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Chapter 46 Country Road, Take Me Home

In the entire stadium with 80,000 people, only four people are still sane.

Valentine, Gazelle and He Xie, Mike.

Everyone else went crazy!

Valentine's smart card can release a nerve wave that completely suppresses people's rationality and stimulates people's aggressive emotions. Only people who have been implanted with his special chip in advance will not be affected.

"Valentin is crazy!" Mike trembled, "He started early!"

Merlin's voice was ringing in He Xie's ears: "Except for the stadium, the outside world has not been affected in any way. This is just an experiment! Charlie, Valentine must not want to be torn apart by these crazy people, go to the control room and find Valentine

, that’s your only way to survive!”

At this time, the crazy crowd had completely swamped Poppy's people, gunshots were everywhere, and explosions were heard from time to time, sending mutilated limbs and corpses flying all over the sky!

And the crazy crowd was already less than thirty meters away from He Xie and the others.

He Xie looked back at the door of the building that was sealed by the collapse, took a deep breath, jumped up and ran away!

"Hey! Take me with you!" Mike yelled desperately.

He Xie turned a deaf ear and threw himself into the building through the gap created by the rocket bomb!

How long has it been since I took you with me?

If your father is dead and your mother is married, you should take care of yourself, brother!


Mike dragged his left leg that had completely lost consciousness to stand up reluctantly, and used a mini submachine gun to shoot at the people who were rushing towards him crazily!

Da da da da da…

The crowd fell down in rows like cutting leeks, but soon the people behind them rolled over and rushed up.

Mike was completely submerged in the fierce gunfire.

"Country road, take me home, take me back to my roots! West Virginia, Mountain Mother..."

The brisk country ballads still resounded throughout the stadium, accompanied by noisy roars and crazy killings.

The crazy crowd quickly rushed to the building and squeezed in through various gaps.

In the long corridor, He Zhen was running quickly.

"Charlie, the first two!" Merlin's voice sounded in his ears.

He Xie suddenly leaned back and crossed the ground. Two crazy bodyguards were fighting at the intersection of the corridor in front.

Bang bang!

He Xie fired, two shots to the head, and the person slipped under their feet.

He turned over and jumped up, continuing to run forward!

At this time, many people roared and rushed into the building.

"Turn left ahead, there are stairs at the end!" Merlin commanded via remote control.

He Xie ran with all his strength, turned left and ran towards the stairwell.

"There are four in the third room on the left!"

He Xie kept walking, and when he passed the third room, two people who were fighting suddenly jumped out.

He Xie accelerated suddenly, kicked off his feet, and rose into the air. He used the walls on both sides to borrow strength and jumped over the two men!


Ignoring the people fighting crazily behind him, He Xie continued running immediately after landing. He soon reached the door of the stairwell and pushed the door open!


At this time, in the corridor where He Xie ran from before, crazy people rushed out from a certain room. Some of them were fighting each other, some were running wildly, and they occupied the entire corridor in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!

"Fa Ke!" He Xie threw away his pistol and angrily stepped on the closed fire door in front of him.

He is blocked by this door and cannot go up the stairs!

"Damn it! It's Valentine. He used the central control system to lock all the fire escapes and shut down the elevator!" Merlin shouted anxiously in the headset, "Two minutes, Charlie, hold on for two minutes, and I will open the door!"

At this time, the whole building was trembling, and at least several thousand people poured into the building. He Xie quickly looked outside through the door glass. Crazy crowds were coming, and they were less than 20 meters away from the stairwell where he was!


He Xie opened his suitcase and took out all the remaining eight lighters and grenades, and shouted quickly: "Merlin! It's best to make sure the rest of the road is clear!"

He opened a crack in the door and quickly threw a grenade!


In the violent explosion, the people at the front were directly blown into pieces. In the light of the sky, everyone nearby was thrown away by the shock wave, but the people behind stepped on the bodies of the fallen people in front and rushed forward one after another.

He Xie clung to the stairwell door, but the glass on the door was shattered at the first moment of the explosion.

Merlin's voice sounded in the headset: "This is an accident. In addition, there is also a fight on the top of the building, a three-way melee!"

He Xie didn't have time to ask what was going on because the crazy crowd came up again.


He threw another grenade.

Every time an explosion lasts for about nine seconds, the remaining people will continue to surge forward.

He Xie's eight grenades lasted for more than a minute and ten seconds. He had no choice but to take out a micro-grenade and shoot wildly into the corridor!

At this time, the four-meter-high corridor was paved with corpses more than two meters high. He Xie and those crazy people were separated from each other by a mountain of corpses. They crazily climbed over the mountain of corpses to get over. It seemed like the sound of gunfire and artillery fire.

It has a fatal attraction for them.

In the end, even the speed of shooting couldn't keep up with the speed of their rush!

After one minute and forty seconds, the crazy people finally rushed to the door.

"Merlin!" He Xie roared, holding on to the door, "Uh-huh..."


Four seconds later, everyone squeezed in even with the door open!

There was a crash, and the stairwell, which was less than four meters tall, was instantly filled with crazy people!

The song was still playing on the speaker on the ceiling of the corridor.

"The Blue Ridge Mountains are high and the Shenandoah River flows..."

He Xie was already pressed to the ground. He pulled out the tactical knife from his leg and tried his best to kill the person in front of him. He struggled to get up, blood splattered, and in the blink of an eye he became a bloody man!

"Life lasts longer than an evergreen tree..."

"Mom pissed off Ke'er! Hahaha..." He Xie laughed crazily and kept waving the knife in his hand, wiping his throat, stabbing his eyes, cutting off his hands, having a dissection, and piercing the heart...

This knife is very sharp. Every time it goes down, it will cut off the flesh and bones!

"New on the eternal mountain, like the gentle breeze rising..."

"Rolling, rolling, ah..."

He Xie leaned against the wall and slashed wildly with knives in both hands!

There were so many people that he was even squeezed so hard that his feet were off the ground! He could only do his best to kill people, and keep killing and killing! Any head in front of him, behead it! Any arm that stretched out to him, behead it!

Kill kill kill!

In just ten seconds, He Xie had already swung so many knives and killed so many people!

"Country road, take me home, back to the place where my heart belongs..."

"Ho ho ho!"

The small stairwell was almost full of people, but people in the corridor were still pushing in crazily!

He Xie was almost squeezed against the wall, and the space for his body became smaller and smaller, making it difficult to even move his fingers.

He felt it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and his hand seemed to be bitten by a certain mouth, causing severe pain.


He Xie's canthus is about to split, and he screams miserably!

"West Virginia, Mountain Mama, Take Me Home, Country Road..."

"Okay! Charlie!" Merlin shouted.


The door to the stairway on one side suddenly opened, and people crowded in the stairwell rushed into the suddenly opened space like a flood!

He Xie struggled to move, and when he passed the door frame, he raised his hands high, struggled to grab the door frame, hoisted his body, then stepped on the body of the person rolling down the stairs, and jumped up the stairs with a few jumps.

"Country road, take me home, take me back to my roots..."

The singing in the speakers seemed to become more passionate.

He Xie punched a man who was rushing toward him and knocked him to the ground. Then he leaned away from a woman's grasp and hit the woman's neck hard with his elbow, causing her head to hit the wall hard.

He Xie grabbed a yellow-haired young man who was biting him with his backhand, yelled and punched him twice in the eyes, directly blowing the man's eyes out. Then he jumped up into the air and kicked the man on the chest.

The force flew backwards and landed at the staircase partition.

Without stopping at all, He Xie got up and ran upstairs.

"Ho ho ho!"

The people behind chased him like crazy!

"West Virginia, Mountain Mama, Take Me Home, Country Road..."

This chapter has been completed!
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