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Chapter 100 Its hard to say a master

Before Jiang Wang and the three of them squeezed into the front hall, the noise of various people could be heard first.

“Master, master! I am trapped outside the gate of heaven and earth. How can I solve it?”

 A deep and powerful voice responded: "Wait a minute!"

“Master, please help me, how can I clear the fog of ignorance? Every time I explore, I feel inadequate and often afraid of getting lost.”

 The voice from before replied: "Stop for a moment!"

“Excuse me, Master, when can I open my pulse? Can you regulate my physical condition with just one palm and an eye?”

The voice replied again: "Take another look!"

The response is simple, but every answer must point to the key points. It is the complete truth and is really enlightening.

 “As expected of the master of hard-to-speak!”

Jiang Wang has already heard people's praises in his ears.

After these three questions and three answers, the voice shouted again: "Today's three questions have been completed. You can rest!"

Then came the voice of Yang Liu, the true disciple of Diaohailou: "Every time the master appears, except for special invitations, he only answers three questions. The rules of an expert are not to be broken lightly. Don't block the way and don't disturb us anymore!"

Jiang Wang turned around the corner and saw an old man wearing a round cat mask, with a frosty white face, big sleeves fluttering as he walked, and a very fairy spirit, walking in surrounded by a group of people.

This brown round cat mask is the symbol of the Master of Dilemma.

This master plays in the world, only to help others, and does not care about vain fame, so he only shows others with a cat-face mask. Therefore, he also has another nickname, the Cat Immortal.

Yang Liu walked beside him, turning sideways and respectfully saying something to Master Nanshu.

 More people were reluctant to give up, but had to give up their positions.

In this little Crescent Island, not many people dare to offend the true disciples of Diaohailou, and even fewer people are willing to offend Master Nan Shuo.

 It is very rare to meet the master. They have nothing to complain about because they did not get the first three questions.

“What do you think of this person’s cultivation?” Li Longchuan asked in a voice.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "It's so misty and misty that I can't see it clearly."

“Yes.” Li Longchuan’s voice was solemn: “This person is unfathomable.”

Li Longchuan, who came from one of the top noble families in Qi State, has extremely high vision. The so-called strong man has seen countless others, but he still cannot judge the strength of the unspeakable master.

 It can be seen that the person is terrifying.

 Refers to the lobby of the tea house, which is originally a very large tea room, separated by screens for guests to sit and drink tea.

By this time, all the low tables and screens had been cleared. Only in the middle was a dragon-fishing purple sky wooden table and four cloud-silk azure futons.

 Obviously Yangliu did not prepare the position for others.

However, this does not affect at all the many tea drinkers crowded on the wall and sitting on the floor. It is hard to say that the master’s explanation of doubts, even if you just listen to it, you will benefit a lot!

 It is difficult to say that the master did his duty and sat at the top. Zhao Wuyan, who was seeking the truth, naturally sat on the opposite side.

Zishu and Yangliu sat down on the left and right sides.

 Look again at the bystanders who crowded around the wall several times.

 A nice, quiet teahouse has become a place for preaching.

 But except for the jealous Xu Xiangqian, probably no one would have any objections.

Not all the people crowded here were tea-goers. Many people came in droves after hearing the news about the appearance of Master Unspeakable. The owner of the Zhihu Teahouse had to close the doors and declare closure to prevent the teahouse from being destroyed. The bad luck of collapse.

It is hard to say how famous the master is, which is evident from this. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is sought after by thousands of people.

“Ahem.” Yang Liu sat there with high spirits. While reaching for the teapot, he complimented: “It’s hard to say that Master Yang can spare the time to come here today. I’m really grateful to Yang.”

 Zhao Wuyan took off the teapot first: "I'll do it."

Since she is a seeker, this is what she should do.

 Hand the cup and warm the pot, Ma Long enters the palace, washes the tea, orders the tea...

 Her movements are elegant and calm, which is simply a pleasing sight.

The smile in Yang Liu's eyes deepened, and he did not fight with her. He only said to Master Nanshu: "If it is about his own affairs, Yang is actually not in a hurry. It is precisely the matter of my senior sister that makes me worried..."

 He stopped when he clicked and said, "I forgot to introduce you to the master. This senior sister of mine is a student of Longmen Academy and is truly a proud person of heaven."

 Zhao Wuyan smiles at the right time: "The younger generation Zhao Wuyan."

The round cat mask covers the expression of the Unspeakable Master, but it does not cover up his deep and distant eyes.

He sat calmly and nodded slightly, as if he didn't care about the name of Longmen Academy. He only said: "Even if you are a well-known teacher, you should not slack off."

 Those who can point out Chen Zhitao are naturally qualified to say this.

Zhao Wuyan stopped for a moment, lowered his head and said, "I don't dare. I work hard every day, even in the cold and heat."

Master Unspeakable nodded slightly, seeming to agree with this attitude. After pondering for a moment, he asked quietly: "What is bothering you?"

Zhao Wuyan presented the tea cup with both hands at the right time. When Master Nanshu reached out to take it, she folded her hands in front of her and said politely: "This junior has reached the top of the outer building two years ago. In the future, there are also Looking forward. However, it is always difficult to choose the way of God’s presence. In the past two years, not only have I not thought clearly, but I have become more confused. I really don’t know where to go!”

Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan looked at each other and saw the amazement in each other's eyes. Xu Xiang was not good at anything else, but his eye for liking women was first-rate.

  Two years ago, Zhao Wuyan was already a top performer, not to mention his talent.

 And from what she said, she was stuck before God came. It wasn’t that she couldn’t find her own way, it was just that she was too talented and had so many ways that she couldn’t make a choice!

This kind of struggle may be hypocritical when applied to others. But Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan are both extremely talented people, and of course they can understand this demandingness on themselves.

If it is not the firm and best path, I would rather not take a step forward. Without this demanding and perfect mind, how can we achieve greatness?

 “It’s hard to say, it’s hard to say.” The master sighed.

 "It's hard to say" is the mantra of this master, and it's also the reason why he is called "The Master of Hard to Say".

 The path of spiritual practice is indeed difficult to describe. Without a profound insight into the world, it would be difficult to explain it clearly.

 There are like clouds of strong men in the sea, and most of them are burdened by all kinds of things. There are very few who have time to travel around as immortals and enlighten all living beings like Master Nanshu.

“Although it’s difficult to say, please let me know, Master.” Yang Liu spoke warmly at the side and gently pushed a square box.

The body of the box is inlaid with jade beads and has carved pictures by famous artists.

  You don’t have to open it, just look at the outer box to know how valuable this gift is.

However, the master didn't even look at it, but only compared it to Wuyan Dao: "You can take this, you can take that, you can be inclusive, or you can even abandon them all and find another way. It is not necessarily a wrong choice. The road is like the blue sky, boundless. There is no limit. I only give you a word of warning. Whatever your heart desires, you should do what you do."

Zhao Wuyan is thoughtful and a little confused.

Master Nan Shuo asked again: "Do you seem to understand something, but also seem to understand nothing?"

Zhao Wuyan lowered his head in shame: "This junior is foolish."

"This shows that your kung fu has not yet mastered, and your Taoist heart is not firm enough. You have not been able to wash away the dust and see your true heart. You still need to realize it again." The master casually put the square box on the table into his sleeve and sighed: "

Any more talk will be of no use."

This chapter has been completed!
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