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Chapter 33: Guidance to Songhai

Jiang Wang stood in the wind, a little messy.

If he is really Yu Songhai and recognizes Chi Lu as his adoptive father, it is really an excellent way out. He can go from an outsider who joins halfway to becoming the real core of Qingyunting.

In the entire Qingyunting, under the sect leader, the four sect guards are the highest.

Chi Lu had no heirs, so from then on, his status was comparable to that of Feng Ming.

But the problem is that Jiang Wang is not the miserable last descendant of the Xiyun Sword Sect, nor the Yu Songhai who is still pitifully trapped in the cave waiting for Jiang Wang.

He is the genius of the contemporary generation, the most powerful monk in the Qi Kingdom, and one of the two magical monks in the inner palace. In the entire Yong Kingdom, almost no one of his age group can surely defeat him. How could he be content with being in a small Qingyun Pavilion and recognize a mere monk from the outer building?

As a foster father?

How can shallow water trap a dragon?

Even Chi Lu, the Sectkeeper of Qingyunting, might not be his opponent in a real life-and-death fight.

But if he doesn't agree, if a sect guardian makes a stumbling block in Qingyunting, he will only get further and further away from the lost building...

"What virtues and abilities does this young man have to deserve the respect of Lord Zongshou so much?"

Jiang Wang carefully thought about his words and said: "But I have a similar spirit with Master Fengchi, and Feng Zongshou has always valued me. They lured me to Qingyunting. If I join them elsewhere, I would really feel uneasy. This is not what a gentleman would do. Come to think of it,

You don’t want to see that.”

"As an elder, I probably shouldn't say this. But how can I bear to let the pearl fall into dust?" Chi Lu looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "A person like you shouldn't be below him."

This statement is a bit excessive, it is almost as clear as saying that Feng Ming is a waste.

In other words, Chi Lu is certain that Feng Ming's series of performances that received praise during this period were due to the influence of this "Yu Songhai".

At that time, outside the Weining Marquis' Mansion, Feng Yue told Feng Ming that they had everything. It was not just that Feng Ming was sensible and successful, but that they had spent all their wealth and had been recognized by the Weining Marquis.


Weining Houfu will support Feng Yue to a certain extent. And within Qingyunting, they only support Feng Yue.

You only need to think about Chi Yue's flattery towards Jiao Xiong to know how important this support is.

Therefore, Feng Yue, who suffered huge financial losses, became more and more comfortable in Qingyunting during this period, and his voice was increasing day by day.

One thing fades and the other grows, Feng Yue gains power, and those who lose power can only be the other sect guards.

Chi Lu may have a true love for talent, or he may be striving for power and took a fancy to Jiang Wang's potential.

In short, he offered a price. Even if it didn't work out, if the words spoken at this moment reached Feng Ming's ears, given Feng Ming's character, it would be difficult not to mind.

It almost blocked Jiang Wang's normal way of getting back the lost building in Yunding Immortal Palace.

Forget it... even if you help me make a choice. Jiang Wang thought in his heart, and said with a wry smile: "What you say is too exaggerated. Master Feng Ming is so showy and restrained, but I am actually far inferior to..."

"Don't talk to me about these empty words." Chi Lu interrupted him directly, very forcefully: "Songhai, most geniuses will not be willing to be inferior to others. You are very smart and talented. But in

Qingyun Pavilion, either Chi or Feng, both of them go hand in hand. You, a foreigner, cannot climb to the top of the mountain. No matter how much Feng Yue values ​​you, can you compare with Feng Ming in his place? Be my adopted son, and you will be Chi from now on.

Family. Think about it, how bright your future is?"

It cannot be said that Chi Lu is not sincere, sincerity is already enough.

But Jiang Wang wanted to overturn the table. He only came to look for the lost building of Yunding Immortal Palace, and did not really come to Qingyunting to seek development.

Why isn't it over yet?

Just when I was thinking about finding some excuse to get over it, I suddenly heard Feng Ming's shout from afar——

"Songhai! Songhai!"

What a timely rain!

"I'm here!" Jiang Wang responded quickly.

For the first time, I thought Feng Ming was quite cute.

The disturbed Chi Lu obviously didn't think so. He ignored Feng Ming's flying figure and took a deep look at Jiang Wang: "Think carefully about what I told you."

"What are you considering?" Feng Ming flew down and asked casually after hearing half of the sentence.

"Nothing." Chi Lu turned to look at him: "How is the thing I asked you to do?"

"It's done!" Feng Ming said quickly: "Father asked me to come to Songhai, saying that he had something important to explain."

"What's the matter?" Chi Lu asked.

"He didn't say!"

"Okay, then you go." Chi Lu was not embarrassed, took a step forward, and flew away.

"What does he want from you?" Feng Ming glanced at his back and asked casually.

"Some swordsmanship issues." Jiang Wang responded casually, but he was already thinking about sneaking into the secret place of Qingyunting at night.

After Chi Lu's statement today, he decided not to delay anymore.

If you continue to mix around, you will become a high-level member of Qingyunting!

A force of this scale is really not attractive to Jiang Wang now. There is also a Lingkong Hall in Chengguo.

He looked at Feng Ming: "Feng Zongshou has something to tell me?"

"Actually not!" Feng Ming suddenly smiled slyly, put his arm around Jiang Wang's shoulders, and said in a very affectionate manner, "Is the person named Chi trying to win over you?"

"Just a casual chat!" Jiang Wang said with a wry smile: "I'm not that popular."

Feng Ming hooked his shoulder, half serious and half joking: "Following him is not a good choice. The next sect leader will definitely be my father, there is no suspense. If you follow us, you will eat hot food, drink spicy food, and eat fish and meat. After ten years

In a few years, maybe you will become Zongshou too. Do you need to look at his face?"

It will take more than ten years for me to get along with a Qingyunting Zongshou. Then I will be a failure...

Jiang Wang muttered in his heart, but said decisively: "I actually didn't think that much. Power and wealth are like clouds of smoke. I wholeheartedly pursue the Tao. It's enough to have a place to live and practice well."

The little brother's attitude obviously satisfied Feng Ming. He smiled and suddenly said solemnly: "It's really a big deal!"

Facing Jiang Wang's questioning look, he looked around and then said mysteriously: "Marquis Weining has quietly left for the front line, and the reefs will be cut in the next two days!"

This news is indeed sudden.

During the more than half a month that Jiang Wang was hanging out in Qingyunting, the revolutionary tide in Yong State was also rolling forward.

After the birthday banquet in Weining, as expected, the entire Yong Kingdom and the Seven Marquises expressed their attitude on various occasions in the following time, resolutely supporting the New Deal and swearing allegiance to Han Xu to the death.

The confrontation between old and new interests did not cause much chaos under the single-handed suppression of Yong Emperor Han Xu.

The reason why only one of the seven princes has expressed their stance one after another is because there was a previous prince who became the "chicken" used to scare the monkeys before the New Deal.

Because Yao Qi, the Marquis of Huaixiang, allowed his family to do evil and forced the people in the fief to death, he was directly stripped of his first-level title and demoted to an earl, saying that he was "saving himself".

Not to mention the profound meaning of the title "Sheng Shen Bo", even the Marquis of Shenlin would cut it off whenever he wanted. There is no doubt about Emperor Yong's determination to revolutionize the government. So far, the government and the public were unimpeded, and his government was connected to the world.

During this period, the Weining Marquis Mansion also kept a very low profile. It closed its doors to thank guests and rarely interacted with people. It was quite a change of heart and a change of old habits.

But suddenly he rushed to the front line and really wanted to lead the troops personally and leave the country!

Jiang Wang instantly understood why Feng Ming was so excited: "It seems that your wealth has not been wasted."

Jiao Wu really led his troops to attack the reef, and Feng Yue really donated all his family wealth. So the battle to attack the reef was indispensable to Feng Yue and his son.

Just like the Qi State used its autumn to attack Yang, the Jubao Chamber of Commerce placed its bets on the Zhongxuan family, and was able to seek gains after the war.

"Do you want me to go to the front line?" Feng Ming asked.

This was the issue that he really wanted Jiang Wang to help decide. He wanted to participate in this battle and share the benefits to the greatest extent, but he was also worried about the prospects of this battle...

After all, the Yong Kingdom had just experienced a major defeat, and many people in the Yong Kingdom had lost their previous blind self-confidence.

The reason why he did not discuss with Feng Yue directly, but came to discuss with Jiang Wang first, was precisely to perform better in front of Feng Yue.

During this time, Feng Yue became more and more satisfied with his son, and his attitude was not as harsh as before. Feng Ming felt the benefits.

Looking at Feng Ming's earnest eyes, Jiang Wang understood that he was completely using himself as a think tank now. He didn't expect that one day he would be able to become a "think tank"... He didn't know what the fat man would do when he told Zhong Xuan Sheng about this next time.

Can't laugh.

Putting aside the messy thoughts, Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and then said: "I think it is feasible. First of all, Zhuang Guo is full and it will take some time to digest. If it is not necessary, he will not do anything. Zhuang Guo will not move.

The Luo Kingdom is better at navy and will not move. The Jing Kingdom failed to knock on the pass last time, and they are not willing to do it again in a short time. When the war is only a duel between the Yong Kingdom and the Jiao Kingdom, the outcome has become easy.

.Even if another Chen State is added, will the Yong State lose?"

This analysis is very insightful.

After hearing this, Feng Ming felt that Yu Songhai was truly a wise man. He could see the general trend of the world as if he were looking at patterns with the palm of his hand. He was simply "my Xixu!"

When Emperor Qin conquered Xi Xu, he dominated the western territory and attacked Chu to see the scenery. I have Yu Songhai, can't I win the position of a mere sect leader?

"That's right!" He nodded repeatedly.

"This is the external situation." Jiang Wang continued to analyze: "From an internal point of view, both our Yong Kingdom and the Momen who currently support His Majesty need a victory to prove their choice. Therefore, this battle is not allowed to win.

Defeat. We have no reason to lose due to power, strength, courage or reputation. As for the Jiao Country, I can't find any reason why they can win."

He spoke like our Yong Kingdom and spoke like our Majesty. He acted very naturally. He has a great sense of pride for the people of Yong Kingdom.

Feng Ming became more and more excited as he listened: "There's a lot to be done?"

Jiang Wang nodded heavily and affirmed: "As long as you protect yourself on the battlefield, this battle will be almost in vain!"

Even if it is just for this period of time together, I will give you the last benefit. He thought to himself.

Because tonight, he decided to take action.

After this action, no matter whether it was successful or not, it was almost impossible for him to get along with Feng Ming like he did now.

This chapter has been completed!
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