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Chapter 5142 Weiluo

Fortunately, Hui Zhu believed Lu Yin's words and really thought that Lu Yin would hand over the technological civilization to its control.

And the stunning glimpse of the huge battleship just now also made it full of desire, eager to be at the helm of that huge force, so it was very active.

Once it can really master this power, it will be able to reach a certain height again, and it won't have to guard the imperial ship to calculate the mirror light technique like now. It has had enough of this kind of life.

Soon after, Huizhu exclaimed: "Found it, there is a response."

Lu Yin stared at the screen: "Axis."

"Confirming." After a moment, Hui Zhu confirmed the position. It could only confirm the approximate distance, and it calculated the distance based on the technological civilization behind the imperial ship.

Lu Yin could only figure out where he was by converting that distance using mirror light. It took some time to do this. ??

Lu Yin's actions made Hui Zhu suddenly feel heartbroken, he had been deceived.

This human being already knew the location of this battlefield. Otherwise, why did the warships from this location respond so quickly to their location?

Master Hui stood there stunned, while Lu Yin led the imperial ship and kept teleporting.

"No, it's offset, the opponent has moved." Master Hui shouted.

Lu Yin stopped and stared at Hui Zhu.

Master Hui said anxiously: "Master Lu, the other party has moved."

Lu Yin stared at it coldly. The aura of the Hui Lord was changing. The aura would change with the state of life itself. It could also be seen that it was restless at the moment.

Just thinking about it, Lu Yin knew the reason.

"Really moved?"


Lu Yin said nothing and continued teleporting, still in the same direction.

The Hui Lord became more and more frightened. It tried its best to hide itself and wanted to use this method as a bargaining chip for blackmail. However, this human was staring at the previous position. Once he reached that position, he would definitely know that he was lying.

The more he teleports, the closer Hui Zhu feels he is to death.

In this desperate panic, Lu Yin arrived at the original position and saw a very small battleship suspended in the meteorite in the distance. This battleship was much smaller than the one just now, and it was not even comparable to the imperial ship.


Master Hui hurriedly said: "The signal location has changed. This small battleship is useless. The big battleship has escaped. Please let me search for it again."

"No need." Lu Yin said indifferently, his eyes falling on Hui Zhu: "I don't like being threatened."

"You threatened me once with an imperial ship. I gave you a chance and endured it once, but you shouldn't lie to me a second time."

Master Hui was afraid: "Master Lu, I, I don't have it."

Lu Yin said calmly: "How many times have you blocked the signal?"

Master Hui was desperate. Sure enough, this human knew that it was over.

"When was the earliest time?


Master Hui couldn't say, is it the earliest? It has indeed been a while: "I, my life is connected to the imperial ship, please give me another chance, Master Lu."


With a soft sound, Lord Hui died.

And the imperial ship also went out.

It's really not a threat. Lu Yin shook his head. This Hui Lord really connected his life to the imperial ship. Once it dies, the imperial ship will be extinguished.

Forget it, he can be threatened. It can be said to be a threat, but it can also be regarded as the value of Hui Zhu's existence, but he cannot accept being constantly deceived.

He knew Hui Zhu's thoughts, he was afraid that if he found this technological civilization, it would be useless.

It is true that every living being will think about himself.

However, its life is under your control, and you are right to take it away at any time.

Putting away the extinguished imperial ship, Lu Yin looked at the small battleship ahead. He could get in here.

Inside, he saw a layout similar to that of the imperial ship. They were all incomprehensible yet simple technologies.

After losing the Hui Lord, there are actually people from the Infinite Empire who also specialize in technology.

Lu Yin just stayed on this small battleship and let the people of Infinite Empire study it.

It took several years for those people to unlock the database of this small battleship. This was because they had already studied the imperial ship and were familiar with its situation, otherwise they would never be able to unlock it.

"This small battleship has no self-destruct program at all. It means that anyone familiar with the imperial ship can open the database. It seems to be waiting for us." This was the answer given by Infinite Empire.

This answer explains why the battleship self-destructed. The battleship was waiting for the emperor ship. Once the emperor ship came, the self-destruction would allow the emperor ship to find this place and prevent it from being found by other civilizations.

Lu Yin nodded and looked at the database.


is the name of this technological civilization.

There is not much information in the database. It is more like a directory than information. It records the resources, power and plans of Weiluo, a technological civilization.

Looking at this, I thought that this spaceship seemed to be waiting here for me to find. It seemed that it wanted me to know something, but it also didn't want me to know anything.

From the previous huge battleship to this small battleship, there are no unreasonable creatures on it. It is an automatic program from beginning to end. This automatic program carries intelligence, but inhibits the self-improvement of intelligence, just like a human being.

Know the switch to face external changes.

And all the creatures in Weiluo are sleeping in the eternal liquid.

Eternal life liquid is a liquid that is fused and diluted by extracting certain substances of the eternal life itself. The Weiluo civilization seems to have seen through the essence of eternal life.

The eternal life that was first known is the self-generated life energy that conforms to the laws of the universe, and can see and use eternal matter. The eternal life is the power that widens the gap between the immortal state and the non-eternal state.

In fact, this eternal substance is also the power to change eternal life itself.

Weiluo shifted his attention from the eternal matter in the universe to the eternal matter that has been integrated into the eternal life body. He extracted this eternal matter, blended it with certain materials and finally diluted it, turning it into a liquid that can make the non-immortal realm sleep permanently.

This is the eternal liquid.

Practitioners are not very good at studying this kind of thing, and it is difficult for a scientific and technological civilization to reach the level of immortality. Once it reaches the level of immortality, it is considered a fishing civilization. Once it reaches this level, every improvement is qualitative.

Hui Jin Civilization is too far behind Wei Luo.

Weiluo is studying much more than just one immortality liquid.

Weiluo civilization has countless weapons, and it takes a long time to look at the catalogue. However, they have integrated and improved all weapons, and finally there are only four weapons left, namely law weapons, cognitive weapons, emotional weapons and common sense weapons.

Law weapons are similar to the realm of eternal life and conform to the laws of the universe, but they are different. Most practitioners' conformity to the laws of the universe starts with self-knowledge. Sometimes, as long as you believe, it will exist.

However, the regular weapons of scientific and technological civilization must exist objectively in the universe. Therefore, once Hui Jin Civilization can help Shan Patriarch break the seal of Black Qi Civilization, but it is difficult for practitioners to do so.

These are two concepts.

There are also regular weapons in Hui Jin Civilization. Lu Yin didn't pay much attention to them at first, because those regular weapons didn't seem to be very powerful, but in fact, when used well, their destructive power can surpass all living things, including him now.

That lawful weapon is reproduction.

In the universe, all creatures will reproduce. No matter what kind of creature they are, reproduction is engraved in their bones and engraved in the essence of life.

And this kind of regular weapon is to break the law of reproduction, so that the ability of a certain creature or a certain group of creatures to reproduce will disappear, and spread to all its kindred creatures, and finally, after consuming part of the time, this species will become extinct.

This is a pretty terrifying regular weapon.

This kind of law is useless in battle, but it is a deadly weapon in civilized wars that take a long time, and it is an extremely vicious killing weapon.

If Lu Yin uses reproduction to attack the creatures of the Dominator clan, the Dominator clan will eventually be destroyed unless a stronger force intervenes.

This is in advance for this

One race determines the outcome.

Of course, because it relies on the Overlord, this kind of weapon is useless no matter how powerful it is. There are certain limitations.

Secondly, cognitive weapons, what he knows is to change the biological instinct code. Every living thing has its own password, which is equivalent to the characteristics of the species. When this characteristic is changed, the living creature will no longer be the original creature.

For example, if you change the biological characteristics of an ant into a human, can it still run that fast? For example, if you change the biological characteristics of a butterfly into a fish, can it still fly?

I once fought against Ancestor Die, and it was this cognitive weapon that made Ancestor Die doubt his life.

And this cognitive weapon is also the trump card of the Imperial Ship. Lu Yin has never been willing to use it, and he will not be able to use it in the future because the Imperial Ship is extinguished.

Weiluo also has a cognitive weapon called - changing the perception of ourselves and the enemy.

In the study of Weiluo Civilization, the enemy you think exists in a certain area of ​​your mind. If you move this enemy out of the area and move your comrades into the area, you will instinctively attack your comrades and regard the enemy as your comrade. This is

Constantly interfering with your cognition, using the body of the creature as the basis for change, transcending the mind and reaching directly to the body itself.

This is a pretty terrifying cognitive weapon.

Lu Yin finally understood. In the previous war between the huge battleship and the Qi Luck Alliance, there was a situation where the Qi Luck Alliance creatures attacked the same Qi Luck Alliance creatures. At that time, Lu Yin couldn't understand it. He couldn't see it at all.

What force disturbed those creatures, now I understand.

This is a weapon that attacks cognition.

There are two types of cognitive weapons, one changes your cognition and the other attacks your cognition.

Next, emotional weapons.

Good and evil are the names of emotional weapons. Weiluo civilization believes that when the cosmic civilization enters the starry sky, evil must be greater than good. They use this weapon to extract the evil existing in the starry sky to attack the good in the starry sky, and identify the enemy as good, which ultimately leads to

The coverage of evil looks like meteor attacks.

Lu Yin didn't expect such a weapon to exist.

Can emotions be extracted directly? He couldn't figure it out or understand it.

This is the incredible thing that technological civilization can do when it reaches its peak.

He had seen those meteor attacks. He didn't understand them then, and he still doesn't understand them now. He only knew they were emotional attacks.

Another emotional weapon is called the red thread. Weiluo civilization has developed to the point where it can see the emotions of living beings, and can even change the emotions of living beings, pushing up emotions, such as anger and sadness, which can be pushed up and amplified.

They also draw a red line themselves. Once emotions are pushed beyond the red line, emotions are their biggest enemy.

Emotions will materialize, replace flesh and blood, and eventually explode.

This chapter has been completed!
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