saint Race". No wonder they are so proud, indeed they have

A proud qualification.

However, although the "saint clan" has a long lifespan, its flaws are also obvious. It cannot leave the source world of the forest sea, and it cannot be separated from the gods. The flaws may not stop there, but these two points alone are what Jiang Wang does not want.

Moreover, at least judging from the saint warriors he has met so far, no matter whether they are Seven Trees, Eight Branches, or Nine Leaves, they may have lived one or two hundred years, but none of them can make Jiang Wang feel invincible. Not necessarily.

Their talents are not as good as others, which may be related to the way they were raised.

Regarding Jiang Wang's answer, the old priest obviously expected it. She sighed: "Then there is no other way. If you are obsessed with the life-increasing treasure, the only thing I can give you is a copy of where to find the life-enhancing treasure.

Information about the treasure. Moreover, I am not sure whether this information is still reliable now, and the place is not in the Senhaiyuan world. I can only guarantee the authenticity of the information, which can be sworn in front of the altar."

This is quite interesting to say.

Jiang Wang frowned: "Doesn't this mean there is none?"

"You can't say that, young man." The old woman said with a kind face: "As far as I know, there are indeed no longevity-enhancing treasures in the Senhaiyuan Realm. In other words, if you are only here for the longevity-enhancing treasures, you must

You will get nothing. Even if you spend your whole life turning the entire Senhaiyuan world over, you may not be able to do it. Now, I can give you a piece of information and a hope. For young people, choice is more important than hard work. In the wrong direction

The result of hard work is often the opposite. What you gain now is the right direction. Isn't it important?"

That makes sense!

Jiang Wang was a little dizzy from the nagging, but after thinking about it, he finally agreed.

Even if it is so different from the conditions he originally proposed...

If you want to leave the Senhaiyuan Realm, you can't avoid Yan Xiao. It doesn't matter whether the Saint Clan provides benefits or not. Now there is still a piece of information, right?

Or there are other ways, such as looking for other human races lost in the forest sea source world, and seeing if there are any other "gods" who can send them away.

It is very likely that it has become extinct as the "Holy Clan" speculated. If it is indeed extinct, Yan Xiao is the only choice.

But even if not, this process may not be simple. The hardships of traveling through the hidden snake land are still vivid in my mind. How could I know that there is nothing more terrifying than Yan Xiao in the forest sea source world?

In short, to the saint clan, Yan Xiao is a close enemy and cannot be reborn until it is eliminated. To Jiang Wang and others, Yan Xiao is a tiger blocking the road and cannot return home unless it is killed.

Jiang Wang and the others wanted some benefits. Even if they had jujubes or no jujubes, it didn't necessarily mean how much they would gain. Even if they didn't, Yan Xiao couldn't ignore it.

It is on this consensus that both parties have the basis for "negotiation".

"In addition, we want a powerful martial art that is unique to your holy clan." Jiang Wang was very responsible and started the next negotiation with confidence: "The so-called 'sharpening a gun in battle, it will be ruined if you are not happy', this pair

It is also very beneficial for us to eliminate Yan Xiao."

The old priestess nodded and said, "You are right."

"But..." she said earnestly: "The extraordinary power of the Saint Clan relies on the gods. Unless you accept the baptism of the Dragon God, there is no way to learn it. The person you want to learn the skills is willing to join our Saint Clan? If not

If you are willing...instead of fishing for the moon in the water, it is better to turn around and pick flowers..."

Jiang Wang had exhausted his negotiation skills all his life and was very eloquent. He thought he was performing beyond his level. But the old priest was tepid, persuasive, kind and kind, and could easily talk about anything.

At the end of this "negotiation", Jiang Wang's eyes were blank and the old priest's spirit was bright.

Jiang Wang pinched the "result" and felt that he had indeed gained something and had not wasted his words.

But when I think about it carefully, I don’t seem to have gained anything...

Jiang Wangfang needs: peerless magical skills, a treasure map with all the treasures in the Senhaiyuan Realm, and treasures of heaven and earth that can increase one's life span by a hundred years.

The results of the "negotiation": a martial art common to the Saints, a map for the Saints to explore the Morihaiyuan Realm, and a piece of information recording the location of the life-increasing treasure that is not in the Morihaiyuan Realm and may not even be reliable.

In Jiang Wang's fruit house, three "Dragon God Messengers" were sitting on the floor facing each other.

"Ahem." Jiang Wang coughed awkwardly: "Let's see if you are satisfied or not."

"Please help me take a look." Wu Quji said: "Is there any way to interpret this peerless magical skill that I don't know about? It seems to be a tree climbing skill."

This martial skill allows practitioners to adapt to the forest environment and fight freely in trees... Although it is a bit excessive to say that it is a tree climbing skill, it is not unreasonable.

Su Qi gave Jiang Wang a resentful look: "The treasure map turned into a map..."

It was hard for him to say that Jiang Wang didn't work hard. After all, it seemed that the most useful thing the three of them had gained was the map.

Jiang Wang was speechless, covered his face and said, "I tried my best."

The information about the longevity-enhancing treasure was imprinted on his arm by the priest using a special technique, and it would not take effect until he left the Morihai source world.

It looks very classy, ​​but

Whether I can leave the Morihaiyuan world is still a matter of two minds!

This chapter has been completed!
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