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Chapter 29 Isolation Ward

Dai Lin was arranged to enter the isolation ward.

The people who escorted him into the isolation ward were all relatively experienced nurses.

They took Dai Lin to a wall in the inpatient department. Then, the head nurse took out a key and inserted it into the wall. Then, just like Harry Potter entering platform nine and three-quarters, the nurses rushed

File in.

And the isolation ward...

It was very different from Dai Lin's imagination.

The ordinary ward area is spacious, clean, and bright, and is filled with a white color full of technology.

However, as soon as I stepped into the isolation ward, I felt that the surroundings were dark, and there was a vague smell of blood.


"Dr. Dai, is this your first time here?" the head nurse explained to Dai Lin: "We also have to deal with it specially when you need to enter the isolation ward. Don't worry, don't look at this place. The disinfection level is different from the one outside.

The wards are all the same, with a sterile environment comparable to an operating room."

Another nurse said: "Doctor Dai, the space here is very chaotic. If you don't follow us, you won't be able to get out in the future."

"Yes. Doctor Dai, Director Xie reminded you, right? You cannot teleport out of the isolation ward."

If it had been before, Dai Lin might still feel free to stay here.

But now... He is already full of doubts about Hospital No. 444. Can this obviously abnormal isolation ward really treat patients well? Is it possible that the patients should be exiled and left to fend for themselves?

"Where's Patient Dai Ming?"

"He is also here. However, you cannot meet each other. After you enter your own isolation ward, you cannot come out again."

Dai Lin followed the nurses and went deeper into the isolation ward.

The dark corridor of the ward was filled with strange whimpering sounds, and the surrounding lights were always on and off.

Then, Dai Lin heard a sharp scream, and then saw a nurse's body lying on the ground in a nearby corridor!

"Hey, there..."

"It's okay, Doctor Dai." The head nurse said to Dai Lin calmly: "The nurses who died here will never be able to leave. They will only become part of the curse. Please don't worry, you will not leave the ward without permission. They will only do it for you."

Block the evil spirits and they will not harm you."

The problem is... this itself is an evil spirit!

However, the nurses were obviously used to this scene and were not surprised by it.

When the lights came on again, Dai Lin found another corridor and another nurse with a twisted body approaching them!

The nurses still had no reaction.

Everything seems to be taken for granted.

Dai Lin looked at this place and couldn't help but think of the emergency department. That place was almost the same as this one.

Finally, Dai Lin came to a ward.

The head nurse took out another key and opened the ward door.

"Dr. Dai, this is a 200-square-meter highest-level ward specially arranged for you. Needless to say, there are bathroom facilities inside, and a change of clothes is also available. It is also equipped with a TV. Of course, it is impossible to watch programs, but

There are many classic movies on Blu-ray, so you won’t be bored.”

After Dai Lin walked into the ward, the head nurse added a special sentence: "From this moment on, you can no longer leave this ward without permission. You can rest assured that no ghost will be able to enter here."

Jiuling Surgery Clinic Hall.

This is an area that ordinary doctors hardly dare to enter.

Inside the clinic of Ark.

He had already heard about Dai Lin. At the same time, he had obtained the CT reports of Dai Ming and Pan Yizhen through connections.

Looking at the image report he got from the Spiritual Shooting Department, Fang Zhou's face looked extremely ugly.

He never expected such a result.

The last time he saw a similar report was when he was consulting with a large group of doctors on someone.

That person... is Dr. Gao Menghua, who is still unconscious!

"The soul...is missing..."

how so?

Although the severity of the symptoms are completely different, both of them have symptoms of soul loss!

This curse of Hospital No. 444 is still difficult to overcome!

For an ordinary person, the best choice at this time would be to let go. Even if he did so, Dai Lin would definitely understand Fang Ark due to emotions and reasons.

"Dai Lin..."

It's amazing to say that even though they have only known each other for a short time, Fang Zhou and Dai Lin already have a lot of sympathy for each other and feel like they are the same as before.

He began to worry about Dai Lin's current condition. Since he had the same symptoms, it meant that Dai Lin's own soul might also be missing!

Gao Menghua is also a supernatural doctor, and he is definitely much better than Dai Lin now!

Dai Lin...how should he escape this disaster?

When it was time to get off work, he clocked in, went to a secluded place in the stairwell, sharpened his fingers, and then...severely tore out his own throat!

Blood sprayed wildly from his body... and it didn't take long for Ark to turn into a mummy without a drop of blood in his body.

The mummy sank into the blood on the ground as if it were stuck in a swamp. Then all the blood began to gather, and finally disappeared completely.

Dai Lin was in the isolation ward when suddenly he felt movement on his body.

He immediately took out the severed finger that Ark had given him.

Even now, this finger still has a completely normal blood color without any signs of necrosis.

The broken part of the broken finger began to ooze blood.

The blood spilled on the ground, growing more and more, and finally turned into a big pool of blood.

A mummy-like mummy emerged from the pool of blood!

When Dai Ming saw the mummy, he suddenly felt trembling all over.

In front of Ark, Dai Lin was as weak as a baby.


Looking at the horrified face of the mummy, Dai Lin showed an excited expression.

"Can you please do me a favor?"

The blood began to gather into the dried corpse again, and the blood made the shrunken skin become smooth and rosy again little by little.

"I'm just here to help you." Fang Zhou sat in front of Dai Lin and said, "The CT reports of Dai Ming and Pan Yizhen have come out. The situation is not good."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "What do you mean?"

Dai Lin is now praying that Ark will never say that he has found a "magic sign", which is why David was sent to the Demon Department.

"Part of their souls are no longer there." Fang Ark said a conclusion that made Dai Lin's hair stand on end: "This is even more terrifying than I expected."

Part of the soul???

This immediately reminded Dai Lin of Gao Menghua, who is still in a coma!

"Ark, then... can that cure...?"

Fangzhou sighed.

"There is no way. Fortunately, the number of souls lost so far is relatively small, but if it continues, clinical symptoms may appear."

Dai Lin thought about Gao Menghua, who was still sleeping, and asked, "How does it compare with Dr. Gao Menghua's situation?"

"That is definitely much better than Dr. Gao Menghua, but one thing is the same. We cannot get back the lost soul."

So now...what should we do?

"Can't the hospital treat...?"

"There is no way to cure it. If it could be cured, Dr. Gao Menghua wouldn't be unable to wake up until now. No other traces of the curse can be found in the imaging, so it is completely impossible to perform surgery."

Gao Menghua has been in a coma for such a long time, and Yin Wuque, as the deputy dean, has been unable to revive her!

"how so……"

Dai Lin only felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

"Dai Lin, I have to remind you. Although you are a psychic doctor, you may have the same symptoms."

"What about the hospital next?"

"The hospital cannot keep a patient who is difficult to treat in an isolation ward for a long time. Anyway... the hospital will not take care of him anymore."

Dai Lin gritted his teeth and said, "What about me?"

"Your situation is the most special. It's up to Vice Dean Yin to decide how to deal with you."

There is still a part of Nie Xiuzhu's skin tissue left in Dai Lin's right eye.

Dai Lin hasn't absorbed it yet!

If Dai Lin absorbs it, he may become stronger. But it is also possible that he will suffer strong backlash!



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