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Chapter 4973 See it again

That creature has always been entangled with Linglong, and it feels like it has been around forever, and what makes Lu Yin admire it most is that it has been there for so long, and it has ignored him until now, without even looking at him. To be honest, if it hadn't been talking about it,

With a gun and a stick, he was sarcastic and wanted Linglong to stay away from him. Lu Yin even doubted whether it had seen him.

"So, partners are very important. Linglong, I have told you so much. To put it bluntly, I hope you can stay away from partners who are unreliable and have no vision, especially those who can't even say hello.

, my friend who was stunned by fright." The creature pointed in the direction of Lu Yin and said without looking over.

Lu Yin was calm.

Linglong was numb, it knew that Lu Yin was using this guy, if not, he would have been slapped away.


Lu Yin looked into the distance, and within his sight, a huge city appeared.

He can see it because the mirror light technique can see the distance of five hundred years of immortality. It will take some time for other creatures to see it. However, the giant city moves very fast, so naturally it will not take five hundred years, at the latest a few days.

This speed definitely follows the three laws.

Lu Yin stared at the giant city and saw below, a sword traveling through the void, dragging the giant city with it.


Your Excellency.

The combination of Zhan Gu and separately are called Lord Zhan and Lord Gu. Zhan is a knife and bone is a sword.

Lu Yin inquired in advance.

The Zhan Bone combination comes from the same civilization. That civilization is very strange. The living beings have no entities, only self-awareness. They can still practice cultivation, as long as they find suitable attachments.

And that civilization has been stared at by the Karma Master clan, and was thrown to a secluded place in Liuying, where it belongs exclusively to the Karma Master clan.

With the birth of the two creatures Zhan Gu, their talents reached the highest level in the history of this civilization, which attracted the attention of the Karma Lord Clan, who specially landed a sword to attach themselves to these two creatures and gave them the greatest resources for cultivation.

Zhan Gu did not live up to the expectations of the Karma Master Clan and cultivated all the way to the level of the three laws.

And the swords and swords that landed at the beginning are not simple. They are all treasures of the Karma Master family and were snatched from the ninth base.

Lu Yin looked deeply at the sword under the giant city.

When swords are combined, a person dies but his weapon remains. This is a history narrated by Wang Chenchen.

The Wang family also knows a little bit about the history of the Nine Bases War, including the owner of this sword.

The cause and effect master clan is led by Shengji, and a group of masters secretly cooperate with the fishing civilization to surround Jiulei. The masters of the sword are a man and a woman. The man and woman love each other. They were considered reclusive masters during the Jiulei period. When the war comes, the swords come out and kill them forcefully.

Killed nearly half of the besieging Lord clan creatures, and finally died with all their blood flowing out.

Their bodies died, but their swords were not damaged at all.

He was praised as a divine weapon by the Karma Master Clan and took away the collection.

It is this sword that the Zhan Bone Combination relies on.

If they could not reach the expectations of the Karma Master Clan in their cultivation, they would have been wiped out with their swords, but now, they have achieved it.

Wang Chenchen solemnly warned that he should be careful with the sword. The magic weapon itself was extremely sharp and could at least increase its master's combat power by three points. This three points was already a terrifying gap.

Lu Yin just watched the sword dragging the giant city closer. In this battle, regardless of Xiang Siyu's coercion or not, he would try his best to keep all the living creatures in the giant city. The sword must also be returned.

How can the weapons of our ancestors fall into the hands of foreigners?

A few days later, Jucheng arrived.

A huge city suddenly appeared in the originally silent starry sky, and all the surrounding creatures were unable to react.

Except for Lu Yin, there is no strong person here who can clearly see the speed of the three patterns.

The creature that haunted Linglong looked at the giant city, "The war is still coming, Linglong, goodbye."


Lu Yin??

What do you mean? Didn’t you just come here to wait for the rendezvous? Why did you run away?

That creature ran away without looking back, and all the karma and life charts were taken away. Only an idiot went to fight with you.

The majestic sound resounds throughout the universe "Enter"

With one word, under the starry sky, the creatures looked at each other, then made up their minds and entered the giant city one after another.

A war is both a crisis and an opportunity, especially if most of the participants in the war come from the Inner and Outer Heavens. If you can have a good relationship with the creatures here, you may not be unable to enter the Inner and Outer Heavens.

Lu Yin and Linglong also headed towards the giant city.

Wasn't given any trouble.

They successfully entered the giant city.

Every giant city seems to be the same, with endless mountains and artificially built cities where people can trade with each other.

Each creature does not recognize the other.

"You are not allowed to make a move in the giant city. Once you make a move, you will be forcibly thrown out." Lu Yin said, and then looked at Linglong who also changed his appearance. "How are you? Are you excited? Want to go out?"

Linglong respectfully said, "In front of teleportation, there is no chance."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Be wise. And you have my power in your body. If you dare to escape, you will die."

Linglong said helplessly, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Lu Yin took Linglong to the peak. Looking down, there were many creatures in the entire giant city. At a glance, there were hundreds of millions. The average strength of these creatures was not weak. How many of them were Sin Sects, how many were from Weiyun Civilization, and how many were from Liu Yin.


He doesn't know about humans either.

The giant city was dragged by the sword, heading towards the fourth barrier at three regular speeds.

Lu Yin wanted to know the location of the fourth barrier right now so that he could notify them to leave in advance.

However, the only ones who knew the location were a few experts, so it was difficult for him to find it.

Day after day, Lu Yin and Linglong wandered around the giant city without stopping. This place was like a universe, with so many creatures, it was impossible to see them all.

He can only try his best to find out what is beneficial to him. .??.

But for several days, apart from hearing distorted history, there was no useful information.

"Finally we have found the three-eyed monster. If those three-eyed monsters hadn't escaped before the battle, we wouldn't have been massacred by other civilizations. Fortunately, the gods have come, otherwise we wouldn't be here."

"Yes, our clan was also deceived by the three-eyed monster."

"It is said that the three-eyed monster is a bad omen for us humans. It may be born in every human group. Once it appears, it must be killed immediately, otherwise it will bring bad luck."

"The history of our race has been tampered with by the three-eyed monster. They ridiculously compare us to the slaves of the gods, saying that the gods have destroyed the foundation of mankind. It is ridiculous."

"If it weren't for the gods, we would have perished long ago."

"My clan has been waiting for the day when the three-eyed monster will be completely wiped out. This day has finally arrived..."

Lu Yin walked by calmly. He had heard this kind of words too many times.

The tampering of history by the dominant clan of beings makes the people in the camp hate them even when they face Ninth Base. They bring the special characters of Ninth Base into the villains of history and become the characters that everyone in the camp calls for beating.

As soon as the news about the Fourth Barrier Sky Eye Clan was spread, the entire human race in the camp became excited. They continuously selected experts to participate in the conquest and prayed to the gods for a chance.

The creatures who dominate the clan are just watching the show.

Linglong glanced at Lu Yin, her expression unreadable and her appearance was disguised.

It knew that Lu Yin was very angry. Although it didn't know what human history was like, it didn't matter whether it was true or false. As a human being, human history should be glorious, no matter what the truth was.

But now the history of mankind has been damaged like this by the Lord.

This human being won't cause trouble.

"Well, when the war starts, do you want to put me away?" Linglong asked proactively. It knew that Lu Yin's entry into the giant city would bring no good, so it was better not to implicate it.

The news he heard in the past few days meant little to Lu Yin, but it meant a lot to him.

What did it hear? The Zhan Bone Combination, that is the main sequence combination, an extremely powerful existence.

The Sin Sect? The seventy-two realms alone control one realm.

Weiyun civilization? I’ve never heard of it before, but now I hear it. It’s a fishing civilization.

, also dominates the world alone.

Damn it, what are the seventy-two realms? What does it mean to control one realm alone? It sounds powerful. Why are there all these beings? My own strength is not enough.

Don't get involved, don't get involved.

Lu Yin ignored Linglong, but looked at a group of creatures in the distance and heard a familiar voice.

"Those who are rich are trying to make money, and those who have no money are trying to smooth things over. You can hear whatever you want. You are a child without any deception..."

Is this a storyteller?

Dreaming back to the first time he entered the giant city, Lu Yin met a storyteller who told him all the secrets of the universe. He even told him the list of camps. Although the list could not be complete, it also let him know...

The powerful creatures in Shaoliu Camp.

The Su Xin Sect's killing and farewell sequence is also because of this storyteller.

Later, Lu Yin understood that the storyteller must also be a member of the anti-current camp forces.

Otherwise, how could it know the relationship between the other sequences and Su Xin Sect?

How could it know so much about Liuying?

But Lu Yin would never have thought that this storyteller would actually follow him to this huge city.

This giant city wants to defeat the fourth barrier. There are many masters who are capable of sweeping across the universe and can overwhelm even the fishing civilization.

Where did this storyteller get the courage to follow me?

Lu Yin walked closer and looked through the creatures.

Indeed it is.

Even the disguise is the same as last time.

There is a cashier next to him.

Creatures kept throwing money over and asking what they were talking about.

The gongs and drums were beating loudly, "Tell me, take a look, the secrets of the universe are all here. Give more, tell more, give less, tell less. If you want to know more, please don't do anything."

Show mercy, give me money, give me money..."

"Hey, do you really know the secrets of the universe? Let me ask you a question, can you answer it?"

"You have to pay extra for fixed-point stories. You can't talk about internal and external events."

"I'm just asking you, how did the Daqian civilization perish?"

The surrounding creatures cheered.

The shock caused by the destruction of the Daqian civilization was suppressed by the events of Karma and Destiny, but it was still shocking to the creatures of Karma and Karma, and they also wanted to find out who did it.

Lu Yin blamed the matter on the old blind man and the others, but the Karma Lords knew very well that it had nothing to do with them.

Now that I can ask this question, I obviously know that this matter has nothing to do with the old blind man and the others, so the creature who asked this question should belong to the family of creatures that dominate the cause and effect.

In this war, the Karma Master clan also suffered the fate of many creatures. It was for no other reason than to gain credit.

Leave the fight of life and death to others and take the credit, and they will do their part.

This chapter has been completed!
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