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Chapter 38: Cutting the flesh, all evil

Some people are born with the misfortune that they cannot hear or speak.

Some people are stupid and ignorant, and they don’t know the age of their lives.

Some people's parents have died and they are all alone.

Someone was walking well on the road, but suddenly died on a galloping horse.

Someone was walking cautiously through the mountains and forests, but was accidentally killed by a snake.

Unfortunately, unfortunately.

There are so many unfortunate things in the world, and so many unfortunate people!

The power of forbidden Taoism surged, and dark clouds thicker than ink covered the bright moon.

Like despair, cut off from hope.

It is a shadow, a fear.

It is both illusory and real.

It has existed before and will continue to exist in the future.

Everyone who witnessed it felt that their future in life was bleak and their chances of survival were slim. It seemed as if today was the anniversary of death and this period was the day of death.

This is a disaster, a disaster.

The most tragic misfortune is about to come.

The large ancestral hall of Qingyun Pavilion is called the Temple of Shanfu Qingyun.

However, the forbidden secret technique of Qingyunting has reversed good and good fortune, causing disasters and entangled evil debts to gather dark clouds.

Chi Dingfang's strength is simply not enough to activate this technique. He wants to sacrifice his life and soul to bring disaster, and to bring disaster to disaster. He will bring disaster to himself first, and then to others. He will use the most ferocious taboo secret.

This technique creates a way out for Qingyunting.

At this moment, all the monks in Qingyunting, from the sect guardian to the disciples, were all moved.

Even a person as deep as Feng Yue couldn't help but get red-eyed. No matter how much they competed, Feng Chi's two branches were of the same spirit after all. He had been with Chi Dingfang for many years, and he knew very well the dangers of this forbidden secret technique.

Ru, more and more able to understand Chi Dingfang's choices.

When Qingyunting suffered a disaster, Chi Dingfang showed the responsibility of a sect leader.

Standing in front of the mountain.

Kill the sect with your own body!

The dark clouds of calamity completely hung over the thin enemy, pulling in the qi of the underworld, turning happiness and longevity upside down, and misfortune the destiny.

Chi Dingfang's ten fingers changed wildly, his body and mind were burned, and his soul gradually disappeared. Then the dark clouds deepened, and disaster was coming!

At the last moment when this forbidden secret technique is about to be completed.

The thin man, who looked the most identical among the invading enemies, suddenly shouted: "No more fun!"

The sound was sharp and hasty.

He was like a child venting his anger, as if the war to exterminate the family was nonsense, and the life-and-death fight was child's play. You could say "don't play", then "don't play".

Even if he is powerful, these words are too childish.

No one cares about the weight of this sentence.

Only Chi Dingfang himself had a more rapid surge of Dao Yuan, stronger emotions, and faster dissipation of soul life. Only he, who had been fighting with this thin man, knew that his terrifying strength was unfathomable.

Otherwise, why would he sacrifice himself and rely on forbidden secret techniques to break the situation?

But other people's emotions and moods are never within Li Laosi's consideration.

Except for "Third Brother", no one can really influence him.

Faced with the dark cloud of disaster that enveloped Qi Ji, and the desperate fight of a monk from the Four Realms Outer Tower.

He felt threatened, so he "stopped playing".

That's all.

He reached out his right hand, grabbed it casually, and immediately grabbed a long knife from the hands of a Qingyunting monk.

A flash of cold light.

The blade turned upside down and cut off his own neck!

He grabbed the knife in his hand, but instead of hurting anyone, he hurt himself instead.

He is not acting, performing, or bluffing.

The sword struck down, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. The sword was so cruel that it cut directly into the middle of the body, as if it was heading for beheading.

The cold blade separated the flesh and blood and stopped in the middle of Li Laosi's neck.

But he showed no sign of pain, instead grinning.

Right opposite him, without any warning, Chi Dingfang's entire head suddenly flew away!

The headless corpse fell to the ground, and the dark clouds of disaster that were about to bring disaster dissipated instantly after losing the control and support of the caster.

There are few stars in the sky, and the moon is bright in the sky.

The dark clouds have passed, but the clear moonlight is shining down, which makes the hearts of the monks in Qingyunting become cold!

Chi Dingfang’s struggle, Chi Dingfang’s commitment, Chi Dingfang’s desperate efforts...


At this moment, a lot of information in my mind suddenly connected.

"The same magical power..." Feng Yue's face was full of horror: "You are Li Shou! The flesh-cutting demon Li Shou!"

He turned to look at the fat man holding the steel knife: "Then you are..."

He finally understood what this man's strange magical power was, and his voice trembled uncontrollably: "All evil men and demons!"

In other words, this terrifying guess has always been there, but he just doesn't want to believe it, doesn't dare to believe it. But now, he has to believe it!

"Uh..." Li Shou had already pulled out the long knife.

The way he drew the knife was like accidentally digging the knife into the wood while chopping firewood, and then struggling to pull the knife out. He treated his neck like a piece of wood and pulled hard without caring about whether it would hurt.

Even though, everyone who saw this scene felt pain.

He hung high in the air, threw away the knife, put his five fingers together, and tightly covered the hideous wound on his neck. Blood gushed out from between his fingers, dyeing his entire palm red.

The tone was very dissatisfied: "Third brother, why is it that I am the one showing off my power, but he seems to be more afraid of you?"

"Hahahaha." Zheng Laosan had already caught Zhang Yuliu, the only Zongshou of Qingyunting with a foreign surname. During his frightened and helpless struggle, Zheng Laosan directly hit him with a headbutt!


Exploding like a watermelon.

Red and white splashes, warm and smeared all over the face.

Zheng Laosan casually threw Zhang Yuliu's dog-like body away, and his laughter stopped there.

"How else could I be your third brother?" he said.

"Hey!" Li Shou covered his neck and flew towards Feng Yue, not caring about his vigilance or the Qingyunting disciples forming an formation behind him.

"Why are you more afraid of my third brother?" he asked.

With the deaths of Chi Dingfang and Zhang Yuliu one after another, Qingyunting's possibility of victory has been completely eliminated.

Of course, a smart man like Feng Yue would not be unaware that the situation was over. But boring questions like Li Shou made him see hope again.

He realized that the notorious flesh-cutting demons and all-evil demons had different personalities from ordinary people. They had a kind of "innocent" cruelty, and this "innocence" itself might have room to be exploited.

Feng Yue swallowed hard to express his fear more clearly, hoping to satisfy the other party more. He said in a trembling voice: "Actually, I'm both scared, but you guys appear together, and I'm even more scared..."

"No! Not both!"

Zheng Laosan had already shouted from a distance: "You must be most afraid of one!"

He strode towards this side, with the aura of wanting to kill anyone anytime, anywhere: "Tell me! Who are you most afraid of!"

"That's right!" Li Laosi also echoed: "Duplicitous people are the most hateful!"

Cold sweat dripped from Feng Yue's forehead instantly. He realized that no matter which way he turned, he would offend another person. And among these two people, no matter who he offended, he would die.

"Innocent" also means that they may not obey anyone's thinking, but have their own direct behavioral logic.

The thinking and choices of smart people may not affect them at all.

The sophistry, flattery, and campmaking that he is good at are completely meaningless.

what to do?

what to do!

"Actually..." Feng Yue considered.

"Stop playing, business is more important!"

A female voice suddenly sounded, temporarily stopping Feng Yue's torture.

The ghost-like maskless woman froze her figure, standing high in the sky, with her back to the bright moon and her face to the mountain gate.

Her voice roared like waves rolling by: "The master of Qingyunting is dead. This is the consequence of resistance!"

"Qingyunting has been destroyed, and there is no point in fleeing!"

"When I walk in this world, I am not afraid of killing people. I have a rule that I will tell you."

"from now on……"

"Those who hold weapons will die!"

"Those who accumulate magic will die!"

"Whoever moves a step will die!"

"Those who speak out without permission will die!"

The four words "die" in a row were categorical and murderous.

Her ferocious aura was released without reservation, and she immediately occupied the mountain gate, suppressing the monks of Qingyunting who had lost their backbone.

Dang clang...

The weapon fell to the ground.

Among the top leaders of Qingyunting, one sect leader and four sect guards have died, and only one sect leader, Feng Yue, has died. The only remaining sect leader, Feng Yue, took the lead in giving up the resistance.

The spine has been broken, and the courage has been destroyed.

This woman wearing a faceless mask is really vicious and cruel.

Her tone and momentum when she said those rules seemed not to shock anyone, but just to find a comfortable reason for herself to kill.

No one can question her determination to kill. Her fighting spirit, which was already on the verge of collapse, completely collapsed.

Night wind hunting.

The bright star and the bright moon kill the night.

"Ah!" There was still a scream, which seemed particularly abrupt at the suddenly quiet Qingyunting Mountain Gate.

The woman wearing a faceless mask suddenly turned her head to look.

The blood-eyed man who had just taken his hand out of the chest of the monk opposite him explained calmly: "He just moved."

In his hand, he held a complete and bloody heart.

After all, the woman did not do anything to him. She turned back and continued her fierce speech to take control of the situation: "Very good, it seems that we have initially reached a consensus!"

She said in a cold tone: "You have to be afraid, but don't be too afraid! Because I won't kill you all!"

"Hey!" At this time, Zheng Laosan suddenly shouted to her and said seriously: "We are not playing, this matter is very important."

Which thing?

Women who know them well will certainly know that Zheng Fei, this idiot, is talking about who is more terrifying, him or Li Laosi.

This damn fat man was responding to her previous words - "Stop playing, business is more important!"

What kind of brain is this!

The momentum she had worked so hard to build was interrupted repeatedly, and the woman almost exploded with anger.

But being angry with this guy...what's there to be angry about?

It wasn't the first day I knew they were idiots.

Resisting the urge to take off her mask, the woman took a deep breath, letting herself ignore these idiot teammates who had little success and more than failure, and continued to shout: "Now, listen to every word of mine, because it is completely about

Your lives are safe!"

She slowly moved her gaze from left to right, making sure that her intimidation was felt by everyone.

Then he said: "People surnamed Feng and Chi come forward first. You are safe for the time being!"

This chapter has been completed!
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