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Chapter 4917 Application

Time continues to pass, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yin really wanted to trace the trace to see what the result was, but he couldn't. He could only endure it. On this day, Jiu Wen came to find him and said, "This starry sky map is too big. I want to redraw the starry sky using the resources of the mother tree and static flow."

The drawing time will not be short, and during this period we discovered some civilizations, some of which were quite difficult, but they were all solved

, only one."

"Daqian Civilization."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Is the Daqian civilization on this starry sky map?" Jiuwen nodded, and the starry sky map appeared in the void. He pointed to one of the directions: "This is where the Daqian civilization is. Although the Daqian civilization has lost its place,

Although this three laws exist, there are still masters. In addition to their own cultivation,

Or, I feel that there is a sequence of cause and effect that determines the cause and effect of the horoscope."

Is it a coincidence that the Daqian civilization appears on this starry sky map?

Xiang Siyu first asked herself to kill the Holy Destroyer, and then gave her a starry sky map showing the Daqian civilization that had taken refuge in the cause and effect master. She had been targeting the cause and effect.

But what impact can a mere Daqian civilization have on the cause and effect? ​​So what if it is destroyed? He has been to the Inner and Outer Heavens and knows that the horror there is far beyond that of a Daqian civilization.

Lu Yin looked deeply at the starry sky map.

I don’t know what will happen if it is destroyed, so let’s try destroying it.

Lu Yin teleported all the way with Jiu Wen, and soon arrived outside the Daqian civilization universe.

As far as I can see, this civilization is at war?

"what happened?"

Jiu asked: "I don't know either. I learned that this is the Daqian civilization and felt that there were experts, so I didn't go in to prevent an accident and the Daqian civilization would find us."

Lu Yin nodded: "Senior, please stay outside, I'll go in and take a look." After saying that, he teleported in.

The Daqian civilization is a very powerful civilization within Fang Cun Dian. It is also a fishing civilization and has an absolute means - the power of three removals.

Go to heaven, go to earth, go to the power of heaven and earth.

This civilization once had an extremely powerful man, Qu Zheng, who was betrayed by his son Qu Zheng and is now trapped in a refugee camp.

However, Guozheng's end was not good either. Canhai was plotted by the old blind man during the battle, and he should have died.

Perhaps this is the reason for the Daqian Civilization War.

Even if he lost Quzheng, Lu Yin was not too arrogant and directly scanned the Daqian civilization with his consciousness, just as Jiu Wen said, to prevent accidents.

These Daqian civilization creatures are giant beasts with black and white faces, long wings, and are extremely majestic and domineering.

Fierce wars take place in the universe.

Both parties are Daqian civilization creatures, but one party has an extremely large number, which is exaggerated, but the overall strength is weak. The other party has a small number, but the overall strength is very strong.

Both sides have their pros and cons.

Behind the party with the smaller number are two cultivators who are obviously different from the Daqian civilization creatures.

From Lu Yin's perspective, they were just two realms of immortality that conformed to the laws of the universe, but they seemed to be the existence of a fixed causal life chart.

In other words, the party with a small number represents the cause-and-effect master, while the party with a large number supports the former powerlessness and wants to resist the cause-and-effect master.

The fighting of war makes the starry sky bleed.

Lu Yin didn't care about the relationship between the Daqian civilization and the Causal Master. Anyway, no matter whether they belonged to the Causal Master or not, they could not be friends with human civilization.

The Lord is the enemy of countless civilizations in the universe, but that does not mean that those countless civilizations are necessarily friendly.

Even though it is possible for countless civilizations to unite to resist the Lord One. Even if they are unable to be imprisoned, their life and death are unknown, and the Daqian civilization falls into war, the Karma Lord One still has not given up here. It stands to reason that with the characteristics of the Lord One, this Daqian civilization

It may not necessarily exist. After all, the powerlessness and righteousness have been lost.

, they are of little value.

Lu Yin looked at the party with the larger number again.

This side only has two eternal realms in front. Although the number is smaller than that of the other side, there are three immortal realms for Daqian civilization creatures, not to mention two fixed causal life charts.

Overall, if the Daqian civilization includes powerlessness and rectification, it will be almost ten realms of immortality, which is exactly in line with the characteristics of fishing civilization.

But now he has completely weakened.

Suddenly, a familiar aura caught Lu Yin's attention. He looked over and shrank his eyes, Kuzu?

He looked behind the large group in surprise and saw Ku Zu sitting cross-legged in the void. Was he breaking through?

Break through the realm of immortality?

Lu Yin didn't expect to meet Ku Zu in Daqian Civilization.

Ku Zu and Gui Xing traveled across the starry sky, looking for opportunities for breakthrough, but they didn't expect that they would find themselves in the Daqian civilization.

This place is quite far away from where they left Xiangcheng. Even if there is a clear route, they shouldn't be here now.

At their speed, they can't catch up in a short time.

Kuzu's breakthrough caused changes in the war.

The Daqian civilization creatures on the cause and effect side rushed over madly, trying to prevent Kuzu from breaking through. Kuzu was obviously helping the side with the greater number.

In particular, there was an Immortal Realm that also rushed past. Not far away from Ku Zu, Gui Xing helplessly appeared, so why did it break through at this time? It looked at the Immortal Realm that was getting closer and closer, and hesitated, should it crush the pathfinding stone?

The human consciousness is attached to it. Once it is crushed, it can be removed

Individuals were introduced.

But if that human comes, I will have to be with those people again, which is too dangerous.

It gritted its teeth, no matter what, it would try to hold on for a while, and then talk if it couldn't hold on.

Lu Yin watched Guixing face the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm obviously did not expect that there was a strong Immortal Realm hidden here.

In the surrounding area, many Daqian civilization creatures rushed in to prevent Kuzu from breaking through.

Kuzu's breakthrough produced a strange image, like a dead tree lying across the starry sky. It was constantly decaying, but new sprouts were constantly sprouting. Lu Yin was stunned to see it.

Breaking through immortality creates visions. Kuzu is already a genius, and he is looking forward to Kuzu's future.

Turning his head slowly, the two guys who were fixating the karma chart moved, and their target was none other than Ku Zu.

They originally had no intention of participating in this battle. The civil war of the Daqian civilization was just a purge. Those creatures of the Daqian civilization really thought they could resist the Lord? They were wishful thinking.

But once Kuzu breaks through, they will have to put in more effort, which is not possible.

Judging from the momentum of this breakthrough, the strength is not low.

Although even if the breakthrough is successful, it is impossible to be their opponent, but it is easy as long as it is easy.

As soon as they moved, their bodies were pressed down inexplicably, their expressions changed drastically, and they turned their heads.

At some point, there was an extra person behind him.


They stared blankly at Lu Yin, who was standing calmly behind them. For a moment, the fear and horror from the bottom of their hearts made their bodies run cold. This human being was invincible and was a top master.

"Stay, don't move."

With these four words, these two creatures who fixed the fate chart did not dare to move.

Lu Yin put tremendous pressure on them, which was a life and death crisis.

In the distance, there were Daqian civilized creatures screaming, calling these two creatures with fixed karma and destiny to stop Kuzu from breaking through, but these two creatures could only wait bitterly and pretended not to hear.

"What are you two waiting for? That human breakthrough must be very powerful if it has such a vision."

No one paid attention.

"You two, please take action."

Still no one paid attention.

Gradually, the movement of Kuzu's breakthrough dispersed. He opened his eyes, and his breath suddenly disappeared, as if he instantly changed from an immortal state to an ordinary person.

This scene shocked Gui Xing. Has the breakthrough failed?

Before it could react, Kuzu struck a palm at the immortal realm of the Daqian civilization that was fighting Gui Xing.

A palm swept across the void, leaving a deep palm mark on the body of the Immortal Realm, knocking it away and almost piercing the body.

How is it possible that the immortal state is shocking? It is so powerful just after breaking through?

Gui Xing was also startled when that palm passed in front of his eyes. At that moment, he knew very well that the blow he received was not a light one.

This human being has just made a breakthrough, so how can he get such fierce palm power?

Ku Zu smiled and looked at his palm. His strength surged. The force of his palm was deep and restrained, giving him a feeling of solidity.

The palm just now was just a try, far from real power.

Is this what it feels like to break through the realm of immortality?

"It's going to run away," Gui Xing shouted.

Kuzu looked over.

The Daqian civilization's immortal realm ran away and did not dare to stay. That palm let it know that it was no match for the Kuzu.

Kuzu took a step forward and chased after him. His speed not only surprised Gui Xing, but also Lu Yin, because it should not be a speed that conforms to the laws of the universe. It was actually close to instantaneous movement.

It feels like I'm standing directly in front of that immortal realm.


Gui Xing stared blankly.

Ku Zu struck out at the Immortal Realm again. This palm seemed to shake the sky of the universe. The Immortal Realm stared at Ku Zu and struck out with his palm. In his eyes, the sky and the earth were divided into two parts, going to heaven and going to earth.


When the palm failed, Kuzu was not surprised and struck out with another palm.

The Immortal Realm directly ignored it and let out a roar, and the deep sharp edges gathered around it swept towards Kuzu, trying to tear Kuzu into pieces.


Another loud noise.

The body in the Immortal Realm was shattered, blood spilled into the starry sky, and the sharpness condensed around it collapsed.

Pupils looked at Kuzu in disbelief, how could it be possible?

I returned home and stared blankly, how could this be possible?

They have been part of the Daqian civilization for some time, and have fought against the power of Sanqu, so they are very aware of the disgustingness of this absolute method. Logically speaking, they should be able to ignore this guy's palm power.

But why was he still slapped like that?

He was seriously injured even if he wasn't dead.

In the distance, the corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up. He was worthy of Kuzu. Did he think about it a long time ago? Or did he realize it after a breakthrough?

Whether it was the speed just now or that palm, it caused the destructive power that was natural to him, because it was Kuzu's combined application of cause and effect and the reversal of things.

how to say?

Kuzu's understanding of cause and effect came from helping him to lift Master Qingcao's cause and effect blockade, which made him hate the cause and effect of Mirage Domain until he was ostracized. He took advantage of this rejection. No matter what method the enemy used to attack, since he took action, there was a reason.

There is also an effect. He intervened in this cause and effect. The more he interfered, the more he was ostracized. The more he was ostracized, the more the enemy's cause and effect was strengthened.

The effect of his attack was applied to himself by his extreme reaction, achieving the desired effect of surpassing the enemy at a short distance.

It's like running away from the immortal realm, and the other party running is the cause and effect. Although the other party can't see this cause and effect, and can't understand it, it is real. However, Kuzu intervened and was rejected by the other party's cause and effect. The more repelled the opponent, the faster the other party ran.

, but this quickness was applied to Ku Zu himself. At that moment, Ku Zu had the ability to surpass the other party's cause and effect, directly

Appear in front of it. This is where that speed comes from.

This chapter has been completed!
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