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Chapter 1090 Goodbye Tianzun

"Are you back?" A rumbling voice echoed throughout the world.

He Xie still couldn't see clearly the true appearance of that figure that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Nowadays, He Xie is already a strong man at the heaven-defying level, but he still cannot see through the true appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun. It is conceivable what incredible realm this powerful person has reached in his cultivation.

He is a saint, but he is already more than Da Luo.

"Meet the Heavenly Lord." He Xie bowed his hands in greeting.

"You and I are Taoist friends, so there is no need to be formal." Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly.

"The Heavenly Lord has given me the grace to teach the Tao and the virtue of teaching the Dharma. The etiquette cannot be abolished." He Xie insisted, "I came here to visit because I was frightened and came here to ask for advice."

"Why are you so scared?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"On a whim, I can't help but be in panic all day long." He Xie said with a solemn expression, "Even if I am in the long river of time and space, I still feel that the disaster is inevitable, but it has nothing to do with cause and effect."

He looked at Yuanshi Tianzun: "I dare to ask Tianzun, is it the long river of time and space that is brewing the disaster of annihilation?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was silent for a moment and sighed: "It is indeed a reverse cultivation of human nature. Your induction is right. All living things have cause and effect, the world has cause and effect, and the river of time and space naturally also has cause and effect."

"Although the long river of time and space is rushing endlessly, the more time and space of the past have accumulated, the longer and slower the long river of time and space is. I am afraid that the day when cause and effect breaks out will not be too far away."

He Xierao, even He Xie, had been mentally prepared for it, and he couldn't help but be horrified.

The explosion of one person's karma can make a powerful man of the heavenly level stay in the physical body and endure the pain of being gnawed by the worms of karma for tens of thousands of years. There is absolutely no way.

The explosion of cause and effect in a world means that all living beings are annihilated and the world collapses.

So what kind of terrifying scene will it be when the long river of time and space with countless worlds breaks out?

He Xie is unimaginable!

If there is a true apocalypse without hope, this must be it!

"May I ask Tianzun, how to deal with it?" He Xie asked slowly, with a heavy look on his face.

He really didn't know how to deal with it. He knew how powerful the insects of cause and effect were. The most despairing thing was not the power of the insects of cause and effect, but their endless number, which seemed to be endless.

When dealing with the Insects of Cause and Effect in the Ten Directions Absolute Domain, He Xie used up nine-tenths of his energy reserves. If the Insects of Cause and Effect had doubled again, He Xie would never be standing here at this moment!

He Xie spent nearly two hundred years dealing with just a cause-and-effect insect in the absolute realm of the ten directions!

What if it is a cause and effect insect in the world?

What if there is a long river of time and space with endless worlds?

He simply could not imagine what a terrifying and desperate scene that would be!

"Without him, we can only fight to the death."

Yuanshi Tianzun's answer did not give He Xie much hope.

"Fellow Daoist Chen sensed the changes in the river of time and space thousands of years ago, and out of desperation, he chose to go back to the world." He explained, which made He Xie suddenly realize.

No wonder a strong person like Chen Nan would be so desperate.

It was just the explosion of Chen Nan's own karma that turned him into a ghoul, helpless.

The cause-and-effect explosion of the entire length of time and space has no solution at all.

"As early as five thousand years ago, some fellow Taoists began to work on this matter. These fellow Taoists were at least Tiandao Venerables." Yuanshi Tianzun continued, "Friend Daoist He, the reason why Taoist Fellow Chen and I hope that you will grow up quickly is that

Because of this, we need like-minded people."

This explanation made He Xie understand a lot of things.

But he also noticed the information revealed in Yuanshi Tianzun's words.

"The lowest is the Lord of Heaven?"

"I dare to ask Tianzun, is there a realm beyond the realm of heaven?" He Xie asked.

The power of the Heavenly Dao in the God's Tomb was unimaginable to He Xie. He could not imagine what incredible existence there would be above the Heavenly Dao.

"Detachment." Yuanshi Tianzun explained, "The real detachment is beyond time and space, beyond cause and effect, and has great freedom and freedom."

"Beyond time and space, transcend cause and effect?" He Xie was greatly shocked and asked quickly, "Can time, space and cause and effect really be resolved with his own strength?"

"It's not resolution, but detachment." Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head, "It's like a golden cicada taking off its shell, getting rid of the old time and space, breaking away from the past cause and effect, jumping out of the long river of time and space, but what can be jumped out is still the present, they no longer bear the consequences of cause and effect, time and space

It’s painful, but you still can’t completely ignore the past time, space and cause and effect.”

"Their past is all left in the long river of time and space. If the long river of time and space is really destroyed and they become rootless ducks, you can imagine what their fate will be."

He Xie shook his head: "Detachment...even the transcendent cannot truly solve cause and effect and time and space."

"If time and space are completely destroyed and cause and effect are resolved, there will be no past."

"Without the past, without cause and effect, we become rootless again..."

"This is really an unsolvable paradox..."

He Xie's voice was full of bitterness.

He is not afraid of challenges or pain, but what he is afraid of is that there is really no hope at all!

But He Xie quickly gave up on this idea.

No matter what, he couldn't just sit back and wait for death. In this case, he could only give it a try, and it would be useless to think too much.

"Fellow Daoist He, two hundred years from now, we will go back to the source and fight against time and space." Yuanshi Tianzun said, "There is not much time left for you."

He Xie nodded slowly.

"Tianzun, I want to resolve the cause and effect of the past, but I don't know what you can teach me?" He sincerely asked for advice.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I only have one piece of advice."

"Please give me some advice from Heavenly Lord!" He Xie handed over his hand.

"Cause and effect will not be eliminated, only grafted." Yuanshi Tianzun said slowly.

He Xie is thoughtful.

Yuanshi Tianzun continued: "Friend Daoist, going back to the origin is the only way to merge with the Tao. Some people choose to be who I was at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, and some people choose to be who I am now. The root of the problem is not how to choose, but how to adapt.

cause and effect."

"Thank you, Heavenly Lord, for your teaching." Finally, He Xie bowed respectfully and left this world.

Before leaving, He Xie turned around and looked back.

Endless colorful chains grow densely from Yuanshi Tianzun's body that reaches heaven and earth, extending to unknown places.

And endless human-faced monsters crawl along these chains towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

There are so many of these human-faced monsters that they have already submerged the world where Yuanshi Tianzun lives.

This shocking scene was not the first time He Xie had seen it, but it confirmed something he had never figured out before.

That is - the worms of cause and effect and the shackles of cause and effect complement each other. When you deal with your own worm of cause and effect, the shackles of cause and effect will wrap around you tighter and tighter. The more worms of cause and effect you kill, the shackles of cause and effect will become entangled.

The more you.

That's why cause and effect is so difficult to deal with.

As for the previous time in the Absolute Realm of the Ten Directions, He Xie only dealt with other people's causes and effects, so the difficulty was naturally not the same.

This chapter has been completed!
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