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Chapter 6 Interview

 "Ultimate: Punishment, the art of slaughtering words, if you drive a flock of chickens, if you do it slowly, they will disperse, if you do it quickly, they will become chaotic. Although this is a small statement, it makes sense. Those who know it will criticize it, and it is not easy to do it... things must be done in Mianchi. County magistrate."

"The ultimatum: According to the punishment, all cities and towns are assigned six positions. Although it is stated in detail, how can we follow our heart's desire? Kuang County Prime Minister is also the assistant. The chief is worried about his picks, and the cunning officials tell him the rules. How can I strengthen myself? The trouble cannot be solved...it is necessary to send the magistrate of Mianchi County to take pictures."

"The ultimatum: In order to serve as a punishment, the county lieutenant was appointed. Although his official position is humble, his duties are very important. If he is active, he will be imprisoned, and if he is quiet, he will comfort the tired gangsters... The Mianchi county lieutenant must be sent to take pictures."

In the Longchi Palace, several new officials, including the Mianchi Ling, the Prime Minister, the Chief Secretary, and the Lieutenant, were in high spirits and congratulated each other.

Du Xiao, the magistrate of Lingbao County, also came. He had been promoted to Shaozhou Sima and field inspector, responsible for the field affairs in Yuan, Wei, Mianchi and other counties.

The so-called Shaozhou was newly established. In the early years of the dynasty, it was established to govern Yuan County. Shao Shude has already reported to the court, requesting that Shaozhou be restored and govern five counties of Yuan, Wangwu, Wei, Mianchi, and Xiashi, and govern Wei County. .

These five counties are relatively pitted, with endless mountains. On the north bank of the Yellow River is Wangwu Mountain, and on the south bank are the remnants of the Qinling Mountains such as Mount Wei. The terrain is broken and separated by mountains. People farm in valleys or intermountain basins. There are 5,000 people in Wei County. The common people lived in such a terrain, repairing the canals dug during the prosperity of the country and renovated by Zhang Quanyi, and grazing and farming.

Among the five counties, Wei and Xiashi are counties under Shaanxi Prefecture, and Wangwu is a county under Henan Prefecture. They were unified into Shaozhou. The court felt numb after seeing it. But there was nothing they could do. The children of the Xuzhou generals in Yushan were making faint noises. Shao Shude sent another batch of cattle, sheep, green salt, and furs, and finally agreed.

Shaozhou was affiliated with the Baoyi Army, and its governor was Liang Zhixia, the judge of the Shuofang shogunate's mutual market. He had just set off from Lingzhou and had not yet arrived at his post.

Sima Ye, the magistrate of the Huazhou shogunate, served as Shaozhou's chariot and post inspector, and was also on the way.

"As soon as I saw all the talents, I felt much better." After entering the Qingliang Hall, Shao Shude glanced at the crowd of students and said with a smile.

"See you, Marshal." Everyone saluted.

"Everyone, please sit down." Shao Shude returned the greeting and then ordered his soldiers to make tea.

"Du Erlang came here this time and worked with General Gao again." Shao Shude focused his eyes on Du Xiao and said.

Du Xiao had served as Lingbaoling before, and he was indeed very talented and had put Lingbao County on the right track. However, Shao Shude learned through other channels that there were several aides around Du Xiao who were sent by his father, Du Rangneng, and were proficient in practical matters and insightful. They may have played a greater role in renqing and governing Lingbao.

The "Tian Tuan" of the Du family in Jingzhao can't manage a county easily. They have to bend their talents, they have to bend their talents. Shao Shude plans to squeeze them and challenge the barren Shaozhou mountainous area.

"Gaogong Town, Yuan County, Bian people are not allowed to enter. I admire you very much, so I should pay you a visit." Du Xiao replied in a polite manner.

Shao Shude nodded, then thought of something, turned his head and gave instructions to Zheng Yong.

Soon, the eldest son Siwu and the eldest son Chengjie also walked in.

Everyone saluted one after another, and the two children returned the salute one by one.

"Sit next to my father and listen carefully." Shao Shude waved and asked Chengjie to sit on the left and Siwu on the right.

"Last year, all households in Wei County were registered, and more than a thousand hectares of fields were opened in a hurry, and winter wheat was planted. This year's harvest yielded eighty-nine bushels of millet and wheat. After the beginning of spring, spring wheat, beans, and alfalfa were planted, and a total of two fields were opened.

With more than 1,000 hectares, the autumn harvest should be quite impressive. I don’t ask too much. Starting from this autumn sowing, five thousand households will be able to open at least 3,000 hectares of farmland. Each household will have 60 acres, and the three-bed system will produce millet, wheat, and beans.

The forage has been tested. We have many military draft animals and war horses. We can't do it without forage. We can't afford to feed them just grain."

Du Xiao laughed in amusement, and the others also laughed.

"There were originally 7,000 Qingtang and Tubo households in Yuan County. They fought several battles with the Bian army and suffered considerable losses. Huazhou will recruit a group of poor people to naturalize in Yuan County to make up 5,000 households."

"Mianchi County is even bigger, with 10,000 households."

"Everything remains the same in Xia Shek County."

"Wangwu County is still to be captured."

Shao Shude generally talked about the arrangements of several counties, mainly for Du Xiao, the camp inspector.

This arrangement is a bit like the later Northern Song Dynasty and Western Xia Dynasties, which were on the borders of Sui, Yin and other prefectures, rushing to farm, protecting farmland, and stealing farmland.

It sounds incredible that the two sides recruited people to work in the fields where the battle lines were intertwined. In the final analysis, it was to obtain food nearby and reduce logistical pressure.

Every spring sowing and harvest season, heavy troops must be deployed, especially the latter. After harvesting your own, you will go to grab other people's.

With the national strength of the Northern Song Dynasty, even with the help of the Yellow River water transport, they were very afraid of long-distance transportation of materials. Of course, Shao Shude also wanted to harvest a large amount of grain and grass on the front line, so he went to fight on the spot.

There are five thousand households in Wei County. Except for a few Huazhou masters, most of them are Dangxiangshan people. They have participated in the battle against the Bian Army, they often train during the slack period, and they have weapons at home. Shao Shude does not expect their descendants to be very capable.

Fighting, but these first generation members still dare to fight hard and are very obedient. They are all potential soldiers.

The Bian army in Ruzhou is blocked by Hu Guocheng, so the large group cannot get through. A small group of troops comes over the mountains. It is really impossible to defeat these local peasants. Therefore, the Wei County meeting is basically the rear area, so it can be

Produce with confidence.

The two counties of Yuan and Mianchi are in some trouble. They face the threat of the Bian army. They can still be harassed all the way out of Wangwu and Xia Shi Fort. But since they dare to set up Shaozhou, they are bullying the main force of the Bian army in the east and the troops in the west.

Just less.

Moreover, the mountains are continuous, there are few routes to choose from, and the roads are not very easy to walk. Come on if you want. I hope you can get out of the city.

If it's infantry, you may not be able to go back. If it's mounted infantry or cavalry, then I'll fight you. Anyway, the cost of setting up cavalry for Shuofang's army is relatively low. Let's see who can spend more on you. If you are more mobile, I'll fight you.

Once all the troops are used up, it will be easier to handle.

"Don't worry, Commander. After I take office, I will inspect various places, repair water conservancy, and open up fields to meet military needs." Du Xiao assured.

"Okay! If you need any staff or miscellaneous responsibilities, you can do them yourself. I will approve them all." Shao Shude approved.

In its heyday, Henan Prefecture had a population of two to three million, but now it has more than 100,000, mainly concentrated in the Luoyang Basin. Shao Shude has no doubt that outside of Luoyang, the number of wild beasts such as jackals far exceeds that of humans.

What a good deed done by Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan, Sun Ru and Li Han!

Uh, we can't go into this matter! Zhang Quanyi once recovered to 50,000 households, with a population of nearly 300,000, why is there only more than 100,000 left now? This is a matter of fact, haha, the weather is good today, I must go to Mount Wei, Xiong'er Mountain, and Funiu Mountain Went inside.

After talking with Du Xiao, Shao Shude looked at the group of Confucian classics students again, as if they were looking at his proud works.

"In the past, Confucius said to Boyu: 'His ancestors are not worthy of a name, his family name is not significant, but in the end he has a big name to show his descendants who are heard in all directions. Isn't it the effect of a scholar?' You are admonished." Shao Shude said.


"I will obey the commander's instructions." Everyone responded one after another.

"My son also warns him." Shao Shude held the hands of his two beloved sons and said: "My ancestor Shao Zhengyuan was Tian Shefu. He was diligent and eager to learn. He overcame obstacles and opened up fields and houses. His family was well off. My father Qing Hegong served in the army and suffered a lot. If you practice skills, you will be regarded as a warrior far and near. Therefore, a gentleman cannot fail to learn. If you don’t learn, you will not understand, and you will not know the source. Warn him, warn him!"

"I understand." They both replied together.

"In Henan, there have been countless large-scale conquests in the past dynasties. It is difficult to say what is right and what is wrong. However, historians have all noticed that it was here that determined the rise and fall of many dynasties. One rises and falls, the other falls. Therefore, there has been a saying of aspiration to conquer the Central Plains since ancient times." Shao Shude stood up. , walked to the map hanging on the wall, and said: "The great governance of Mianchi County is the first step to seize Luoyang. After you take office, I will see everything you do. It doesn't matter if your ancestors are not worthy of their title. It doesn't matter if your surname is insignificant. Your family's foundation is all in your hands. Isn't it a beautiful story? I never hesitate in official positions and rewards, so do your best."

"As ordered." Everyone responded again.

After the students left, Shao Shude was still sitting there and met with Tuoba Renfu, who had just returned to life a few days ago.

"I received a military report yesterday that Yin Qiandu joined forces with the Gan and Liang tribes to defeat Hexi Dangxiang, killing thousands of prisoners and capturing hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous animals." Looking at the grassland chief kneeling in front of him, Shao Shude said: "I It has been decided to bring Shaqi under the jurisdiction of the Zhenbei Protectorate and build Heishui City. Will your tribe continue to stay in Shaqi, or move to Henan?"

Tuoba Renfu's face was roughened by the wind and sand, and his expression could not be seen to have changed. But given the kind of person Shao Shude was, he naturally knew that he was weighing intensely in his heart.

This is not a simple multiple-choice question, but a proposition. If you answer incorrectly, you will probably be taken down by Shaw's soldiers and your head will be hung.

"Come back to the commander-in-chief, I am willing to move all the tribes to Henan." After a long time, Tuoba Renfu finally gave up his struggle and accepted his fate.

"Since you are willing to come, I will set aside the vast mountainous pasture north of the two counties of Wei and Mianchi and south of the river. Half of it will belong to you and the other half to Li Renyu."

Tuoba Renfu was stunned.

"Li Renmei has been entrusted with the title. His younger brother Di Yin A'duo wants to surrender. I won't kill him and let him lead his troops to move eastward." Shao Shude said.

Tuoba Renfu bowed his head humbly.

His tribe was relatively mixed. In the early years of the Hanyin Mountain Grassland, with Tuoba Dangxiang as the backbone, he commanded the two thousand Tatar and Uighur tribes given to him by the Tatar chieftain. Later, he marched into Shaqiu and fought for many years, annexing many of them.

Hexi Dangxiang, Tatar, Tuyuhun and Tibetan tribes have a population of tens of thousands, and can dispatch 7,000 cavalry to fight.

Li Renmei is the Uighur Khan of Ganzhou. Needless to say, he was originally very strong. But despite his bravery in the past, Ganzhou was lost. His wife and daughter were taken into the house by others. Now he is dead. His younger brother Li Ren is nearly 20 years old.

Young, there are still thousands of defeated troops at hand, what can we do if we don't surrender? Are they going west to join the Gaochang Uighurs? No, they know the virtues of those people too well, and there is only one end: people are killed, and the tribe is annexed.

By the way, Li Renmei's wives, concubines, and children were all in Ganzhou, and Zhou Yiyan did not kill them. After hearing that Li Ren wanted to surrender, he felt anxious and sent several of Li Renmei's young children to Lingzhou. Shao Shude

Send someone over to ask for it. This is a trump card to check and balance Li Renyu. It can be played at critical moments.

"You don't have to worry too much about the eastward migration of our troops. Someone will take care of it. Now you need to lead the troops eastward and go to Yunzhou via Hedong and Weibo. Is that okay?" Shao Shude asked.

Tuoba Renfu was sent to Jinyang by him, and Li Keyong was really rude when he summoned him. After he was handed over to Kang Junli, he fought with the Chengde cavalry one after another.

The tens of thousands of cavalry under Wang Rong are the orthodox inheritance of the cavalry talents of the Anshi Rebellion. How can Tuoba Renfu, a bunch of grassland desperadoes, defeat them? They may have some advantages over mounted archers, but they were beaten to a pulp in a face-to-face fight.

, so the loss is not small.

"This time, I will give you a thousand cavalry, recruited from Tubo and Dangxiang tribesmen, and equipped with armor and equipment. After packing them up, let's go east. Remember, you can't cheat, otherwise you will be held accountable.


After the armor and equipment are equipped, the combat effectiveness will be improved, which is regarded as a reward. If you add more troops and return to 3,000 cavalry, you can say that your strength will be greatly increased.

Shao Shude was not afraid of his rebellion.

Tuoba Renfu's tribe, wives and children are all in Shaqi. It can be said that life and death are in the hands of others.

His father Tuoba Sijing, his sister Tuoba Pu, and his nephew Yi Yin are also in Lingxia. The life and death of the entire Tuoba family depends on one person's thoughts, and there are really not many choices.

Even if they really rebel, it doesn't matter. They can't defeat the three thousand prairie cavalry on the left, and I'm afraid they can't defeat the one thousand army cavalry of the Tianzhu Army. What they are good at is cavalry and archery.

"Yes!" Tuoba Renfu responded.

"Get up." Seeing that he surrendered, Shao Shude said: "Do it well and kill the enemy bravely, and you will not lose your position as a prince in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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