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Chapter 1089 Time and space, cause and effect

The long and bizarre river of time and space flows quietly in the dry nothingness, rushing past without stopping.

No one knows where the long river of time and space originates, and no one knows where it goes.

No one even knows why it was born and when it will disappear.

The endless flow of time and space creates countless waves and bubbles.

Every wave, every bubble, is a world.

They appear suddenly and disappear in an instant. In the eternal flow of time and space, the birth and death of a world is just a moment.

But this moment, to the creatures in all the worlds, is equivalent to a long time, or even eternity.

What exactly is time?

Why was space born?

No one knows.

Even He Xie, who is wandering in the long river of time and space at this moment, cannot give a definite answer.

Because the laws of time and space he masters are only laws relative to him, or to living beings.

But what does time and space mean to a world, to nothingness, and even to time and space itself? How to measure time and space? Even the most powerful Tiandao Lord cannot give a perfect answer.

He Xie only knew that the past time and space had not disappeared.

They are retained by cause and effect, and they use cause and effect as shackles to bind people's present. People who are entangled in cause and effect, every second they live, are moving forward carrying the overlapping time, space and cause and effect of the past.

When a person's ability is no longer enough to carry the past time and space and cause and effect, he will be bound by the old time and space, unable to continue to grow and move forward, and then he will be swallowed up by the cause and effect that he has formed, and eventually die.

This is the origin of the poison of time and space and the insect of cause and effect.

This is the essence of life and death, the essence of reincarnation, and the essence of time, space and the world.

As evil as it is, if he had never jumped out of the water and his life would have ended with him being hit and killed by a tanker truck in his previous life, it would have been because he had had too many karma, which had caused him to carry the old time and space on his back for more than twenty years.

Years later, he was finally overwhelmed, his body and soul disappeared, and the old time and space also disappeared.

But he got the light cup and went to all the heavens and worlds, so he had more time and space in the past, and formed more causes and effects.

Those shackles are chains of cause and effect connecting the past. They bind He Xie, influence He Xie subtly, and change He Xie.

The longer He Xie lives, the more time and space of the past he carries. The stronger he is, the more karma he creates.

He Xie also became strong enough, so the cause and effect has not completely exploded until now, but it is only a matter of time before the insect of cause and effect catches up, because the higher the realm, the slower the growth of power, and the deeper the restraint.

Sooner or later, the balance will be broken and swallowed by the worm of cause and effect.

He Xie could clearly sense that the frightening sounds coming from the causal shackles were getting closer and closer to him.

Therefore, getting rid of the old time and space and resolving the shackles of cause and effect are his top priorities.

This is not an easy task. In fact, countless talented and talented people have tried all kinds of methods.

Some people forget their feelings and want to destroy their old self and turn into a heavenly being, but it is in vain. The old time and space will not disappear with the old self, because the old self is also a part of the old time and space.

Some people created the world and tried to graft the old time, space and cause and effect into the world, but it was still in vain. On the contrary, because of the birth of the world, more cause and effect was produced.

Some people prove the Tao with all their strength and follow their own only path, but in the end, they are helpless and still dragged down by the past and swallowed up by cause and effect.

The great powers of all heavens and realms have traveled all the roads they can, but no one can succeed.

It seems that the past cannot be shaken off at all, and the cause and effect cannot be resolved at all.

Occasionally there are special measures, but they only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

Such as merit and good fortune, it is true that old causes and effects can be destroyed, but new causes and effects will still be born.

Another example is Bodhisattva, which can indeed shatter the past and resolve cause and effect, but Bodhisattva itself is the power of reverse causation. You must reverse enough cause and effect to obtain the corresponding Bodhisattva. This creates a vicious cycle of paradoxes.

, is still an act of drinking poison to quench thirst.

In short, the poison of time and space and the insect of cause and effect have become a nightmare that all strong people cannot solve.

He Xie controls the light cup and travels through time and space.

When he was a mortal, he understood a truth - the more he knew, the more he understood his ignorance.

Now, he has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

Regarding the world, its origin, laws, time and space, He Xie has a deep understanding of it. Looking at all the heavens and worlds, it is also at the pinnacle.

But in the vast and infinite river of time and space, he felt how small he was.

Everything he understood was still just a drop in the ocean.

He had a vague sense of great terror. This terror arose during the war in the Tomb of Gods World. It was like maggots on the tarsal bones, which made He Xie uneasy.

At first, he thought it was the threat brought to him by Dugu Baitian or Chen Nan, and later he felt that it was the poison of time and space and the insect of a country approaching. But now, wandering in the long river of time and space, he finally clearly sensed where this threat came from.

An aura of destruction filled the entire time and space.

It was this terrifying aura that made He Xie unable to resist at all, and gave him a sense of doomsday.

This forced He Xie to change his original itinerary and follow the path he came from to find Yuanshi Tianzun.

With He Xie's current level of cultivation, Guangzhang has completely become a tool for him to travel, rather than a leader in traveling through time and space.

He can already easily locate his target world in the long river of time and space, thereby achieving the purpose of time and space travel.

If he wants, he can even travel to any time point in any space he has ever experienced.

Even the future.

Of course, going to the past will make his cause and effect deeper, and may even cause the cause and effect insect to arrive in advance.

Going to the future will make the current time and space become the cause and effect itself, forming an established trajectory that is difficult to change. Or it can reach a certain moment when the cause and effect breaks out in the future and allow yourself to be destroyed in advance. This is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, the more he understands the laws of time and space, the more he fears time and space.

Soon, He Xie came to a familiar world.

This is a majestic place, and even with He Xie's spiritual consciousness, the entire world cannot be explored to the edge.

In the center of the world, a huge figure stretching across the sky and the earth sat cross-legged, emitting a blazing light.

Yuanshi Tianzun!

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun again, He Xie finally saw the realm of this saint.

Chen Nan once said that the heaven-level powerful men in the Tomb of Gods world are equivalent to the saints in the prehistoric world. Chen Nan would not make such a mistake without aim.

But the Yuanshi Tianzun in front of him is by no means in the heavenly realm, not even in the heaven-defying realm.

This legendary great power is definitely at least at the realm of heaven!

This chapter has been completed!
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