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Chapter 757: Requesting sponsorship from Osaka and selecting the Shinsengumi chief [


"Bastion? What is this?"

Yataro Iwasaki asked first.

For the Japanese today, the bastion is still a very unfamiliar concept.

Qingdeng thought for a while and replied:

"To put it simply, it is a battle-specialized city outline like a five-sided outline."

As soon as these words came out, Yataro Iwasaki and others all showed expressions of sudden realization.

Goryokaku - a star-shaped fortress built in the Hakodate area (today's Hakodate City) of Ezo Island (today's Hokkaido).

When it comes to this city outline, everyone really knows about it.

After all, this was the first time the shogunate built a Western-style bastion in Japan.

In March of the first year of Ansei (1854), Japan and the United States signed the Treaty of Kanagawa. According to the provisions of the treaty, Hakodate officially opened its port. The Edo shogunate immediately took back the Matsumae clan's territory in the Hakodate area and established Hakodate in June of the same year.


In order to defend the northern frontier, the shogunate decided to build a solid fortress in Hakodate.

Construction started in the fourth year of Ansei (1857), and now most of it has been completed.

If nothing else goes wrong, it will be officially completed next year.

As soon as Aoto mentioned the "Five-sided Castle", Iwasaki Yataro and others all came over and knew what kind of castle Aoto wanted to build.

History textbooks say: Gunpowder blasted open the castle of the knightly class - this sentence is both correct and incorrect.

Gunpowder did blast open the castles of the knights, but it only destroyed the square, classical castles.

When the "spear" evolves, the "shield" will also evolve.

In order to deal with the attacker's gunpowder, the defender quickly came up with a countermeasure - the bastion.

The essence of the so-called bastion is to build the city into a concave polygon.

This improvement makes attacking any point of the castle exposed to more than one bastion face (usually 2-3).

In this way, the defense can easily use crossfire to carry out multiple strikes.

It is not difficult to imagine how much headache such a castle would cause to the attackers.

Otsu Castle has long been reduced to a historical term, with only a few black stone foundations left - this is exactly what Qingteng had in mind!

If Otsu Castle was still alive, he would feel a headache.

Classical castles like Edo Castle and Osaka Castle are no longer useful and cannot keep up with the trend.

Japanese classical castles can only bully cold weapon troops who lack firearms.

Nowadays, times have changed. As long as groups of artillery are brought in, even the bastard shell of Edo Castle will be as fragile as a piece of paper!

Iwasaki Yataro looked at Aoto next to him, and then looked at the overgrown stone foundation in front of him:

"...Mr. Tachibana."

He said with a wry smile.

"I understand what you mean."

"But...please forgive me for pouring a basin of cold water on you."

"The cost of building a castle with a five-sided outline is astronomical."

After Qingdeng heard this, he suddenly looked helpless.

"I know...well, things like 'money' are never enough."

Things of superior quality will naturally become more expensive.

Building a city is an extremely expensive and huge project, let alone a battle-specialized city outline like a bastion!

Take the five-sided outline as an example.

The cost of the five-sided outline project is not unusually high.

The budget for moat, civil engineering and stone wall projects is 98,000 taels; the budget for construction projects is 25,000 taels; the budget for waterway projects is 20,000 taels; and the overall budget is 143,000 taels.

This massive project employed about 5,600 workers in its heyday, and the Hakodate began to prosper.

After providing the Shinsengumi's daily expenses, the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce had very little money left.

Even if you save money bit by bit... you can save enough money, but in this way, the efficiency is really too slow.

What's more, the projects Qingdeng wanted to carry out were far more than just building bastions.

Otsu is undoubtedly a blessed land, and it has more than just vast arable land.

Just like Changzhou, Dajin has a lot of hidden assets.

The stone height of Changshu on the surface is only 370,000 koku, but because it is adjacent to the Shimonoseki Strait, it has been able to develop ocean-going industries and capture a large amount of tariffs, with actual income exceeding one million koku!

Matsumoto tiles, Zensho tea... Which of these Otsu specialties is not Jinshan?

They are all waiting for Qingdeng to develop them one by one!

Once the development is successful and the operation goes smoothly, Qingdeng's income and Otsu's income will skyrocket exponentially!

Qingdeng has made careful arrangements on how to develop Dajin.

The first thing to be done is 6 big projects.

First, build a bastion.

Second, cultivate new fields.

Third, build a silver mirror factory to further expand the production scale of silver mirrors.

Fourth, develop specialty industries such as Zensho tea and Matsumoto tiles

Fifth, develop overseas trade.

Sixth, introduce steam engines and develop industry.

In addition to the first bastion, the other five projects are all linked to the economy.

In other words, Qingdeng’s construction philosophy is to vigorously develop productivity.

With the economy, everything is easy to say.

Without economy, everything is empty.

Every item in the "plan" drawn up by Qingdeng is a huge and expensive project.

Based on Qingdeng's current revenue capacity... while ensuring the normal operation of the Shinsengumi, it can barely support two projects at most.

If 6 projects were launched together... It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Shinsengumi and Shinseng Chamber of Commerce were packaged and sold together, Qingdeng would not be able to raise the money!

Money, money, money...Qingdeng was troubled by money again.

He didn't think he would be lucky enough to find a product as profitable as the silver mirror this time.

Shannan Keisuke, who had been silent since just now, suddenly interrupted:

"If you want to raise funds...then you can only borrow money..."

After Qingdeng heard this, he immediately shook his head:

"Kingsuke, you are wrong. We shouldn't borrow money. We should attract investment."

Shannan Keisuke raised his eyebrows.


Kinoshita Mai and Iwasaki Yataro also cast confused looks at Aonto.

Currently, there is no concept of "investment" in Japan.

Shannan Keisuke and others only know the meaning of "borrowing money" and "repaying money", so it would be too troublesome to explain to them the difference between "loan" and "investment". So Qingteng casually said:

"I will explain it to you slowly later."

Rich people contribute money, powerful people contribute efforts - an everlasting business model.

For Qingdeng, who is currently short of money, if he can find an investor with strong capital, it will undoubtedly be a multiplier.

If you want to say who is the richest group in Japan, it is undoubtedly the wealthy businessmen of Osaka!

All the businessmen in Osaka are extremely rich.

Because they are too rich, the wealthy businessmen in Osaka have almost become a new privileged class of their own.

If we can get heavy investment from Osaka businessmen, these projects planned by Ayoto can be launched quickly! The construction speed of the feudal kingdom will be greatly improved!

——Businessman from Osaka...

Qingto thought to himself, thinking about ways to connect with the giant businessmen in Osaka.

Although he has friends all over the world, he lacks connections in Osaka.

At this time, suddenly, as if lightning flashed through his mind, Qingden suddenly remembered something.

——No...! I almost forgot... I have connections in Osaka... I have them!

Thinking of this, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at Kinoshita Mai beside him with deep meaning.

Kinoshita Mai noticed his gaze for the first time, blinked in confusion, and looked at Qingto.

"Qingdeng, what's wrong?"

"...No, it's nothing."

As he said that, Qingdeng silently withdrew his gaze, pretending that nothing happened.

After seeing the ruins of Otsu Castle, Seito and his party set off again, walking around and observing Otsu Town in detail.


From now on, this town will be their "capital", and they can't help but care about it.

Although Otsu Town was considered a very developed town by the average standards of the Edo period, in Ayoto's eyes, no matter how prosperous the city in the feudal era was, it was just like that.

At this time, Aoden realized belatedly that this day was his first time to set foot in a "second-tier city" in the Edo period.

Although he traveled for three and a half years, he had only visited three towns - Edo, Kyoto and Nara - all of which were well-deserved first-tier cities in the Edo period.

I have to say that the gap between first- and second-tier cities in the Edo period was quite large.

Looking around the entire town of Otsu, there is not a single stone road, all are dirt roads with potholes.

The houses on the street are also very low, and there are no houses above 3 floors.

In addition, Seito keenly noticed that the population of Otsu Town was not as large as he expected.

The reason is that Otsu is too close to Kyoto.

Kyoto's prosperity had a siphon effect, and many people in Otsu Town were "sucked" away.

All in all, if you want to build Otsu Town into a large town worthy of the name "Qinjin", it will also take a lot of effort.

While patrolling Otsu Town, Yataro Iwasaki raised his eyes from time to time and peeked at Aoto in front, with hesitation in his eyes.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and then drove his horse forward, walking side by side with Qingdeng:

"Mr. Orange, I have something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Qingdeng smiled without thinking:

"Yataro, you don't have to be reserved in front of me. If you have something to say, you can speak freely."

Yataro Iwasaki straightened his back and showed a serious expression.

"Mr. Tachibana, I personally feel that the matter of 'finding the room director' cannot be delayed any longer."

"Today's Shinsengumi is a huge force with 3,000 troops."

"Furthermore, I believe it won't be long before the Shinsengumi's size will further expand."

"On this basis, there is now another vast land of 300,000 dan under your rule."

"Next, the work on your shoulders will only become more and more arduous."

"The current situation of 'you personally serve as the director of the office' is no longer sustainable."

"Besides...with all due respect, Mr. Tachibana, you are not a professional accountant."

"You can still manage to handle the work of the director now, but you won't be able to tell for sure later."

"If we don't find a competent director quickly, it will be difficult for us to carry out all the subsequent work."

As soon as Yataro Iwasaki finished speaking, Aoto couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

After a moment, he sighed silently, his facial expression dominated by strong helplessness.

"Yataro, I understand everything you said."

"Well, you're right, now we really need to find a way to fill the vacancy of 'chief'."

"I will seriously look for people who are qualified for the position of 'chief' in the future."

The "chief" in Yataro Iwasaki's words naturally refers to the leader of the Shinsengumi Finance Office.

The position of Director of the Finance Office has been vacant since the establishment of the Shinsengumi.

The staff officer's seat can be empty, but the room chief cannot.

Previously, Qingteng could barely hold the position of director of the office.

But now, he is increasingly unable to do what he wants.

Governor of Gyeonggi Town, general of the Shinsengumi, eighth prince, commander of a thousand men, and master of the Qinjin Domain... with four positions added to them, Qingdeng has to face endless official duties every day when he opens his eyes, so where does he have the energy to go?

How about handling the office manager's work smoothly?

In fact, Qingdeng never stopped searching for the room chief.

However...economic talents who can understand finance are really rare.

Japan has lacked education in science and engineering since ancient times, let alone financial talents. People who are proficient in the four arithmetic operations are very rare.

The Shinsengumi, Shinseng Chamber of Commerce and Qinjin Clan basically share the same leadership team.

For example: Yataro Iwasaki is not only the president of the Shinsei Chamber of Commerce, but also the "finance minister" of the Qinjin clan.

The same is true for Shannan Keisuke. He is now not only the chief of the Shinsengumi, but also the "prime minister" of the Qinjin clan.

Next, countless major projects will be carried out in Qinjin Domain.

It would undoubtedly be of great benefit to have a capable logistics talent sitting in the rear.

All in all, no matter which angle you look at it, "finding the director" has become Qingdeng's most urgent priority.

——Speaking of which... maybe I can ask Boss Kiryu for help.

Qingto almost forgot: the Senshiya run by Kiryu's boss is an employment agency.

As the boss of an employment agency, he must have a rich network of contacts that others cannot match.

Boss Kiryu's old face appeared in Qingto's mind... Qingto couldn't help but feel a faint feeling of longing for him.

It's been a while since I've seen my mentor, and I really miss him.

——What is Mr. Kiryu doing now?

Edo, Chishiya——

"Oh~~Mr. Kiryu, your hands are so skillful~~I never thought you could even knit blankets!"

Boss Kiryu is currently being ogled by an old woman.

As the old woman spoke, she stretched out her hand to touch Boss Kiryu's hand in a familiar manner.

Boss Kiryu calmly retracted his palm, leaving the other party with nothing.

"I once learned how to sew fur in Ezo."

Although he is an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, he is deeply loved because of his gentle personality, elegant temperament, handsome appearance, and he knows everything and can do everything, from repairing roofs to running water wells.

It is loved by the old ladies in the neighborhood who have been lonely for a long time.

Seeing that the touching failed, the old woman changed to a coquettish "shy tone".

"Mr. Kiryu, it's rare that I made a pot of fish soup today, but my husband went fishing again today. It would be a pity to waste such a good pot of soup! If you are free, you might as well come to my house to drink soup!"

Boss Kiryu smiled reservedly:

"Mrs. Matsumoto, thank you for your kindness, but I still have work to do today, so please forgive me for not being able to accompany you."

His lack of food and salt immediately made the other party feel very annoyed.

The old woman stamped her feet angrily and said, "That's it, then you should work hard, hum!" Then she turned around and left.

Boss Kiryu stood up and politely sent her out of the store.

As soon as the old lady left, he let out a sigh of relief:

"I am already an old man with white hair and beard, why am I still so popular?"

After leaving this murmur that seemed to show off, Boss Kiryu turned back and prepared to return to the kitchen to continue making lunch.

However, at this moment——


Suddenly, a bell rang from far to near outside the store.

Boss Kiryu raised his eyebrows sharply.

Town residents in the Edo period would certainly be familiar with the sound of bells.

This is the ringtone of flying feet.

Hikka—a courier in the Edo period.

Whenever they deliver express, they will tie bells on their bodies, so when they run, they will ring a clear bell.

"Qianshiwu! I have your letter!"

Boss Kiryu walked back to the tojian and opened the shop door.

Standing outside the door was a young man dressed neatly.

He glanced at Kiryu, then took off the pole on his shoulder - one end of the pole was holding a basket - he took out a letter from the basket and handed it to Boss Kiryu.

"I wish you a prosperous business."

After leaving these words without saltiness, he left quickly.

As soon as the other party left, Boss Kiryu eagerly opened the envelope and took out the letter paper inside.

There was only one line written on the white paper: Return to Osaka soon.



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Guess who will become the head of the Shinsengumi?

This chapter has been completed!
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