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Chapter 184: Restoring a man's body! (Hall Master S Nangong Shaojie 1/2)

He Xie soon began to try to integrate this introductory mental method with the internal energy to ward off evil spirits.

This is no easy task!

Since ancient times, the birth of an internal skill is due to the astonishing and talented martial arts masters who have carefully considered every word and spent decades of hard work to create it. Moreover, this internal skill still needs to be perfected by inheritors from generation to generation before it can become a classic.

Later generations practice.

The same is true for swordsmanship and boxing. Every seemingly simple movement actually contains a lot of thought. Only by considering various possibilities can flaws be reduced as much as possible.

This is also the reason why it is difficult to innovate and innovate in the inheritance of martial arts.

He Xie is just a primary school student in the martial arts school. Although he is now sure that the evil-repelling swordsmanship is completely derived from the original Tomb Sect martial arts, the two have been completely different after all. It is extremely difficult to integrate them.

Even a small part of it is extremely difficult!

"The Twelve Young Masters" is divided into twelve levels. He Xie just wanted to integrate the third level of "lesser desires" into the sword technique of warding off evil. He didn't have enough theory, so he could only blindly try to fuse it with force.

This is very dangerous. In fact, he can wait until he collects various martial arts and integrates them before taking this step, but he can't wait any longer.

What he did was to first run the third-level mental method of "The Twelve Young Masters", and then directly connect it to the exercise circuit of the evil-repelling internal power, so that the two were forcibly integrated.

But it was not easy. He Xie suffered a backlash from the beginning and vomited blood.

He did not back down and kept working hard. Finally, when he was almost dying, he finally found a suitable movement route, which allowed the two to merge and move smoothly around the world without any obstruction.

He Xie tried to use this new movement route to operate his internal energy, and found that the rate of internal energy growth became much faster again.

It really works!

He Xie was overjoyed, but he still did not give up easily. Instead, he tried to use the technique of crossing the meridians with golden needles to temporarily connect the lower meridians and stimulate the acupuncture points, so that there was an illusion of desire there, and then he tried to exercise his skills.

After two hours of this, He Xie finally determined that it was completely feasible to use this movement route to ward off evil spirits while being healthy!

Although it's not perfect yet, it's enough!

He Xie could hardly wait to start the lottery and draw out his vital parts.

Of course, in order to ensure the probability of choosing one out of six, he must use the "Charlotte Luck" skill again to ensure a 100% probability.

He Xie also risked his life for his lower body.

He first spent an hour upgrading his fighting skills and Qi family swordsmanship to level 1. With his current martial arts attainments, it can be said that upgrading such low-level martial arts skills is easy.

Then, he directly sacrificed these two lv basic skills and obtained 0% European energy value.

There is a 0% probability of winning, which is enough for many people, but not for He Xie. He Xie carefully selected the remaining skills, and it was difficult to choose.

He did not consider special skills and extraordinary skills for the time being, and only considered sacrificing basic skills.

In addition to the martial arts learned in this plane, the previous basic skills include:

,shooting lv7

2, Divine Movement Variety lv3

3. Rain of flowers all over the sky lv6

4, Traditional Chinese Medicine lv5

For these four skills, traditional Chinese medicine is not considered, because medicine and martial arts are not separated, and medical skills are definitely the most important auxiliary skills for He Xie at present.

It would be a waste to sacrifice the two skills of Shooting and Rain of Flowers, because according to the rules of the system, each level of basic skills can increase the European Qi value by 5%. One of these two skills is lv7 and the other is lv6. The increased European Qi

The values ​​are above 30%, and now he is only short of 20%.

But the gods are ever-changing...

He Xie actually hopes that when his martial arts knowledge improves, he can upgrade this light skill and use internal force to activate it.

But now, it seems to be the only one worth it.

Forget it, that’s it!

He Xie finally made a decision. Now he only hopes that he will be lucky enough to meet Tian Boguang in the future and be able to tap out his Qing Kung from this flower picker as compensation for his various changes in magic.

After a little research, He Xie raised the Divine Movement to another level, and then sacrificed it. In this way, the European Qi value finally reached 00%.

This is sure to win!

He Xie suppressed his excitement and started the lottery!

There were no surprises, it was indescribable that I won the lottery!

In the description behind the system, it is stated that if it is not destroyed, it will be owned permanently.

"Should the real body be added to the current body?"

The system makes a query.


He Xie took off his pants and stared at his bare crotch.

A ball of dense light shrouded that part, and then He Xie noticed bursts of tearing pain coming from below. He held it back forcibly. After a few breaths, the ball of light dispersed, and He Xie saw the high flag.


came back!

Even better, it's your own.

He Xie checked it for a long time and finally lifted up his pants with satisfaction.

He tried to run the 2.0 version of the evil-repelling internal power again, and found that there were still disadvantages. If it was run for more than half an hour, there would be a reaction below. Even if the acupuncture points were closed, it would be useless. The internal force would open the acupuncture points on its own. If he continued to run it forcefully,

There is a risk of going crazy.

However, this situation can be overcome. The worst thing is to stop every half an hour and practice "Twelve Young Masters" for a while. He will soon become calm again.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than no chicks. And He Xie firmly believes that as long as he is given time, he will solve this problem completely sooner or later!

He Xie was in a good mood, and then he began to look at other things obtained from the ancient tomb ruins.

In addition to "The Twelve Young Masters", He Xie also found six kinds of martial arts or some small methods in the secret books he obtained. The others just introduced the inheritance and history of the Tomb Sect, which was not anything useful.

It seems that these things are more like those left by an ordinary female disciple of the Tomb Sect.

The second secret book is "Beauty Boxing", which is a set of light and elegant boxing and kicking skills suitable for women. Each move will imitate an ancient beauty, incorporating the unpredictable charm and demeanor of beauties over thousands of years.

The names of the moves are very poetic, such as Hongyu drumming, Hongfu night running, Wenji returning to the Han Dynasty, Mulan bending the bow, Xizi holding the heart, etc.

When this boxing technique is performed, a lotus will grow step by step, or a willow willow, striking the enemy in a graceful and charming way.

This boxing technique is very broad and profound. Except for the sword technique of warding off evil spirits, none of his martial arts can compare with this martial arts in terms of exquisiteness. Moreover, men can also practice it. He Xie remembers that in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Yang Guo

He once used this boxing technique combined with the soul-moving technique in the Nine Yin Manual to defeat Dalba, the second disciple of Jinlun Master.

Everything about this boxing technique is good, but it's too coquettish.

It was hard for He Xie to imagine that he had finally regained his male body, but then he would use his small fists to twist and twist and hit people...

It’s so irritating!

But it is very powerful...

Practice or not?

Very confused...

This chapter has been completed!
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