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Chapter 37 Interstellar Thief

Lu Yin descended and walked to Lasse, "Pour out everything in the Ningkong Ring. Don't force me to take action."

Rather's face twitched, "You are the strongest person in a certain academy, right? Why don't you complete the task and come to rob me? Your points will be deducted."

Lu Yin's eyes turned cold and he raised his hand. The air was distorting. This was the wave palm.

Lasse hurriedly said, "No, don't take action, I'll pour it out, I'll pour it out." As he said that, Lasse was very aggrieved and poured out everything in the Ningkong Ring.

Collect useful things and leave directly.

"Hey, what's your name?" Russ shouted.

Lu Yin ignored him.

Lasse yelled, there are such bastards among students. Suddenly, Lasse remembered something, and quickly opened the LAN of his personal terminal, only to see a line of words 'Rather was defeated' floating at the top of the map.

Rather vomited blood again and did not report his name. There was only one possibility. The bastard's personal terminal was not his but was stolen.

Far away in Tongcheng, Lu Yin looked at the local area network and nodded with satisfaction. Those people in the Daewoo Empire monitoring the Earth Trial must know his name, but they concealed it. It is fair. Who is next? Lu Yin stared at the map and asked

After saying that, Lu Yin rushed out quickly.

For three consecutive days, Lu Yin robbed more than a dozen students who were hiding in China. Without exception, these students were all of Granny's level. They just wanted to quietly occupy a place to harvest mineral deposits and survive until the end of the trial.

He didn't intend to get involved with anything else, but unfortunately he was targeted by Lu Yin. He is now very short of star energy crystals, and mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are.

Inside the clouds, Lu Yin was organizing the Ning Kong Ring. The space of his Ning Kong Ring was large, but it was still not enough. There were too many mineral and medicinal herbs scattered around. Lu Yin had no choice but to throw them away one by one, otherwise there would be no place to put the things he grabbed below.

, these students couldn't find anything good at all, and they didn't feel bad about throwing it away. The only thing that made Lu Yin unhappy was that these students were too poor, and they only managed to get two cubic star energy crystals after grabbing so much.

In fact, the students who dared to participate in the trial were all elites from major colleges. They were already very wealthy compared to ordinary students. If they were ordinary students, even if Lu Yin robbed a hundred or even a thousand, he might not be able to collect one cubic star energy crystal.

This kind of crystal is a hard currency in the universe, equivalent to the gold of the earth. Even students from wealthy families are reluctant to use it to improve their cultivation progress. They would rather save their lives at critical moments. Therefore, most students only practice step by step to absorb the free star energy in the universe. How can it be different?

Lu Yin wanted to take a shortcut.

"It seems that we must rob Willow, the strongest person in the academy, otherwise the efficiency will be too low." Lu Yin murmured to himself. In fact, it would be useless even if he didn't think so. The surrounding areas have been robbed long ago, and now there are rumors on the local area network that Lu Yin

Yin's deeds are said to be interstellar thieves among the trial students, which makes people frightened.

Due to Erd's suggestion, more and more students gathered towards Tianzhu. During Lu Yin's robbery, Tianzhu had already gathered no less than thirty students, including nearly ten of the strongest in the college.

Those who dare to track the fugitives are at least the top three strong men in the academy. The gathering of thirty such strong men makes the whole Tianzhu tremble.

On the fifth day, Erde announced to the public that he would go to the capital to prevent other students from coming to Tianzhu.

The local area network exploded, and war was finally declared on the capital.

At Hidden Peak in China, Lu Yin stood up and said, "Have you started? I'm going to start hunting too." After saying that, Lu Yin rose into the air.

Two days later, a line notifying 'Ian has been defeated' floated across the LAN map.

Many students' hearts sank. They had seen this kind of notice no less than ten times. It was rumored that it was all done by the interstellar thief. That person's personal terminal was stolen and his identity could not be determined.

Originally, many students thought that man only dared to rob ordinary students, but when Ian was robbed, many people's hearts were in shock. Ian is the strongest person in the college.

On the desolate land, a man coughed up blood and stared not far away with a livid face. There, Lu Yin used his blood to easily open the Ning Kong Ring and looked at the contents inside with bright eyes, "Not bad, good, good.

He has a lot of stuff, and he is worthy of being the strongest person in the academy."

"Who are you? Which college are you from? Leave your name!" Ian roared. Just now, he encountered this person. Without saying a word, the person came up and beat him unconscious with the Split Air Palm. When he came to his senses,

He received another slap, the Sky Splitting Palm hurt him the most, but the second palm was the key, knocking him to the ground and seriously injuring him directly.

Lu Yin threw the Ningkong Ring to Ian and said, "Call me Seventh Brother."

Qi your sister, Ian was extremely angry and watched Lu Yin leave.

In the far west of China, Qinghai, there were no less than ten students from Oede and Hedian with solemn expressions.

"Ian has been robbed. The man calls himself Seventh Brother, Ode. We should solve this hidden danger first before going to the capital. After all, there are still fifteen days before the second batch of trialists arrive, which is enough time." Someone suggested.

"Yes, letting such a rat go will do bad things," another person said with a sullen face. His elementary school girl was also robbed. That bastard even robbed women, and he was mad.

Erd and Hedian looked at each other, "Okay, we will work in pairs to search the surrounding areas of the capital. The scope will gradually narrow, looking for all personal terminal locations. If we encounter those who are acting alone and have the strongest combat power in the academy, we will immediately take action.

, would rather kill by mistake than let go.”

"It's a pity that the local area network has blocked image transmission, otherwise I would have known who caused the trouble." Some people were unwilling to accept it.

After saying that, everyone dispersed and left.

Lu Yin looked at the positions of all personal terminals on the map, "It's interesting that two people are actually working together. One of them must be the strongest person in the academy, come on."

Half a day later, Lu Yin stood in the clouds. In the distance, two students appeared and looked at the personal terminal. "Only 1,700 combat power, garbage," one of them said disdainfully, and glared at Lu Yin.

Another person waved to Lu Yin, "Boy, come here."

Lu Yin calmly flew in front of the two of them, his eyes indifferent.

"Boy, let me ask you, have you seen the person who robbed you?" one of them asked.

Lu Yin nodded, "I've seen it before."

"Draw that person's image," the man said.

Lu Yin shook his head, "I have never studied painting."

"You idiot, you can directly draw the picture you want by connecting to a personal terminal," the man said angrily.

Lu Yin said calmly, "Actually, no need, that person is right here."

"Where?" The two of them were surprised.

Lu Yin pointed at himself and said, "That's me." After saying that, he swung out his palms with wave palms that distorted the air and hit the two of them directly. One of them fell unconscious on the spot and was stunned, while the other was forced to hold on.

He shouted, "It's you, you're looking for death," he said, drawing out his long knife and slashing at Lu Yin.

This person is the strongest person in the academy. Although he is not as good as Willow and others, he is much stronger than Tres and the others. However, he is still not enough to face Lu Yin's Star Palm, but his sword was broken with one palm.

The body also hit the ground.

Lu Yin easily succeeded in another robbery, and this incident once again detonated the local area network.

Erd's face was gloomy. How long had it been since someone was robbed again? Where did this bastard come from?

"Everyone remember, don't approach any strangers." Erd sent the notice to everyone. In fact, without his notice, all students subconsciously stayed away from anyone, regardless of their combat strength.

Lu Yin looked at the Ning Kong Ring, "It adds up to almost one and a half cubic meters of star energy crystal, which can be absorbed." After saying that, Lu Yin took off his personal terminal and was still in the mountain stream. He rushed to the other side and found an abandoned farm.

, crush the star energy crystal and run the star power to absorb it directly.

Far away in the capital, Zhang Dingtian and others looked at the local area network and were speechless for a long time.

"I can guarantee that it was Lu Yin who did it," Bai Xuemouding said.

Zhang Dingtian was surprised, "Why?".

Bai Xue told Lu Yin about robbing Bailie and Willow, and said, "Who else could it be if it wasn't him?"

Zhang Dingtian looked strange. This Lu Yin looked ordinary. He didn't expect to do something so extreme. Calculated, he had robbed more than fifteen people, including several of the strongest people in the academy. What did he want to do?

Bai Xue could guess that it was Lu Yin, and Granny could naturally guess it as well. Compared to Zhang Dingtian and others, Granny was more shocked. She remembered that the first time she met Lu Yin, that guy looked at the scene, and he couldn't even look at her.

, I didn’t expect to defeat the strongest in many colleges so quickly. This guy is really a pervert.

Lu Yin was leisurely absorbing star energy in the farm. Erde and other students were already looking for it like crazy. They searched for five days without any clues, and finally found an unowned personal terminal in a mountain stream.

"Keep looking. Forget it if you can't find it within seven days. Go directly to the capital. The second batch of trialists will arrive in ten days. The plan must not go wrong," Erd said gloomily.

This chapter has been completed!
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