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Chapter 399 Binocular Mutation

Lu Yin did not dare to be careless, so he lifted the star energy shield on his right arm, restored it to its full strength, released the field, and activated the Heavenly Star Skill.

As his strength increased, that inexplicable power weakened strangely, which was very strange.

At this moment, Lu Yin has reached the middle of the star boarding platform. Very few students can reach this point, and those who can reach this point are almost all domain lord level students.

Below the star boarding platform, Fankeled, Tubbo, Hart Phoenix, Uro, Longze and others all appeared, all looking at Lu Yin.

Going to the star platform is a big event, just like going down into the Dead Sea, it will attract onlookers.

When Lu Yin reached the top of the mountain, the inexplicable power strengthened again, and the distortion of the void became more obvious around him, but this distortion was not caused by that power.

After boarding another ball, his inexplicable strength increased again. Lu Yin felt as if his body was being repelled by the void, as if the entire void wanted to erase him.

This is probably the reason why those students disappeared, coming from this inexplicable force.

On Lu Yin's body, five lines of fighting energy emerged, and dark golden light bloomed.

Many students exclaimed.

As Lu Yin's fighting spirit emerged, that inexplicable power weakened again.

It was weird, strange, and indescribable. This power gave Lu Yin the feeling that he could be wiped out at any time.

He has been practicing so far and has fought with many people. He has even personally experienced the huge power of the Seven-Word King Ting Su Lao that can wipe out the starry sky. No matter how powerful the power is, it takes time to kill a person. This time can be long or short, but

It always takes time, but facing the inexplicable power around him, Lu Yin felt that once he was a little weak, he would be gone immediately, and he didn't need time.

"Brother Qi, why do I have palpitations? Have you come to a strange place?" Guihou asked.

"Trial Realm, Prison Road, Star Climbing Platform" Lu Yin said calmly.

The ghost prince was confused, "The trial realm of the Starry Sky Battle Academy?" Suddenly, it exclaimed, "The ruins of rune technology civilization?".

"You did say that before," Lu Yin said.

"No wonder I feel like this" Gui Hou murmured.

Lu Yin's heart moved, "What do you mean? Have you experienced this feeling before?".

Guihou quickly said, "Of course not. Anyone who dares to experience the power of rune technology is seeking death."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. Gui Hou was definitely lying. He must have experienced this power. In this way, this incomprehensible and inexplicable power is the Tao of rune technology.

Now was not the time to pursue this matter. He raised his head and saw that he was only a few steps away from the top.

Below, everyone was watching eagerly. Lu Yin's current position was exactly the limit that Daobo reached at that time. At that time, Daobo was still a few steps away from the top, and then disappeared completely, and his death was unknown.

Lu Yin took one step, and the inexplicable power increased again, but it still did not pose a threat to Lu Yin. Then, Lu Yin took the second step, and the inexplicable power was already obvious, and the feeling of being rejected became more and more obvious.

Strong, a hint of crisis sent chills down his back. Lu Yin took a deep breath and stepped out with one last step. Above his head was the twisted void. At this time, that inexplicable power actually caused his field and fighting spirit to dissipate, and he tried to

His whole person was wiped out.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, and a strong crisis emerged. He had a feeling that he was about to be wiped out. There was no attack, but this feeling was very strong. He didn't know what the top ten masters were in when they were in the Starry Sky Battle Academy.

Such strength, but he tied the record of the Hand of God, and believed that his strength was no worse than the original ten games.

The inexplicable crisis became stronger and stronger. Lu Yin had no scars on his body and no external attacks, but his whole person began to become transparent.

Everyone held their breath and was about to disappear. That was it. They had seen this scene many times, and all the losers disappeared inexplicably like this.

Lu Yin was shocked. It shouldn't be. Could it be that his strength was not as good as that of the original Ten Jue? How could it be possible? The original Ten Jue's Climb to the Star Platform was also in the extreme realm, because it was not allowed to enter the exploration realm, which meant that he

The current strength is not as good as the power of the Ten Jue Ultimate Realm. So how strong is the Ten Jue? Are the records of the Hand of God false?

No one will completely expose their trump card. This sentence suddenly appeared in Lu Yin's mind. The record of the Hand of God is left for future generations to surpass, but what future generations can surpass is always the record on the surface. His true strength,

No one knows.

Through the star boarding platform, Lu Yin truly felt the invincible power of the Shijue. Everyone underestimated the Shijue. Their power was unparalleled and bottomless.

Lu Yin's body became more and more transparent, his existence was erased, and he was not qualified to reach the top of the star platform.

However, just when Lu Yin was about to disappear completely, his body suddenly solidified again, and that inexplicable power weakened rapidly.

Everyone was puzzled. All they saw was the result. Lu Yin reached the top.

The Star Climbing Platform has been in the trial realm for countless years, and only a few people have reached the top. According to the records, only a few students have reached the top. Among these people, only the Ten Jue is at the extreme level, and the others are exceptions.

Lu Yin was the second student from ancient times to reach the star platform at the peak of the extreme level of strength.

The moment Lu Yin climbed to the star platform at the top of the Peak, the deans of each academy of the Starry Sky War Academy opened their eyes at the same time, and at this moment, Lu Yin's name was recorded in the history of the Starry Sky War Academy.

"At the extreme level, you can reach the top of the mountain and reach the star platform. You are a genius." The old voice spoke, coming from the sixth courtyard.

"The ascension platform exists only to inspire and pass on, not to test the extreme realm. From ancient times to the present, those who have reached the summit have been exploration realms. In recent years, there have been two extreme realm summits. The universe has indeed changed." A voice from the Second Academy

Open your mouth.

"This is a good thing. The faster the younger generation grows up, the more peace of mind we old guys will have," a voice from the fifth hospital said.

"If you grow too fast, you will be afraid that your will will not be tempered. The Ten Jue Council will be too domineering, and it will be difficult to break through." A voice from the Ninth House said.

"It doesn't matter, young people, it's a good thing to be motivated. The little guy should go to the Dead Sea next, go to the Dead Sea in the way of heaven, and climb the star platform in the hell way, haha," the old voice of the first hospital said.

"It's a pity that the little guy came from the 10th college. The old guy didn't know that his college had a genius. It's a pity," a voice from the 4th college said.

In the prison road, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, just when his body was about to disappear completely, he suddenly recited the full text of Shibi. Anyway, he always felt that reciting the full text of Shibi always had miraculous effects when encountering problems that could not be solved. As expected, it happened again this time.

It worked wonders, Shibi's full text seemed to have tricked him, forcibly dispelling the inexplicable aura, allowing him to successfully cap it.

It's a pity that he didn't reach the top based on his true ability. He was still a little short of the strength he had when he reached the top of the Ten Ultimate Realm. He didn't know exactly how much.

Speaking of which, his current strength is quite abnormal. The combination of dice, various adventures, and an inexplicably powerful body can't keep up with the original Ten Jue. He really doesn't know how to practice the Ten Jue.

In any case, he has reached his limit. At this moment, it feels like he has crossed into another space. Half of his body is on the astronaut platform, and the other half of his body has been submerged in the twisted void. The scene he sees is completely different from other people.

I saw countless strange runes, as if the entire prison passage was cut open.

This is what the trial realm really looks like, the legacy of rune technology.

"Brother Qi, what did you see? Tell me" Guihou shouted, half of Lu Yin's body was on the star boarding platform, Guihou could not see the scene Lu Yin saw at this moment.

Lu Yin didn't know how to describe it. It was one thing to see it, but it was another thing not to understand it. He looked confused and had no idea what the benefits of capping it were. It would be better to let him experience the battle of the ancient powerful.

Below, countless people are also watching eagerly. No one saw the top ten-jue leader at the time. They were all dispersed. So much so that they don’t even know which top ten-jue leader is on the star platform. Lu Yin is the only one who has been top-notch in recent years.


Many people also expected him to bring out the ancient inheritance and open their eyes, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

"Why do you think Lu Yin looks like he was cut in half?" someone muttered.

Others looked up and saw that they looked exactly alike.

"Brother Qi, half of your butt is exposed, don't you feel very safe?" Guihou screamed.

Lu Yin looked at the countless runes in the sky and frowned. The more he looked, the more dizzy he became. His eyes became sore and became more and more sore. Unconsciously, two lines of clear tears flowed. His eyes were closed and he did not dare to open them. But when he

After closing his eyes, his body slowly disappeared, which frightened him and immediately opened his eyes again.

He opened his eyes, but the soreness was unbearable, as if someone was shining a bright light into his eyes.

He wants to close it, but he doesn't dare. He is not stupid and knows that there must be a reason why his eyes are sore. With his strength, it is impossible for his eyes to be sore for no reason. Maybe it has something to do with the capped reward.

Lu Yin forced himself to open his eyes wide and stared at the countless runes, which made him dizzy. Inexplicably, he started to recite the full text of Shibi again, but this time the full text of Shibi was ineffective.

Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore, his eyes closed, and his body suddenly disappeared into the prison tunnel, just like the previous losers.

Below, all the students were silent. Is this considered a success or a failure? No one knows, because no one knows what the people who have climbed to the top are like.

At the boundary mountain of the Tenth Academy, Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, and then closed them subconsciously. He was so sore. What was going on?

"Brother Lu, what's wrong with you?" Coco's voice came. In addition to Coco, Zola, Xia Luo and others on the Jieyu Mountain, they all saw the star boarding platform at the top of Lu Yin Peak.

Lu Yin waved his hands and closed his eyes, "It's okay, let me rest for a while."

Coco said worriedly, "Brother Lu, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you sick? Coco will give you an injection."

Lu Yin immediately waved his hand, closed his eyes and said hurriedly, "No need, Coco, it's okay, I'm just a little tired, just take a nap."

What a pity, Ke Ke said oh.

With Lu Yin like this, others couldn't disturb him and left one after another.

Lu Yin leaned on the boundary mountain and tried to open his eyes. He saw a ray of light and lines, eh? Lines? Isn't this a rune? Lu Yin was startled, and immediately opened his eyes and looked around.

This chapter has been completed!
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