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Chapter 239: Return of an Old Friend (Added update for leader 20181004211950939)

 Lv Zongxiao is very good at being a good person.

As soon as Jiang Wang said this, he stood up immediately.

He was tall, half a head taller than Jiang Wang. He patted Jiang Wang on the shoulder and said, "We'll talk about it later. You go and see your friend first. She's in the Full Moon Lake. I won't let anyone disturb you."

 “Okay, okay.” Jiang Wang couldn’t wait any longer: “Then I’ll go!”

 “Let’s go.” Lu Zongxiao responded with an understanding smile: “I’ll show you the way.”

“How does this happen?” Jiang Wang said hurriedly: “I know the way, I can just go by myself.”

Lu Zongxiao waved his hand and said with deep meaning: "Not many people know about your friend coming out of the secret realm of Tianfu. So I'll take you there."

 As soon as he said this, Jiang Wang understood.

The changes in the secrets of Tianfu, whether it is good or bad, before the result came out, Lu Zongxiao did not want to disclose any wind.

 This is also the proper meaning.

 Open the protective circle, walk into the high wall, walk along the long corridor, and walk towards the Full Moon Lake...

This is already my third time here, and my mood is different every time I come here.

When he first came, he had no fear or regrets about the extremely dangerous secret realm of Tianfu ahead. He only had hatred in his heart, only the obsession to become stronger, and just wanted to seize the opportunity.

 When he came for the second time, he was filled with sadness as he sent his friend to sleep, and was confused as to why the world was like this.

 This is the third time today and he has become very nervous.

“She is by the Full Moon Pond. She has been sitting there since she came out of the secret realm. She has not moved at all and has not talked to anyone. I think maybe you can communicate with her.”

 Hand in, [app ] is really good, it’s worth installing, and it’s even supported by Android and Apple phones!

Lu Zongxiao stopped and said, "I'm right here. If you need anything, just call me."

"Okay." Jiang Wang didn't stop or say anything else.

The story of resurrection from the dead is not shocking in the supernatural world.

 But Zhu Biqiong had exhausted her vitality, and the powerful medical practitioners in Dongwang Valley said there was nothing they could do.

The legend of the old man of Tianfu is fragmented, and no useful clues can be pieced together. We only know that he was once the number one in the world, and in the inner realm he was able to defeat three powerful men in the outer building realm who were very famous at that time, and killed them all.

Thus leaving an immortal reputation.

A person's strength is set off by his opponents. No matter how many Wailou monks like Hai Zongming are killed by Jiang Wang, he may not be able to become famous. But if he can cultivate at the Inner Palace realm, he can kill several Hell Wumen at the same time.

Yama's name immediately spread throughout the world!

But that's all the clues. There is no conclusion yet on whether Old Man Tianfu died in battle, or whether he peeled off the seeds of his magical power and traveled around the galaxy on his own, or even whether he died. If you want to analyze it, you can find something useful.

, it is really difficult.

Jiang Wang’s own experience in the secret realm of Tianfu was even more blank. He couldn’t remember what happened there at all, and of course he couldn’t say he had any thoughts.


 Zhu Biqiong is alive.

 Zhu Biqiong seems to be alive.

That innocent silly girl, the silly girl who never meant any harm to others, but was always hurt. She... seems to be alive!

 There is a kind of joy that grows uncontrollably.

Although he was still uneasy, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

 Is it... that those efforts were not in vain?

Those struggles on the edge of the cliff are not completely meaningless, aren't they?

 My friend...my friend.

 Jiang Wang's heart was full of great joy, but also great uneasiness.

 Is she...really alive?

 No matter how long the corridor is, it has an end.

 At the end is the Full Moon Lake.

 A clear wave reflects the sky.

 It was not night at this time, and there was only one idle cloud in the sky above the Full Moon Lake.

 White clouds are reflected in the clear water.

Jiang Wang didn’t know why he looked at the sky, the water, and then looked at the people by the water.

That was a slightly thin figure, sitting silently by the pool, wearing a somewhat bulky blue robe. It was the coat that Jiang Wang took off from himself when he sent her to the secret realm of Tianfu.

“Biqiong?” Jiang Wang opened his mouth tentatively.

The girl's shoulders by the pool trembled slightly, and then she turned her head slightly.

 She then saw Jiang Wang.

 That person you are familiar with.

 The person who is engraved in the heart.

 The person I saw during countless unbearable moments.

 She opened her mouth as if she wanted to shout,

 She pursed her lips again, as if she wanted to cry.

“Biqiong, is that you?” Jiang Wang asked again.

This young man’s clear eyes are filled with soft and delicate hope.

is it you?

 He wanted a definite answer.

 Zhu Biqiong received this information accurately.


 So she nodded solemnly.

 She stood up and faced Jiang Wang: "Although this world is so strange, you are very familiar..."

She swallowed all the tears she was about to cry and all the pain she wanted to express, and smiled brightly: "So, I'm back!"

 “That’s great!” Jiang Wang said happily: “This is great!”

 He almost jumped up on the spot: "This is really great!"

 He who has always been calm rarely loses his composure like this. It can be seen that he is indeed happy in his heart. He is almost crazy with joy!

Zhu Biqiong took a few steps in his direction, but stopped again.

 She could see it and he was very happy.

This kind of joy because of her made her heart sway and her soul light.

She could see that there was nothing false about his joy.

 But...there is only joy.

Zhu Biqiong may not have thought about this before, but now I can't help but think that he doesn't love me. He only has the affection and love between friends for me.

Being liked by friends should be something to be happy about. Even if you want to live or die, you should also laugh a few times. But in my heart, I can't help myself, I can't get rid of it, I can't help but feel sour.

 Do you know what I paid to come back to you?

 Finally, she stood three steps away from Jiang Wang, stopped and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, thank you."

 There is only three steps between them.

Zhu Biqiong thought, if he opens his arms, I will pounce on him.

But Jiang Wang's hands were very disciplined, too disciplined. From beginning to end, there was no tendency to open them at all.

 “What nonsense are you talking about! There is no way to say thank you between us!”

Jiang Wang walked forward openly and looked at Zhu Biqiong carefully to confirm that she was really back and that she was back in good health.

  With a smile in his eyes, he said: "Tell me quickly, how did you come out?"

 Zhu Biqiong glanced at his arms for the last time, looked away, and reluctantly said: "I don't know... When I woke up, I was already at the edge of the pool."

“I don’t know how to talk to people, so I don’t talk. I thought, wait for you to come over. If you know the news, you will definitely come over.”

 Why don't you hug me? This is the question in her heart, and she only asks it in her heart.

“It doesn’t matter.” Jiang Wang muttered, “I can’t remember the experiences I had in the secret realm of Tianfu.”

He was thinking about how to explain to Lu Zongxiao. After all, there was no precedent for this matter. He couldn't dismiss all Lu Zongxiao's worries by saying "I don't remember". Even if he was qualified to do so now, he didn't need to be afraid of Lu Zongxiao, but that's not the truth.


“What?” Zhu Biqiong bit her lip and said, “Is there any trouble?”

"What trouble could there be?" Jiang Wang smiled calmly and covered up the problem: "It's a great thing that you can come back! I won't talk about the past. Those who bullied you have all received their retribution. What are your thoughts in the future?


 He asked her, what do you think?

 Instead of saying, follow me from now on.

 He regarded her as a companion and a good friend, but not a lover or even a subordinate.

 Although it gave her respect and autonomy.

 But the former Zhu Biqiong was just a person with few independent opinions and no idea where she would go.

 Zhu Biqiong's eyes darkened again, and she reluctantly asked, "Did you kill Ji Shaoqing?"

"Don't worry, there's no trouble. I'll remember your instructions!" Jiang Wang didn't want her to worry, so he pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "A fair duel is a fight between life and death. I live and he dies, there is no grudge between us. That's it.

A simple thing. Tell me about you. Do you want to stay in Qi in the future? "

Zhu Biqiong bit her lower lip again and again, and finally said: "I will go back to Diaohailou."





  What is the process of revising an article?

For example this paragraph:

  【It was a slightly thin figure, sitting silently by the pool, wearing a somewhat bulky blue robe. It was the coat that Jiang Wang took off from himself when he sent her to the secret realm of Tianfu. 】

 The first paragraph I wrote was:

It was a thin figure wearing a white skirt, sitting silently by the water. The white skirt and long black hair were as clean as the clear water of the Full Moon Lake.

  Not the tattered appearance she had when she was sent to the secret realm of Tianfu.

It was then that Jiang Wang suddenly felt apologetic and complained that he had not thought of putting on a clean robe for her at that time.】

 After the revision, the reading effect is actually not better. It’s just that sadness was more prominent in the early days, and tenderness became more prominent later.

There may not be the most perfect presentation in the world, and my entanglement may not mean much.

But the meaning of entanglement is that

 The final text is the emotion I most want to share with readers at a certain moment.


 I am walking in a vast world, and I hope you can feel me.

  (Another: I have felt you in the past two days.)

(Again: Leaders of the alliance, please add readers. If one group is full, add the second group 1159982294 Jixia Academy. Then privately chat with Man Xi slowly to read a book and ask him to invite everyone to join the alliance group. There are only nine people in the alliance group now and we are in urgent need of people.

Come chat~)

This chapter has been completed!
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