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Chapter 2943 The Fish on the Chopping Board

 Lu Qi came closer and stared at Yu Huo.

Yuhuo wanted to smash his head, but now he could only pretend to be stupid.

"The eyes are not very sharp, but they are very flexible. The meat should be of good quality. Okay, let's eat grilled fish tonight." As he said that, he threw the fish on the ground. The fish was overjoyed. This guy wanted to fish.

He could escape, but the next moment, Lu Qi raised his palm high and slapped Yuhuo's tail.

Yuhuo opened his mouth and felt severe pain, making him almost want to resist.

Its tail was slapped to pieces by Lu Qi's palm, almost merging with the ground. Then he slapped his palm horizontally, directly on Yu Huo's head. Yu Huo's head shook and he fell to the ground.

"Hey, you can't run away like this." Lu Qi raised his head and walked away carrying the fishing rod.

On the surface, Yu Huo pretended to be fainted, but in reality he was glaring at Lu Qi's back angrily. He wanted to kill this bastard, and one day he would kill him with his own hands.

With his brain groggy, Yuhuo rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, swept his fins, and cut off his tail, and he was about to escape.

Suddenly, it stared blankly at the figure walking out of the void not far away, then lay its head on the ground, pretending to be dead.

Lu Yin walked out of the void and turned his head to look into the distance. Many cultivators took action above the Zhongping Sea, causing chaos in the Zhongping Sea.

He didn't stop him. If he could find fish and fire, it would be worth it.

"Hey, Xiaoqi, why are you here?" Lu Qi walked out carrying the fishing rod with a new hook on it.

Lu Yin said: "Relax your mind."

"Dad, why are you still here? Isn't the matter of the 100,000 water channels solved?"

Lu Qidao: "This place has a good environment. Ancestor Tianyi is also worried that the Eternals will take action here. You know, fighting with the Eternals is no longer limited to the battlefield at the back. In the past, the Eternals could only come over with one or two Seven Gods.

God, the battle is on the back battlefield, and now, the Seven Gods, the True God Guards, Cheng Kong and others are here, and they may take action against the 100,000 waterways."

Lu Yin nodded, that's right, Yu Huo took action against the White Dragon Clan.

During this period, I have been looking for traces of fish and fire, and there is a lot of movement.

Lu Qi sat on the beach, holding the fishing rod: "The White Dragon Clan was wiped out?"

Lu Yin sat next to him: "Yes, only a few people survived."

Lu Qi stared into the distance: "I have pity on that girl Long Xi."

Lu Yin didn't say anything. He was thinking about who Long Xi could find as his master.

"Among the four directions, the one I hate the least is the White Dragon Clan, even though it was the White Dragon Clan who used Zu Mang to turn around and push us out." Lu Qi murmured.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Why don't you hate me?"

He let the White Dragon clan go and let them guard the lower world. He thought that some people in the Lu family would be dissatisfied, but in the end no one was dissatisfied. At that time, he was thinking that maybe because of his identity, the Lu family catered to him wholeheartedly.


Lu Qi sighed: "Do you know how the White Dragon Clan came to be?"

Not far away, Yuhuo's eyes flashed, and he also wanted to know that the White Dragon clan is close to its bloodline and can almost be considered the same clan, but the White Dragon clan is human.

When he learned that the White Dragon race existed, he was still very surprised.

Lu Yin was puzzled: "How did it come about?"

Lu Qidao: "Human beings continue to try and use various methods on the road to becoming stronger, especially when facing the pressure of the Eternals."

"Most cultivators practice normally, and some extreme ones, like the Xia family, force the branches of the main line to fight in order to select the children with the most potential."

"But there are even more extreme ones who want to use the power of other creatures to strengthen themselves. That's how the White Dragon Clan came to be."

"The Daoyuan Sect came out of a powerful ancestral realm. Without telling my Lu family, they selected some people to merge with the ancestral python bloodline. In the end, only one person succeeded, and that person was the first White Dragon clan member."

"Long Ancestor?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Lu Qi shook his head: "The first White Dragon tribesman died soon, but he also left an heir from that ancestral realm, and Long Ancestor is the best descendant."

"The pain of merging a human body with the blood of the ancestral python is difficult for outsiders to understand. The White Dragon people have endured this kind of pain. This is a dereliction of duty by the Daoyuan Sect, and it can also be regarded as a dereliction of duty by the Lu family."

"Chen Zu took the initiative to fuse the blood of the giants, which was not tolerated by everyone in that era. After the White Dragon tribe was exposed, the ancestral realm strongman knew that he would die, so he rushed into the forefront of the fight with the Eternal tribe, and finally died in Eternity

In the hands of the tribe, his death did not bring an end to the matter. Over the long years, the White Dragon tribe has always been looked down upon by others. They have a longer lifespan than humans, can use the White Dragon Transformation, and have far more talents.

Ordinary people, but still regarded as aliens.”

"Many people openly and secretly targeted the White Dragon Clan, much more seriously than they did against Chen Zu. Although my Lu family helped the White Dragon Clan several times, they could not solve the root cause. It was not until Long Zu was inspired by Wu Zu to break through the ancestral realm that this situation was completely resolved.

Change, no one dares to offend a strong person in the ancestral realm, even behemoths like Hanxian Sect and Shenwutian do not want to offend a strong person in the ancestral realm."

"The White Dragon Clan has a grudge against humans. It stems from the oppression they have suffered for many years. Their appearance is a dereliction of duty by our Lu family."

Lu Yin understood: "It is precisely because of the experience of being targeted by humans that the White Dragon clan tried their best to go up, the higher the better, so they were used by the Hanxian Sect."

Lu Qi sighed: "Only those who have experienced that era understand what happened to the White Dragon Clan. Chen Zu's hatred for the main line of the Xia family made him rob the mountains and seas that originally belonged to the Xia family, and also robbed an extra mountain, causing the Xia family to completely lose

Nine mountains and eight seas have also cultivated a Xia Qin who hates the Xia family. If Chen Zu is like this, the White Dragon clan will only get worse."

"Zu Mang turned over not only the Lu family, but also the former White Dragon clan. In that turn over, they bid farewell to the former White Dragon clan and became the balance of the world. But that was not a farewell, it was just a way to vent and be used. Bailong

The Dragon Clan’s real turnaround happened just now.”

Lu Yin interfaced: "The White Dragon Clan washed away all their sins with a genocide, and also showed us all their determination not to betray humanity. From now on, the White Dragon Clan is the White Dragon Clan, and they are real people."

"This is what Elder Nihuang wants to see."

In the distance, fish and fire are angry and stupid. They are all stupid people. Since they have been oppressed by humans, why not resist completely? If you don’t succeed twice, you will not succeed twice. What are you afraid of? Race is just a certain form given by the universe.

, Creatures originate from the universe, there is no betrayal or betrayal, they are all a bunch of stupid people.

It doesn't matter whether they are destroyed or not. These wastes are not worthy of being of the same species as ourselves, but there are a few missing. It doesn't matter. We will have a chance to deal with them later.

Wait, Yuhuo sadly found that he seemed to be unable to escape, where would the future come from?

It rolled its eyes and panicked. Was it considered a fish on the chopping block?

"Xiao Qi, what are you going to do with that girl Long Xi?" Lu Qi suddenly asked, staring at Lu Yin with bright eyes.

Lu Yin was in a complicated mood, and he didn't know it either.

"There is also the daughter of the Thunder Lord. Do you want Ancestor Tianyi to help you propose marriage? It's time for dad to have a grandson. By the way, there is also that girl named He Ran. She is so cool. She went to Super Time, didn't she?

Dad thinks she’s pretty good too, and that Nalan fairy, and…”

Lu Yin had a headache: "Dad, I have a wife."

Lu Qi pursed his lips: "It's not like there can only be one."

"Aren't you the only mother?"

"That's my true love."

Lu Yin looked at Lu Qi. If he wasn't afraid of being struck by lightning, he would really want to give him a break.

"Ha, I caught another one. Let's have a grilled fish feast tonight. Xiaoqi, what kind of food do you want to eat?" Lu Qi said proudly.

Lu Yin smiled and looked at the sea. This feeling was really good. It would be even better if his mother was still alive.

The family is reunited, chatting with their parents, drinking with the Seven Heroes, and accompanied by Yan'er. There is no regret in this life. The simpler the wish, the harder it is to realize it.

"Let's go." Lu Yin said.

Lu Qi regretted: "Don't you stay for a grilled fish feast?"

"Next time." After saying that, Lu Yin left.

Lu Qi shook his head, muttered something, and continued fishing.

The fish fire is getting more and more anxious. It wants to escape but can't. It feels like that bastard Lu Qi has almost caught enough. Once it's over, he will grill the fish. It's over. Will he really be eaten?

Lu Qi put away the fishing rod: "Shu Tan, those people are looking for fish like crazy in Zhongping Sea, causing a lot of fish to swim here, haha, it's just an advantage for me."

Fish and fire are sad, that's how it came about.

Lu Qi grabbed the fish fire with one hand and said, "Come on, let's start grilling the fish."

Yuhuo's eyes were ferocious. He tried his best. At worst, he would return to his clan. With divine power in his body, he might not die. It would be better than being roasted here. Just when he thought of this, a figure suddenly walked out of the void, holding a long sword, and the sword shadows were continuous.

Nothingness, piercing Lu Qi.

Lu Qi sneered: "How dare Xiaoxiao dare to sneak attack on me."

With a snap, the sword shattered, and Lu Qi grabbed the person with one hand: "Show me who you are."

Suddenly, the figure raised his head, revealing a pale face: "I stayed overnight and came back." After the words fell, his body suddenly exploded.

Lu Qi waved his hand and slapped away the flesh and blood: "Yebo? Is this guy not dead yet?"

No one noticed that at the moment when the figure sneaked up on Lu Qi, the fish jumped into the sea and swam away quickly, leaving only the battered fish tail.

On the seabed of Zhongping, Yuhuo was excited and ran away. With such good luck, someone happened to attack that bastard Lu Qi. Was it Ye Bo? He knew this person.

The moment Ye Bo took action and self-destructed, he jumped into the sea just in time to hear the name.

Ye Bo is no stranger to the Eternals. He has brought great damage to the Tree Starry Sky and is almost as famous as Chengkong. The Eternals contacted him several times and tried to get him to join, but he was rejected. Chengkong even came to visit in person.

, also failed, not even knowing who Ye Bo is.

The Eternals are very concerned about this night mooring, but there has been no sign of this guy's activity for so many years. The Eternals thought this guy was dead, but they didn't expect him to show up again.

Are you back again? It seems that his cultivation has improved, otherwise he would not dare to attack Lu Qi head-on.

If he could help the Eternals win over Ye Bo, it would be a great achievement.

It happens to be empty and the night mooring can fill the gap.

Yuhuo kept thinking and swam towards the distance. Suddenly, a feeling of being watched appeared. It quickly accelerated its speed, but this feeling became increasingly clear.

This chapter has been completed!
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