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Chapter 20146 The level is too high

Facing Mingnu's puzzled gaze, Caixingnu shook her head, her face pale, "I didn't see it, I was repulsed the moment I touched that word." After saying that, she looked around and saw that all the meteorites had disappeared. Logically speaking,

The degree of backlash just now meant that she would die, just like Mr. Zhu, but why not? Only slightly injured?

Mingnu took a deep breath and took out the wireless Gu to contact Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had been waiting, and Wuzu had a lively chat with the instructors. Those instructors treated her with the courtesy of juniors and did not even dare to look directly at her, which made Lu Yin relieved.

The wireless Gu vibrated, and Lu Yin looked over.

"I almost died", this was the reply given by Mingnu.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "What do you mean?".

Ming Nu replied, "This word involves the only true god of the Eternal Tribe. We cannot speculate on that person. Even in the Tianshang Sect era, that person was very mysterious. What does this word have to do with him? You almost killed us."


Lu Yin didn't know that Mingnu had transferred the backlash, and no one would inform him about the lives and deaths of those in the outer universe. After all, it wasn't a big deal.

"What did you calculate?" Lu Yin asked.

The fateful girl's eyes were cold. If the cause and effect hadn't been diverted, she would have been seriously injured. This result was more serious than Lu Yin's fate. "I didn't expect it. I got hurt as soon as I touched this word. I won't worry about it anymore."

Lu Yin's heart sank, and he looked up at the starry sky. These liquids swallowing the star source universe are still not a 'turbidity' plan. What exactly is the 'turbidity' plan that Mr. Mu wants to investigate? Does it have nothing to do with these liquids? It should be related. This

But causing the entire Fifth Continent to lose its star source and causing mankind to regress in cultivation is not a 'turbid' plan. How terrible is a truly 'turbid' plan?

Wireless Gu vibrated, and Ming Nu replied, "Where did you know this word from?".

Lu Yin replied, "I guessed it."

Opposite, Ming Nu and Cai Xing Nu were both staring blankly at Wireless Gu's reply. They never dreamed that Lu Yin could reply with these two words. This was too perfunctory. Even if he lied to them, it would be much better than this answer. This was wrong.

Let them take it seriously.

The anger accumulated in Mingnu's heart towards Lu Yin directly exceeded that of Lu Buzheng.

It was also rare for the star-collecting girl to feel absurd, and it turned out to be Lu Yin, which was unexpected.

Lu Yin's reply appeared again, "This word is very important to me. A cultivator's blessing comes to my heart. This word suddenly appeared when I drank the Huigen tea and made a breakthrough in my cultivation. It is extremely important. I must predict it and do it again."


Mingnu's eyes widened, and she subconsciously wanted to find Lu Yin and give him a life-or-death line.

"Master, he shouldn't have lied," Caixing Nu said suddenly.

Ming Nu was confused, "Do you believe that his word was a guess?".

The star-picking girl said seriously, "I believe that Huigen tea, Huigen, comes from Huizu. It is a rare treasure planted by Huizu. Drinking Huigen tea will open your mind and understand everything very quickly. Coupled with the breakthrough in cultivation,

Something may not happen in the dark.”

Mingnu shook her head, "Even if you have an epiphany, this word will not appear." After saying this, she immediately replied to Lu Yin, "We can't calculate this word."

Lu Yin replied, "Then I will trigger fate. If it doesn't work once, it will happen twice. If it doesn't work twice, it will happen three times. If it doesn't work three times, it will happen countless times. I will succeed once."

Fate Girl gritted her teeth, countless times? It was to kill her. Every time she provoked fate, she vomited blood. Countless times, the blood had already been vomited out.

"It's up to you, since you want to trigger life

If you are lucky, I will help you guide it," Mingnu replied, not wanting to be really hindered by Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was confused, "What do you mean?".

The destiny girl replied, "It's easy for you to induce destiny. In this case, I can only find destiny with you. Otherwise, if fate appears and finds that I have done nothing, it will blame me. Okay, you can continue."

Lu Yin sneered, saying that Ming Nu didn't want him to influence fate because she wanted to become an ancestor and replace fate. Lu Yin believed that, but there was another point. She must have been affected. Just like Xuan Jiu vomiting blood, she didn't feel well either.

He is not afraid of being fooled by others. He had created a legend when he was in the Shuzhixingkong humble family.

"Okay, then I will continue to inspire destiny, and you will help me find destiny together," Lu Yin replied.

Ming Nu's eyelids twitched and she had a headache. She originally thought that Lu Yin was just scaring her, but he actually wanted to trigger fate? This is not possible. If she keeps being tempted by destiny, she will not only be unable to practice, but will also continue to decline. The most serious thing is, maybe

It will really lead to destiny, and it will be difficult to deal with it then.

She looked at Caixingnu and said, "Contact him."

Caixing Nu nodded, obviously, Ming Nu could not communicate with Lu Yin.

Lu Yin put away his wireless Gu and looked at the group of instructors with a headache. He had to trigger Destiny again to scare the girl. This woman supported Daozi unconditionally and always made him uneasy. He didn't know what he was thinking. Finally, there was someone who could beat him.

The method she said cannot be given up.

The instructor of Star Reaching was always wary of Lu Yin. When he saw his gaze, he shouted, "What are you looking at? You are not allowed to touch the Star Reaching Tower."

The other instructors all stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin pursed his lips, why was he acting like he was guarding against thieves? He was too vigilant. Is this still the calm, quiet mentor from before?

At this time, the wireless Gu vibrated again.

Lu Yin looked over.

"I am the star-collecting girl, leader of Alliance Lu. Long time no see."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, telling his daughter that he couldn't continue the conversation, so he asked the star-collecting girl to do the talking. "You have to calculate that word," he replied.

Cai Xingnu was very calm. She knew Lu Yin very well, "That word can't be calculated. Even if we are forced to die, we can't calculate it. We will still help Alliance Leader Lu in the future. Because if one word dies, Alliance Leader Lu thinks it's worth it?".

Lu Yin didn't really want to predict that word at first. He already knew the result, but he just used this to let them predict other things, and at the same time see how much influence the destiny would have on them. Now it seems that it is very big.

Absolutely panicked.

"Okay, Caixingmen and I have always been friendly. That word won't count. Let's change it to another person," Lu Yin said.

Star-collecting girl looked at Wireless Gu, and it was not easy. Lu Yin had to count, let alone people, even an ant was not easy. He was not playing with them, there was no need to count useless things, she even

I don't want to know who Lu Yin is trying to figure out.

"Leader Lu, I was injured today. Let's wait a while and then figure it out," the star-collecting girl replied.

Lu Yin didn't force them, "Three days, help me predict someone in three days."

The star-picking girl was in a dilemma and looked at the fate girl.

Ming Nu said, "Ask him who he wants to predict."

The star-picking girl replied.

Lu Yin told them, "Mr. Mu", that Mr. Mu left twenty years ago and had a bad attitude before leaving. Lu Yin wanted to know what happened to him. Although with Mr. Mu's cultivation, they might not be able to predict anything, but

Lu Yin just wanted to know whether Mr. Mu was alive or dead.

Cai Xingnu has never heard of Mr. Mu, and neither has Mingnu. Generally speaking,

They said that with their knowledge, they could make predictions even if they had never heard of it, but that was aimed at others. For Lu Yin, the more they had never heard of it, the more uneasy they were.

"Ask this person about his identity and cultivation level," Mingnu said.

The star-picking girl replied.

Lu Yin was amused, "If I knew, why would I still use your divination?" He didn't dare to tell them that Mr. Mu was definitely from the ancestral realm, and it was an extraordinary ancestral realm. He at least knew Wu Xing. Wu Xing and Mr. Mu were both acquaintances, which meant

Mr. Mu is at least from the Tianshang Sect era.

These must never be said, and if you do, your destiny girl will definitely not count them out.

The fortune-telling girl frowned and said, "Okay, I'll tell you in three days."

Lu Yin put down the wireless Gu, turned around, and saw all the instructors staring at him, rolling their eyes, "Okay, I won't touch the Star Reaching Tower."

Three days passed by in a flash. During these three days, Lu Yin stayed away from the Star Reaching Tower, which made many instructors breathe a sigh of relief.

He found the Realm Tutor, asked about the crazy dean, and learned a little bit about it. At the same time, many students from the Tenth House gathered around him when they saw him. Lu Yin, as a half-guest tutor who had not yet graduated, gave these students

We attended the class for a day, satisfied our addiction to being a master, and thought that we should really accept a disciple, not a guy like Ku Wei.

After three days passed, he immediately contacted Ming Nu, and it was Cai Xing Nu who answered the call.

"Can we do the divination?" Lu Yin asked.

The star-collecting girl replied, "Leader Lu, this person cannot be from the ancestral realm, right?"

"I don't know," Lu Yin replied.

On the opposite side, the star-collecting girl had no choice but to put down the wireless Gu.

The fateful girl waved her hand, and numerous meteorites appeared again, and she began to divine - Mr. Mu.

Soon, the star-collecting girl vomited blood again. The life girl reacted faster this time and threw out all the meteorites before they shattered. She was not seriously injured, but her face was extremely ugly. "The ancestral realm, and it is not an ordinary ancestral realm, at least it is

"Nine Mountains and Eight Seas".

Caixing Nu felt bitter and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Fortunately, the injury was not serious this time. Ming Nu reacted quickly and she was trained to do so. "Mr. Mu is from the ancestral realm?"

Order the girl to take out the wireless Gu and contact Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was a little worried and hoped that nothing would happen to Mr. Mu.

At this time, the wireless Gu vibrated, and even though there was no sound, Lu Yin could feel the strong anger of Mingnu, "Lu Daozi, this Mr. Mu is at least a terrifying powerhouse at the level of nine mountains and eight seas. You let us predict such a person?"

?Why don’t you let Lu Buzheng try to use Sanyang’s ancestral energy to divine?”

Lu Yin felt guilty, but he replied quickly, "I don't know, have you guessed him?".

Ming Nu was furious, she couldn't tell whether what Lu Yin said was true or not, so she threw the wireless Gu to Caixing Nu, not wanting to contact Lu Yin.

The star-collecting girl said bitterly, "Leader Lu, forgive us for our inability to do anything. This Mr. Mu is too high-level and cannot be predicted by us."

"Are you injured?" Lu Yin's eyes lit up.

"Yes", the star collector replied.

Lu Yinsong sighed, just like the word "turbid" in divination. He never thought about what they could predict. He just wanted to judge whether they were injured. If the results were good and bad, Mr. Mu must be fine, otherwise they would not be injured.

And the 'turbidity' plan is not what it is now.

The result he wanted was achieved, but it was not a good thing for Ming Nu and Cai Xing Nu. The most important thing was that they had no idea that Lu Yin had achieved his goal.

If she knew, Ming Nubao might not be able to rush over and fight him desperately.

This chapter has been completed!
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