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Chapter 470 Killing the Ability User

After walking and stopping, on the third day, the five of them finally walked out of the jungle, and a wasteland appeared in front of them.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of fighting coming from behind a boulder in front of them. The five people looked at each other and walked quickly towards the boulder. After turning out of the boulder, they saw two groups of people fighting in front of them, which was very lively.

Flames fill the sky, ice arrows roar, wind blades are sharp, and energy surges. These two groups of people are all superpowers.

Seeing Chu Yun's five people appear, the two groups fought even more fiercely.

In fact, they all belong to the alliance of superpowers, but they belong to different countries. One side is the Romantic country, and the other is the Juventus country. The fight is really exciting, and various superpowers are constantly released.

But no one was injured.

They were fighting while slowly approaching Chu Yun and others, everything seemed very natural.

However, their little thoughts could not escape the eyes of the five people.

"Captain, they are pretending to fight. They probably want to unite to deal with us."

Ximen Yue hit the nail on the head.

Chu Yun nodded. Several others could see it. How could Chu Yun not see it?

He smiled and said: "Then give them a surprise."

"What surprise?"

Dongfang Sheng asked.

Chu Yun took out a high-explosive grenade. He knew how to use it. It was simpler than other weapons. All he had to do was pull the lock and throw it into the crowd.

Several people were a little confused, "Captain, why don't you just fight them?"

According to their thinking, when they encounter a person with superpowers, they must fight to show that martial arts is stronger than superpowers, but they did not expect Chu Yun to use a grenade.

"Why bother fighting if we can kill our opponents quickly? Besides, we will encounter many enemies, so we'd better save some energy."

Hearing this, the other four people could only take out the grenades, pull off the lock, and throw them out.



The superpower who was moving this way suddenly saw five high-explosive grenades being thrown out, and he immediately cursed.

This kind of grenade is so powerful that even those with superpowers who have extremely strong defenses would not dare to resist it.

They all ran away madly in all directions.

Boom boom boom boom!

After several blasts, the entire ground shook violently, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The ten superpowers responded quickly, but even so, two people were killed on the spot.

The other eight people were all injured. These superpowers were all disgraced at this moment. They originally wanted to join forces here to kill teams from several countries.

Unexpectedly, they suffered a big loss from the first one they encountered.

But after all, he is a person with superpowers, and his physical fitness is still very strong. Moreover, this mission is very important and there cannot be any mistakes.

Therefore, even if two people died and the rest were injured, no one retreated. Instead, they rushed towards Chu Yun and the other five with red eyes.

Chu Yun was a little disappointed when he saw that only two people were killed. These superpowers were not weak.

He looked at the rushing superpowers and said, "Let's shoot them."

Immediately, Dongfang Sheng and the others took down the guns from their backs and started shooting.

These superpowers are so powerful that they go on missions without bringing any weapons. After all, their superpowers are the best weapons.

Unlike Chu Yun and others who were carrying thermal weapons, they suffered a huge loss immediately.

The one with superpowers who was at the front was beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Despicable Easterners, if you have the ability to duel with us, don't use weapons." Someone with superpowers shouted.

"Idiots don't use weapons." Chu Yun said disdainfully.

I came here just to complete the mission. What happened to using weapons for this mission?

There are advanced weapons, but who the hell is punching and kicking you?

Da da da!

The five of them fired machine guns together. Even if Chu Yun's marksmanship was not accurate, at least some of them could be hit by such a large-scale shooting.


Facing the bullets pouring down like a torrential rain, one of the superpowers snorted and pushed forward with both hands.

Suddenly the space started to fluctuate and rippled continuously.

The bullets that followed seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, their speed suddenly slowed down, and they were unable to pass through the barrier, and finally fell to the ground one after another.

The high-explosive grenade was thrown out so suddenly that he didn't react.

But this time, he reacted and responded.

"Captain, it seems that hot weapons are not enough, so we have to use fists to solve the problem." Xiao Tianming said.

"Okay, I'll leave those two burly black men to you." Chu Yun also didn't expect that some of these superpowers would have awakened space superpowers.

Thermal weapons cannot hurt the opponent, so you can only use your fists.

"Captain, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Xiao Tianming looked excited. In the past few days, all he had encountered in the jungle were weaklings. Moreover, under Chu Yun's guidance, he easily found the enemy's hiding place, so Xiao Tianming did not feel any excitement.

But now that someone with superpowers appears, he can't wait to take action.

Although I felt that the opponent was injured and I fought again, which would be a bit bullying, but since I was one versus two, it should be considered fair.

He strode towards the two burly black men.

"Dongfang, your target is those two people." Chu Yun pointed.

The two people Chu Yun pointed out were both very fast. When they were fighting before, Chu Yun noticed that one of them was wearing a glove with lightning wrapped around it.

The other was a muscular man with his upper body naked, and metal-like claws extending from the nails on his hands.

Dongfang Sheng was also deeply impressed by these two people. The two superpowers were fighting just now, and their speed was extremely fast, which also made Dongfang Sheng very interested.

After all, he is also very fast. Except for Chu Yun, he has never seen anyone who can beat him in speed.

He bent forward and rushed towards the two of them.

"Jingxuan, your opponents are them."

Chu Yun pointed at two more people and handed them over to Jingxuan.

Jing Xuan showed a cruel smile, and swung the hidden weapon, and suddenly the sound of breaking wind sounded, and the two hidden weapons directly took the heads of the two superpowers.

The last person left was given to Ximen Yue.

Chu Yun didn't take any action. As a top expert, he had to be strong. There was no need for him to deal with such a weak superpower.

According to the level classification, these superpowers are considered to be A-level, and they are also injured. If Dongfang wins like this, they still cannot win.

Chu Yun had to consider whether he should leave the four of them behind and do the mission alone.

When the remaining seven superpowers saw that they no longer attacked with thermal weapons, but wanted to fight them in close combat, they roared one after another, roaring like wild beasts.

The other party didn't hurt anyone, but three of them died. It was a great shame and humiliation.

They must recover this situation, and the energy flowing in their bodies will increase their combat power to the maximum and rush out one after another.

"Hahaha! Your father Tianming is here too!"

Xiao Tianming laughed, his energy surged in his body, and his body suddenly grew in size, like a humanoid truck crashing into his two targets.

Seeing this, the two black superpowers roared together and rushed towards Xiao Tianming. They both had awakened bodies, and their defense and strength were not comparable to those of other superpowers.


A dull sound sounded, Xiao Tianming was knocked back several steps, and the two superpowers flew out upside down.

After all, he was injured and was not at his peak. Together, the two of them could not defeat Xiao Tianming.

"Have fun! Come again!"

Xiao Tianming shouted violently and rushed forward again. This was his favorite way of fighting, head-on confrontation, strong against strong.

Compared to Xiao Tianming's head-on confrontation, Dongfang Sheng is much more chic and handsome.

With the sword in hand and his mind moving freely, Dongfang Sheng steadily suppressed the two supernatural beings with one-on-two.

The two superpowers wanted to use their speed advantage to launch an attack, but they found that Dongfang Sheng was no slower than them, and his figure was erratic and elusive.

Compared with Xiao Tianming's domineering power and Dongfang Sheng's handsomeness, Jing Xuan was much more passive. Both of the two people he faced had strong ability to control objects.

The hidden weapon she shot was controlled by them before they even got close, which made Jingxuan quite depressed. Fortunately, Ximen Yue defeated her own opponents and came to help.

Ximen Yue's sonic attack made the two superpowers unable to concentrate and use their superpowers with all their strength. Only then did Jingxuan seize the opportunity and defeat them one by one.

This chapter has been completed!
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