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Chapter 2949 normal

 Glancing at Dahei, he still stayed here since he had no choice but to prove that he had not given up. Has he done this before?

The starry sky overturned, and Lu Yin stared at the giant beast. Although this guy has sequence rules that make it impossible to fight against, its speed and strength are not exaggerated. Although its destructive power is very strong, it is about the same as Xia Shenji. If it can

It is not impossible to solve the problem by making the sequence rules disappear.

If it were Lu Yin's identity, he would have various ways to prevent the sequence rules of the giant beasts from affecting him, but he is now Ye Bo.

Ye Bo doesn't have Lu Yin's strength, so he has to rely on other methods.

From the side, the sharp claws swept across. Lu Yin avoided it and controlled an Ancestral Realm Corpse King to approach. When the giant beast's claws fell again, Lu Yin knew that this blow needed to be resolved with a leg impact. He did not hesitate to control the Ancestral Realm Corpse King.

The Realm Corpse King struck the giant beast's claws with his legs.

With a bang, half of the corpse king of the ancestral realm was torn to pieces by the giant beast. Lu Yin's eyes froze, and part of the sequence particles of the giant beast was missing.

That's right, if you adapt to the rules and take action within the rules, you can wear away the opponent's sequence particles. This is also a type of rule.

No matter who you are, it is one thing to master the sequence rules. To what extent you can master the sequence rules and to what extent you can utilize them, you also need to practice. This is also the watershed between the strengths and weaknesses of the sequence rule practitioners.

The sequence particles that represent sequence rules are equivalent to a kind of force.

As long as you act according to the opponent's sequence rules, you can grind away the opponent's sequence particles.

Old Monster Mo is a dark sequence particle. If he wants to maintain darkness, the sequence particles will continue to be consumed. As long as it lasts long enough, he will eventually consume all the sequence particles, and the same goes for everyone else.

Lu Yin didn't know how this giant beast could cultivate to the level of sequence rules. Logically speaking, such a giant beast that only relied on instinct to fight should not reach this level, but no one could explain it to him now.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the sequence particles on the giant beast's claws were decreasing, Lu Yin took action and displayed the destructive power of the ancestral realm. Although the combat skills were rough, as long as the destructive power was sufficient, it would be fine.

At the same time that Lu Yin took action, Dahei also took action.

Two attacks fell on the giant beast, tearing its body apart. Unexpectedly, the defense of this giant beast was not as strong as it looked.

The giant beast roared and raised its claws to grab again.

Still the old method, Lu Yin sacrificed the Zombie King of the Ancestral Realm to adapt to the rules of the giant beast, wear down the opponent's sequence particles, and then take advantage of the opportunity to take action again.

After several repetitions, the giant beast continued to be severely damaged, especially Dahei's power, which was full of corrosive power. Lu Yintian could see clearly that the sequence particles controlled by the giant beast were not even half of what it was at the beginning.

Of course, the price he paid was not small, as he directly killed three Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings.

An Ancestral Realm Corpse King also died on Dahei's side.

Of course Lu Yin didn't care about the loss of the Ancestral Realm Corpse King. He didn't expect that Dahei didn't care at all. The Ancestral Realm Corpse King was just like a tool.

Blood spilled across the starry sky, and the giant beast panted heavily. If it did not take action, Lu Yin and Dahei could not take the initiative to take action. They could only counterattack the moment the opponent's sequence rules took action, otherwise they would take the initiative. Faced with the sequence rules of the giant beast, they

Also bad luck.

Surrounded by the endless battlefield, the melody of fighting seems to never disappear.

The giant beast stared at Lu Yin, and he was the first to think of counterattack at the expense of the Ancestral Realm Corpse King.

"Why did you massacre my people?" the giant beast roared.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he looked at Dahei. He was also curious.

Dahei didn't answer, just stared at the giant beast. "My clan has never fought with you and others, and in my memory, I have never seen a creature with your appearance. Why did you massacre my clan?"

No one answered it.

The giant beast roared: "What is the reason? Since there is massacre, there must be a reason."

Lu Yin looked at Dahei again. Have you never been in contact? Then why did the Eternals massacre? There must be a reason. It seemed that Dahei was not ready to say anything.

Dahei waved his hand, and the shroud swept away towards an ancestral realm giant beast in the distance, and the slaughter continued.

In front of him, the giant beast roared and raised its claws to attack Dahei. At the same time, its body continued to shrink, eventually shrinking to about the same size as Lu Yin and the others.

Lu Yin was surprised and his body shrunk. Was he sacrificing strength in exchange for speed?

The giant beast's claws swept towards Dahei, and the same scene appeared again. Dahei used the Ancestral Realm Corpse King to push forward, wearing away the opponent's sequence rules. Taking advantage of the moment when the sequence particles were worn away, he took action, and the black beam of light slammed down,

Lu Yin took action at the same time.

However, this time, the giant beast avoided it, and its speed increased several times: "You still want to slaughter my people, and my people will eat you alive."

Dahei raised his eyes, and divine power surged out of his body. Behind him, the shroud rose into the sky, and was wrapped by the divine power, forming a dark red shroud and sweeping towards the giant beast.

Lu Yin exhaled and finished.

The giant beast is so big that it can be covered by a big black shroud, and its divine power is not enough, but it seeks death on its own and shrinks its size, which is enough.

The giant beasts had no idea that divine power could fight against sequence particles. They had not used their divine power in the previous attacks. They were waiting for this moment. Divine power is the power that determines victory or defeat.

The dark red shroud directly knocked away the giant beast's claws and wrapped it.

The giant beast was shocked. It was impossible. This piece of cloth actually ignored its rules? It could have been destroyed before.

No matter how it attacks, it cannot destroy the shroud blessed by divine power.

The shroud continued to shrink, the wails of giant beasts could be heard from inside, the bones shattered, and blood sputtered out, making the originally dark red shroud even more bloody.

Around him, many giant beasts roared and rushed forward, but Lu Yin easily stopped him. He looked at the shroud, watching it shrink more and more, and the wailing sounds of the giant beasts gradually disappeared. In the end, not even the bones and debris were left, only the shroud.

A shroud fluttered back to Dahei and wrapped around his body.

The divine power on the shroud has faded, but the color is still so black.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. This is really a powerful weapon. Even those who are strong in the sequence rules can be crushed to death. Even if those strong ones in the sequence rules like Old Monster Mo are caught in the shroud blessed by divine power, they will be in danger. Look for opportunities.

Kill this guy.

The strongest behemoth in this time and space is dead, and the other behemoths have no ability to resist.

"We are willing to surrender to you and become your mounts." It is the nature of giant beasts to fear death and beg for mercy.

Lu Yin originally thought that Dahei would agree. After all, he was a creature of the ancestral realm and could bring help to the Eternals.

But he never expected that Dahei would start the massacre without hesitation, including the ancestral realm giant beasts and other giant beasts.

At this moment, Lu Yin doubted whether he was one of his own. He had sacrificed the Ancestral Realm Corpse King just like him before, and now he did not hesitate to kill the giant beasts of the Ancestral Realm who were willing to join the Eternal Clan. Lu Yin would not believe him even if he said he was not one of his own.

Seeing the giant beasts being slaughtered continuously, Lu Yin had already stopped taking action.

This space and time will eventually be destroyed.

After crossing the Star Gate, Lu Yin was followed by two Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings, stepping onto the Eternal Realm with numb expressions.

Looking up, Dahei also walked out of the star gate, and behind him were densely packed corpse kings arrayed out, ascending to the star closest to the star gate.

When the last corpse king walked out, the star gate swayed, fell, and hit the ground of the Eternal Realm.

Lu Yin's eyelids twitched, no way, could it be that all those star gates on the land of Eru were destroyed in time and space? How many must there be? How is it possible?

"Well done, Mr. Yebo." came the voice of the ancestor.

Lu Yin looked around, his pale face expressionless and his eyes unchanged: "Is that also the captain of the True God Guard?"

Xizu smiled lightly: "Yes, his name is Dahei, and he is not bad at all."

Lu Yin nodded and said nothing.

"Do you have anything to ask?" Xi Zu said softly.

Lu Yin stepped aside, and behind him were two Ancestral Realm Corpse Kings: "Three were sacrificed."

"It doesn't matter. If you can solve a sequence rule creature, sacrificing a few corpse kings is nothing." Xizu said with a smile.

Lu Yin was curious: "Why destroy them?"

Xizu smiled: "When rules become the norm, they are no longer rules."

Lu Yin didn't quite understand.

Xizu raised his hand and pointed in a direction: "We have prepared a high tower for Mr. Yebo. The location is not far from Yuhuo. It can be considered as an advance congratulations to Mr. Yebo for becoming the captain of the True God Guards."

"The Ancestral Realm Zombie King can only give these two to sir for the time being. I will make up the rest as soon as possible. Sir, welcome to join the Eternal Clan."

Lu Yin nodded: "Thank you."

After bidding farewell to his ancestors, Lu Yin came to the place she pointed out. A tall tower stood like the tower of Yuhuo, and outside the tower stood a beautiful woman.

"Meet the master." The woman saluted respectfully.

Lu Yin knew that every tower had maids to meet the needs of the tower owner. In the ancestral realm of mankind, there were human maids. The maid of Yuhuo was not a human being. She was also a fish and was of the same race as Yuhuo.

"Where are you from?".

The maid replied respectfully: "Master, this villain comes from ordinary time and space."

"Have you ever heard of the Six-Party Conference?"

"Return to the master, no."

Lu Yin entered the tower. This woman's time and space should have nothing to do with the Six Directions Society. Human beings live in many parallel time and spaces. This is also the source of the endless supply of corpse kings of the Eternals.

"May I ask what resources the master needs? I will apply to my ancestors."

Lu Yin almost impulsively mentioned Star Energy Crystal Essence. At his level, he should no longer need resources like Star Energy Crystal Essence. If he brought it up, it would inevitably make people suspicious of Lu Yin.

"I want to eat fruit fish."

The maid wondered: "Fruit fish?"

"A kind of fish that grows in the galaxy in the original space. It's very delicious." Lu Yin said, he wanted to see if the Eternals could get it.

The maid did not hesitate, bowed respectfully, and then left.

Half a day later, the maid returned: "Master, our ancestors have ordered people to collect them."

Lu Yin hummed and stopped giving any further instructions. He stood on the edge of the tower and looked at the mother tree of the Eternals in the distance.

Divine power flows from the mother tree like a waterfall. What is on the mother tree?

Which Seven Gods does the tall tower closest to him, near the mother tree, belong to? Lu Yin is quite curious.

What he is most curious about is Bai Wushen. He has never seen his true form until now. The ancestor of Tianyi has fought against Bai Wushen before.

This chapter has been completed!
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