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Chapter 3669 snatched away

 The Xuyuan of the Gate of All Laws continues to bury masters. It is recognized as the place with the most powerful people in the Linghua Universe. Now it seems that the Ji Palace is not bad either.

A Lan, a Zi Tianshu, and this old man. It is not clear whether there are other strong people who have overcome hardships secretly. Anyway, there are at least three, plus the extremely strong Yu Sangtian.

The Ji Palace is the most difficult place to defeat in the spiritual universe.

Hua Manyi was guarded by three strong men. Yu Sangtian didn't need to severely damage his consciousness because he couldn't escape.

Before Lu Yin merged into Hua Manyi's body, this guy was still playing cards and was very bored.

Memories kept pouring in, and Lu Yin knew that Hua Manyi had told Yu Sangtian almost everything he knew. There was no need to ask anything. As long as he knew everything about the universe of consciousness, the land of Yi soil, and even the situation of Yi Tian Que.

As he said, there is another hidden thirteenth phenomenon called Buwen, which is in the form of a human woman, but he doesn’t know where it is hidden.

That Buwen also didn't know where Hua Manyi was hiding.

We can contact each other, but we don't know where they are.

There is another thing that he wants to tell Yu Sangtian, but he can't. It's that Yemeng pretends to betray the universe of consciousness, and the realm of Yiland is actually the burial place set by the universe of consciousness for Yu Sangtian. He can't tell this.

, a lock was restricted in his mind, and that lock came from the thirteenth zodiac sign, which is recognized as the oldest and strongest one.

Yu Sangtian seemed to know it, so he didn't force him to ask, and he couldn't find out.

Hua Manyi was very cooperative in Ji Palace. Of course, what he knew was not unexpected by Yu Sangtian. The two had been fighting in the universe for so many years, and Yu Sangtian might have known more than him.

His value is to be imprisoned, waiting for the complete destruction of the conscious universe, to take refuge in the spiritualized universe, to become a conscious life that is given and enslaved, and to cooperate with someone to perform spiritual warfare skills, that's all.

Hua Manyi seemed to have accepted her fate. Unless Yu Sangtian died in the conscious universe, the conscious universe would have a chance to counterattack the spiritual universe.

Lu Yin exited the fusion, his consciousness returned to his body, and he looked toward the sky.

This Hua Man Yi is of little value to Yu Sangtian, as long as he is imprisoned, but it is of value to himself.

Sure enough, there are benefits to subconsciously pretending to be injured.

Lu Yin took one step and walked out of the boat domain. Soon he came to Tianwaitian and took a deep breath. In order to avoid intervening in Yue Ya and his affairs, Yu Sangtian went to parallel time and space. But how could a person in the universe cut off all of a sudden?

Cause and effect, now that he is gone, he has to pay the price.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed and his figure disappeared.

Beyond the sky, Lan looked at the big tree in the distance that was constantly sprinkling spiritual seeds. Wujiang's several resource mobilizations successfully reduced the number of spiritual seeds in the spiritualized universe. The outside world was collecting spiritual seeds everywhere. Some people rumored that the more spiritual seeds were used, the more they would be used.

Few, spiritual seeds are scarce.

It's just a farce.

Suddenly, her expression changed, and she turned around suddenly. There were aftermath waves in the sky, and the Lingbao formation reacted: "Enemy attack--"

Thirty-six Xiaosang reacted quickly. When Lan discovered the enemy attack, they joined forces and transformed into spiritual treasures to instantly cover Ji Palace.

On this day, Ji Gong faced an enemy attack that the Ling Hua Universe had never seen since ancient times. The biggest enemy of the Ling Hua Universe is the consciousness universe. However, the consciousness universe has been passively attacked and it is impossible to counterattack the Ling Hua Universe. In addition, Ji Gong

There are some of the strongest masters like Yu Sangtian, but no one has ever thought about Ji Gong.

Now, it appears.


A loud noise, the incarnation of thirty-six little sang

The Lingbao was directly shattered, and the thirty-six domains were scattered and hit in all directions. He coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

Lan was horrified, how could it be possible? The incarnation of Lingbao can withstand Sangtian level attacks. Even if it can be broken, it should not be so fast. Who is this person? The first thing that came to her mind was Lu Yin. Only Yu Sangtian level battles

Power can do this.

There was no time to think about it. The moment the body-incarnation spirit treasure was broken, Lan held the foundation of the wild sequence and pressed it outside the palace.

At the same time, deep in the Ji Palace, Hua Manyi put down her cards and looked outside. Is something going on?

The three old men guarding him all opened their eyes, their gazes as deep as the sea.


There was another loud noise, and Lan felt like her heart had been hit hard, and she couldn't help coughing up blood. There was no one in front of her, she couldn't see anyone, she couldn't see anything, the only thing she knew was that the wilderness was being attacked.

When the second palm landed in the wilderness, and the particles of the wilderness sequence shattered, Lan vaguely saw a figure passing by, and then his vision went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

Lu Yin broke through Thirty-Six Xiao Sang's body spirit treasure with one palm, broke the foundation of the wild sequence with two palms, and stunned Lan with heavy pressure. Everything happened in an instant.

In the realm of Palm God, Wuhuang, who can perform the Nine Heavens Transformation against him, has reached the level of Yusangtian at this level, so they cannot fight against him.

What Lu Yin cares about most is not the powerful men in Ji Palace, but the Tomorrow Beast.

He didn't know what kind of strength this giant beast had, and he couldn't see it. This was what he was most afraid of, so he struck quickly and didn't affect too much, just because he didn't want to anger Asumamon.

The Ji Palace was deep and dark. This was the first time for Lu Yin to enter. In the past, the closest thing to here was the entrance to the Ji Palace.

The pressure was like a swallowing abyss. Hua Manyi shrank her eyes, who?

The three old men stood up and attacked outside Ji Palace at the same time, but were swept away by the majestic consciousness in an instant.

"Hua Manyi, take action."

Hua Manyi subconsciously released his consciousness, joined forces with Lu Yin, and pressed against the three old men. The two starry sky-level consciousnesses were beyond the strength of the three of them, and they all fell to the ground.

"Who?" Hua Manyi was alert. In front of his eyes, a familiar face appeared: "Lu Sangtian?" He took action without hesitation.

Regardless of whether Lu Yin was saving him or not, his instinct made him take action against Lu Yin. This human being was even more terrifying to him than Yu Sangtian.

But then, his pupils dilated, and Lu Yin came within five meters of him and took control of his body.

Lu Yin controlled Hua Manyi's body, grabbed his own body and rushed out of Ji Palace.

At this time, Lan happened to wake up. This was part of Lu Yin's plan. If Lan didn't wake up, how could he see the next scene.

Lan had a splitting headache. She looked up and saw Hua Manyi's proud smile, passing by her and leaving a card behind: "Tell Yu Sangtian, it's not certain who will be restarted, hahahaha."

Lan wanted to take action, but was unable to do anything. She could only watch Hua Manyi leave with another mysterious man.

She spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground again.

After leaving Tianwaitian, Lu Yin looked back at the Tomorrow Beast. This giant beast was very quiet and had no intention of breaking out. Lu Yin especially glanced at its palm. He would have to go there sooner or later.

After his consciousness returned to his body, Lu Yin grabbed Hua Manyi and returned to Wujiang.

As long as he was within five meters, Hua Manyi had no possibility of escaping or resisting. After Lu Yin returned to Wujiang, his consciousness merged into Hua Manyi's body again and he checked his memories.


Now, half a month has passed, and there is no news about the attack on Ji Palace. Tianwaitian does not want to wipe out the majesty, but Lan contacted Zhouyu several times to talk to Wujiang people, and tried to talk to Lu Yin, but he was rejected. Wujiang's reason was

Lu Yin is practicing in seclusion.

Lan didn't know if that mysterious person was Lu Yin. Looking at the spiritual universe, the only one with the strength to do such a thing was Lu Yin. But Lu Yin had indeed experienced a battle. She wanted to confirm whether Lu Yin was injured or not.

See something.

But he couldn't even see Lu Yin's face.

Hua Manyi was captured by Lu Yin and sent to Tianwai Tian. Logically speaking, there was no need for Lu Yin to rescue it just to exchange for Wu Wei?

Even if he needs to be rescued, he should find a way to save her after the expedition to the consciousness universe, not now, as Yu Sangtian will come back at any time.

Lan couldn't figure it out. The reason why she couldn't confirm that it was Lu Yin was because of Hua Manyi's attitude. That mysterious man must have joined forces with the conscious universe, and Lu Yin shouldn't have joined forces with the conscious universe, otherwise he wouldn't be afraid of being surrounded by the spiritualized universe.


Hua Manyi's attitude reminded Lan of another hidden phenomenon in the Thirteen Days.

But do the Thirteen Elephants have such terrifying physical power?

The characteristics of physical power are too obvious, and it may be that the universe of consciousness is blaming Lu Yin.

Who was Lu Yin's opponent in the battle he just experienced? Could it be this mysterious man?

Lan thought a lot, but had nowhere to start. The only thing she could do was to block the news and wait for Yu Sangtian's return.

Wujiang, Lu Yin's head was spinning. Although Hua Manyi has not survived as long as Wuwei, it has existed for a long time. The memory is as vast as the sea, and it is impossible to read it all in a short time. Lu Yin can only see a small part, such as about the meaning of land.

Land, about the situation of Yi Tianque, etc.

Yitianque, what Wuwei experiences is different from what Huamanyi experiences.

Yu Sangtian should be back soon. Lu Yin looked at the flowers and clothes, then let's get started.

More than ten days later, Yu Sangtian returned and heard that Ji Palace was attacked. Lan's story reminded him not of Lu Yin, but of eternity.

Yue Ya and Xing Fan were attacking Lu Yin. He knew that, so he went to parallel time and space to avoid this battle. He knew very well that Lu Yin could be easily fished away, but it was unlikely that he could escape unscathed.

As he guessed, Lu Yin was injured and recovered in Wujiang.

Then, it is very likely that the one who attacks Ji Palace is Eternity.

Yongheng wants to join forces with the universe of consciousness? Otherwise, what should he do to save Hua Manyi? And Hua Manyi should have seen Yongye a long time ago, otherwise he would not cooperate so quickly.

Lan was sure that Hua Manyi had guessed that someone would save him, and that confident smile impressed her so much.

Yong Yong is definitely not as dangerous as Lu Yin.

First, he teamed up with Lu Yin to plot against Yue Ya and find out the situation in Jiuxiao Universe, and now he teamed up with Consciousness Universe. He was once Linghua Universe's helper against Tianyuan Universe. Yu Sangtian didn't even know what this person was thinking.

If he hadn't been worried about Yue Ya, he would have taken action when Yong Yong and Ru Guo appeared in Zhouyu.

I can't find it now even if I look for it.

As for the other hidden Thirteen Heavenly Symbols, he didn't find it, and it wasn't the main purpose in the first place.

If Hua Manyi is imprisoned, even if there is a Thirteen-day Elephant hidden outside, it will not prevent him from venturing into the universe of consciousness. But now that the situation has changed again, he will not feel at ease unless the threat of eternity is resolved.

As for Yue Ya, they can be quiet for a while. They first destroyed Rujia and then attacked Linghua Universe. The God of Shangyu has come to punish him, but he doesn't know how badly he injured Lu Yin.

This chapter has been completed!
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