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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 803: The Foundation, the Balance Strategy

 Chapter 2771 Gui Zi Scroll The foundation and the balancing strategy

There were only three people left beside the throne.

One is my father, and the other is my closest confidant, with whom I can talk about anything.

"Ziying, what do you think?" Feng Tang spoke again. He had to hear his son's true thoughts.

"How should I put it? Although I had expected it, it came too suddenly. But now that we have reached this point, we can only keep going, so I no longer consider this issue, or it is no longer a problem.

." Feng Ziying regained her composure, her eyes were as clear and cold as running water, "The new dynasty has just been established, and everything is waiting to be done. In the next few days, we will establish the country's title and year, and then form a new cabinet and the eight-ministerial procuratorate. In addition, we will also

We need to have a good talk with the warriors."

"You should have an idea for the rest, but on the military side, I'm afraid you have to be cautious. Water can carry a boat and capsize it. Millions of frontier troops cannot be cut off casually, but this step must be taken sooner or later, otherwise the tail will not be lost, which is also a hidden danger.

"Feng Tang did not shy away from mincing words, he said straightforwardly, "Whether it is the Privy Council or the Governor's Office, setting it up is not necessarily a bad thing. Choosing good people and using good people can help you control the army well, and even some of the blame can be blamed on them.

Come and carry it over."

Feng Tang's words, Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan both understood. In fact, they also had this idea. The Privy Council and the Governor's Office may sound very glamorous, but when you actually sit in that position, there will naturally be uncomfortable things for you, which you should bear in mind.

The emperor had to shoulder the blame, but the emperor could pass it off.

"For warriors, disarmament and the conquest of Mongolia are contradictory, so as long as the strategy of conquest of Mongolia is launched, disarmament will naturally be impossible to implement. As for other things, let's wait until the Mongolian issue is resolved." Feng Ziying had already made plans for this,

If you don't settle the future of the warriors, your position as emperor will be unstable.

"Wizi Teng and Niu Jizong are very anxious. They want to equalize the status of military personnel and civil servants again. At least they can no longer allow civilian officials to dictate to military officials as before. They even have no room to resist even if they want to beat or kill military officials. They are not willing to do it again.

Accepting the knowledge of civil servants who know nothing about it, they still have to ride on the heads of military men and give random orders. However, in the end, it is the military men who bear the responsibility for the defeat."

This may be the lifelong dream pursued by Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, which is to restore the status of warriors to the state they had at the beginning of the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.

But at that time, Wu Xun had a very high status in the court, which was achieved during the founding war.

What now? The new dynasty was established, but the dynasty was changed in a relatively peaceful state.

Although warriors played a role in this, it was a method that was difficult for civil servants and ordinary people to accept, so it was still far from realizing the dreams of Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong.

"Hmph, it's all a good idea, but you have to come up with something that convinces others. The Battle of Mongolia is an opportunity, it depends on how the warriors fight." Feng Ziying sighed, "Civil and military

The war is a long-term process. The military people hope that one battle with Mongolia will establish their permanent status as equal to the civil servants. That is unrealistic. They still need to demonstrate their indispensable role in foreign campaigns for a long time and continuously. I will

Give them the opportunity, it depends on how they seize it, Yarkand, Dongwu and Jiaozhi, maybe they will encounter Tsarist Russia again in the future..."

Hearing what his son said, Feng Tang felt relieved.

Warriors are not afraid of fighting, but they are afraid of not having a fight.

The status of warriors in peacetime will naturally deteriorate. Only by constantly fighting wars and constantly using wars to prove the role of their existence can warriors compete with civil servants.

Ziying proposed that after the Mongols there were the Yarkand and Jiaozhidongwu, and even mentioned Russia that was farther west of the Yarkand.

Although Feng Tang didn't know where Tsarist Russia was, he also heard Feng Ziying talk about the Congling Mountains during the Han and Tang Dynasties, the land of Big and Little Bolu, and a large area of ​​land, the Fergana Basin, which was the Eurasian continent.

The heartland is still in a state of chaos.

Feng Ziying vaguely mentioned that if you want to ensure that the leadership of the Han people in East Asia will never waver, the best strategy is to firmly control this area. But for now, in a short time, if you want to set foot in that area

, it is still too late to do so. Maybe in twenty or thirty years, we will see if we can get rid of the Yarkand people before setting foot in the Fergana Basin.

When Feng Tang came, he was mainly worried about Feng Ziying's attitude towards warriors.

If you just think of using it and throwing it away, or if Feng Ziying still considers herself a scholar, then the new dynasty will be very dangerous, or it will be difficult to last long.

Now it seems that Ziying is still quite clear-headed. The balance between civil and military relations can be verified by war. As long as we continue to find suitable targets externally, then the army will always have a place to use. As long as the army has wars, the civil servants have to fight.

Tolerating the existence of warriors also means that as long as the army keeps fighting, the warriors will not have too many thoughts to focus on internal affairs, and such a balance will be easier to achieve.

Of course, this will bring about a huge challenge, that is, whether the new dynasty's finances can support the continuous war.

At this point, Feng Ziying also considered that as the population continues to expand, whether this is a demographic dividend or a source of disaster depends on how you look at it and use it.

In Feng Ziying's opinion, using foreign conquests and reclamation to acquire more land, food, commodities and markets should be a more appropriate path. At least in his own life, he felt that this path was sustainable.

The imperial court needs to use financial resources to take advantage of the demographic dividend, and at the same time eliminate the food crisis and employment crisis that this population expansion may bring. Of course, this statement may be unfamiliar to many people, but the existence of too many idle people is definitely a problem.

This is a major hidden danger, which is recognized by everyone, so using this to hedge against the need for war may be a countermeasure.

"Ziying, in short, you just need to understand the importance here. It is difficult for my father to provide better suggestions for your ideas now." Feng Tang was not without emotion, "The two Ox Kings, and even the army,

My father still has some connections, and he will try his best to relieve and stabilize you. However, the warriors have been suppressed for a long time. Perhaps only war, continuous war and victory can make them feel at ease. You need to grasp the balance."

Wang Wenyan has not intervened in the dialogue between Feng Tang and Feng Ziying. This involves the military. He is very aware that it is very sensitive and needs to seek a balance. It also requires more political skills. It is best to be a listener unless Feng Ziying asks about himself.

, otherwise he won’t talk to you.


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