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Chapter 1545: What the hell

Lu Yin is the most unjustly accused. He has killed so many corpse kings on his own without the help of others, but he cannot say it yet. Otherwise, he cannot explain the origin of the knife, the aquatic treasure, and the gun. These foreign objects, but

They are all obtained from the Fourth Young Ancestor.

Bai Teng's plan succeeded. He wanted to make Lu Yin's reputation bad, prevent him from becoming a disciple of the Governor-General and the Heavenly Master of the Original Formation, and prevent the White Dragon clan from reaching the peak of fame. Moreover, he did suspect that Bai Shaohong died at the hands of Lu Yin.

The four young ancestors are relatively balanced and should not join forces to kill Bai Shaohong. Among them all, Ju Lu is the most hidden.

Emperor Ni was extremely angry. Sifangtian Plain was originally peaceful, but Bai Teng's move was tantamount to tearing them apart. Bai Shaohong's death made them all crazy.

"Bai Teng, don't make trouble unreasonably," Long Ke shouted angrily.

Bai Teng sneered, "It's so shameless for you, the White Dragon Clan, to unite with a poor family to give that boy military exploits that don't belong to him."

Master Qiuling looked at Lu Yin with a bad expression, "Long Qi, tell the truth, are the military exploits yours? Or are you stealing the Star Alliance's military exploits?".

Lu Yin's face darkened, he looked at Bai Teng, saw the proud look in his eyes, and said coldly, "Bai Shaohong can't do it, it doesn't mean that I, Long Qi, can't do it. Some people say that I, Long Qi, are qualified to be the Young Ancestor."

I replaced Bai Shaohong, but I don’t like this sentence. Has Bai Shaohong ever exposed Red Back? How many secrets has he captured? How many monsters have he killed on the back battlefield? Have you ever set foot on the new continent that represents the hope of mankind? Yes.

Don’t have the ability to repair the original treasure formation?”.

"He can't do these things, so why should he compare with me? I did kill the Corpse King with the help of the Star Alliance masters, but it would be great if he, Bai Shaohong, could protect himself. I, Long Qi, am not you Hanxian

Zong Bai Shaohong is comparable, don’t compare me with that kind of trash.”

The words were sonorous and powerful, and they did not give the Hanxian Sect any face at all, and reduced the young ancestor Bai Shaohong to nothing. Even Long Ke, Ni Huang, Qing Chen and others were shocked.

This is trampling on the face of Hanxian Sect.

"I admit that the Fourth Young Ancestor was really powerful when I first came to dominate the world, but that was also because I, Long Qi, had not broken through to the Enlightenment Realm. After I, Long Qi, broke through to the Enlightenment Realm, who was Bai Shaohong? He dared to use it against me.

"Better than" Lu Yin said loudly, he just wants to be arrogant, forbearance does not exist, he has no intention to become a disciple of Mu Xie, has no intention of becoming a disciple of Qiu Ling, and has no intention of staying in this starry sky. In this case, regardless of whether he is Han Xian Sect or


The Hanxian Sect has no evidence to prove that he killed Bai Shaohong, so he will be fine. When the ancestor worship is over, he will return to the Fifth Continent with the help of the old man. After all, he has spoken to the old man and no one can stop him.

The biggest obstacle to going to the Fifth Continent is gone, so what is there to be afraid of? Not to mention the Hanxian Sect, he now dares to challenge Sifang Tianping, except for the White Dragon Clan, and he doesn't want to be forced to stay in Longshan by the White Dragon Clan.

There was silence under the Zulong altar.

Bai Teng was stunned. As the leader of the Hanxian Sect, he had never been yelled at and scolded by a junior so brazenly. It could be recorded in history.

Bai Teng's eyes suddenly turned red when he thought of recording in history. He would definitely be recorded in history. The dignified Lord of the Sifang Balance was scolded by the younger generation. This incident would definitely spread for countless years and he would become famous.

"Junior, you are so impudent." Bai Teng raised his hand, and Long Ke immediately blocked Lu Yin.

At this time, coercion came and forced Bai Teng to stay in place. Elder Xizi and other members of the Hanxian Sect were unable to get in.

Mu Xie appeared with a calm expression.

Everyone saluted again.

Lu Yin bowed deeply, he was acting arrogant enough, he waited anxiously.

"Bai Teng, are you saying that my humble family faked my military exploits?" Mu Xie said, looking at Bai Teng indifferently.

Bai Teng bowed deeply, "Junior, I don't dare. I just exaggerate the military exploits. Long Qi was in the Enlightenment state and only killed nearly ten corpse kings at the Star Envoy level with the help of the Star Envoy. But Qingchen just used these military exploits."

Attributing it to Long Qi, this junior is not worth it for those in the Star Alliance."

Shameless, countless people secretly cursed, half of the people in the Star Alliance were forced by the Hanxian Sect.

"Long Qi, Bai Teng said you are incapable of fighting against the Star Envoys, but Bai Shaohong can fight against some Star Envoys. Since you despise Bai Shaohong, do you dare to fight against the Star Envoys?" Mu Xie said lightly, looking at Lu Yin.

If he said he didn't dare at this time, even if Mu Xie beat him to death, he wouldn't be able to accept him as his disciple. Lu Yin thought to himself, "This junior dares to fight."

Mu Xie looked at Bai Teng, "What do you think?".

Bai Teng took a deep breath, excitement flashed in his eyes. He had been waiting for this moment. Of course he knew that it was impossible to deal with Long Qi in Longshan, so here comes the use of Shi Xin, "If Long Qi can win,

The junior Shi Xin next to me believed in his military exploits in the New World, and sent him a congratulatory gift to congratulate the White Dragon Clan on acquiring this genius."

"No," Emperor Ni said immediately. He had heard of Shi Xin's name. He could be regarded as an invincible master of the Source Tribulation, a user of the extreme level of fighting energy, and also mastered secret techniques, combat skills, and talents. He once fought against the Seven Heroes.

How could Long Qi be able to deal with such a person?

He finally understood why the Hanxian Sect brought such an unpopular elder to Longshan. They had already settled everything.

Lu Yin looked at Shi Xin in confusion, this person actually made Emperor Ni care about him.

Shi Xin raised his eyes at this moment and looked at Lu Yin, with a rare look of excitement in his eyes, and also with memories. Looking at Lu Yin, he seemed to be looking at the same person before. He was looking forward to this battle.

Bai Teng looked at Mu Xie and didn't care about Ni Huang at all.

Mu Xie said calmly, "Okay", and after saying that, his figure disappeared.

Bai Teng smiled proudly and looked at Lu Yin, "Long Qi, if you can defeat Shi Xin, this sect leader will give you a high look. Otherwise, you are just an arrogant and ignorant junior. No matter how talented you are, it doesn't matter."

"Your future achievements will be limited due to your character." This sentence was vicious. It was meant to be heard by Mu Xie and Qiu Ling. Once Lu Yin lost this battle, in his opinion, he would never be able to become Mu Xie's disciple or Qiu Ling.

Disciples of the spirit.

Emperor Ni was extremely angry, but he never expected that Bai Teng would be so shameless. He looked at Lu Yin worriedly and told him about Shi Xin.

Lu Yin was surprised and looked at Shi Xin. This man actually fought against the Seven Heroes and still kept his promise to never break through the Origin Tribulation. This is really stupid.

But the stupidity was cute. Lu Yin looked at Shi Xin and his eyes changed.

"It is said that Shi Xin was defeated by Lao Qi."

"Yes, I just lost to that old seventh man."

Lu Yin heard it, Lao Qi, then it's not him. He has been defeated by himself once, so now, let's lose again!

Lu Yin overestimated himself a little, and underestimated Shi Xin a little. As soon as they started fighting, he got into trouble. This Shi Xin's physical strength was no worse than the corpse king of the same level who used the gray pupil transformation. This discovery made him

Surprisingly, humans rarely encounter masters with such strong physical strength.

Shi Xin was no less surprised than Lu Yin, or even more surprised. He had never thought that a cultivator below the Star Envoy level could compete with him in terms of physical strength.

With a bang, fists and palms collided. Lu Yin held Shi Xin's fist tightly, and his palms were numb due to the strength of the opponent. His physical strength was enough to compete with ordinary star messengers in the hunting realm.

, and then used ambergris to break through three levels, used body shaping to break through the enlightenment realm, etc., and a series of enhancements, and now he can compete with more than 600,000 powerful warriors.

This Shi Xin is worthy of being a genius who once competed with the Seven Heroes. According to normal development, he should be able to break through more than 700,000 combat power or even higher, but now he is willing to keep his promise and never break through a source calamity, which makes Lu Yin laughable

And respectable.

The Longshan stone is hard, but it also cracked due to the strong force of the collision between the two.

At the same time, he fell into the ground. Shi Xin looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "It's unbelievable that an enlightened person can fight like me like this. You are no worse than the Seven Heroes at the same level, or even stronger."

Lu Yin raised his hand again and grabbed Shi Xin's other fist. The huge force twisted the void around him, causing cracks to spread along the ground and into the sky.

"Who did you lose to in the first place? You were asked to promise never to break through a Source Tribulation?" Lu Yin asked.

Shi Xin said solemnly, "I'll tell you if I win." As he said that, stone veins appeared on his body and spread slowly. Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. Talent? He was a little afraid. He stopped his hand and stepped back. Shi Xin stepped out with a kick.

, the body disappeared and entered the Star Source Universe. Lu Yin activated it at the same time and entered the Star Source Universe.

Countless people around were surprised. They had only heard of the Four Young Ancestors who could enter the Star Source Universe under the Star Envoy. Now, there is one more person. What’s more important is that this person did not temporarily enter the Star Source Universe, but stayed in the Star Source Universe.

Within the source universe, this is beyond the understanding of many people.

Lu Yin didn't have time to care what others thought. He wanted to defeat this Shi Xin right now, but this person was so fast that even if he entered the Star Source Universe, it would be difficult for him to catch his shadow.

This is the speed among the Hanxian Sect's Fengshen combat skills, and is as famous as the Wang family's Four Jue Sanshou and the White Dragon clan's Bailongyou Shenbu.

Golden veins appeared on the surface of Lu Yin's body, and the ten lines of fighting energy illuminated the surrounding area. The field spread at the same time, and with it, there was also spiritual energy.

From the rear right, Shi Xin's body swayed, his face changed drastically, and his energy and fighting skills?

Lu Yin turned around and struck out with a palm, which was empty.

Shi Xin's body was hit by a palm and he exited the Star Source Universe. His legs dragged two deep dents on the ground.

He was knocked back a hundred meters by Lu Yin's empty palm, but he was not injured. Only the stone-like texture on his body surface had cracks, but he recovered quickly.

Lu Yin didn't hesitate and struck out with empty palms continuously.

Shi Xin raised his head, waved his right hand, and a hurricane visible to the naked eye appeared around the body to isolate the void. Lu Yin's empty palm struck the hurricane continuously with the wind god's control, but was unable to penetrate it.

Lu Yin moved his fingers. Trouble was, this person could actually block Kong Kong's palm. This was his most effective attack method.

Shi Xin jumped out and entered the Star Source Universe again. At the same time, a hurricane enveloped his body. He raised his hand and said, "Wind God Slash". After the words fell, a sharp slash came. Regardless of whether Lu Yin could see it or not, this slash would


Lu Yin raised his hand to guide the flow chart.


Huge vibrations resounded through the Ancestral Dragon Altar, and countless sharp slashes turned into thin lines and shot out in all directions. This was the power of the Wind God Slash, which was diverted by the diversion map.

This chapter has been completed!
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