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Chapter 5258: The Great Way to Support Heaven

The starry sky continued to sink, and countless cracks spread like raindrops, trembling under that figure.

Wang Wen, a thousand tricks, eight colors and death are all in the palm of his hand, no matter how they move, it is difficult to escape.

That huge dark figure turned the universe into dust, or became the starry sky itself. Even without the power of death, it held up the sky.

"The great way to support heaven."

The other huge palm was raised and pressed down on the palm that held up Wang Wen and the others.


As far as the eye can see, the universe is in pieces.

This moment spread to an unknown distance, and a storm blew up within a few inches, sweeping through an unknown number of cosmic civilizations, uprooting and flying the mother trees one after another, and completely emptied a corner of the huge mother tree.

The next moment, the dark figure disappeared.

Only the four of Wang Wen and the others were left floating on the spot, each one facing up, their bodies broken, and their blood gathered into a river and gradually flowed.

It looks extremely miserable.

"How cruel, Lord of Death."

"The heavy injuries caused by Mi Master have not healed, Karma has injured it again, and you have restricted the power of death, been sneak attacks to plant illusions in the body, and endured the bombardment of twelve colors of divine power. In this way, it can exert one-tenth of its power.

The combat power is pretty good. It still managed to escape, and the attack just now almost killed us instantly."

"This is a dominator-level combat power. You can imagine how much pressure the ancestor Wang Xia faced back then."

"Are we too crazy? We want to surround and kill the Lord without the power of the Lord."

"Not really. At least, it escaped."

"But we can't catch up. It doesn't even know how far it has escaped at this moment, and its speed is still at the dominance level."

"Think about the previous attacks on Karma, Xiangsiyu, and Death Lord, but they were all escaped by Karma. It's really hard to stop the dominator-level power from running away."

"As long as we find the Death Lord again, we can surround and kill him."

"The method of holding the sky is really terrifying. It is the absolute control of the master level."

Because the universe is so big, even if there is such a big movement surrounding the Killing Lord, it will not alarm the inner and outer heavens.

No one knew that such a huge event had happened in this corner of the universe.

At a corner of the far distance, Lu Yin stood under the Immortal Star Chart, and the power of death continued to fall from the thirty-six points. At the same time, the extremes of matter must react on the active power to become the source of death, causing the death to continue to increase, and the death to pull the power of death.

, causing the power of death itself to increase.

If the intensity of the power of death and silence in the past was one, then the intensity of the power of death and silence injected by death at this moment is two.

Already infinitely close to real death.

He has absorbed the vitality and can possess it.

Death, he also got it at this moment and could have it.

Active force corresponds to death, and vitality corresponds to death.

Two completely opposite forces were entangled in his body. Lu Yin pondered for a moment and then decided to input all the life force and death into the active force and the dead force.


After a while, change positions.

He ran away carrying the Immortal Star Map. God knows whether the Master of Life can find him through the Immortal Star Map.

He didn't want to return it until he fully utilized it to end the Immortal Star Chart.

Lu Yin's guess was correct. The Master of Life was looking for the Immortal Star Map at this moment. It had originally headed towards the inner and outer sky, but when Lu Yin took away the Immortal Star Map, it changed its direction again, and it seemed that no matter how far away it was, it would

It can sense the immortal star map.

Lu Yin calculated the speed of the master, so every transfer would be before the master of life arrived.

Transferring again and again, strengthening and increasing the power of death, the master of life almost vomits blood. The most important thing now is to find the master of cause and effect and return to the inner and outer heavens to solve the problem of divine power eroding the mother tree. However, it was actually led by Lu Yin, and he felt depressed in his heart.

The humiliation has been overwhelming.

It's not that it's stupid, it's that no one thought that Lu Yin could actually shake the Immortal Star Chart.

No one expected that Lu Yin would actually enter the real Taibai Fate Realm.

At this moment, the Master of Life already knows who moved the Immortal Star Map. It is definitely not the Master, but Lu Yin who has teleportation. There is no need to guess.

Every time Lu Yin transfers, he completes it instantly. That kind of distance can only be moved instantly.

Human, I will make you die miserably.

Lu Yin's repeated transfers finally brought him close to the direction in which the Lord of Death was escaping.

The dark starry sky covers the dark death. The eyes of the Lord of Death look in one direction in the darkness. The power of death? No, it is death, there is also death. Why is there such a majestic and powerful power of death there? It is already close to itself, not even a thousand years ago.

Under the two traitors Ji Guiyan and Death Qi.


As the creator of the power of death, it actually doesn't know who it is.

Is it a trap? No, no matter how exhaustive Wang Wen's plan is, there is no way he can calculate this distance. If they still have such helpers, they will definitely have one to surround and kill them. There is no need to be here.

They couldn't possibly know which direction they were running.

The Lord of Death hesitated for a moment and decided to go take a look.

But the next moment, it was gone.

The power of death is gone.

How could it be gone?

It stayed where it was, and after a while, it sensed the power of the master of life.

It's life.

It reached the location where the power of death just appeared.


It's not a coincidence, absolutely not, but how does life find that location accurately?

There is no disorderly good fortune in life. This disorderly good fortune will only flow to creatures born in disorder, such as yourself, Xiangsiyu, Wang Wen, etc. Life is not included in this category.

If its appearance is not a coincidence, then what is the reason?

I can sense the power of death. Could it be that Discord's fortune is guiding me?

Time passed, and decades later, Lu Yin threw away the Immortal Star Chart.

He clearly noticed that the master of life was getting closer and closer. At this moment, the dead power in his body had increased to 500 values. This was the limit, just like activity, power, cause and effect, and consciousness. At least it could not be increased with his current strength.

If I risk being chased by the master of life again, there will be too many surprises, so I will simply throw it away.

Soon after, the master of life arrived. Looking at the immortal star map suspended in the starry sky, the human ran away but left it behind.

The Immortal Star Chart was recalled, and the Life Master looked at it deeply. There was no change, but the vitality was reduced a lot. Inexplicably, it felt unclean.

Looking up into the distance, I can no longer sense the direction of humans.

Hateful, this human being is even more hateful than those people on ninth base, he really should have been slapped to death.

Lu Yin threw away the Immortal Star Chart and was no longer afraid of being found by the Lord of Life. However, to be on the safe side, he continued to move his position and did not stop practicing. It was not until more than a hundred years later that he stopped after having moved his position countless times.

Come down.

I stopped this time because something suddenly occurred to me.

Once upon a time, as Chen, he went to the inner and outer heavens because of the summons of the Lord of Death, and the way he went was by moving the bones.

Bone Xun can harvest death and take him to the inner and outer heavens faster than teleportation.

Since that time, Lu Yin has often studied the Bone Xun, trying to find the reason why it harvests death and moves. But until now, he has not found the reason.

But when he was pulling the power of death with deathly silence, he thought of something, and then when he kept shifting his position to avoid the master of life, he thought of something else. Now, he took out the bone xun and wanted to verify his ideas.

Bone Xun can harvest death, and the vitality of matter can be reversed to derive the power of death, which means that death is not just a state of living beings, but a real power.

But why is death a power?

Time is power, because time is flowing, it can go fast, it can go slow, it can even go backwards.

But how can death flow backwards?

Why can death be a kind of power?

There is only one answer. The death of living beings not only represents the living beings themselves, but also represents the state of existence in the universe. In other words, a state given to living beings by the universe. The so-called death is the power given to living beings in this state. In this way, death can

It is a kind of power.

In this way, the answer to this state of life can also be derived.

Life is also a state given to living beings by the universe.

Thinking about it this way, if a creature dies and is deprived of the power of death, does it mean that it can live?

But what should we do if the dead creatures turn into ashes?

According to this logic, if we can turn back the time and allow the bodies of dead creatures to exist and then deprive the power of death, we can live?

So if the state of life is given to a dead creature, is this creature dead or alive?

If a dead creature contains vitality but cannot move or respond to the outside world, is it considered dead or alive?

Questions echoed in Lu Yin's mind, as if countless people were asking them.

These questions are strange and serious, and no one has ever mentioned them, because no one has ever thought that death would be a state, not a result. Death is obviously the result.

To this day, the death of any cultivator is the result.

But death can be drawn out.

Ming Qing has done it, and the Lord of Life can directly use it, so there is no reason why the Lord of Death can't.

Harvesting Death from Bone Xun is the most obvious example.

It is really harvesting death, but what it feeds back is the power of death.

But I have led death through death, and it is clear that death and death are not the same force.

Dead silence can lead to death.

Death can also enhance the stillness of death.

But the two forces are essentially different.

Dead silence is like death diluted countless times.

What the Lord of the Dead harvests with the Bone Xun is real death, because the person being harvested is indeed dead, but what is given to the cultivator is the power of death. So, where does death go?

Lu Yin's pupils flickered, staring at Gu Xun in a daze.

Far away, the Lord of Death also stopped in the starry sky, looking in a direction, which was exactly where Lu Yin was.

It is aware of the bones.

Just as the Master of Life can detect the Immortal Star Map, it can also detect the Bone Xun. Although it is much blurred due to the collapse of the universe frame, it can still roughly feel the direction.

Far away, but not so far that it's inaccessible.

Who holds the bone?

Only after it was noticed by the Lord and confirmed to return, it gave the Bone Xun. There are very few people in the universe who have Bone Xun today, and every one of them has been considered by it.

Whose bone xun is this?

Names flashed through his mind.

In the end, only two names flashed through my mind, one was Chongyi and the other was Chen.

This chapter has been completed!
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