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Chapter 7 No Rest

On August 18th, the fourth year of Dashun, Shao Shude arrived at Yuanxian County under the escort of Tielin and the newly arrived Chishui Army.

The Yi Congjun Qing Tang capital has returned to Heluo to strengthen Li Tangbin's group. Here there are only 10,000 infantry of the Tianxiong Army who have just "devoured" the 5,000 soldiers who surrendered from the river.

The Tianxiong Army at this time is not even as capable of fighting as when it had five thousand men before. It can be said to be the most dangerous time.

However, Quanzhong's military strength was also tight.

That guy Zhang Shensi actually just came to repair the pass. After repairing Zhi Pass and building a new Jiguan Pass on Qiziling, the Bian Army quietly replaced the Yamen Army and replaced them with state and county soldiers and Tu Tuan villagers.

Shao Shude climbed up Wangwu Mountain and overlooked the river. His two sons stood beside him, passively admiring the magnificent scenery. At this time, if Quanzhong sent 100,000 troops, he could capture the three thieves, Shao and his son.

"This is Yuan County." Shao Shude held his son's hands and climbed to a higher place, saying: "Since ancient times, Fensu, Weishui, and Yiluo have been the core places of China. Weishui and Yiluo have waterways.

However, there are Zhongtiao Mountains in the south of Fenshun, which stretch more than 100 miles from the west to the east and connect to Taihang in the east, which makes transportation from north to south difficult. The ancients overcame thorns and cut stones to clear roads. Over the past thousand years, a total of five roads were opened, and the two main roads were called Yu

Ban Dianji Road, Wangwu Zhiguan Road, and three secondary roads are Fengling Road, Zhujin Road, and Baixing Road. What you are seeing right now is Wangwu Zhiguan Road, which leads to Heyang."

The two children nodded in succession.

"Master Du has studied ancient and modern times, and he has also taught you geography. I just learned the Zhiguan Tiao, do you remember it?" Shao Shude became interested in comparing, and said: "Chengjie, recite it to your father."

""Historical Records·Biography of Su Qin" says, 'If Qin goes to Zhi Road, then Nanyang will be in danger; if Han robs Zhou, then the Zhao family will conduct its own troops.'"

"Isn't Nanyang the town of your grandma? How come you're here right after you leave Zhiguan?" Shao Shude asked deliberately.

"Grandpa, you are wrong. This Nanyang is south of Taihang and north of the Great River, which is Hanoi County of the Han Dynasty and Heyang Town of the Chinese Dynasty." Shao Chengjie said seriously.

"I see, my father was wrong. My son must remember that everyone can make mistakes, and you should not follow others' opinions. If you don't understand, others may understand, so don't be ashamed to ask." Shao Shude said happily.

In terms of knowledge, Du Honghui is better than his elder brother who is the prime minister. In these days, education is also an extremely scarce and precious resource, let alone letting the prime minister's brother and the number one scholar become teachers.

As long as the children are not particularly stupid, they will not lag behind their peers, not to mention that Shao Shude's education method is very luxurious: when they were in Longchi Palace, they deliberately let the two children learn the geography of Zhongtiao Mountain and Taihang Mountain, and then used it to patrol the armies.

If you have the opportunity, take them on a field trip.

Shao Shude devoted a lot of effort and placed great hopes on his two sons.

"The Zhi Pass is clear, but there is another Jiguan fifty miles west of Guan. Siwu, please tell me." Shao Shude looked at his eldest son again.

"The Book of the Later Han·Biography of Deng Yu" states that in the first month of the first year of Jianwu, Yu entered Hedong from Jiguan. The captain of Hedong guarded the pass and could not open it. Yu attacked for ten days and defeated it. He captured more than a thousand pieces of baggage. He entered Anyi and several

The moon has not yet set. Also, "Three Kingdoms·Book of Wei·Biography of Dong Zhuo", (Yang) Feng, (Han) Siam, (Dong) Cheng returned to Luoyang as the emperor. After leaving Jiguan, going down the Zhi Road, Zhang Yang greeted the road with food

, pay homage to Da Sima."

Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, it is impossible for the two sons to be familiar with ancient books now, but they have only learned the relevant knowledge about Wangwuzhi Pass Road and memorized the relevant entries.

It is really hard for children to study! The wife Zhe Fang Ai is merciless when it comes to her hands. Etiquette, knowledge, and martial arts are all taught by dedicated people. If she cannot complete the learning goal, there is only one thing: beating her!

Eventually, the two children liked to hang out with Shao Shude, because their father often took them out to "play". It was also interesting to watch politics beside their father, with all kinds of people from all walks of life, which was eye-opening.

The Deputy Chen next to their father is more interesting. He likes to talk with a playful smile about what someone who has just arrived is thinking, what he has done in the past, and what he wants to get in the future. This often leaves the two children stunned.

Shao Shude held the child's hand and walked on the mountain road.

Li Keyong's eldest son, Li Luoluo, has already learned how to kill and drink. His second son, Li Cunxu, is only nine years old. He should be learning music.

Zhu Quanzhong's eldest son, Zhu Youyu, followed his uncle Zhu Quanyu in his early years to do farm work in his hometown, thinking that his father was dead. Because martial arts was very popular among the people, he also learned some crop handles, and when he went hunting in the mountains, he also honed his good archery skills.


This meeting must have supplemented cultural knowledge, right? But it's hard to say. He ran to Guanzhong when he was a teenager and fought with his father. What's going on now is unknown.

"It's four hundred and eighty miles from Jiangzhou to Luoyang, half of which is mountain road. The first stop out of Yuan County is Wangwu County. Look at the army at the foot of the mountain." Shao Shude pointed to the troops gathering in the east of Yuan County and said: "

This is the army attacking Wangwu County."

Wangwu County is located fifty miles north of the Yellow River and fifteen miles south of Wangwu Mountain, in a mountain valley.

The Chishui Army's 5,000 cavalrymen have already begun to dispatch.

After several months of accumulation, Yuan County has accumulated a batch of grain and grass, mainly transported from Jiangzhou, which can support part of the army's campaign.

This group of troops was led by Gao Renhou, who resigned as the envoy to Jiangzhou and returned to the envoy of Heyang, and Fan He, the envoy of the Chishui Army. They were followed by three thousand temporarily recruited Tibetan soldiers.

The five thousand Tibetan households came a little late this year. After allocating and clearing the land, they only had time to plant a crop of short-growing beans and harvest them before the snow fell. At this time, there were still more than two months left, and Wangwu County had another

They were not far away, so they naturally had to go out again to fight with the main army, and they couldn't rest for a moment.

Liang Hanyong, deputy envoy of the Chishui Army, led 3,000 infantry and cavalry to stay in Yuan County.

Shao Shude and his son met this rising star in Shuofang's army at the foot of the mountain.

"Uncle, you two young masters." Liang Hanyong personally came out of the camp gate to greet them.

"Brother-in-law." Cheng Jie and Si Wu saluted politely.

"Are you sorry that your good son-in-law didn't get a chance to fight?" Shao Shude asked with a smile.

After Liang Hanyong got married, he mostly served in the army, and later even went to Liangzhou to guard for two years. The couple still had no children, and Zhao Yu kept talking about it, and Shao Shude's ears almost felt calloused.

"Even if we go to war, the Tibetan people will take the lead, which is meaningless." Liang Hanyong shook his head.

"I have conquered Hewei, Qiang, Tubo, and Fumo, and eight thousand households from the Dangxiang tribes have come from the east. We will arrive at the end of the year." Shao Shude said: "After the spring sowing, more than 50,000 Tibetan and Han soldiers and horses were gathered to attack Wangwuzhi Pass.

Dao: Time waits for no one. We must advance eastward before Zhu Quanzhong has enough energy to look west. It is best to hit Heyang."

Jiyuan County, about ten miles east of Zhiguan, is the westernmost county of Heyang. In fact, Zhiguan is within Jiyuan County.

And Jiyuan is only sixty miles away from Mengzhou.

In fact, starting from Yuan County and arriving at Wangwu County, there is a small road that does not pass through Zhiguan, that is, travel 40 miles southeast to Heqing County. This county was divided into Henan, Luoyang, Xin'an, and Wangwu in the fourth year of Xianheng.

A part of the land in each of the six counties of Jiyuan and Heyang was abandoned and replaced, and it was placed under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture on the north bank of the Yellow River.

There is a Baiya warehouse in the county, which was abandoned. Recently, it was renovated by the Bian army. It stores a large amount of grain and grass. There is no way to supply military supplies. Marshal Shao has caused trouble for Zhu Quanzhong again. It seems that he will use the middle of the river as a base to open the Heyang battlefield out of Zhiguan.


The Bian Army has a naval advantage in this section, and can transport grain, equipment, and soldiers by ship. Baiyacang is an important military area, but there are not many soldiers and horses stationed there yet.

Shao Shude still envied Zhu Quanzhong's navy.

Water transportation, what an advantage! I have to cross mountains and ridges with draft animals and pack horses to transport grain. As soon as your canal ships are launched, you can quickly transport a large amount of grain and grass to Baiyacang. This is a strategic advantage. It is helpless to think about it.


The path from Wangwu to Heqing County and Baiyacang is difficult to walk, at least for horse-drawn carriages. Otherwise, there is no need for Qin State to cross the mountains and go through Zhiguan to go east. Wouldn't it be better to go directly to Heqing County?

In the second year of Dashun, when Zhu Quanzhong was attacked, all the silver spearmen crossed the river and went north to search and suppress Feng Ba. More than 3,000 people from Hao Zhenwei's tribe took this path. Five thousand cavalry carried ten days of food and grass, and the light troops moved quickly, and finally caught up with Feng Ba.

Hao and his two men and defeated them.

From Heqing County, you can cross the river and go south sixty miles to Luoyang.

This is the meaning of opening a second battlefield!

Utilize the resources of Hezhong Town to support the army's march eastward, detouring through Heyang and returning to Luoyang from the north bank of the Yellow River.

Li Tangbin's group continued to exert force on the south bank of the Yellow River, leaving Mianchi and Qianqiu Pavilion in the east, attacking Xia Shibao, Baichao base and other places, and advancing towards Xin'an.

If there were not enough troops to break through Shazha City and return to Xiban, Shao Shude would even dare to break into the south of Xiaoshan Mountain, march along the Luoshui River Valley, and besiege Luoyang in three ways.

Luoyang, the eastern capital, is the end point of all strategies.

By capturing this place, Quanzhong will turn from a temporary defensive position into a permanent one, extremely passive.

On August 25, in Yuan County, he watched the military performance of more than 20,000 troops from Tielin, Tianxiong, and Chishui. When he was about to return to Longchi Palace in Anyi, Shao Shude received a military report: Zhu Youyu commanded 90,000 Bian troops.

At the age of 20,000, Hao and Shou surrendered their troops and repeatedly attacked Xuzhou without success. Zhu Quanzhong was furious and sent Pang to the ancient army. After Pang took office, he attacked the Shifo Mountain Stronghold outside Xuzhou within a short time. Xu soldiers never dared to leave the city again.

Defending a city, if you get to the point of defending it to the point where you don't even dare to leave the city to attack the camp, then you are really not far from being doomed.

In the past, when Huang Chao's army of more than 100,000 troops besieged Chenzhou for 300 days, Zhao Yan and Chao's army "battled hundreds of people, large and small," and went out to attack the city every three days. If they just relied on the city wall to defend, they would not be able to hold on for that long.

Shi Pu, I don’t know if I can survive until the New Year.

There is also "entertainment news". After Zhu Jin went south to rescue Shi Pu and was defeated, he joined forces with his cousin Zhu Xuan to defeat Pinglu's army, captured Qizhou, a prefecture of Ziqing Town, and plundered a large amount of grain and grass. Zhu Wei was the leader.

State governor.

Wang Shifan's troops are so weak?! Brother Zhu's brain circuit is also good. The lost territory can be replenished from the East. It is very similar to when Pu Nan went to plunder Huainan to compensate for the losses caused by the fall of Suzhou. I can only say that I admire them.

Wang Zhongshi and He Delun took the opportunity to attack Puzhou with a small number of troops, and were defeated by Zhu Xuan's general and governor Shao Lun.

After reading the military report, Shao Shude seemed to feel Zhu Quanzhong's urgent mood.

If you are anxious, I am anxious too!

On August 30, when he was about to return to Anyi, Gao Renhou sent an envoy to report that the forts outside Wangwu County had been swept away, and he began to surround three towers and attack the county town. There were about 2,000 second-line troops of the Bian Army in the city.

Shao Shude thought for a moment and ordered Xu Hao to lead three thousand cavalrymen of the Tielin Army to stay and reinforce the Wangwu County battlefield, mainly to ambush reinforcements from the Bian Army, although there were not many Bian Army troops in the Heyang area.

The main force of the Bian army should be at Zhiguan and Jiyuan, or it may number more than 10,000 people. The quality of the soldiers is unknown.

The newly built Jiguan should also have a considerable number of troops, perhaps five thousand.

Damn it, what is Li Keyong doing? Hurry up and put pressure on Heyang! If you don't come, little brother Quanzhong will be much more relaxed.

"Ask Fu Cunshen to come see me. I want to hear about Li Hanzhi." Shao Shude called Zheng Yong and ordered in a low voice.

Zheng Yong understood and immediately went to Chen Cheng to take care of it.

Li Hanzhi, a native of Chenzhou, was deeply hated by the people of Jinjiang. He had controlled Zelu for many years, invaded Jinjiang many times, and often plundered and ate people. He deserved the name of cruel nature.

This man could not learn anything when he was in private school, and no one wanted to become a monk in the temple. When he was begging for alms in Henan, no one gave him food. He was so angry that he destroyed the monk's robes, threw pots and bowls, and fell grass into bandits. Although he was killed by Qin Zongquan along the way.

He was beaten violently, but he still became famous and is now the military governor of Zhaoyi.

Li Keyong recently took back Luzhou on the grounds that Li Hanzhi's attack on Chengde was ineffective. Li Moyun was left with only Zezhou, sandwiched between Luzhou and Heyang, and life was not easy.

Gai Yu was afraid of Li Han's rebellion, so he tried to dissuade him, but Li Keyong insisted on his opinion, saying: "I have a rare one, just like Dong Zhuo had Lu Bu. If he is strong, he will be strong. In the nature of an eagle, if he is full, he will fly away. In fact,

I am afraid of overturning the poisonous residue."

I am afraid that this person will be capricious and take away half of his territory in advance. This operation cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be right, right?

Li Hanzhi seems to be worth winning over.

In the past, if the forces did not reach this area, there was nothing we could do about it. Now that we have the opportunity to get in touch, why are we still hesitating?

Shao Shude thought about it and wrote a letter to Chen Cheng, who was still in Anyi, and sent someone to send it quickly.

You can't fall out with your sworn brother now. This is a general rule.

Under this principle, the contact with Li Hanzhi must be very particular. Reminiscing through old contacts, slowly getting in touch, and slowly advancing seems to be a relatively safe method.

This chapter has been completed!
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