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Chapter 5151 Red Terrace

In the Profound Era Realm, Yunshan listened to the reports from his subordinates. The humans kept making trouble. Although they could not determine the outcome, they were also constantly weakening their strength.

"It was done by the other three masters together, but how could they join forces to plot against us? Especially the Time Masters, they should have joined forces with us by rights." The creatures of the destiny master clan were puzzled.

Discuss each creature.

Yunshan knows very well why it is being targeted. They can think that Hongyun will not play a role in the battle against humans. The other three masters can also think of it. They are not only a test, but also have reasonable reasons to weaken the Qiyun group.

Now that Yunxin has not returned, Yunshan doesn't know what to do.

"No matter how much trouble those humans cause, they can't affect us. I think it's better for my subordinates to restrain themselves and not be taken advantage of by the other three parties."

"Yes, especially those who are strong in the three laws cannot be compromised."

"Humans will not give up. That Chang Tu almost died. They will definitely take revenge."

"As long as no extremely powerful person takes action, the loss will not be huge..."

After a long discussion, finally, the PoE Xuan Realm announced to the outside world that Yun Tan had broken through two laws of the universe, and they would protect Yun Tan and avoid all external battles.

Breaking through the two laws is not a big deal in the inner and outer heavens, and logically it does not require special protection.

But as a piece of news came out, all the major leaders were shocked.

Luck in sandalwood and appear on the red platform.

The master clan all have divine talents, which are known to all the powerful beings in the inner and outer worlds, such as the second chance of Karma, the sacrifice of the universe of years, and the divine talent of Luck, which is called - Hongtai.

The red platform is the red platform under the body.

There are five kinds of luck and six kinds of Qi in the cultivation of Qi. For those who are not controlled by Qi, luck can be regarded as two sides of all things in the world. One side is the body, and the other side is the Qi. You can choose one to practice and ignore the power of the other side.

But the creatures of the Qi Luck Master clan are different. They see the Five Luck and Six Qi in extremely detail, and only they can see it. This is the talent given by the Luck Master to the creatures of the same race.

The five fortunes are spirit, spirit, mind, body and soul.

The six qi are respectively turbid qi, clear qi, weather, earth qi, fame and middle qi.

The creatures of the Qi Luck Dominator clan can not only regard the Five Luck and Six Qi as the two sides of heaven and earth, achieving the same effect as the non-luck Luck Dominator clan, but they can also refine their cultivation, combine the Five Luck and Six Qi, and enhance the power of Qi Luck, such as

The spirit of heaven and earth is the combination of one movement and two qi, namely spirit, weather and earth qi.

All the creatures of the dominant clan practice this way.

Generally speaking, the creatures of the dominant clan can only combine one luck and two qi. There is only one kind of creature that can combine without restriction, and that is the talent of the awakened god, the red platform. With the red platform sitting on the body, it can use the five luck and six qi.

Through cultivation, it is said that the Master of Luck has developed the complete Five Luck and Six Qi, blessed by eleven forces, and is invincible in the starry sky.

However, it is extremely difficult to awaken the divine talent, and it only takes countless years for someone to do so.

The reason why Yun Xin dares to say that it wants to replace the master of luck is because it awakens Hongtai. As for how many of the five movements and six qi are combined, no one knows.

And Yuntan's awakening on the red platform means that it can at least become the next Yunxin.

The value of Saint Destruction to the Karma Master clan is the same as before, or even higher.

The number of Karma Masters who have awakened their God's talent is much greater than that of the Luck Masters who have awakened Hongtai. Over the course of countless years, apart from Yunxin, only one Yuntan has awakened Hongtai.

So when this news came out, the outside world could understand the actions of the fate-dominated clan.

They absolutely do not allow any problems with the operation.

In the realm of fate, Shengrou looked downcast, "I didn't expect that a Hongtai would be awakened."

Shengyi said: "For many years, the other dominant clans have gradually awakened to their divine talents. Only Qi Luck and Hongtai have never appeared. I always felt that they were hiding."

"It's true." Sheng Judo looked at the starry sky: "You don't understand the horror of Hongtai, let's put it this way."

"The luck before awakening to the Red Stage is at most equal to yours. After awakening, it can reach my level in the shortest time. It can even be said to have skipped the level of Shenggao and Shengqing."

"The key thing is that there is no upper limit."

"As long as you concentrate on combining the five lucks and six qi, your strength will increase rapidly."

"No one knows how high it will eventually reach."

Shengyi is shocked, is it so exaggerated? No wonder the red stage is never shown.

Shengrou exhaled: "And there is another key point in this, that is, the lower the cultivation level, the more the five lucks and six qi can be combined."

"At the beginning, Yun Xin awakened to the red platform and it was already a three-way rule. In this way, the cultivation level continues to skyrocket."

"And this Luck Tan has only one law now and is preparing to break through two laws. It must have been awakening from Hongtai for some time. If the three of us hadn't worked together to target its Luck, they wouldn't have been exposed."

"This Yuntan is now combined with how many of the five movements and six qi, no one knows, if there are many combinations."

Shengrou didn't say the next words, but Shengyi could guess that it was really troublesome.

The five lucks and six qi are like stacking blocks. It doesn’t require much difficulty. If you combine them one by one, your strength will skyrocket. It’s scary to think about it.

"Then what should we do?" Shengyi asked.

Shengrou shook his head: "There is no way. Unless Yun Tan is destroyed now, this Yun Tan will soon become the next Yun Xin, even more terrifying than Yun Xin."

In the Taibai Fate Realm, Mingqing used one sentence to describe the horror of awakening from Hongtai - the destiny before awakening was very ordinary, but after awakening, it dared to take over the place of master.

With just such a sentence, Taibai's fate was silent.

Obviously, the divine talents of the destiny-dominated clan are different from theirs.

Naturally, Xiangcheng also got the news.

But no matter what the news is, we can't kill him to break the evil realm.

If the luck master clan dares to leak this news, they are sure to keep Yuntan. Even Yuntan does not need their protection.

Just imagine how strong Lu Yin is in the two laws, and if he is lucky, it probably won't be too different.

In Lanqiong Realm, Lu Yin naturally also heard the news about Hongtai.

Kou knew a lot about the situation in the Seventy-Two Realms. As soon as he heard about Hongtai, he immediately told Lu Yin. Lu Yin did not expect that the God's talent of the Luck Master Clan was so terrifying.

Compared with the second chance of Holy Destruction, this red platform is equivalent to stretching the future.

The second chance is reflected in the battle, and the red platform is reflected in the practice.

When I think back to my first meeting with Yun Tan, this genius who dominates the destiny seems to have no sense of existence.

Forget it, there was no point in thinking about it anymore. He continued to look for Qi Luck and see if he could grab the Qi Luck bag.

I don't know whether it was bad luck or good luck, but for several years, he didn't find a single luck tip.

Not every creature of the fate-dominated clan has a fortune kit, but there must be one sequence and the main sequence of luck. However, after all, there are few of those creatures who enter the inner and outer heavens, and even fewer who happen to be in the Lanqiong world. So,

As for several years with no results.

This is not possible.

Lu Yin thought for a while and thought of a living being - Buyan.

This guy has a unique talent for finding good luck tips. It brings its own bad luck, and whoever comes close to it will be unlucky. This kind of bad luck is exactly the opposite of good luck along with good luck. Instead of looking for it, it is better to reject it.

It's a way after all.

Ever since Feng extorted the Dajie Palace, Bu'an had been hidden by Lu. Lu Yin didn't want to take it with him, so he hid it just a few inches away.

Bu An was the witness who proved that Feng Shou Qi Yun was ordered by a being to extort Dajie Palace. Ming Zuo said that it was following him to confirm that the resources Feng was extorting were hidden in the Lanqiong Realm. Therefore, neither Da Jie Palace nor Qi Yun gave up their efforts.

It's looking for.

Buyian was originally afraid of its fate, but after this incident, it did not dare to leave casually, and could only let Lu Yin control it.

Fortunately, Lu Yin sent it a few inches away and threatened it so that it did not dare to leave the area specified by Lu Yin, otherwise it would have run away.

Lu Yin couldn't find it even if he was only a few inches away.

And the Dajie Palace is indeed looking for Bu'an, and Feng blackmails the Dajie Palace. The resources were found in Lanqiong Realm, which involved Qiyun. When they went to the Breaking Era Mysterious Realm to find an explanation, their original intention was to let Qiyun help the investigation, because

They have never thought that this matter is related to the destiny master clan, so they have so little resources.

But when they met the Red Heroes, they didn't give them any face and just drove them out, which made Dajie Palace feel aggrieved.

Later, Lu Yin asked his subordinates who became world merchants to deceive the world's heart, causing the world merchants' trading network to collapse, and attracting the Grand Palace Master. At that time, the Grand Palace Master's attention was focused on the Wang family, because those who cheated the world's heart all joined through the Wang family.

of the Great Realm Palace, but happened to encounter Wang Wen coming out of seclusion, and then there was the Free Period War. Even if the war stopped midway, the Great Realm Palace did not dare to draw the attention of all the forces inside and outside the world to itself, so for these two things

The investigation of the matter was suppressed.

Now that human civilization has emerged, it doesn't even care about the dominant clan, and naturally it doesn't care about the Dajie Palace. The Dajie Palace is also afraid of being targeted by Xiangcheng.

Although the investigation was suppressed, nothing was done.

The Grand Palace Master personally went to the PoE Xuan Realm, found Yun Shan, and obtained Yun Shan's permission to let the creatures of the Qi Luck Dominator clan and the Qi Luck practitioners work together to find Bu An and investigate the truth of the matter.

At this moment, they are looking for Buyan.

In Xiangcheng, Chang Chu looked at Chang Tu with regret in his eyes.

Chang Tu was free and easy, "Being able to cast the fourth sword and die without resentment. Now that I can see you, master, back to the top, my disciple is even more satisfied. That's enough."

Chang Zhu shook his head and glared at him: "You are still so impulsive. With your strength, if you don't fight hard, you can drag me over until I come over."

Chang Tu smiled and said: "Then he is no longer Chang Tu who proves his intention by killing. The disciple's four steps of sword movement will always stop at the third step."

"What's the use now? You can't even take the first step."

"But my disciple has taken the fourth step, which is enough."

Chang Chu clenched his fists, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "Master, I just wish I couldn't avenge you and kill that creature."

Chang Tu solemnly said: "Master, the foundation of human civilization is much more important than the disciples. Mr. Lu has his plans. No matter what happens, we should not destroy Mr. Lu's layout."

"Master knows." Chang Chu had no choice but to kill Lai Jiu long ago.

Seeing his disciple become a useless person, he was heartbroken.

This chapter has been completed!
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