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Chapter 34 Elegy

Buddhism has supreme magical power, which is called divine foot power, also known as wish-fulfilling power. Wherever the mind goes, the body goes there.

Du Ruhui of Zhuang Kingdom also mastered a magical power, which is called the end of the world. With one step, the world can be turned around, and the end of the world is only so close.

These two magical powers look similar, but their feet are completely different.

The essence of wishful thinking lies in the "heart", which is the power of the heart and spans space.

The essence of The End of the World lies in "space", which is the understanding of space, turning the end of the world into the end of the world.

Then when the White Bone God descended through the White Bone Gate, he also led his followers across thousands of miles, but that was different. In essence, he was traveling through the Netherworld, and it was the Netherworld power that led the way.

But the arrival of the blind watchman is different from these. He relies on the power of the national defense formation and does not involve supernatural powers.

Otherwise, given the strength gap between the City King and him, it would be impossible to detect his appearance so quickly. In fact, the City King was attacking the light curtain of the National Defense Formation at that time, and sensed the fluctuation of the power of the formation.

After killing King Bian Cheng and King City, the blind watchman turned around and appeared in the Jinghai Gao clan land.

At this time, in the land of the Gao clan, King Ping Ping was laughing wildly in the air, constantly bombarding with Taoist magic. Wherever he looked, houses were destroyed, residents died, and the land was in a mess.

From the beginning to the end, the Jinghai Gao Family did not organize any effective resistance. This kind of performance was completely unworthy of the Jinghai Gao Family.

This also further fueled King Ping's arrogance.

It is said that the Qi State is powerful and has as many strong men as clouds, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

At least in Jinghai County, there is no one who can fight.

"Emperor Song!" he shouted wildly: "Let's see which of us kills more!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the watchman arrived carrying a white paper lantern.

The person appeared in front of King Ping Ping, raised his hand, and simply pressed it forward.

There are countless thoughts in my mind, but they arise and die in an instant.

King Pingping's wild laughter stopped abruptly, and he died at this moment!

The watchman, who looked very old, turned around slightly and was already facing another Yama.

Then he noticed a fist.

A brutal, pure, and powerful fist.

The Emperor of Song Dynasty who came from hell!

I sensed the arrival of this unrivaled power.

He did not choose to run away, let alone kneel down and beg for surrender.

He is the third ranked Yama in the Gateless Hell.

He is the emperor of Song Dynasty.

Everyone in Hell's Gateless is more or less incompatible with this world. They reject existing rules and order, and are also rejected by this world.

As Yin Guan said when he first founded this organization, they are a group of people to whom even hell will not open the door.

So they transform themselves into hell, so they call themselves Yama.

Make a way for yourself, open the door for yourself!

For the Song Emperor, what left the deepest impression on him during this trip to Linzi was not the moment when they successfully killed Zhao Xuan, nor was it the time when they escaped from Linzi, nor was it the time when they were chased into the sky.

those experiences of the land.

What he remembers most are the paper figures he made in Xiaolianqiao.

That's another life.

Plain, simple, a life rooted in smoke and dust.

It turns out that after death, there are still so many stories to tell. It turns out that waiting for death is like living.

But now he is here.

He is the emperor of Song Dynasty.

King Guang of Qin dared to lure Yue Leng away alone. How could he, the Emperor of Song, not dare to face this powerful man who suddenly appeared?

Boom boom boom boom!

Five explosions occurred in succession.

Then four stars lit up in the distance in the sky. At that moment, they were so bright that they almost competed with the rising sun. However, the next moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The entire world where the fist reaches is plunged into a "night" that is as dark as ink and cannot be released.

King Ping died in a single encounter. Of course he was able to realize the terrible gap between himself and his opponent.

But what was terrifying about him was that he had no rehearsal and no preparation. He directly detonated the fourth floor of the fifth house and transformed his life's brilliance into this punch.

He knew that he would die, but he did not allow himself to die quietly like King Ping.

He is the Song Emperor!

In the endless undercurrent, his fist appeared.

In the sky and on earth, there is only one punch.

It's so strong and so fierce that it can conquer mountains and rivers with one punch!

Faced with such a powerful punch.

A hand appears.

A thin hand, with its five fingers spread out, reached into the dark night that was so thick that it could not be dissolved, and covered the punch.

Like day covering night, like fire covering sea water,

The bright and tyrannical glory was wiped away.

Then it dawned.

The watchman carrying the white paper lantern stood in the air without moving his feet.

As for Emperor Song, who stood on the ground like an iron tower, his entire body exploded from the inside out.

He still died without any accident, without creating any miracles, not even any waves.

But among the Yamas who have died so far, he is the only one who died by his own hands.

In a sense, he controls his own destiny.

Even the watchman, who had been silent all the way through the fight, held up a white paper lantern and took a look at him.

At this time, there was a very sudden sound.

The fear has not gone away, so it is a very manic voice.

"Why are you here now! Do you know how many people we have died and how much we have suffered!?"

The person who spoke was a young man. He was probably safe at last, so he ran out of his hiding place. The fear of the two Yamas who had faced the gateless hell was released at this time.

He seemed a little angry: "I will definitely tell my sister about this matter, which government office are you from? Gao will not let it go like this!!"

"You're like a pig or a dog, what qualifications do you have to represent the Gao family!?"

The leader of the Gao clan, Gao Xianchang, came out of the darkroom at some unknown time, rushed towards him, and kicked the young master down with a sharp kick. He even used his strength to kill the young master in the face of his disbelief, and almost shot him.

She stepped on his vitals: "It's not your turn to speak, Gao!"

"Master, you can't do that. Mr. Gao Qing just made a slip of the tongue."

"No, Patriarch!"

There was a loyal tribesman who held Gao Xianchang's feet tightly to prevent him from trampling his son to death on the spot.

Gao Qing was so frightened that he dared not speak for a while, but his eyes were filled with shock and resentment.

Gao Xianchang, however, just said to the man who was calling the police: "You have only kindness to the Gao family and no resentment. On behalf of the Gao family, Xianchang apologizes to you and please kill me, an unfilial son, to set an example to others!"

However, whether it was Gao Qing's outburst of extreme fear or Gao Xianchang's respectful attitude that he did not hesitate to kill his son to avoid disaster.

The blind caller didn't react at all.

Regarding this farce in the Gao clan, he didn't even show an unhappy expression, and certainly didn't leave any words. He just stepped on his feet and disappeared again.

Gao Xianchang, who stayed in place, seemed to have had his bones removed, and his whole body collapsed instantly.

He glanced at his son on the ground with hatred, and said sadly to the clansmen on the left and right: "You saved this unfilial son, but you harmed me, Jinghai Gao!"

"Clan leader, it's not like that. Mr. Gao Qing just lost his temper and threatened a few words, but he didn't do anything substantial. No matter how cruel the master just now is, he still needs to be reasonable? And even if he doesn't care about our Gao family, how can he still do it?

Don’t you care about Concubine Jing?”

"Do you know who he is!?"

Gao Xianchang was heartbroken: "He is the leader of Daqi's watchmen."

"He works for the Jiang Dynasty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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