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Chapter one hundred and eighty third Zhongnan Mountain

After Ren Woxing spent three hours narrating all his lifelong martial arts knowledge, he asked Ren Yingying to dissipate all his martial arts on the spot, and transferred the few internal energy in his body to Ren Yingying, leaving only the last trace of internal energy.

He died by cutting off his heart.

A generation of heroes and unparalleled villains has come to an end.

Although He Xie was not as ambitious as Ren Woxing had guessed, and Ren Yingying was completely useless to him, he still did not go back on his word and kill Ren Yingying.

For him, he doesn't care whether Ren Yingying lives or dies. He has kept Ren Woxing's martial arts in his mind all his life. In any case, he has taught him the skills. The matter of crossing the river and burning the bridge

, he can't do it.

He only left the words "take care of yourself" and then drifted away.

He and Ren Yingying are not from the same world, and he is not afraid that Ren Yingying will come to him for revenge. One day, he will never show mercy again.

After leaving Jianmen Pass, he went all the way north to the territory of Shaanxi Province. Along the way, he continued to integrate and master the martial arts inheritance of Ren Wo Xing, and his martial arts skills increased again compared to before.

Although he could not practice the Star Absorbing Technique, the martial arts principles contained in this martial art still deeply inspired him, which made him even more eager to collect martial arts from all over the world.

Those people from all walks of life who were watching the battle on the arrow tower that day quickly brought the news that Ren Woxing was killed by Lin Pingzhi back to the Central Plains, and the world was shocked again!

The Bloody Hands slaughtered Lin Pingzhi and became famous again.

The rebirth of Ren Woxing was accompanied by a thick storm of blood and blood, which made the martial arts people very afraid of this unparalleled murderer. However, it had only been less than a month, and this man was actually killed!

In the eyes of people in the world, Lin Pingzhi is no longer a genius of the younger generation, but a great demon with superb martial arts skills.

Many people who originally coveted the "Evil Sword Manual" suppressed their greed, but there were also those who were ambitious, seeing how powerful the "Evil Sword Manual" was, they became even more determined to obtain this martial art.

For example, Zuo Lengchan; and Yue Buqun.

He Xie didn't take these things to heart at all. He honed his martial arts all the way to the Zhongnan Mountains and began to search for the ruins of the Quanzhen Sect in the past.

Times have changed, and the largest sect in the world hundreds of years ago now has only a few ruins left. The contents of the ruins have long been plundered by people of all ages, and nothing is left.

He Xie was a little worried that the Tomb of the Living Dead would suffer the same fate, so he searched even harder.

This is not a simple matter. He only knows that the Ancient Tomb Sect is in the back mountain of Quanzhen Sect, and there is a pool that can go directly to the ancient tomb. Moreover, this sect still had descendants in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. The rest,

I don't know at all.

Based on these clues alone, trying to find the ancient tomb site is like looking for a needle in a haystack, because there is no pool within ten miles of the Quanzhen Sect site.

As for the back mountain, He Xie searched for seven days and seven nights, but found nothing. In the end, he had to change his target in disappointment.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and on the eighth day, He Xie finally found traces of the ancient tomb at the edge of a dry swamp at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

He asked local villagers to help him dig for three days, and finally the ancient tomb was revealed!

This place seemed to have experienced a great war, with corpses everywhere. He Xie found many armors and standard weapons of officers and soldiers, as well as traces of being burned by fire. Even the ice jade bed had obviously been smashed and pried apart.

After leaving, it was obvious that officers and soldiers had forcibly attacked this place.

This made He Xie very disappointed.

Naturally, the "Double Ninth Festival Inscriptions" were gone. He Xie found some sarcophagi and carefully explored according to the traces left on the sarcophagi. Finally, he found a mechanism in a stone niche dedicated to his ancestors.

The mechanism had long been corroded with the passage of time. It took He Xie seven hours to carefully open it. As expected, there were several secret books inside. This made He Xie suddenly overjoyed and worried at the same time!

There is no "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", there is no "Nine Yin Manual", and there are no peerless martial arts such as "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms", "Dog Beating Stick Technique", "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" and so on.

But He Xie still wanted to laugh three times to express his ecstasy!

Because in these secret books, he got what he wanted most, the Tomb Sect's introductory mental skills!

This thing is useless for anyone to get it, because strictly speaking it is just a health-preserving method that teaches people to meditate and have few desires. However, for He Xie, it is the most precious thing!

This is what he lacks!

Because this is definitely the part that was missing after being tampered with by the dead eunuch from the previous dynasty!

Eunuchs don't have to be pure, so this thing is completely useless to them, but for He Xie, it's completely different.

At that moment, He Xie was not even in the mood to look at anything else. He took off his clothes and carefully wrapped up these secret books. He left the place, found a secluded cave, and began to study them.

This introductory mental method has a very special name, called "Twelve Young Masters". The key points are to think less, think less, desire less, do less, talk less, laugh less, worry less, be happy, be happy, be angry, and be less.

Good, less evil.

This internal skill and mental method not only coincides with the internal skill of warding off evil spirits, but also greatly expands the movement route of the sword manual of warding off evil spirits.

It can be said that even if He Xie was given the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", it would not be as useful as this introductory mental method, because the introductory mental methods of each sect are used to lay a foundation for the disciples, and the foundation must be solid.

You must practice steadily and cover all the essentials of this sect. If you switch to the advanced martial arts of this sect in the future, there will be no conflicts and no need to revise and practice again.

He Xie tried to use this mental method, and sure enough, the operation route of the evil-repelling internal power extended from Ren meridians to all major meridians. In addition to the twelve main meridians, even the eight extraordinary meridians were involved.

With the supplement of this mental method, not only will it not affect the extremely fast and weird characteristics of the evil-repelling sword technique, but it will not only involve lust, but also incorporate more emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy into the internal skills, making the evil-repelling sword faster and weirder.


And it is a health-preserving exercise in itself, which greatly reduces the harm of evil-fighting swordsmanship!

Of course, the sword technique to ward off evil is not the "Jade Girl's Heart Sutra", and it will never become the "Jade Girl's Heart Sutra". He Xie has never seen the original version of the ancient tomb sect's internal skills, but it seems that it is to train people to be indifferent to the fireworks of the world and to be pure and ascetic.

Only when you look like this can you consider it to be the ultimate success.

It is constantly subtracting, constantly erasing people's various desires. All desires are useless.

But the anti-evil sword manual is different. It uses desire as a catalyst and raw material to hone internal strength.

From this point of view, the eunuchs of the previous dynasty did not blindly modify the classics, but completely changed the nature of the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", but the pattern was smaller, and they just changed the martial arts into martial arts suitable for eunuchs to practice.

And with this "Twelve Young Masters", as long as time is given and as long as He Xie has more profound knowledge of martial arts, he will definitely be able to change the "Evil Sword Manual" that only refines lust and desire as internal force into refining

All emotions are the internal force of the evil sword!

Of course, he doesn't have that ability yet, but if he just uses this introductory mental method to change the limitations that can only be practiced by eunuchs, he can still do it.

ps: The protagonist is about to recover as a chicken, please vote for your support! There are two more chapters to be updated today.

This chapter has been completed!
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