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Chapter 1209 We are all innocent

 On September 20th, the third year of Jianji, it rained lightly.

Autumn has arrived in Hebei, with colorful fallen leaves and continuous rain.

Shao Shude once again acted as a hands-off treasurer and handed over government affairs to the prime minister.

He didn't want to see the shocking financial figures.

If there are secret reports among officials, you should take care of them yourself.

There are also all kinds of trivial things, such as giving memorial arches to women who have been widowed for many years - grass, don’t you know how many broken shoes I have played with? In addition, this dynasty encourages childbirth, and it is not appropriate to promote this kind of custom.

After getting out of the snowy memorial, he took his two sons and mingled with the warriors.

A monarch is first of all a military leader. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the monarch had to personally lead the troops to fight. Shao Shude would never forget this. At any time, he continued to consolidate military power.

Don’t let anyone try to fool me. I am a warrior. I use my martial arts to seize power and use my martial arts to bring peace to the world. The inheritance that will be passed on to future generations will still rely on the support of warriors.

I will let you have fun in the court, as long as I firmly hold the military power, you all can work honestly.

On this day, three thousand soldiers from Yin'an were practicing in the rain.

The army was divided into two parts and attacked and killed each other. Even though they stopped at the right time, they still worked very hard, so much so that those who were knocked to the ground would curse.

However, when it was their turn to attack, their attack was also very cunning. The sword without the blade stabbed straight through without stopping at all. It was a real attack.

Shao Shude was very happy to see it. His grandmother felt comfortable staying with the warriors.

Shao Huixian and Shao Mingyi watched intently, clenching their hands into fists. Sometimes they couldn't help but stand up, eager to get off the field and compete.

"Since ancient times, the Yan people fought bravely. You have been watching for a long time. What do you think?" Shao Shude looked at the dozen Youzhou generals standing at the foot of the stairs and asked.

Xia Luqi stood half a step in front of him, holding a long spear in his right hand and holding a knife in his left hand, staring at the Yan prisoners.

Those people had all been stripped of their armor and weapons and stood empty-handed. Xia Ruqi estimated that as long as the saint gave the order, he would go over with a single sword and kill them all in a matter of seconds.

He dared to kill even the generals of the imperial court, such as Li Tangbin and others. Anyway, he would kill whoever the saint asked to be killed without any hesitation.

Just yesterday, Shao Sheng heard that Xia Luqi's wife and concubine were several months pregnant. He immediately sent an order to Luoyang and ordered the Imperial Medical Office to send medical officers to Xia Mansion for diagnosis and treatment. He also gave many things for children.

Xia Ruqi burst into tears of gratitude for such a generous favor. Now he patrols at night, his eyes widening.

"Your Majesty, Yin'an Zhizhi is truly the strongest army in the world. With both civil and military support, they can move on foot and on horseback, and rush into battle wearing armor. There are not many who can stop them." A general of the Yan Army replied.

"What is your name? What skills do you have?" Shao Shude asked.

"The guilty general's name is Li Xiaoxi. He is good at archery and can pierce the Yangtze River with a hundred steps. He is just doing other things." Li Xiaoxi said loudly, not sure if it was to increase his own worth.

As soon as these words came out, the officers surrounding Shao Shude burst into laughter.

Shao Shude also smiled and said: "I have walked through the poplars with a hundred steps. In the past twenty years, I have only seen one person, and that is my sworn brother Li Keyong."

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Li Xiaoxi blushed with anxiety.

Shao Shude waved his hand to stop the officers from mocking him and said: "You will know if you have any skills or not."

After saying that, he ordered the sergeant to get a walking bow, pointed at the willow branches in the distance, and said: "In the past, when I shot willows, I always hit the mark. You can try it."

Of course, the distance is not a hundred steps, but only about thirty steps.

Li Keyong hung his riding whip on a willow branch and shot it from a distance, which was actually very difficult. Because the willow branch is not static, you also have to consider the wind speed and estimate the lead time, which is more difficult and more difficult than shooting a static target.

Close to actual combat.

As for Li Ke's ability to shoot down two wild geese with two consecutive arrows, that's even more impressive. Because after you shoot down the first one, the second one will panic and fly away. The test is to quickly pick up the bow and set it up.

The ability of arrows and continuous shooting, and perhaps the ability to predict, are all very close to actual combat.

Gao Pian, who was earlier than Li Keyong, was versatile in both civil and military affairs. Not only did he write excellent poems, but he also had famous sayings such as "The curtains of water are moving, the breeze rises, and the roses fill the courtyard with fragrance." He was also outstanding in archery. He once

Shooting down two eagles in a row became a legend. The quality of education in the Jiangmen family was still very good even at the end of the dynasty.

After Li Xiaoxi got the walking bow, she tried it out first to get a feel for it.

This is actually another test. What you got is not your usual walking bow, can you still shoot accurately?

Everyone's eyes were on him.

Li Xiaoxi took a deep breath, picked up the bow and arrow, and fired one arrow.


But no one laughed, because it was really only a little bit close.

Li Xiaoxi's face turned even redder, and before Shao Shude could speak, he fired another shot.

This time he hit! He breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Shude stood up in surprise, walked up to Li Xiaoxi, and apologized on the spot: "I underestimated Mr. Li, and now I know I was wrong. Are you willing to serve me?"

At the height of his powers, Da Xiazi admitted his mistake. Li Xiaoxi was so happy that she almost fainted. She immediately fell to her knees and repeatedly said: "I am willing to die for your majesty."

Shao Shude grabbed him and said, "I have established a rule that warriors do not need to kneel."

After that, he asked people to get his usual bows and arrows and quiver, and gave them to Li Xiaoxi. He also rewarded a horse, some money and silk, and said: "Li Jun can enter the silver saddle."

Yin Anzhi's commander Li Yixian responded on the spot and recruited civil servants to enroll him in the military.

The Yan people surrendered and watched the whole process. Everyone admired it and their eyes were blazing.

They are all generals who guard in Linyu Pass, Pingzhou, Yingzhou, Jizhou and other places. They are either captured on the battlefield or come to surrender on their own initiative. The frontier counties and counties have been fighting against the Khitan and Xi people all the year round. Without some skills, they can't do it.


To be honest, they are not short of money. Throwing money at them is effective, but it is not that good. In terms of future generations, the marginal effect is diminishing.

But in addition to money, Shao Shude also gave them lofty status and honor, showed great care, and admitted that he was wrong and misjudged with the dignity of the emperor. This feeling of treating each other with sincerity made them very useful.

"The Great Xia Dynasty has no distinction between regions. As long as they are warriors and are willing to serve me, I love them very much and will reward them generously." Shao Shude said again: "Xia Luqi!"

"Your Majesty." Xia Luqi stood between the group of prisoners and Shao Shude. He immediately responded after hearing the words, but did not turn around and still looked at them dutifully.

"You are from Qi, and you have served me for nearly a year. Have I treated you badly?" Shao Shude asked.

"Your Majesty is happy to see brave men regardless of their origins. A certain white man from the countryside won your Majesty's favor and immediately won a generous reward. He also had a mansion in Luoyang. There was a wife and a concubine in the family. They were from a well-known family, well-educated, elegant and wise. I don't know.

How many people are envious of him?" Xia Luqi replied.

The Yin'anzhi sergeants who were watching on the side laughed again.

The shameless Xia Luqi actually got a direct-line woman from the Hezhong Liu family and the Xue family to be his wife and concubine. It is true that smoke is coming out of the ancestral grave. If it weren't for Shao Sheng, this guy wouldn't even think about it, at least it wouldn't be possible when he was young.


After Xia Luqi finished speaking, Shao Shude glanced at him approvingly and said: "There are no Liang people, Qi people, Wei people, or Yan people, they are all Xia people. All people in the world are my sons and treat them equally. I want to march into You."

State, are you willing to fight?"

"I wish." Jiang people shouted one after another.

Shao Shude happily sat back on the throne.

Today is just an introduction. He always likes to prepare for a rainy day. Before he conquered Youzhou, he had already begun to think about governing Youzhou, just like when he repaired the Dou Jiande Temple and went to worship in the temple.

When it was necessary for him to come forward to bridge differences, Shao Shude would never refuse, and he had many methods and a soft body, so he was not afraid of losing face or anything.

The towns in Hebei have indeed been separated from the Central Plains for too long, and no matter how much energy they invest, it is not too much.

He will put back some of the surrendered people from Youzhou who met today, and let them speak out and try to persuade them to surrender. With the help of these local snakes, many obstacles should be alleviated.

And Youzhou itself will also be one of the focuses of the new dynasty's management.

This place is very close to the grassland and geographically connected to the Liao Dynasty. It can be said to be a military hub. He will stay in Youzhou for a long time and will return to Luoyang only after all matters are handled.

Next, Shao Shude tried his hand at Youzhou's ability to surrender people, bestowing them with gifts and words of encouragement.

After all the trials were completed, the whole army was declared to be in a great battle.

"My son, there are all brave men here today, how do you feel about it?" Shao Shude asked during the break between eating and drinking.

"Master, the affairs of the world really depend on battles." Shao Huixian said: "Everyone regards warriors as ferocious beasts, but if they are controlled properly, they are actually a powerful weapon to protect the country and the people."

"What if you can't control it?" Shao Shude asked.

Shao Huixian was silent for a long time and whispered: "Maybe it can be destroyed."

Shao Shude sighed when he heard this and did not judge whether his son was right or not.

It is true that some people will make this choice due to various factors, such as being incompatible with martial arts, and having no military prestige or experience. They are destined to be unable to gain their heartfelt love and fear, so they might as well just destroy it.

There is no absolute right or wrong, everything must be based on the actual situation.

Historically, there were five dynasties after the fall of the Tang Dynasty. Many people will subconsciously refer to them collectively without making distinctions, but the differences between these five dynasties are huge.

The Bianliang Forbidden Army in the Later Liang Dynasty and the Bianliang Forbidden Army in the Later Tang Dynasty were definitely two different styles, two mental outlooks, and the degree of domineering was essentially different.

In the early and late Later Tang Dynasty, Li Congke and Li Conghou competed to buy the Imperial Army at a higher price without any bottom line. They were in two completely different states.

This period should be the period when the morale, combat effectiveness and military discipline of the entire Five Dynasties Bianliang Forbidden Army dropped off the fastest cliff. If Zhu Quanzhong and Li Cunxu were to come back to life and look at the Forbidden Army in the late Tang Dynasty and the early Jin Dynasty, they would probably be very surprised at how they fell.

Like this bird?

Shao Shude couldn't tell whether other people's choices were right, but he felt that the current Daxia Forbidden Army had not reached the stage of the early years of the Later Jin Dynasty. At worst, it was still as vigorous as when Zhu Quanzhong first established the Bianliang Forbidden Army, so he planned to save it and fight for it.

It will not let its arrogant soldiers fall, and their combat effectiveness and military discipline will drop off a cliff.

"Grandpa, nothing in this world is uncontrollable. If you find it difficult, it's just because you haven't worked hard enough." Shao Mingyi said: "If you are proficient in martial arts, familiar with military strategy, and can talk to the soldiers honestly, you can reduce their doubts and solve them.

How could you not be able to control the difficulties?"

Shao Shude's eyes lit up, he took Liulang's hand and said with a smile: "Among the disciples, your eldest brother and second brother may know a little bit, but they are not as thorough as you. Liulang knows the true meaning of being a father, good, good!"

Shao Mingyi smiled shyly and said, "My mother taught me everything."

Shao Shude felt a little ashamed and missed the queen. Somehow, the more the wild woman played, the more guilty she felt towards the queen. However, Luoyang still needs someone to take charge, and she cannot be allowed to come for the time being.

"In a few days, I will cross the river and go north. You should follow me and learn from me." Shao Shu took Liu Lang's hand and liked him more and more, so he simply asked him to sit next to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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