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Chapter 7 All in vain

Real people are all beings who have begun to grasp the essence of heaven and earth. Their every move and every move is a reflection of the rules of heaven and earth.

The battle between two real people in this world caused thousands of miles of clouds and sky to change accordingly, and caused the mighty river to stir.

And Jiang Wang was flying fast, flying fast, flying as fast as he could.

He tried to make himself faster and get out of the battlefield faster.

The battlefield behind him roared.

That kind of roar was asking questions about his Taoist heart.

He saw Ku Jue's injury and knew that Lao He might not be Zhuang Gaoxian's opponent yet.

Ku Jue loves to brag so much and has such an inflated personality, yet privately sending a message to him to run away first undoubtedly shows that he is unable to do what he wants.

The yellow-faced old monk who was dominating the Xuankong Temple no longer cared about bragging. He had to face the reality, which shows how bad the situation was.

This feeling of being reduced to a burden made the proud Jiang Wang feel even more humiliated and painful.

But he could only run away without looking back.

The only thing he could do to help Kujue was to get away.

Still too weak...

Still too weak!

He flew as hard as he could, flying at the ultimate speed that his physical body could bear.

Only the pain in that extreme state could soothe his heart a little.

The sound of the battle gradually faded away, and the breath that shook the heaven and earth gradually disappeared.

Jiang Wang didn't know how long he had been running away. He only knew that he was running and had to run away.

The long distance was spanned by the body. When he finally stopped, Siye Guqing was landing on a barren mountain, and Tianmayuan, which was first regarded as a safe place, had already been crossed by him.

When he was running away, he didn't pay attention to the route and only made a rough judgment. He didn't know whether this was within the territory of Weiguo or Woguo. If Weiguo went south, Woguo would go north.

Or maybe the two countries are not next to each other.

This barren mountain was very deserted, and except for a few birds that flew up when he landed, there was no other sound.

I've been running away for too long.

He has been on the run since outside Xin'an City. Between Shuifu and the Demon Cave, he walked back and forth on the edge of life and death. He finally managed to break out of the endless despair and eliminate Zhuang Chengqian, but faced the collapse of the Demon Cave, and still had to usher in a new round of pursuit.


By this time, it was already dark.

The sky is full of stars.

Jiang Wang sat alone on the top of the mountain, sitting cross-legged in an orderly manner, holding the long sword tightly in his hand, and stared blankly at the stars.

He once told An An that his father was one of the stars, hanging in the sky, watching them.

While comforting his sister, he also hoped that it was true.

In fact, he never thought that Ku Jie would come to save him.

He never expected any luck or anyone.

But the pain still came.

After being rejected by him many times as a disciple, he still traveled thousands of miles to come.

"Teachers" appear one after another.

At the critical moment between life and death, the figure blocking his path was not tall, but it gave him a sense of security that he had not seen for a long time.

He felt that he was being protected by others, and that someone was protecting him from the wind and rain.

The Daogen in the body is unsustainable and can no longer support flight at extreme speeds.

But that's not why he stopped.

After so much time, there is no need to escape anymore.

If Zhuang Gaoxian wanted to catch up, he would have done so long ago.

Either Ku Jue stopped him, or he chose to give up. In short, the threat from Zhuang Gaoxian no longer needs to be considered for the time being.

He sits here, waiting for a result.

A result that may not be possible - if, if nothing happened to the old monk Ku Jue, he would be able to find Jiang Wang. Just like he sensed Jiang Wang's danger despite being thousands of miles away.

This wait lasted all night.

I didn't close my eyes and held the sword tightly all night.

Perhaps only Jiang Wang himself knows how long this night is.

Watching the sky slowly fill up with stars, and then watching them dim one by one, watching how the deep darkness rolls across the sky, like the tide receding, and then the sun rises, and the sky and the earth are bright.

It was daybreak and my heart sank.

The world is so bright and I am alone.

Jiang Wang didn't speak, just stood up silently, brushed away the morning fog, and waited all night.

He has always been determined and strong.

He roughly identified the direction and decided which way he should go.

Just took a step——


A figure fell from the sky, landed in front of him, and hit the ground roughly with a loud noise.

The one curled up in pain was a thin, yellow-faced old monk.

It’s bitter sleep!

Jiang Wang held down his long sword and looked into the distance, but found no figure of Zhuang Gaoxian. Then he lowered himself down to observe the old monk Ku Jue's condition.

He closed his eyes tightly, curled up into a ball, clenched his teeth, and his face turned pale. There was blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his breath was very weak.

It seemed that he used his last remaining strength to escape to Jiang Wang.

"You..." Jiang Wang let go of the sword, stretched out his hand to support his thin shoulders, and said with an uncontrollable tremor in his voice, "How are you?"

He has always been wary of Ku Jue. He has been wary since the first time he met the old monk in Qingyang Town uninvited. It's not that he was born with distrust of the world, but that many people have already taught him the church.

His principle of "being on guard against others is essential".

This old monk repeatedly forced himself to accept disciples, which actually made him very unhappy.

He was unwilling to become a disciple, let alone trust him.

From his practice till now, the only master he has truly recognized is Dong A. And Dong A trampled his trust and dependence into dust.

In the battle of life and death in Xin'an City, the fate of master and disciple in this life has been ended.

Before and after that, he never thought about who he would be his teacher again.

He asked himself that he had no deep feelings for Ku Jue. Neither of them had really gotten along for long. They had never really understood each other. Every time they met, they were chasing each other. He never thought that Ku Jue would be real.

How much do you regard him as one of your own?

It’s just words, how can it be taken seriously?

But he didn't expect that when he was really in danger, it would be Ku Jue who had traveled thousands of miles, dragging his injured body after the battle, to stop Zhuang Gaoxian for him.

Fight bloody battles for him on the long river.

Jiang Wang is not a heartless person. There is no way for him not to be moved or not to feel guilty.

"How are you?" he asked.

He tried his best to recall the healing techniques he had mastered, but the Qi in Ku Jue's body was so disordered that he couldn't even grasp the specific injury and didn't know how to start.

His three-legged cat healing techniques have no effect on himself, let alone heal real people.

He was filled with frustration.

"Well..." Ku Jue's eyelids raised slightly, and at this moment, he opened his weak eyes.

He looked at Jiang Wang, his voice no longer had the arrogance and rudeness of the past, but was vain and feeble——

"Jingshen. I thought... I would never see you again."

Jiang Wang endured the soreness at the tip of his nose and held his thin hand: "Master Kujue, you..."

His voice was choked and he couldn't speak for a while.

"Alas..." Ku Jue looked at him sadly: "Before my master died, I had only one unfulfilled wish."

"Master, please tell me." Jiang Wang tried his best to suppress his emotions: "You...what else are you wishing for?"

He felt the hand he was holding squeeze him slightly.

Ku Jue said angrily: "You, Jing Shen... haven't officially entered my door yet, so I can't... shave you with my own hands."

Love is so important!

Jiang Wang's heart was heavy and he pursed his lips: "Master, I will keep your love in my heart. But I can't lie to you... I still have unresolved knots in my heart and long-lasting hatred. I cannot be empty of all four elements, and I cannot escape into Buddhism."

Kujue struggled and put some force on his hands, which seemed weak and stubborn, which made people sad: "Buddhism is actually not that strict... It's okay to shave first and then 'empty everything' later..."

Jiang Wang is not a hard-hearted person. At this moment, no matter what Kujue asks for, he will try his best to fulfill it. But his practice up to now has implemented his will and choice along the way.

He still doesn't know enough about Buddhist concepts, let alone whether he agrees with them.

The more sincere a person is, the less able he is to deceive himself.

"Master." Jiang Wang endured his sadness and said, "Thank you for your wrong love. Jiang Wang can deceive himself, but how can he deceive you? Jiang Wang has concerns in his heart and a path at his feet. He will not go far if he takes the path of Buddhism. Now I agree.

, if I change my mind in the future, how can I be worthy of you?"

He cut off a strand of long hair with a light stroke of his index finger: "Jiang Wang cut off this strand of hair and made an oath to make an appointment with the master. Although he cannot be shaved in this life, he regards the master as a relative. After the master left, Jiang

I hope that I will have a good life and take care of the Hanging Temple, so that the master’s incense will be endless and his golden body will be enjoyed for a long time...ah!"

The heartfelt words came to an abrupt end at the end.

He couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Because a hard fist had hit his eye socket, knocking him cleanly to the ground.

Ku felt a carp jump up and up.

"Cut your head off, you stinky turtle bastard! Are you going to cut off your hair as a surrogate father for Buddha?"

While cursing loudly, he punched and kicked Jiang Wang: "Master Buddha has worked so hard to help you fight, and you can't even bear to shave your head! Huh?"

"A man comes here to kill people? Huh? Assassinate the deputy prime minister? Make a grudge against a real person? Huh?"

"The inner palace dares to provoke the real master, but the outer palace wants to pick the real master?"

"I'm almost dead as a teacher, but you still have to be a master, a master, one master at a time! Huh?"

"After my master leaves, will you take care of the Xuankong Temple? Ah? The Xuankong Temple still needs you to take care of it?"

"Bah! Can I leave as a teacher? Even if you leave, I can't leave as a teacher!"

Kujue beat and cursed at the same time, scolded and beat at the same time, a hearty and hearty scolding, and a violent beating like a storm.

Regarding Jiang Wang's life-and-death refusal to become a disciple, I really felt very resentful in my heart.

The last kick landed on Jiang Wang's butt, leaving a clear straw shoe mark.

"Let me, my teacher, reflect on it!"

Then he wiped the fake blood on his mouth, patted the ashes on his body, stood up from the ground with a curse, and disappeared into the horizon.

Jiang Wang, whose nose and face were bruised and swollen after being beaten, turned over and lay flat on the ground, looking at the bright cloud sky.

He grinned and smiled.

It was silent at first, then became louder and louder.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

His grin became wider and wider, and his smile became more and more hearty.

Finally, he tilted his head and fell asleep.

From the time I entered Xin'an City at night until just now, there was not a moment of relaxation.

He is too tired.

ps: One group is full, a new group is created, Jixia Academy 1159982294. Welcome to play~

This chapter has been completed!
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