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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 8029 Clouds move in all directions, facing thousands of things

 Chapter 2770 Gui Zi Scroll Clouds are moving in all directions, facing thousands of things

After Xu Guangqi and Lian Guoshi left, Feng Ziying finally relaxed.

Xu Lian, Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen are different.

The two of them can be considered colleagues, comrades and even assistants when he was the chief assistant. Of course there is personal friendship, but more importantly it is the closeness brought by like-mindedness.

Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen are different. Their ideas on politics stem more from following and adhering to themselves. In other words, they gradually accepted their own political ideas and opinions in the process of following themselves. There are not many that belong to them.

, even if there are, they are more of some ideas on a specific level.

In front of Xu Guangqi and Lian Guoshi, Feng Ziying couldn't relax too much, let alone indulge in excess, but in front of Pan Ruzhen and Fu Shi, he could relax a lot.

"Zhen Pu, Qiu Sheng, I made you laugh." Feng Ziying leaned on the throne lazily and tiredly, resting her hand on her forehead.

"This sudden incident caught me and us all off guard. We couldn't even express our attitude, so we were pushed to this step. Do you think I was a little at a loss? Anyway, I was so helpless.

Caught off guard, dumbfounded, that's how it feels anyway..."

Feng Ziying used several idioms to describe her feelings, which both Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen found interesting.

Their excitement and joy went far beyond shock.

The emperor and the chief minister are different.

When Emperor Xuan Shun was emperor, he was really just a puppet, but when this person sat on the throne, it was completely different.

When civil servants became emperor, they knew very well how civil servants governed. This was probably another main reason why civil servants were so panicked before that they took the initiative to submit their resignations.

Any tricks and tricks used to fool the emperor are almost meaningless in front of Feng Ziying, and they have even been played by him countless times. It is too difficult to fool him. In the future, the cabinet ministers and the eight ministers will observe

The censors on both sides of the court, and even the local chief envoys and prefects were all sad.

Perhaps from now on, we will return to the situation when Emperor Yuan Xi first ascended the throne and worked hard to control the overall situation, or even worse.

Of course, this does not mean that you should target anyone. As long as your governance philosophy is in line with the emperor's views, you will get the emperor's greatest support. When you govern, you will be like the wind on the water, with no disadvantages.

For people like Pan Ruzhen and Fu Shi, having Feng Ziying become emperor makes them even more happy, and they will have more opportunities in the future.

"Your Majesty, this is not only the voice of the warriors. In fact, from Wei Chen's point of view, many scholars and civil servants are actually looking forward to this situation in their hearts. They are not opposed to it as they appear on the surface.


Fu Shi pursed his lips and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Why do you say that? I think it is difficult for many people to accept it." Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows and asked.

"That's not the case. It is true that many people find it difficult to accept it for a while, but it is just a temporary nostalgia. When they calm down, it will not be like this. In fact, it can be seen from the fact that they all chose this time to resign.

This is resigning an official from the old dynasty. If he had waited until the new dynasty was formally established and his position was re-appointed before resigning, it might be a real disapproval, and now he is just waiting for a price."

Fu Shi's analysis also won Pan Ruzhen's approval, "It is indeed true. Although not all of the situations mentioned by Qiu Sheng are true, more than 70% of them should be true. If you learn what you have learned, you can sell it to the emperor's family. This is an eternal truth.

, the old dynasty has passed and a new dynasty has been established. This is the time for scholars in Shilin to show off their talents. To put it bluntly, there are thousands of capable people in the world. The key lies in whether the court gives you a chance, which may not even be certain.

We need to use the imperial examination to select scholars. Does it mean that if you fail to pass the imperial examination, you must be incompetent? I don't think so."

Of course Feng Ziying understands this truth, but now he is not here to listen to these two people, and he does not need their comfort.

He has now recovered, or cheered up, and needs to use his fullest mental state to face the challenges tonight, tomorrow, and even the next few days.

"Zhen Pu, Qiu Sheng, you have all heard what Zi Xian, Jun Yu and I said before. The country name, the reign name, um, and the arrangements for the eight provincial procuratorates in the future are all urgent. In addition, liaison with the local authorities,

How to quickly gain local recognition and support, although I don’t think this is a big problem, but I still hope that the sooner the better, so as to fully reflect the Zhengshuo of the new dynasty..."

Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen thought so.

Pan Ruzhen pondered for a while and then said: "Wei Chen thinks that it is not difficult in the local area. As long as the news spreads, they may be a little wait-and-see. But as long as the capital city stabilizes and other places take the initiative to admit it, it will soon become popular.

At this point, Wei Chen also has several classmates and friends here. I will send people there immediately tonight and the news will be delivered tomorrow and the day after. I think they should understand the stakes here..."

Being overtaken by Pan Ruzhen, Fu Shi felt a little regretful. He actually thought of this and wanted to express his attitude at this time: "The prefect of Baoding Yu Wenyuan, the prefect of Qingzhou He Tianjie, and the prefect of Shunde Zhao Zhongping are all classmates of Weichen.

Moreover, the relationship is very close. In addition, Zhu Baochen, the envoy of Jiangxi Punishment and Inspector, is also from Weichen Township and has frequent contacts. I believe they will understand the truth and express their attitude immediately. Weichen will also immediately arrange for people to leave overnight and ask them to take action immediately.

, they also have relatives and friends, so they should be sensible people..."

Therefore, it is so easy for those who have their own party to get things done. They understand everything after just a few words, and there is nothing to be coy about, so they directly come up with the cleanest and most efficient solution.

Isn't it just that the new dynasty has just been established and needs to be recognized by the local government? To draw a clear line between the old dynasty and support the new dynasty, the contribution of this initiative is not small.

Whoever can catch his name in the emperor's ears first will have the deepest impression. It depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

"It's best to have news tomorrow. "Today's News" will have a special issue tomorrow evening..." Feng Ziying pursed her lips.

Fu Shi immediately said: "Then write Yu Wenyuan's name first. I will guarantee with my life that there will be no danger, and there will be no problem with Zhao Zhongping..."

Pan Ruzhen also added: "Hejian magistrate Chang Kuntai and Shanxi Zuobu political envoy Liu Shiqiu can also write, I guarantee that there will be no problem..."

Those who dare to let the two of them confirm are naturally close friends and allies who are absolutely trustworthy. Feng Ziying does not doubt it. The key is to be able to match it in terms of time.

You can't say that the names of the prefects of Jinling Prefecture or Guangzhou Prefecture will be published in the newspapers tomorrow. That would be too exaggerated. You can tell it is false at first glance.

Like in Shanxi, Shandong, and Beizhi, if people get the news overnight today and send people to express their attitude, then it is basically reliable, at least the people and officials in the capital city feel the same.

"Other groups must also take the lead in calling for it." Pan Ruzhen thought for a while and then said: "People from the Shanxi-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce should come forward, Yangzhou salt merchant groups, Ningbo, Yuguan, Dengzhou, and Tianjin shipowner groups,


With the rapid development of various industries in the country, some industry organizations have also emerged rapidly.

For example, the Ningbo Shipowners Association is the largest shipowners organization in the country. There are more than 80 shipowners who have joined the shipowners association and they own more than 600 ships. Similarly, the shipowners associations in Dengzhou, Yuguan and Dagu are also not small.

For example, the Dengzhou Shipowners Association has more than 40 members and has more than 180 ships. The Yuguan Shipowners Association also has about 30 members and has more than 170 ships.

"The Southern Goods Association in Jingshi City can also speak first, and I can go say hello." Fu Shi also took up the conversation. He had served as a general judge in Shuntian Mansion and was familiar with the retailers in Jingshi City, so he could naturally come forward to coordinate.


"The Gyeonggi Coal, Iron and Military Industrial Complex should also speak out..."

You and I began to add one sentence at a time, which also allowed Feng Ziying to quickly complete many angles and problems that she had not thought of. This is one person's shortcomings and three people's longcomings.

The role of public opinion is very important. Not only "Today's News", but other newspapers in Beijing also need to be in place one by one. Feng Ziying is not worried about this. He has never relaxed in the field of public opinion, even because of "

Even though he was at home, he still maintained control over public opinion in Beijing.

When Feng Tang, Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing arrived, Pan Ruzhen and Fu Shi also knew that it was time to leave. They had explained many things that needed to be implemented tonight. They did not want to rest tonight and had to get everything done immediately.


Seeing his father, Wang Wenyan, and Wu Yaoqing arriving, Feng Ziyi took the initiative to meet Wu Yaoqing and went to a corner of Fengtian Hall to discuss matters.

Zhou Peisheng also followed him knowingly, and sent someone to Feng Mansion to recruit You Sanyi Niang.

The safety of the new emperor comes first, and only this concubine of the new emperor has excellent martial arts skills but is also loyal. Now that she can be by her side at all times for protection and sleeping, the others are really worried.

Even the chamberlains in the palace have not been strictly cleaned and screened, and Zhou Peisheng himself does not dare to use them.

Looking at his son with a tired and haggard face, Feng Tang was filled with emotion, and for a moment he didn't know whether he was happy or worried.

He had expected to reach this point, but going so fast made him extremely worried.

The emperor and the chief minister are completely different. The chief minister can resign and leave at any time. Even political opponents cannot be liquidated, let alone kill them all. But what about the emperor?

Unless it is certain that there is absolutely no threat, eradication is the first priority.

When the Feng family has reached this point, there is no way out. The whole family has no way out. What Feng Tang has to do now is to help his son stabilize the situation until all his ten grandchildren have grown up.

As an adult, you can breathe a sigh of relief.


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