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Chapter 5 Enjoying the Prestige of the Country

Ye Lingxiao would certainly not forget what happened not long ago.

That time, he cooperated with the lie and saved Jiang Wang from Du Ruhui. Afterwards, he made it clear to Jiang Wang that he did not want Jiang Wang to cause any trouble in the future and involve Lingxiao Pavilion.

At that time, Jiang Wang promised that nothing like this would ever happen again.

He said that his words were not words of anger or resentment, but his sincere understanding and solemn commitment.

Goodbye Jiang Wang this time.

He clearly had the blood of the war.

Although his cultivation has reached a new level, the feeling of exhaustion after a life-and-death battle cannot escape the eyes of real people in this world.

His breath, his spirit, his body... all describe his fatigue and tension.

It was obvious that he was evading pursuit.

During the period of his disappearance, he was probably walking on the edge of life and death.

But he really walked around Lingxiao Pavilion and fulfilled his promise.

He was not performing, because he had already chosen to bypass it before he appeared.

This is not a simple commitment, not an easy decision to make.

Ye Lingxiao was clearly in front of him and showed goodwill. As long as he stayed shamelessly, he would have a chance to be protected. But he did not do so.

There are many proud people, but how many people can still maintain their self-respect in the face of life and death?

Ye Lingxiao's feelings were very complicated and he couldn't explain clearly. But at least one thing was that he hadn't encountered such a young man in a long time.

Like when he was young.

He looked in the direction where Jiang Wang escaped, and suddenly he felt something in his heart and turned around.

Tap your toes lightly and the cloud patterns will disappear.

Du Ruhui with black hair appeared in front of him.

"Prime Minister Du." Ye Lingxiao spoke first: "Why are you running around all day long when you are not here in Zhuang?"

Du Ruhui frowned, not being diverted by his words, and pointed directly at the key question: "Why did Master Ye stop me?"

He was rushing forward with the supernatural power of being so close to the end of the world. Because he was afraid of missing out, he needed to stop to collect human breath, so he was advancing step by step.

Just now, Ye Lingxiao took the initiative and affected his energy.

That alone wasn't enough to stop So Far, but he couldn't help but consider Ye Lingxiao's attitude.

"Stop you?" Ye Lingxiao also expressed dissatisfaction: "As the Prime Minister of Zhuang State, you are too casual to come and go between Zhuang and Yun. I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

This is complete nonsense.

The Yun Kingdom is originally a neutral country. The Yun Kingdom Chamber of Commerce is popular all over the world and welcomes guests from all directions. There is no reason why people are not allowed to approach at will.

But Du Ruhui didn't say this. He probably knew that reasoning was useless. He just looked at Ye Lingxiao and suddenly asked: "Where is the young man from Lingxiao Pavilion I saw last time? Please call Master Ye out to see him."

As soon as Ye Lingxiao stopped him, he quickly connected the young man he saw in the Qichang Mountains with the murderer of Dong A.

Intuition is horribly sharp.

And the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

The murderer who killed Dong A should be a survivor of Maplewood City, and the Qichang Mountains are just close to Maplewood City.

The young man stationed above the Qichang Mountains at that time might actually be paying homage to Maple Forest City.

If this is true, what role does Ye Lingxiao play in it?

The death of Dong A, the death of Song Hengjiang...

"You're a junior, what's there to do with you?" Ye Lingxiao laughed and said, "Since you're not here to reminisce with this pavilion master, then just say goodbye."

As soon as Du Ruhui's words came out of his mouth, he realized that there was a huge trouble. Yun Guo had always maintained neutrality, and he really did not need to be involved in any whirlpool.

I stopped Du Ruhui earlier, but I just did it casually because of a random idea.

But since Du Ruhui is the one who hunted Jiang Wang and pursued him so persistently, then the conflict between the two parties has reached an irreconcilable point.

With his strength and status, he can certainly keep Jiang Wang alive, but is it necessary?

Is it necessary to become enemies with Zhuang Guo because of Jiang Wang?

This is not in the interest of Lingxiao Pavilion.

So he rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and tried to muddle through.

"Master Ye." Du Ruhui stretched out his hand to stop him: "Since you said so, let's take this opportunity to talk about old times."

Ye Lingxiao glanced in the direction behind Du Ruhui and said absently: "Let's talk."

Du Ruhui smiled: "Aren't you going to invite me to sit in the secret place in Lingxiao?"

Just now, Zhuang Gaoxian had arrived, communicated with Du Ruhui remotely, and left here.

Du Ruhui stayed to understand Lingxiao Pavilion's attitude, while Zhuang Gaoxian took over the task of chasing him.

Of course, Zhuang and Ye, two real people in the world, discovered each other, but they intentionally kept their distance and did not meet each other.

If they have an unpleasant conversation, it will immediately lead to a huge conflict between Zhuang Guo and Yun Guo. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate through Du Ruhui. Both sides have room for buffering.

Jiang Wang is gone...

Ye Lingxiao thought to himself.

I don’t know what he did to trigger Zhuang Gaoxian to pursue him personally. A man with supernatural powers has no chance of surviving when faced with the pursuit of real people in this world.

A little bit regretful, but that's all.

In any case, it is impossible for him to change the neutral national policy of Yun State and confront Zhuang State head-on for Jiang Wang.

Little An'an will be very sad.

Or Qingyu will be sad too.

But who can escape the separation of life and death?

If he was just a father, a father who didn't want his daughter to be sad. If he was just a spiritual practitioner, who only wanted to follow his heart, and only sought love and hate, he might have taken action to save the young man.

But he is the master of Lingxiao Pavilion, and he needs to think about Lingxiao Pavilion and the entire Yun Kingdom.

Enjoy the dignity of the country and inherit the responsibilities of the country.

So he actually has no choice.

That boy looked very much like him when he was young.

But he is no longer young.

"Please come this way!" He turned sideways and said to Du Ruhui.

Jiang Wang flew all the way without stopping for a moment.

The low-grade Taoist Flame Meteor of Class A can no longer activate his powerful body with two magical powers, and the effect is limited.

Escaping Zhuang Guo did not make him feel relaxed.

He knew very well what it meant to kill Dong A. Moreover, in the previous round of pursuit, Du Ruhui had already shown an extremely determined killing intention.

That time, he was able to escape thanks to Zhuang Chengqian's guidance.

Now he only has himself and can only face it on his own.

He had to at least escape to Tianmayuan before he could be said to be initially out of danger. Before that, he had no right to relax.

Tianma is a plateau in the middle section of the Yangtze River, adjacent to the two countries of Wei and Wo. It is located in the north of the Yangtze River. It looks like a giant overlooking the Yangtze River, far away from the river viewing platform in the south of the Yangtze River.

According to legend, it was once a place where horses galloped.

Now, it is the target location initially selected by Jiang Wang. If you escape there, you will basically be safe. No matter how much Du Ruhui hates him, the dignified Prime Minister of a country will not put down national affairs and run all the way to Tianmayuan!

At this time, Jiang Wang didn't know if anyone was chasing him behind him.

With his current strength, he is not qualified to confirm this matter at all. He can only risk his life to confirm it.

He didn't intend to take risks. He just prepared for the worst and ran away first.

Escaped Shuifu, escaped Zhuangjing, and bypassed Yunguo.

He flew past Ye Lingxiao in a hurry, without any intention of asking for help.

Flying high in the sky alone, fighting for myself.

He didn't know that Du Ruhui was indeed chasing him, but was stopped in his tracks.

He didn't even know that the person chasing him to kill him... was now the real person Zhuang Gaoxian!

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