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Chapter 185: Hard to say victory or defeat

Yu Siqing knew this very well, although in the previous confrontation between pursuit and escape, he was better than Jiang Wang and once forced him to death.

But that doesn’t mean that he is much better than Jiang Wang in planning the situation. But in the Dingwei area, where the Sea Tribe is completely dominant, Jiang Wang’s room for maneuver is too small and he has few options, so he relies on more

It is far less than that. When he is in control of the situation, he does not need too many tricks at all. As long as he has the word "stable", it is enough to force his opponent to death step by step.

 In fact, the fact that this person was able to struggle for so long with the cultivation of his magical powers in the face of a large army searching and killing him was enough for him to take him seriously.

This man's talent may not be as good as that of Jiao Ming, but he can still be regarded as a genius. Water Ying Rong feared him like a tiger, and White Elephant King made a big show of it. Now it seems that it was not without purpose.

Only in terms of strength, he has the confidence to absolutely dominate the opponent. However, with the suppression of the rules here, his own magical power of splitting the sky is obviously guarded, and the outcome is actually already between two.

The reality is that once he is discovered by the human monks in this area, he will die. No matter if he leaves the boundary river and is discovered by the human monks, or if Jiang Wang leaves and moves in to rescue troops, the result will not change.

 So he actually had no choice. He had to stay in front of the boundary river, and he also had to leave Jiang Wang in front of the boundary river.

In addition, the possibility of his escape is that the follow-up army builds a crystal bridge, rushes to support, and takes him back. At first, he did not hesitate to follow Jiang Wang because there was a large army behind him and could come to support at any time. Thinking that even in the human race

In a strong area, one could rely on strength and speed to kill Jiang Wang as quickly as possible, and then calmly turn back. I didn't expect that with such bad luck, I would step into an area completely occupied by the human race.

 Fighting is certain. Specifically, there are two choices in the way of fighting.

The first is to use all his strength to fight Jiang Wang on the spot, and then wait for Jingqiao to pick him up and return. The second is to rely on the speed advantage to keep Jiang Wang here, wait for follow-up support to catch up, and then fight him together.

  Yu Siqing chose the latter.

 This is undoubtedly the best choice in this situation.

But Yu Siqing soon discovered that Jiang Wang seemed to have no intention of leaving Jiehe to move reinforcements.

He was holding a long sword and stepping on the blue clouds, attacking step by step, as if he was very determined to kill him here and now!

 For him, this was undoubtedly a great slight and insult.

 He suppressed his anger.

Whether it's insult or contempt, only life or death is the final result. Since Jiang Wang is willing to get involved here, he is also happy to accompany him.

However, as the fight continued, Yu Siqing soon discovered that he still missed one thing.

His speed was even faster than Jiang Wang's, especially after he revealed his true form as the Lord of the Sea. He should have been able to move forward and retreat freely and kill at will. But Jiang Wang could always pursue him and use extremely fierce suppression to force him to stand up.

Life and death, no room for breathing!

Although he is faster, the opponent's escape technique that shows Qingyun's mark cannot be easily escaped. He has to work hard to keep the distance at all times.

What makes him deeply uneasy is that he is just a monk with magical powers. How can Daoyuan be so powerful? It seems that he is inexhaustible!

 After stopping Jiang Wang Yijian again, Yu Siqing had to withdraw from his true form as the Sea Lord in order to save huge consumption. The rhythm of the battle seemed to begin to tilt in an uncontrollable direction.

As for Jiang Wang, how could he not know that Yu Siqing was following and that the sea tribe reinforcements on the other side of the boundary river would soon follow? The reason why he did not choose a safer way was to leave the boundary river first to find help from the human monks in this area.

.It is because they are afraid that reinforcements from the Hai Clan will come and allow Yu Siqing to return to the Dingwei area.

 When he found out that he could fight, his goal had already changed.

 His goal now is not to escape, but to kill Yu Siqing!

Chu Mi was forced to die to build the bridge. Before his death, besides "crossing the river", his last words were to curse Yu Siqing and to wish him a bad death.

He lives because of Chu Mi, so he should fulfill Chu Mi’s last wish and really let Yu Siqing... die a good death!

 So he pressed forward step by step and attacked and killed them step by step.

Of course he knew that Yu Siqing was faster than him and could easily deal with his entanglement. But he also had an advantage that Yu Siqing could not match.

 It is his speed, which is based on the immortal skills. The consumption of the immortal skills mainly depends on the good fortune of the skills. There are many of these things in Yunding Immortal Palace!

How long can Yu Siqing maintain his true form as a sea lord? How long can his ultimate speed last?

So Jiang Wang pressed forward with all his strength, in order to intensify Yu Siqing's consumption, and use Qingyunting's continuous flow of good fortune Qingyun to consume Yu Siqing's physical strength, so as to gain more advantages in terms of combat power.

 It can be said that both sides have their own calculations, and neither side can count on the wrong move.

But now, Yu Siqing is indeed in a difficult position.

He did not choose to fight desperately at the beginning, but chose to consume. As time went by, his consumption became more and more intense, and the chance of success in the fight was not as good as at the beginning. Therefore, he could only grit his teeth and continue to struggle with consumption.


 But he didn’t know when reinforcements would arrive.

During the painful wait, he even began to wonder whether reinforcements would come!

Is it possible that Shui Yingrong is deliberately delaying the attack for personal revenge? Or is it possible that he will not advance until the details of the collusion area are revealed, in order to preserve the strength of the army?

 What frightens him is that these things are indeed very likely to happen.

What Yu Siqing didn’t know was that it was Jiang Wang who was also riding a tiger and unable to dismount.

Compared to Yu Siqing, Jiang Wang had no idea when the reinforcements from the Hai Clan would arrive. He tried his best to force Yu Siqing into a fight, hoping to kill him before the reinforcements from the Hai Clan arrived.

But Yu Siqing was a too difficult opponent. Although he was suppressed, had a broken leg, and wasted a lot of money, he still held on to the defense line and gave Jiang Wang no chance to kill.

And once the reinforcements arrive in advance, it will undoubtedly become a foolish choice for him to stay and fight fiercely in front of the boundary river. But he can't let go at this moment!

He was using extreme speed to force Yu Siqing to fight, and Yu Siqing was also escaping from the intense exhaustion. Once he pulled away, Yu Siqing would immediately usher in the craziest counterattack. He, who was not as fast as his opponent, would immediately be defeated.

Will fall downwind.

 So he can only continue!

At this moment, the two warring parties are actually gritting their teeth and holding on, but both sides are extremely ruthless and have no trace of shame on their faces.

 This is a battle about strength, combat wisdom, luck, and more importantly, perseverance.

 No one can tell the outcome until life and death are truly determined.

 However, seeing Qingyun's mark appearing and disappearing constantly, Yu Siqing's figure is even more overlapping.

 In front of this colorful boundary river, black tides, flame waves, claw wind, sword energy... criss-crossed.

 The fighting seemed to be endless.

 “You shall die today!”

Jiang Wang finally found an opportunity. He summoned two prison chains from the void with one hand and blocked Yu Siqing's back. He smashed the blue clouds with one foot and struck the young and frivolous sword in front of him, sealing him from the possibility of dodge. At the same time, he opened his mouth and said Samadhi

Real fire spits out!

 At this time, Yu Siqing was indeed very weak. Under the exhaustion of extreme speed, he could not persist any more than Jiang Wang, who had consumed his skills.

 Without a breath, he fell directly into a killing situation.

 But he showed a victorious smile: "Really?"

Fell back and let the prison chains bind him. Among all Jiang Wang's attacks, he chose the least lethal one.

At the same time, a crystal bridge spanned the colorful boundary river.

 Reinforcements have arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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