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Chapter 2087 Slippers

Quiro was speechless. Lu Buzheng didn't know Lu Yin yet, but he understood that the strange behavior of the ancestral turtle could not be related to that boy. It was very likely that the boy was the legitimate son of the Lu family, and the ancestral turtle was once a member of the Lu family.

Pets, if anyone can do anything to the ancestral turtle, that kid is the most likely.

On the back of the ancestral turtle, Lu Yin looked at the slipper in his hand in disbelief. The ancestral turtle could really hit it and howled, what on earth is this? Is it really a slipper? It can't be an exotic treasure that looks like a slipper!

After staring at it for a long time, especially the place where there were obviously black footprints, Lu Yin had to admit that these were slippers, absolutely right.

Who would make such a thing? It can hurt the ancestral turtle. This is something that the half-ancestral body of the ancient god cannot do. If this thing hits the half-ancestral body, it will be very painful. Who is so extravagant to make such a thing?

Lu Yin shook it. It looked like an ordinary slipper. It bent out of shape with a little force, but such a thing had unimaginable power. Really, he didn't know what to say.

Unfortunately, I only got one.

Someone should use this thing. He got one. Then, wouldn't there be only one owner of the slipper? Lu Yin swallowed, embarrassed, it was not intentional.

I have shaken it four times and will rest for ten days.

In the past ten days, Lu Yin has been studying the slippers there. He is surprised that there are no runes and no power. How can this thing make the ancestral turtle cry? The material can't be seen. Sometimes he wants to feel it for himself.

For a while, but after thinking about it, I still didn’t think about it. I looked for an opportunity to draw a Half-Ancestor.

After ten days passed, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the next step was - Tianxing Kung Fu.

The Heavenly Star Technique has already moved 80,000 stars, which is not far behind the 99,000 stars of the fifth level of perfection. This retreat must break through to the sixth level.

The dice stopped spinning, two o'clock. Lu Yin shook his head and continued, one o'clock.

Seeing that it was one point, Lu Yin suddenly felt a little hopeful. After all, he had just gotten something good. Unfortunately, a piece of clothing fell out this time. It was useless. Continue.

The third time it panned to four o'clock, as the scene in front of him changed, Lu Yin entered the time-still space.

Cultivation is a very boring thing, and once it takes a long time, you need to meditate.

Fortunately, Lu Yin had the Hui Gen tea that he got from the Hui family, the kind of Hui Gen that the Hui family cultivated themselves. He had the real Hui Gen. Unfortunately, there was only one plant left and he couldn't use it until the critical moment.

While reciting the meaning of the Ancestor Sutra, the stars are moving.

Almost a year passed in the time-stationary space, and the number of stars increased by almost 4,000, which meant that Lu Yin had to stay in the time-stationary space for five years. If it were not for the talent of dice, he would not know how to cultivate this skill to the fifth level of perfection.

How long.

Being in retreat outside is not as comfortable as standing still for a long time, and you are very likely to be disturbed.

As for the outside world, there is still more than a month left before the Tianmen Meeting is held.

The solar system became lively, and cultivators arrived one after another. Most of them could only stay outside the solar system, and only a few elite cultivators could enter.

The Tianmen Meeting is held every five years. This time the Tianmen Meeting has two more events than before, both of which are related to fighting.

The first is the gambling agreement between the ten-member team, and the second is the dispute between Taoists.

Most cultivators don't care about the battle between ten-person teams. Whether it's the Sanjue Tianmen or other Tianmen, as long as someone teaches them fighting spirit, it's fine, even if the Sanjue Tianmen controls the entire fifth largest sect.

The Lu Cultivation System has nothing to do with them, it is too far away from them.

What everyone is paying attention to is the dispute between Daozi.

Daozi is not only an important step in rebuilding Tianshang Sect, but also related to the mysterious half-ancestor Mingnu. Whoever can get help from Mingnu may dominate the situation in the fifth continent. Even if the Sanjue Tianmen half-ancestors are numerous, many people

It seems that she is definitely not on the same level as her.

In addition to the seed players recommended by the major Tianmen, there are also many practitioners participating in this Daozi competition. As long as they are not too old, even if they are a little over a hundred years old, but not too much, they can sign up.

Some gaps cannot be bridged by time, let alone such a short time.

Every cultivator wants to participate, let alone those geniuses who were once famous in the stars.

Outside the solar system, spaceships arrive one after another and park next to the space station. There are also many spaceships parked in the starry sky, not approaching anywhere.

Wu Da led several cultivators around the starry sky. Those cultivators were young and wore cosmic armor. They could not reach the exploration realm at first sight. "Be quiet and don't let anyone see you."

"Boss, there's no need to be so low-key. We have obtained permission from Glory Tianmen and Lu Tianmen to interview those cultivators who want to participate in the Daozi Controversy," someone said in a low voice.

Wu Dali shouted, "This is not low-key, it is attitude. No matter what attitude others have towards us, we must continue as always. Your boss and I have walked step by step from the Starry Sky Battle Academy to now being able to interview the Half-Ancestor. What do we rely on? It's attitude."

A woman curled her lips and said, "Even if someone doesn't agree to your interview, you will go there secretly."

Wu Daodao said, "This is the attitude. As the greatest reporter under the stars, I must know what I want to know." After saying that, he stared into the distance, and a familiar figure flashed past, "Chase, someone passed by."

Not long after, on a deserted planet, Wu Da saw the person who had just passed by, "No wonder he looked familiar, it was him."

"Boss, who is it?", the person behind him was curious.

Wu Daodao, "Abroli, a genius of the gangster clan, who was once a subordinate of King Xingkai in ten decisive battles, a very crazy person."

"never heard of that".

Wu Daodao, "Of course you haven't heard of it, little brat, the Fifth Continent wasn't what it is now. When I was young, boss, I was in the top 100, and geniuses were born one after another. This person is

It was fourth on the original top 100 list.”

"Is this the time when Lu Yin existed?" someone exclaimed.

Wu Dayi was startled, nodded, and sighed, "Yes, there was the era of Lu Yin, and Lu Yin was the symbol of that era. Although it was only twenty years ago, without him, this starry sky is no longer the same starry sky.

At that time, even ordinary people had heard the legend of Lu Yin, and his deeds had never stopped, following everyone like a shadow."

"I heard my mother say it. She said that in that era when the Internet was developed, they would soon know what was happening in the universe and they often saw reports about Lu Yin."

"I have also heard that the name Lu Yin has been with a generation, but it is a pity that he died."

Wu Da shook his head, Lu Yin, I haven't heard this name for a long time. Now everyone knows that Tian Jialan is Chu Yuan and Helo Mebis. But in this era, there is no star energy, fighting spirit, and field.

These powers are widespread in the domain, and what they see are also masters of this type.

Times are gone forever, it’s a pity that Lu Yin, if everything goes well

Growing, I don’t know how high it will reach.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Lu Yin is not here, he is definitely not as good as Brother Chu Yuan," the woman in Wu Da's team said in a low voice. When she mentioned Chu Yuan, her eyes lit up.

No one else refuted.

Chu Yuan, this name has been resounding in the starry sky for more than ten years. He is a supreme Taoist disciple of the Tianshang Sect era. He is known as the leader who will surely become an ancestor and lead mankind to the future. He is the seed of the Three Jue Tianmen's participation in the dispute between Taoist disciples.

The most likely to become a Taoist prodigy.

Even though Wu Da felt sorry for Lu Yin, he had to admit that even if Lu Yin was still there, he might not be able to compete with Chu Yuan. He was not from the same era. Chu Yuan experienced the heyday of mankind, and Lu Yin, if placed in that period

Maybe you may not be able to become a Taoist.

Abroli's appearance did not attract much attention. His popularity was too small, especially since the Haunted Tribe was almost extinct, just like the Reimu Tribe.

Soon after, Murong also appeared, and was recorded by Wu Da. The appearance of practitioners who had once been famous only attracted the attention of some people and failed to cause a sensation.

"It's Wei'an, Wei'an has appeared." There was a sensation outside the solar system. The appearance of a young man attracted the attention of many people.

Wei'an is not from this era. Like Chuyuan and others, he comes from the Tianshang Sect era. He is a cultivator from the second continent. He has no roots and no Ping. He is a casual cultivator. However, he used his sword magic to fight against his peers and even challenged him.

Crossing the river, Lomebis is a genius.

Naturally, he wanted to compete for the position of Daozi when he appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the appearance of a young man once again caused a sensation, Hen Mo, a young man who madly worshiped Sanjue Tianmen. For this reason, he even changed his name and surname just to join the Yi team.

Unfortunately, during the Tianshang Sect era, I was unable to join the Yi Team because of my family background. The Yi Team only accepted casual cultivators.

Even so, this person only practices fighting spirit.

As soon as he appeared, Wu Da immediately ranked him high. In this era of starvation, Hen Mo's mastery of fighting spirit gave him the confidence to challenge Chu Yuan and the others.

Subsequently, cultivators from the Tianshang Sect era came out one after another.

Even Lu Buzheng didn't know how many people were frozen in the ice at the beginning. He only knew that the Lu family also had children participating in the war, namely Lu Lai and Lu Jiao, both of whom were from the sidelines. In their time, these two people were not weak. Although

There is a big gap compared to Lu Tianyi, but he is also someone who has challenged Lu Tianyi head-on.

In addition to these people, on the Sixth Continent, the former domain princes Nan Yanfei and Di Fa also appeared, also competing for the position of Taoist Master.

The newly formed Tianshang Sect includes the Fifth Continent and the Sixth Continent. At the moment, the leader of the Blood Heaven Sect in the Sixth Continent is Jiu Yao. As for the Blood Ancestor, it has also become a legend.

Time continues to pass, more and more people come to the solar system, and there are less than ten days left before the Tianmen Conference is held.

The Three Jue Tianmen, the Immortal Tianmen, the Bloody Tianmen and others have arrived. They were all teleported through the original treasure formation.

All major Tianmen have original treasure formations that lead directly to the solar system, so that they can be evacuated at critical moments.

At this time, Lu Yin had been in seclusion for four years, of course in a space where time stood still.

He has been practicing Tianxing Gong for four years alone. In addition to the previous duel with Hen San and the time for recovery, he has spent six years in this retreat and consumed hundreds of millions of cubic star energy crystal marrow. He used to be very

It is rare that I have been in retreat for so long at one time. It seems that the last retreat was also this long. I am becoming more and more diligent in cultivation.

This chapter has been completed!
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