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Chapter 140 The decisive battle

The scene of the battle caused Yin's eyes to open completely, and a trace of surprise flashed deep in his eyes.

Heixu stared at Charlotte closely, clenching his fists unconsciously.

Not far away from the boundary stone, the realm mentor looked into the distance. The young man with a gentle smile looked surprised, "Evil geniuses are emerging in endlessly. Caixingmen's calculation is correct. This generation will undergo drastic changes."

In the Treasure Pavilion, Mr. Cai murmured to himself, "Many powerful forces have frozen talented people in order to wait for the Caixing Sect's fortune-telling. In recent years, they will break through the ice and keep their bones young. This generation will undergo drastic changes."

,Did this child also awaken from the ice?".

"The eighth game, Zhao Yilong vs. Yin, begins," Cannon announced. The battle site was moved dozens of kilometers away, and the original place had been destroyed.

Zhao Yilong walked out with his sword in hand, staring coldly at Yin who walked out slowly with a smile, his eyes serious.

Everyone was silent. They were optimistic about Yin in this battle. Hui Baiye lost, and the defeat was inexplicable. Yin gave them the same feeling as Charlotte, a little unfathomable.

"Sorry, I give up," Yin said.

Everyone was surprised to admit defeat?

Cannon was surprised, "Are you sure?".

Yin smiled and nodded, "I am no match for Wanjianshan's genius. The combination of a hundred swords is terrifying to death."

Zhao Yilong was angry, "You are looking down on me."

Yin smiled and said, "Of course not, I admire the eldest sister of Wanjianshan, Your Excellency Wendy Yushan." After saying that, he turned to Lu Yin and smiled, making Lu Yin want to punch him.

Zhao Yilong stood in front of Yin with a ferocious look, "Don't admit defeat, fight me."

Silver looked towards the cannon.

Da Pao was helpless. This was the first time he encountered this situation, but the parties involved had no choice but to admit defeat. "In the eighth game, Zhao Yilong wins."

"I don't agree, he is clearly looking down on me." Zhao Yilong roared, pointing his long sword at Yin, "Don't back down, this is a competition for freshmen, not a joke."

The silver monster smiled, "Instead of competing with me, why not save your strength to deal with the next two people? The final battle may be a three-way melee."

Zhao Yilong gritted his teeth and stared at Yin.

Xiaopao patted Zhao Yilong on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, you win."

Zhao Yilong felt aggrieved, he didn't want to win like this, it was worthless.

"Go back, win is win," Cannon said.

Zhao Yilong clenched his sword tightly and stared at Yin unwillingly, this bastard.

Yin was still smiling, so brightly and heartlessly.

Lu Yin didn't want to look at him, fearing that he couldn't help but punch him, his smile would be too scary.

He walked out and heard the sound of cannons in his ears, "The ninth game, Lu Yin vs. Heixu, begins."

Everyone was solemn. This battle was more worth looking forward to than the previous battle between Michelle and Heixu. During this period, Lu Yin was very famous, especially for defeating the people from the Phoenix family and the second in the Fire Domain Refining Ranking, which made him famous.

The Starry Sky War Academy is known as the strongest man in the forefront of the Fusion Realm. The outside world's impression of the Tenth Academy rests on him. Everyone also knows that Lu Yin is very strong, but how powerful he is, they will wait and see.

Heixu walked out calmly, not long after the battle with Michelle, but there were almost no traces of the battle on his body, except for a piece of his clothes being torn open on his back.

Facing Heixu, everyone is under pressure, and Lu Yin is also under pressure. Whether it is because of talent or something else, this person's attack is enough to break through the void. He is a real strong man who can tear apart the void. If he wants to win, he must either fight with Mi

Xue'er also used her talent to fight hard, and eventually exhausted herself, or used an attack beyond his endurance limit to decide the outcome, while Lu Yin had already made a decision.

Needless to say, Heixu took action directly, just like facing Michelle, he slowly raised his hand, then flicked his fingers, and black brilliance shone, exploding in the void around Lu Yin.

Everyone's breath was stagnant, watching this scene. Facing Lu Yin, Heixu's offensive was obviously much stronger than facing Michelle, and he took action to block all directions.

Just because he doesn't speak doesn't mean he knows nothing about the outside world. He also knows about Lu Yin's situation during this period. He even saw it once and acted mercilessly.

Lu Yin's eyes were calm, his legs were bent, and his body disappeared in the moment when the void exploded. He traveled through the void and exploded at a speed that made the void distort, and rushed towards Heixu. The two were not far apart. When Lu Yin appeared in front of Heixu, he

The afterimage had not disappeared yet and was directly swallowed by the void explosion.

A familiar scene reappeared, and everyone's eyes widened, especially Michelle. She knew the power and defense of Heixu better than anyone else. Lu Yin faced the same situation as her.

Lu Yin raised his palm and smacked it down, his eyes fixed on Hei Xu. He saw indifference and disdain in Hei Xu's eyes. This was due to his extreme confidence in defense. His defense made Michelle helpless.

Lu Yin curled up the corners of his mouth, and swung out his nine-fold and nine-fold wave palms. Invisible air currents appeared in his palms. This was the fighting spirit.

In the crowd, Cannon, Xiaopao, Xia Luo and Yin were all startled at the same time, staring closely at Lu Yin's palm.


The air wave crushed the earth, shook the void, and caused an undetectable crack to appear in the void. Heixu's eyes changed from disdain to shock, and then turned into horror. His face turned red, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was shaken by indescribable power.

It flew away, pushed away the airflow, and hit the ground hard. I don't know how deep it sunk in.

Everyone was silent and looked at Lu Yin in shock.

To defeat Heixu with one palm, no one thought before the battle. It was too exaggerated. That strong man who could even resist Michelle's gifted red lotus arrows was actually knocked away by one palm.

Coco opened her mouth wide and stared intently.

Michelle's pupils shrank and she clenched her fists.

Charlotte was surprised, then the corners of her mouth raised, interesting, this is interesting.

Yin's smile became even brighter.

Big Pao and Xiao Pao looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. Heixu was the person they recognized before the competition as someone who could participate in the final battle. They didn't expect to be eliminated here. They knew the terror of the palm just now, and the fighting energy penetrated their bodies.

Shocking the void, Heixu will definitely be seriously injured. He lost this battle.

Lu Yin looked at his palms, and sure enough, the nine-fold and nine-fold wave palm alone was not enough to break through his defense that could tear the void apart. Only his fighting spirit used the power of the nine-fold shock to attack the body through the void. Heixu was careless.


However, even if he is not careless, he will definitely fail. Not only can he achieve nine times the wave palm, with his current physical strength, Lu Yin himself does not know how many times he can withstand the wave palm. With the help of fighting spirit, Heixu is no match.

In the distance, Heixu slowly moved his fingers and sat up.

Everyone looked over and saw that it would be as safe and sound as Michelle's arrow before.

Obviously, everyone was thinking too much. Heixu sat on the ground and waited for a while before getting up. The clothes on his chest were torn, and a clear palm print made everyone's scalp numb, and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth were shiny. He raised his head, glanced at Lu Yin, and said quietly

Go to the other side.

Everyone exhaled. Fortunately, he was not too evil and could still be defeated. Wait, suddenly, everyone remembered something and looked at Lu Yin. Even Heixu, such an evil person, was defeated with one palm. How strong is this guy?

Michelle stared at Lu Yin. There was such a strong person in the Tenth Academy. He was just a new student. His strength was among the best in the Fusion Realm of the three previous Academy.

At this moment, Zhao Yilong was under the greatest pressure. With the unfathomable Xia Luo and the bottomless Lu Yin, he became the weakest.

"The ninth round, Lu Yin wins," Cannon announced, and then added, "The last round, in order to save time, a three-party melee begins."

Lu Yin stood still and looked at Xia Luo. Xia Luo walked out with a smile on his face, "Brother Lu, I didn't expect that it would be us fighting in the end."

"No surprise, I've never been sure of your strength." Lu Yin smiled lightly.

Charlotte smiled and said, "It's easy to see your strength, but your progress is too fast. Now I don't know how strong you are, so please be merciful."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "It's still unclear who will win and who will lose. I'm very curious about your skills in defusing the Great Desolation Palm and how quickly you defeated Lulu."

The two of them were talking, not paying attention to Zhao Yilong who was also walking out, which made Zhao Yilong very embarrassed. He gripped the ancient sword tightly, raised it, and faced the two of them directly. The sword rang softly, and he couldn't wait to fight.

However, his provocative actions did not arouse the slightest interest from the two of them. The combination of a hundred swords was indeed good, but it was just good. He was only lucky enough to advance to the decisive battle, otherwise he would have been defeated whether he met Hui Baiye or Michelle.

There is no real qualification to participate in the decisive battle.

Everyone's eyes flashed. Lu Yin and Xia Luo had collided head-on. A very ordinary palm, but caused an astonishing wave, and a series of shocking aftermath spread, not only shattering the earth, but also making everyone tremble.

"All retreat," Cannon shouted, and everyone retreated immediately.

Lu Yin and Xia Luo's palms were pressed against each other, and their eyes were surprised. What he used was a nine-layered nine-fold wave palm. It is reasonable to say that there are nine levels of power, but only less than three levels of Xia Luo were actually attacked. The other six levels were inexplicably neutralized, making the power more powerful.

It fell sharply, or it hit other places.

Xia Luo's eyes were bright and he had a smile on his face. He actually had the ninth level. No wonder Hei Xu couldn't receive a palm. He used the nine level way to cooperate with his fighting spirit. Hei Xu could resist it only if he could resist it. He tried his best and could only resolve the sixth level, which was good.

With a bang, the two of them separated at the same time. Lu Yin turned around and struck the Heavenly Star Palm, causing seven stars to rotate. On the surface of his body, the Heavenly Star Skill had already been released. He would not forget the silent defeat of Lu Lu.

Xia Luo's eyes were fixed on Lu Yin's palm, and his face was even more solemn than when he faced the nine-fold nine-fold wave palm. Some combat skills can be resolved with star energy, but some are very difficult. He must take the palm in front of him forcefully. Suddenly, a

The slash flew across and towards Lu Yin. It was Zhao Yilong. This was a three-way melee and he didn't want to be ignored.

"Go away!" Lu Yin shouted. He attacked Xia Luo with the Star Palm of his left hand, and struck out with a random palm of his right hand, but it contained nine levels of strength.

At the same time, Xia Luo and Lu Yin did exactly the same thing, using both palms at the same time, one palm to fight Lu Yin, and the other to attack Zhao Yilong.

Zhao Yilong's strongest slash was instantly shattered, and the force of the wind from his palm blasted him a thousand meters away. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.


Lu Yin and Xia Luo's single palms collided in the next moment. The seven-star Heavenly Star Palm was comparable to the nine-fold nine-fold wave palm. Lu Yin was sure that the Heavenly Star Palm would not be so easily resolved. Xia Luo also showed terrifying strength for the first time. He

He did not use his combat skills, but instead used his Heavenly Star Palm to forcibly reverse the direction of his attack. Lu Yin's seven star explosions did not hit Xia Luo's body, but blasted to the ground aside. Xia Luo's eyes flashed, at the critical moment.

With a flick of his finger, an invisible wave shot towards Lu Yin's neck.

This chapter has been completed!
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