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Chapter 107 The invasion of the previous 'night'

Only now did Qing Qishu and the others understand the wisdom of the old priest.

Faced with a "thinker" like Wu Quji.

How much effort can you save by simply refusing to answer?

Qingbazhi said to them: "Now you know why I silenced his tongue, right?"

Next to the body of the forest bear, several saint warriors made some simple traps, preparing to transport the giant bear back to the land of the shadow of the gods when they returned.

A group of six people regrouped and set out again for the place where snakes were hidden.

During the march, Jiang Wang found an opportunity and specifically reminded Su Qi to stop stealing from the saint warriors.

Hmm... By the way, I also collected the "divided" Shenlong wooden arrow branches.

After leaving the Land of Divine Shadow, Su Qi's condition seemed to be much more relaxed. Jiang Wang always felt that he actually didn't care much about Yan Xiao.

Along the way, I looked left and right, observing very carefully, as if I was looking for something.

But when Jiang Wang asked him, he didn't say anything.

Wu Quji's gold knitted bone has stabilized his injury, but his right arm is still unable to bear force. Only his left hand can be used, so he was placed in the middle of the formation.

There were three people walking in front of the team.

Because Jiang Wang had a history of traveling alone through the land where snakes were hidden, he held his sword and walked forward on the ground.

Su Qi's movement skills were amazing, and he shuttled sideways on his own.

However, the vitality of Qing Qishu is extremely tenacious, and it leaps on the tree with its shield raised.

"Here!" Su Qi suddenly shouted.

The crowd quickly dispersed, forming a faint encirclement, slowly approaching Su Qi's position.

When he got closer, Jiang Wang discovered that Su Qi was standing still, his expression as ugly as ever.

"what happened?"

Su Qi said nothing.

On the ground in front of him, a set of undershirts lay quietly.

There is no damage, no staleness, no bloodstains...and no woman who is supposed to be wearing this skirt.

Only a few floating leaves became the embellishment on it.

This clothing definitely does not belong to the Land of Divine Shadow, but like Wu Quji, Su Qi and others, they are from the Qi State and are one of the monks who participated in the secret realm of Seven Stars Valley.

But the problem is...what about people?

There were no signs of a fight at the scene, at least from Jiang Wang's perspective, he didn't see any useful information.

It was as if an ordinary gust of wind blew by and the person disappeared.

Only one skirt was left.

In this crisis-ridden Morihaiyuan world, no matter how dangerous the scene is, they are mentally prepared to a certain extent.

However, it is precisely this ordinary, undamaged set of underskirts in front of me that sends chills down my spine.

In the end what happened?

Qing Jiuye came over to take a look and said: "Invaded by the night."

This was not the first time Jiang Wang had heard about the night party invading people here, but it was the first time he had witnessed the results of the "night" invasion with his own eyes.

The saints only dare to sleep in the fruit houses of the divine dragon tree in the land of divine shade.

"So how is she? Is she dead?" Su Qi's voice was a little strange.

"It can be said that he is dead. But to be more accurate, he has disappeared. Because the person who was invaded by the night has never appeared again. But no one has found the body." Qing Jiuye said more seriously: "Just like now

In this way, only the clothes are left."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked: "Will only people disappear? What about the things on them? Disappear with them? Or will only the clothes stay?"

Qing Jiuye said: "Only the person himself will disappear. Anything on his body will remain. Even if something is missing, it is usually taken away by some passing wild beast and has nothing to do with the invasion of the night."

Su Qi squatted down, stretched out his fingers and pressed lightly on the skirt, raised his head, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "The box is gone."

He's talking about the storage box.

Jiang Wang realized that the problem was different.

There are no traces of wild beasts passing by here, and it is impossible for wild beasts to take away the storage box without disturbing this undershirt.

But in the past experience described by Qing Jiuye, the invasion of night always only takes away people, not things.

In other words, there was something that took away the storage box.

Is the so-called "invasion of the night" a sinister phenomenon, a force of nature, or is it dominated by some kind of will?

Was it the being who created the "Invasion of Night" who became curious about the "outside world", so he took the storage box away?

Or is it another existence that deliberately arranged the scene to look like an "invasion of the night"?

Su Qi must know this missing woman. His mood is very bad now, although he has tried his best to control it. But his sadness has been revealed from his eyes, brows, and trembling corners of his clothes.

Jiang Wang asked: "What exactly is the 'invasion of the night'? At least, in what form does it 'invade'? How can it be triggered? Don't you saints who grew up here have any understanding of it?"

At this time Qing Qishu also came over, but Qing Bazhi lurked and disappeared again before counting his breath.

"No one can tell clearly." Qing Qishu responded to his question: "We only know that as long as you are not in the fruit house when you fall asleep at night, you will be invaded by the night. Even in the land of the shade of the gods."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be okay if I didn't sleep at night? Can't I reverse my day and night routine?" Jiang Wang asked.

"This is how we spent the period when Shenlongmu was lacking...but only in the Land of God's Shadow." Qing Qishu said: "You were in the Land of God's Shadow the night before, so you didn't feel it. In the Forest Sea Source World,

When night comes, you will be very sleepy. The sleepiness is irresistible and you must sleep. It is the place of God's shade that protects us."

"Is this sleepiness irresistible in an absolute sense?"

Qing Qishu was silent for a while and said: "At least in the history of the Holy Clan, no one has successfully resisted."

The message contained in this sentence is very tragic.

It is impossible for the Holy Clan not to conduct research on the cause of this death. But the fact is that until now, they still know nothing about it.

I don't know how many people disappeared into the "night" in order to prove this sentence.

"Have you not observed it?" Wu Quji suddenly said: "For example, you can observe the person sleeping under the Shenlong tree in the fruit house in the Land of God's Shadow, and observe...why he is not there."

This is even more cruel.

It means trying with the lives of fellow humans to understand the causes of "the invasion of night".

Of course, for a medical sect like the Golden Needle Sect, similar "observation" may be indispensable.

Qing Jiuye then continued: "As long as the sleeping person is watched, he will not be 'invaded'. This is one of our ways to fight against the night. But it is only in the land of the shade of the gods, no one can stay awake in the night outside.


From the tradition of "hunting with each other" and "nurturing souls" of the Holy Clan, it is not difficult to see how much sacrifice this is a tribe that can make in order to continue its destiny.

Of course they had also done the "observation" conceived by Wu Quji, and from this they came up with the method of watching the sleeping person to avoid invasion.

"That thing has a will, right?"

Su Qi, who was half-crouching, suddenly spoke.

He reached out and touched the underskirt on the ground with a strange expression: "I took the box away specially. That thing must be conscious, right? Isn't it a simple tragic vision?"

"...That is to say." He held the skirt tightly, then let it go, and stood up: "I have a goal of revenge, right?"


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