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Chapter 758 Komaki Town is online! The blonde heroine is online!


Shicai's "flying kick" is not an ordinary flying kick.

To put it simply, he is the special messenger of Calabash House! Tongcheng "Soon Pigeon".

Xinge will only be used when important information is conveyed within the organization.

The reason why he dressed up like an ordinary flying leg was to deceive others and hide his identity.

Return to Osaka quickly——Looking at these big words on the letter, Boss Kiryu frowned slowly.

This Senshiya run by Boss Kiryu can be regarded as the branch of Calabashya in Edo.

The two places have always maintained communication, sending letters and exchanging information regularly.

Even if nothing happens, Boss Kiryu will send a "please be safe" to Osaka, which not only means that nothing happens in Edo, but also means that he is not dead yet.

Generally speaking, if something happens that needs to be reported to Boss Kiryu immediately, it will be written directly on the letter paper.

There was nothing written in the letter, just asking Boss Kiryu to go back as soon as possible... This situation today is really rare.

Osaka will definitely not trouble Boss Kiryu if it is not necessary.

After all, there is half of Japan between Edo and Osaka.

To sum up, there is only one possibility - something happened that is not convenient to discuss in detail on a thin piece of paper, so he was summoned back to Osaka so suddenly...

"...There is nothing we can do. Let's go back after a long time."

Boss Kiryu murmured while putting away the letter paper in his hand.

At this time, the big orange cat Duoduo sprang out from inside.


Maybe he was hungry, so Duoduo crouched at the feet of Boss Kiryu and made a coquettish sound.

Boss Kiryu smiled and reached out to scratch Duoduo's chin.

"Duoduo, I have to ask you to accompany me on a long trip."

Since I have to leave Edo temporarily, I naturally have to take this big orange cat with me.

Otherwise, this big fat cat, which is spoiled and pampered, has a belly so fat that it touches the ground, and has completely lost its ability to hunt, will definitely starve to death.


Duoduo screamed even louder, as if to say: Well! I understand! Stop talking nonsense and go get the dried fish!

After long-term management by the shogunate, the route from Edo to Osaka...or from the Kanto Plain to the Osaka Plain has become extremely mature.

If you hire a sedan, you can reach Osaka safely in less than a week.

——I just happened to drop by to see Mr. Orange and the young master...

Aomori is missing his boss Kiryu - and so is the latter.

Speaking of Aoto and Mai Kinoshita... Boss Kiryu's mind suddenly moved.

He lowered his head and looked at the folded letter in his hand - for some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart...

Kyoto, Mibu Township, Shinsengumi Village, Aoto's office——

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

The occasional sound of turning pages became the only sound inside and outside the room.

Qingdeng bent his head in front of the case, concentrating on reading an old, large book thicker than a brick.

This brick...ah, no, this book is nothing else, it is the government account book of Otsu.

Compared with the Shinsengumi's account books, Otsu's account books are undoubtedly much thicker and more complicated.

Accounting is like this. The army's account books can only record the income and expenditure of the baggage, but the feudal state's account books need to consider a lot.

Rice, millet, carrots, tea... the income and expenditure of various crops.

Leveling roads, digging canals, maintaining dams... all kinds of expenses.

The cost of buying stone, the cost of hiring a servant, the income from selling tea, the income from selling porcelain...

Lines of names, strings of numbers...it makes people dizzy!

After all, Qingdeng is not a professional accountant and does not have such strong professional knowledge.

If you are not careful, you will make a mistake or miss something.

Even with the blessing of talents such as "Sacred Brain +9" and "Photographic Memory", he was still dizzy and overwhelmed.

After persisting like this for a while, he had to take a break, looked away from the account book, and let out a long breath.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of liberation that "after many days of constipation, he finally got rid of it."

"We really need to find a competent room director as soon as possible..."

Just as Qingdeng was sighing secretly, suddenly, light, cat-like footsteps sounded outside the room.

With a small "crash" sound, the door was opened a small crack - Kinoshita Mai poked her head out, revealing half of her cute head.

"Qingdeng, are you busy?"

"I happen to be resting now, what's wrong? If you have something to say, just come in and talk."

Upon hearing this, Kinoshita Wu immediately stepped inside and moved to Qingden's side calmly.

"Huh? Qingdeng, are you looking at the account?"

The account book is as thick as a city brick, and it is difficult not to attract Kinoshita Mai's attention.

Qingdeng smiled bitterly:

"Yeah...it's such an unpleasant and tedious job."

"It's full of crappy stuff..."

"I really want to light a fire and burn this rotten book...!"

He explained to the other party concisely and concisely the various situations he encountered when checking Otsu's account books.

As a foreigner, Qingdeng naturally does not understand the specific details of Otsu.

What is the current grain output of Otsu; how much grain is stored in the treasury; how much is Otsu’s annual commercial revenue... If you don’t even grasp these most basic economic conditions, then Seito, the feudal lord, would be derelict in his duties.


If you want to understand the economic status of a place, the simplest and most direct way is to look at the account books.

Every year's grain storage and shipment; every quarter's expenses... you can see it at a glance just by reading the account books.

Otsu's account books...let's call them "Otsu books" were previously kept and recorded by the Otsu Office.

The administrative efficiency of the Edo shogunate has always been notoriously low.

Under the "Shiqing Shilu" system, officials are not afraid of losing their jobs as long as they don't make big mistakes.

In this way, an officialdom atmosphere of "Why are you so serious? Just do it casually" has been developed.

Ever since...the records of the account books of the successive leadership teams of Otsu Office have always been casual!

At first glance, the records are full and it seems that they are doing their job conscientiously.

But if you look closely, you will see that there are a lot of contradictions in it, even some that are ridiculous!

We received 3184 copper coins and spent 2899 copper coins. Why was there a surplus of 290 copper coins?

Where did the 850 koku of rice collected from Hiyori Village in the spring of the seventh year of Ansei (1860) go?

Why do you always get extra money and food from nowhere?

There are so many of these.

Compared with these bizarre situations, those incomprehensible words like ghostly symbols are quite friendly.

After years of accumulation, "Dajin Book" has turned into a huge mountain of shit code!

What Qingdeng was doing just now was to clean up this "shit mountain" and check for errors and omissions in the account books.

Even Qingdeng, who has many talents, finds it a headache and troublesome... It is not difficult to imagine what a torturous job this is!

Kinoshita Mai listened carefully.

After Qingden finished speaking, she said confidently:

"Qingdeng, if you don't mind, I can help!"

"Don't look at me like this, I'm pretty good at accounting!"

"While I was training under Mr. Kiryu, I was always in charge of Senshiya's account books!"

After saying that, perhaps to increase her momentum, she patted her plump breasts vigorously.

Even through a layer of fabric, Qingdeng could clearly feel the "turbulent waves".

When Qingto first met Kinoshita Mai, she was just growing taller.

After 3 years, she has made great progress in various aspects.

Although it still cannot be compared with Sanako and Tianzhangin, it is still very amazing in size.

But the strange thing is-she never grew taller.

At first, Kinoshita Mai didn't care much about her height.

According to the average level of adult women in the Edo period, Mai Kinoshita, who is 1.5 meters tall, is already considered a "tall" type.

However... ever since she met the taller Sanako, she has become particularly concerned about her height and doesn't like others saying she is short.

One day, Qingden saw Mai Kinoshita sneaking into a certain drugstore and cautiously asked: Boss, is there any medicine that can make people grow taller?

The boss said bluntly: "If this kind of medicine had existed, I would have been rich long ago."

That day, Kinoshita Mai was as depressed as if she knew for the first time that there was evil in the world...

"Oh? Ah Wu, are you sure you want to help me with the account?"

Kinoshita Mai nodded vigorously:

"I'm willing to try it!"

Her words awakened Qingdeng.

He almost forgot - Kinoshita Mai is one of the few people in the Shinsengumi who knows how to look after accounts.

Every one of the Shinsengumi generals is a big boss.

The only people who can be considered intellectuals are Shannan Keisuke, Serizawa Kamo, Toudo Heisuke and Sanako.


Among them, only Shannan Keisuke knows some accounting knowledge.

The other three people - even the most educated Sanako, knew nothing about accounting books - because "mathematics" and "accounting" were not included in Yamato Nadeshiko's traditional curriculum.

Kinoshita Mai is not bragging, "keeping accounts" is indeed one of her specialties.

Looking back on the past, every time Qing Teng went to Thousand Things House, he could always see her sitting in front of her desk, concentrating on keeping accounts.

Until we find a suitable candidate for the room director, we can really rely on her.

However, Qingden seemed to have remembered something, and a look of thought appeared on his cheeks.

After a moment, he shook his head:

"Ah Wu, you are already busy enough now, I can't add any more burden to you."

"Instead of forcing you, it would be better to find a capable room director as soon as possible."

In terms of sheer busyness, Kinoshita Mai ranks high among the Shinsengumi generals.

In order to live up to Qingdeng's trust and expectations, she always tightened her nerves and devoted herself to building the ninth division from scratch.

Turning a "novice force" into a "special force" proficient in skills such as infiltrating, picking locks, and climbing over walls is definitely not something that can be accomplished by just shouting a few slogans and using a little blood.

Mai Kinoshita really taught the team members step by step, sharing everything she learned bit by bit.

As far as the results are concerned, her efforts were not only not in vain, but also very effective!

The changes in Division 9 can be said to be rapid, and they are becoming more and more like a "ninja army"!

Qingto has always seen Kinoshita Mai's hard work and conscientiousness.

He did not want to increase the burden on his shoulders more than necessary.

"A Wu, you just need to concentrate on doing your job now."

"You don't have to worry about the rest."

"If you are really too busy in the future and can't find people to spare, I will come back and ask you for help."

Although Qingteng's euphemistic rejection made Kinoshita Mai purse her lips, she didn't say anything more and just said "Okay, I understand."

At this time, Qingdeng changed the subject:

"Let's not talk about work for now, let's get back to the topic. Ah Wu, why did you come to me suddenly?"

Kinoshita Mai chuckled.

"Actually, it's nothing."

"I just want to drag you out."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows:

"Going out? Where?"

Kinoshita Mai changed into an excited tone:

"It's rare that I have free time today, so I plan to meet Elodie!"

"Qingdeng, are you busy now? If not, why don't we go visit Elodie together!"

"Elodie must also want to see you!"

Elodie——The moment he heard this name, Qingden felt a faint sense of trance, and his body was startled subconsciously.

When was the last time I heard this name...?

Qingden has not seen this blond lolita from France for too long!

Since her family moved to Kyoto, Elodie and her family have lived in seclusion in the eastern suburbs of Kyoto under the arrangement of Boss Kiryu.

As a close friend of the Angoulême family, Qingden would naturally not treat him badly.

They moved into their new house, and Qingdeng immediately went to visit them.

After that, he visited them from time to time.

In order to protect their personal safety, Qingdeng sent additional patrol officers near their residence, which was a disguised form of care.

However, in recent times, various major events have continued to take place.

First Iemo went to Luo, then Hitotsubashi Keiki made a difficult move, then the aggressive British fleet in Edo Bay, and then the "August 18th Coup"...

Qingdeng's energy was being consumed in turn, and he had no chance to breathe. Naturally, he had no time to visit Elodie.

He remembered that the last time he visited Elodie... it was more than 2 months ago.

It was midsummer then, and now it is autumn.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but look ashamed.

——I am really incompetent as a master...

After all, he is also Elodie's sword master.

But as a result, his master was nowhere to be seen for three days, and he did not play the role of "teaching students knowledge and solving doubts" at all.

Whenever he thinks of this, Qingdeng can't help but feel guilty.

Kinoshita Wu flashed her beautiful eyes and looked at Qingteng expectantly, waiting for Qingteng's answer.

Qingdeng turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window, then withdrew his gaze and looked at the "Dajin Book" in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly reached out his hand and closed the account book heavily.

"Okay, Ah Wu, go change clothes. Let's go meet Elodie together!"

The two of them were not on a business trip, so they were only wearing private clothes and did not wear light green feathers.

Kinoshita Mai is still the same, dressed in red.

A bright red kimono and a goose-yellow belt.

Her cute little feet without socks are wearing a pair of red button clogs.

Whenever Kinoshita moves her little feet, the wooden clogs will tap on the soles of her feet, making a crisp sound... This sight and sound are something that you will never tire of seeing or listening to - at least Qingden will never tire of seeing it.

Never tire of hearing it.

One of Qingto's hobbies is watching Kinoshita Mai walk, especially when she walks barefoot on the wooden corridor.

If it were not long ago, Qingdeng might just go out without makeup, without wearing a face scarf or a bamboo hat, letting his identity be exposed, and just walking on the street without a care in the world.

But not anymore.

Nowadays, when he goes out for personal matters, he will cover his face carefully to prevent others from recognizing him.

Otherwise, wherever he goes, the people of Kyoto will kneel down.

The rule that "the princes must not look down upon them, and the emperor must not look up to them" applies to all of Japan.

After seeing Qingden, not only the people of Otsu had to kneel, but the people of Kyoto also had to kneel.

The gap between status and class does not depend on region or environment.

To be honest, Qingdeng was not happy to see this scene of "common people worshiping him".

Qingdeng is not the kind of stay-at-home guy who doesn't like to go out.

Not to mention anything else, just to run Dajin, he had to travel frequently between the two places.

Every time I go out, the people along the way have to kneel down... How troublesome it is!

Qingdeng felt tired after seeing it, and the common people also knelt tiredly.

Therefore, in order to avoid this "lose-lose" situation, Qingdeng will now try his best to choose "incognito private visits" every time he goes out, so as to save unnecessary trouble.

Kyoto, eastern suburbs——

Kinoshita Mai: "The weather is starting to get cooler. It won't be long before we have to wear thick clothes and scarves."

Qingdeng: "Well, time flies so fast."

The two of them chatted with each other.

Their pace is very fast.

It won't be long before the Angoulême family's residence comes into view.

At this moment, a burst of powerful Qihe sound suddenly attracted their attention.

"Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah!"

The two stopped at the same time, then both turned their heads and looked at each other - they both saw a look of surprise on each other's faces.

Kinoshita Mai was the first to ask:

"Qingdeng, do you think this voice sounds familiar?"

Qingdeng asserted without hesitation:

"Of course it sounds familiar. Isn't this Elodie's voice?"

Qingden couldn't hear it wrong - the owner of this burst of Qi Hesheng was definitely Elodie.

As a master, he would never mishear his apprentice's voice.

"It's strange..."

Kinoshita Mai muttered.

"Elodie and his family's home is not in this direction..."

Judging from the location, Elodie's screams did not come from her mansion.

The two looked at each other again - even though they didn't say a word, they made the same decision - and followed the sound.

After a while, they found a simple house - as the distance got closer, Elodie's breath became louder and louder.

There is no doubt that Elodie is inside this house.

There is an earthen wall around the house, which is not very high.

Kinoshita Mai may have a harder time seeing, but Ayoto can see the scenery inside the wall just by stepping on it.

Looking up - behind the earthen wall is a neat little yard.

Elodie, dressed in kendo uniform, stood in the center of the courtyard, holding a bamboo sword and swinging it repeatedly, sometimes slashing, sometimes stabbing.

Not far from her, a beautiful woman holding hot tea in her hand was watching Elodie's practice with great interest.

After seeing the woman's face clearly, Qingdeng couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Miss Gu Mu?!"

This woman is none other than the gentle woman who runs a wagashi shop with her husband - Komaki.



Today is 5,000 leopards! Please give me monthly votes! Please vote for recommendations! (Leopard head cries)

Elodie is finally online! She has been in hiding since Qing came to Luo, which is a bit sorry for Elodie’s fans (cowardly)

This chapter has been completed!
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