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Chapter 45 West Virginia, like paradise

rocket missile!

The huge shock wave made He Xie deaf in both ears and felt as if his head was exploding, but he quickly gritted his teeth and turned over, pointing the gun behind him.

At this time, two helicopters were slowly landing on the stadium, and heavily armed drug dealers were jumping out of the plane quickly. One of them just put a rocket grenade into the barrel, and pointed the rocket grenade at this direction.


He Xie's expression changed drastically, he raised the gun and kept pulling the trigger, firing all the bullets in the magazine!

The drug dealer carrying the rocket launcher was covered in blood, but he still gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.

But at this moment, a bullet accurately hit the rocket that was about to be launched.


Violent flames rose up, and he and several nearby drug dealers were immediately submerged in the flames. Broken limbs and corpses flew everywhere. Even a helicopter was affected and was overturned by the air waves. The propellers continued to cut the grass and stirred it up.

Big ball of turf.

He Xie jumped up like a leopard, picked up the suitcase that had just fallen to the ground, quickly changed the magazine, and lay down in the crater in front of the building door and fired at that direction.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets were flying like rain, and by the time the drug dealers hurriedly put up their shields, seven or eight more of them were dead.

Then a hail of bullets made He Xie unable to lift his head, and the drug dealers fired two more rockets, blowing two holes in the building behind them.

He Xie's heart was already in his throat. When the opponent finished shooting, he laughed and raised his gun to fight back.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet hit the shield, but the opponent was unharmed and advanced slowly.

Da da da da da…

He Xie's counterattack was met with more intense artillery fire and a rocket.

"Haha! Fa Ke! I can't help but want to laugh, what a skill!" He Xie laughed loudly, took out a few lighter grenades, and planned to put them close to the enemy and hit them hard!

It is said that the probability of two shells falling in the same crater is infinitely close to zero. He Xie was hiding in the crater and gasping for air. The job of saving the world is really not done by humans!

Mike yelled anxiously from the headset: "Fa Ke! I can't hold it anymore! I'm coming out! Cover me!"

Before He Xie had time to stop him, he saw a man jumping out from the rubble at the door of the building.

Depend on!

He Xie immediately turned around and shot back.

Bang bang bang bang...

Mike rolled and climbed dangerously to get to He Xie's side. The two of them were suppressed by the fierce rain of bullets and could not even lift their heads.

Mike's leg was injured, and his left calf was completely dyed red.

"They were forced out by the firepower in the building and were preparing to retreat, but I couldn't stop them by myself!" Mike yelled in He Xie's ear.

"Fake!" He Xie yelled, "We are caught in the middle!"

At this time, a row of bullets had been fired from the building, and two grenades were thrown. The two people huddled in the crater, and the grenades exploded next to them!

Bang bang bang!

He Xie raised his hand and shot at the drug dealers who were preparing to evacuate from the building, causing them to retreat again. Then he fired two lighter grenades one after another and threw them in along the entrance of the building.

Boom! Boom!

In the fierce fire, the entire door collapsed, completely sealing the door!

"There is no way out, we can only kill all those outside!" He Xie shouted to Mike.

At this time, the second group of drug dealers in the periphery had already approached within thirty meters, very close to He Xie and the others. Perhaps He Xie had scared them by throwing grenades just now, so they stopped advancing, but the gunfire became more intense.

He Xie and Mike were clinging to the ground. With such a dense rain of bullets, as long as they exposed any part of their body, they would be beaten into pieces immediately!

"Call John, request air support!" He Xie shouted to Mike.

After saying that, he quickly threw a grenade.


The moment the grenade exploded, He Xie turned over and fired quickly, killing another person while the opponent was being hit by the grenade explosion.

"John! John! Can you hear me? I need support! I need support!" Mike yelled while lying on the ground.

At this time, this scene in the stadium was watched by many people through surveillance cameras.

On a YF-23 fighter jet, Harry, Eggsy and others stared at the fierce battle between the two sides on the big screen.

"He can't stand it anymore!" Roxie said anxiously, "What should we do?"

"Don't worry!" Harry said without blinking, "Believe in him, he is the best student of the Royal Gentlemen!"

Bobby held a glass of red wine, pointed at the two people in the crater on the screen, and asked: "Where did these two guys come from? Can't you just let them die quickly?"

The men next to him stared at the screen, picked up the radio, and said: "Second Battalion, Second Battalion, kill these two guys quickly!"

At Kentucky United Winery, Arthur and Champagne stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching a helicopter in the yard take off and fly into the distance.

On the screen behind them, footage of a shootout in the stadium was also playing.

"These two young men are good!" Champagne said with a smile, "but I think they can't stand it anymore."

A trace of anxiety flashed in Arthur's eyes. He had previously received a notice from Valentine, asking him to arrive at the Houston Space Center within an hour, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

He knew that this madman Valentine was going to launch his plan in advance!

There was not much time left for him, which was why he temporarily changed his plan and urged the agents of the United States Liquor Organization to go quickly.

But facing the champagne, he naturally couldn't show his anxiety.

"I think they can still..." Only halfway through his words, Arthur's eyes suddenly widened, his face full of shock!

On the screen, the spectators in the stadium who were originally hiding in the auditorium suddenly ran towards the location of the shootout like crazy!

"Mom pissed off Ke'er!" This always elegant old gentleman blurted out a dirty word at this moment.

"Hahaha..." In the control room, Valentine laughed wantonly, his face full of ferocity and excitement, "Let the storm come more violently!"

In the stadium, nearly 80,000 people were running towards this side. There were stampedes everywhere. Many people were trampled to pieces, and many people started fighting with each other halfway. Everyone's faces were filled with madness and passion.

They were so ferocious that they lost their minds and had only one thought in their minds: kill!

"Our five hundred reserve troops have arrived in Houston," Gazelle handed him a glass of red wine. "They will send someone to pick us up in five minutes."

After a pause, Jiazelle looked at Mike and He Xie in the surveillance video and said, "What should we do with these two people?"

Valentin took the red wine and said seriously: "May God bless them!"

Then the topic changed: "In such an exciting moment, shouldn't we play a song?"

Gazelle rolled his eyes and turned on the stadium's public audio system.

When the music started, Valentin spit out a mouthful of red wine and cursed: "Mom, I pissed off Kerr! The taste of this wine is just like the private parts of Slovak menstruating women! Also, what kind of bad song is this!"

At this time, the stadium was completely in chaos, replaced by noisy and crazy roars and roars, the ground was rumbling and shaking, and the momentum of 80,000 people running in unison shocked everyone present!

Hey, Mike poked his head out of the crater, and the drug dealers on the other side were already fighting each other!

At this moment, the brisk melody and singing resounded throughout the stadium:

"West Virginia is like heaven, with the Blue Ridge Mountains high and the Shenandoah River flowing..."

This chapter has been completed!
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