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Chapter 1208 Clarity

Shao Shude has always paid close attention to the news of the landing operation.

In fact, as early as the end of August, when the first batch of returning ships arrived in Qingzhou, news came back one after another.

No matter how confident he was in advance and how thorough his preparations were, landing operations had always been a worldwide problem, and he was still somewhat uneasy.

In order to relieve the pressure in his heart, he had to summon the prince of Le'an County to give him a banquet during the day, and hold Queen Shuxian He in his arms until late at night. It was not until the imperial doctor diagnosed that Queen Shuxian was pregnant that he felt refreshed and calmly approved the memorial. One day

The work efficiency is several times higher than before.

Early this morning, the latest news came from the direction of Qingzhou. After learning that most of the three states of Ying, Ping, and Ji were captured, Shao Shude felt at ease. At this point in the war, there is no longer any suspense. What he has to do now is to do as much as possible

harvest the fruits of victory.

"Your Majesty, please think twice about the Northern Inspection." Outside Taishan Palace, two prime ministers, Xiao Qu and Lu Siye, admonished together.

"Where are the two division commanders thinking?" Shao Shude said with a smile: "I will not go north unless Li Keyong retreats."

At a certain moment, he thought about whether he could cross the river and go north to attract Li Keyong to attack, so as to achieve a better encirclement and annihilation effect. Because according to the current situation, the main force of the Jin army was mostly active in the Xingming Ci Xiangwei area, and they had to retreat

Very easy, not deep enough.

But the civil and military officials firmly opposed this.

The sword has no eyesight on the battlefield, and anything can happen. What if something unexpected happened and Li Keyong was allowed to attack the Chinese army and be captured alive in the first battle?

It is true that when he was starting out, Chen Cheng and other close advisers even repeatedly encouraged Shao Shude to visit the front line in person to boost morale. However, after the family became a big business and even ascended the throne and became emperor, they firmly opposed this. There is only one reason for the change in mentality during this period:

They don't want to take risks, they don't think there's any need to take risks, and they don't want to give the enemy any chance.

The Jin army did not fight satisfactorily in the Xiangwei area.

There have been victories, such as breaking into Xiangzhou, attacking Anyang, and defeating the Xia army between Anyang and Yecheng.

There have been failures, such as in Weizhou, where they were surrounded by Tiande and Wuwei armies and lost their troops and generals.

These were two large-scale battles, and there were more than ten smaller-scale battles, each with a win or a loss. Even though Li Keyong personally led the charge, the morale of the Jin soldiers was so high that they had the upper hand, but they could not break the situation. Only

They approached Yongji Canal twice and were repelled later.

Shao Shude doubted whether Li Keyong had the confidence to continue to entangle him. If he left, it would be really troublesome. Therefore, he once wanted to cross the river in person to attract the attention of his good sworn brother and stop him from leaving.

Now that the situation has been seen, the war is progressing smoothly, and the defeat of the Hebei Allied Forces is a foregone conclusion. The ministers discouraged him, so he no longer persisted.

"Let's sit down and talk." Shao Shude found an open space full of wild flowers and green grass, and asked the palace servants to spread a felt blanket. The monarch and his ministers sat down cross-legged. After a while, a palace servant brought boiled tea to them.

come over.

In the pre-Tang Dynasty, everyone from the royal family to ordinary people liked to bring food for outings. When they were tired, they would spread a woven rug on the grass, and everyone would sit around and eat and drink. It was very comfortable.

Emperor Xianzong loved this matter so much that he often took his concubines out of the palace for picnics.

Shao Shude also enjoys this feeling of freedom. Yes, no matter how beautiful the palace is, you will feel bored after living there for a long time. No matter how beautiful the goddess is, there is a man behind her who plays with her to the point of vomiting.

It’s good to go out more, walk more, see more, and enjoy yourself physically and mentally.

"I heard that Youzhou's venison is delicious. I wonder if I can eat it in Youzhou during the winter solstice." Shao Shude picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Your Majesty, it's coming soon!" Xiao Zang and Lu Siye had not spoken yet, but Chen Cheng, the assistant minister of Zhongshu, came over from a short distance away.

"Oh? Why did Mr. Chen teach me?" Shao Shude had a guess in his mind.

"I have just returned from the camp, and good news came from Dezhou. The capital of Fuzang will conquer the city last night, and kill the bandit general Wang Qixian and dozens of his subordinates." Chen Cheng said with a smile: "I would like to congratulate your majesty!"

Xiao Qu and Lu Siye looked at each other, stood up with a big smile, and said, "I congratulate Your Majesty!"

Shao Shude sat there steadily, with great joy in his heart and a calm expression on his face, and said: "Everyone sit down. Dezhou has been besieged for so long, and it will be a matter of time before the city is broken. Once the city is broken, the worries about the future will be suddenly lifted, and we can

Heading north with all our strength."

"Your Majesty, after capturing Dezhou, Marshal Ge has ordered Wu Zang to continue his efforts and lead his troops to march north to attack Lu Yanwei together with Long Xiang, Tianxiong and other troops." Chen Cheng said.

Shao Shude nodded and said: "Ge Congzhou's strategy is good, I will not interfere."

This is to strike while the iron is hot, invest the main force, and launch a counterattack against the Jin soldiers from Youzhou. When the war reaches this point, no one will be satisfied with just annexing a town of Cangjing. They must bravely march north to attack Youzhou.


The situation of the war can be said to be completely clear.

"Is there any movement in Khitan?" Shao Shude seemed to have thought of something and asked suddenly.

"There is no movement." Chen Cheng replied: "The Khitans have been plundering the Bohai Sea. The offensive is fierce and the Bohai people cannot resist it. However, they are defending the famous city of Dayi and all the rural villages have given up. They seem to be waiting for the Khitans to leave after plundering.

In July, there were reports from Xincheng and Fushun that many Bohai people fled and asked for asylum. Andong camp gathered them, totaling more than 8,000 households, and sent troops to escort them and send them to counties in southern Liaoning.


What are you sending it to for? Of course, to serve as a soldier for the government soldiers.

The Bohai people may not be willing, but this is not their fault. Being kidnapped by the Khitan people is also a slave. Being captured by the Xia people, at least Bu Qu is not a slave in the legal sense. Strictly speaking, he is a tenant, and he is raised by the Fubing master.

It's just that the personal dependence relationship is stronger than that of ordinary tenants.

If the time comes, it is not impossible to abolish the local military system, grant them farmland, and become common people of Daxia in the true sense.

As for when to abolish the military system in a certain place, it is actually very simple: when it becomes the hinterland.

From this point of view, the Liaodong Peninsula is the most promising place to abolish the imperial army system. After the society prospers and the population grows, the fields under the imperial army's name will gradually become substandard, and it will be difficult to afford the costs of equipment, training and long-term campaigns.

, when the government military system is abolished, they will only applaud, thinking that they will be relieved of the heavy burden of military service.

It is probably difficult to abolish the area to the north and east of the Liaodong Peninsula, because that area is destined to be on the front line. Even the Liaodong Peninsula itself may not necessarily abolish the government military system. Everything depends on the future security situation. Anyway, Shao Shude

It is impossible to abolish it in this generation, and most likely it will not be abolished in his son's generation.

"The people of Bohai were fooled. They won't come here like this next time, right?" Shao Shude said with a helpless smile.

This decision was actually made with his consent.

The Bohai people originally wanted to seek protection from the Great Xia soldiers, but they did not expect that they had the same virtues as the Khitans. The only difference was probably that when the Khitans took them back, they humiliated and killed them at every turn, and every penny they had on them was robbed.

Beautiful women were also taken away and used as tools for sexual discharge. The Xia people allowed them to keep their property - at least on the surface - and they were also given food on the road, and the old, weak, women and children who could not keep up with the marching speed could ride in carriages.

, only those who escape will be caught.

There is essentially no difference, the Xia people are slightly more civilized, that's all.

It is conceivable that after the news spread, fewer and fewer Bohai people will be fooled. But as the situation worsens, they actually do not have many choices.

The people of Liao were actually accustomed to such rough treatment. After all, the local environment and customs were like this. There were many large-scale migrations in history, especially since the late Jin Dynasty.

To put it simply, they are more resistant to grass. There are more rough and tough elements in the culture, and they will eventually compromise with reality.

"Your Majesty, actually Abaoji is a very far-sighted person." Xiao Yu, who had been silent, said: "For many years, he has been thinking about going south to the Central Plains and made a lot of preparations for this, but he was pushed back by Li Keyong.

After the situation in the Central Plains became increasingly clear, he joined forces with Li Keyong to create trouble for Daxia. It was he who instigated the fierce battle between Daibei and Yanbei last year. This year's Khitan attack on the Bohai Sea was just to recover the losses caused by the troops sent last year.

.Once he succeeds, he will try to go south to the Central Plains sooner or later. If he fails, he may temporarily surrender and wait for an opportunity, just like many grassland chiefs in the former Tang Dynasty."

Will Yeluyi surrender to the Central Plains? The prime ministers of the Political Affairs Hall think it is possible, provided that they hurt him and make him despair, knowing that he cannot fight.

In the early years of the former Tang Dynasty, the Turks were so powerful that hundreds of thousands of horsemen penetrated into the Central Plains, repeatedly plundering the population, and even went so far as to cultivate agent warlords. Li Yuan once wanted to leave Chang'an and move the capital, which shows how embarrassed he was.

Logically speaking, the Turkic Khans are very proud. They have writing, officialdom, and palaces. They also have conquered towns and large-scale weapons and armor manufacturing bases in the Western Regions of Central Asia. Such a well-established leader of a regime may


Facts have proved that the knees of the grassland people are much softer than you think. Once they are beaten in pain, they will run away immediately. If the Central Plains dynasty has political skills, they will not even run away, but come to surrender on their own initiative.

Would the Khitan people be like this?

"The Khitan can surrender, but the descendants of the Yundeshi line must die." Shao Shude said without any doubt.

Xiao Qun cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty thinks so, and I feel relieved."

Chen Cheng glanced at Shao Shude doubtfully.

There are not many people who have been named "must be killed" by the saints in the past twenty years. Zhu Quanzhong is one, but Abaoji is not. Does he have the face to compare with Zhu Quanzhong? How can he be so virtuous!

Did the saint fall in love with Abaoji's wife? It doesn't seem like it. If that were the case, Abaoji would not necessarily die, but would be captured and placed under surveillance in Luoyang, and his wife and daughter would be favored by the saint again and again.

Chen Cheng knew the saint too well.

"Now the main focus is on attacking Youzhou. If the Khitans don't come, that's it. If they dare to come, I will go to Youzhou and meet them for a while." Shao Shude said.

"Your Majesty!" Xiao Zang and Lu Siye said in shock.

"Look at what you are doing!" Shao Shude said helplessly: "I heard that Linyu Palace was built during the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty..."

"Your Majesty, no!" Xiao Zang and Lu Siye said in unison.

"It won't work this way, that won't work either! When I visited Youzhou in the north, I didn't even have a palace. How can it be decent?" Shao Shude became angry and asked.

"Linyu Palace is too dangerous..." Xiao Yu said.

"Then there must be a palace, right?" Shao Shude pressed.

Xiao Qu, Lu Siye, and Chen Cheng looked at each other. After a while, Chen Cheng winked, and the two nodded slightly. Then they heard Chen Cheng say: "Your Majesty, if Cangjing is captured, the two towns of Youzhou may be able to drive the prisoners

, excavated mountains to collect stones, cut down timber, and found land near Youzhou to build a palace."

Shao Shude struggled for a while, then sighed and said: "The foundation of Linyu Palace still exists. I wanted to save some money and money, but you guys - well, let's do it like this."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty," the three of them said in unison.

This chapter has been completed!
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