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Melias ran on the street, and then she ran into a gift shop nearby.

She now hopes to stay in places with more people and relatively bright light as much as possible.

The moment the train suddenly stopped, she knew that she would not be able to get to Washington this time.

However, she knew that her mother would not give up.

Since she was born, she has understood her mother's character quite well. She is extremely paranoid and will do whatever it takes to do what she is determined to do. She will not give up just because of difficulties. As long as the goal can be achieved, her mother can come up with all kinds of things.

Various ways to achieve it.

Because of this, people who can get along with their mother often have only one way, and that is to compromise with her.

Melias, naturally the same is true.

She had actually always hoped that her mother would give up and end this futile effort. However, she knew very well that this was impossible.

The interior of the gift shop is about three to four hundred square meters, and there are still quite a lot of people gathered here at this time.

In this place, Melias' fear was finally released to some extent.

The gift shop was not far from the motel, and she knew that her mother Melty would be looking for her soon. At that time, she had no choice but to follow her mother and continue to Washington.

And as long as my mother doesn't give up this idea...

"Why can't we give up?"

Melias paced repeatedly in the gift shop, and her condition attracted the attention of some customers around her.

"What is she doing?"

"Yeah, I've walked around the shelves over there several times."

Melias probably walked around for at least a dozen times before finally stopping.

Melias estimated that her mother would be here soon.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed a small mirror on the shelf.

The small mirror is standing on the shelf.

However, her expression changed a little.

She has walked around this shelf more than ten times. Therefore, she clearly remembers that there was no such small mirror on the shelf before!

Moreover, no one approached this shelf just now!

Melias looked at the small mirror in horror, and then she saw what was behind her in the mirror...

Suddenly, a figure came around from the other side of the shelf, grabbed Melias's hand, and pulled her out of the gift shop!

Melias was taken out before she could even react.

Only then did she look at the person who brought her out.

It was an Asian girl with white hair.

"You...who are you?"

"I'm here to find you." Natsume Ikaruga looked at Melias and said, "Well, if I say this, maybe you won't understand. You know... Hospital No. 666, right?"

Natsume Ikaruga knew that Melty and her daughter had never had direct contact with the doctors of Hospital No. 666. Due to the curse of the law of cause and effect, Melty and her daughter were unable to enter the hospital. However, they all knew that the hospital existed.

At this time, Natsume Ikaruga was completely relieved.

In the past, Director Green personally accompanied Alex to meet Melty. However, Director Green later discovered that no matter whether he followed Alex or not, there was no way to meet Melty. This curse

, it will also have an impact on people related to the hospital. Director Green was also quite surprised by this.

Natsume Ikaruga also learned all this from Ibis. Frankly speaking, this made her feel incredible.

When I was young, my father dreamed of developing a curse. He thought it was a fantasy, but he didn't expect that... he actually encountered such a case!

"No matter who it is, there is no way they can find me now." Ikaruga did not expect that the plan would go so smoothly. "I also did not expect that I would be able to come into contact with this rare case that my father once wanted to study."

One of the big reasons why his father was particularly fond of Ikaruga was that, like him, Ikaruga was full of curiosity and persistence in the study of unknown things. However, his father's lack of awe for the forbidden spiritual realm was also regarded as a problem by most people.

For crazy people.

But isn't there a thin line between genius and madness?

"If it were me...can I realize my father's dream?"

Develop this truly stable cause-and-effect spell that does not require twin experiments...

And unlike my father, who ended up making actual sacrifices?

Ten minutes later, she had already explained the general situation to Melias.

"You can tell me now, what is your current situation?"

Melias was about to answer Natsume Ikaruga, when suddenly, her mother Melty appeared in front of her.

"Melias! Where have you gone?"

Seeing Melty in front of her, Melias was stunned, and then her mother ran up and hugged her.

"I said you can't just run around, why can't you just listen to me!"

Only then did she look at Natsume Ikaruga.

"Who are you?"

"she is……"

Natsume Ikaruga responded immediately: "Hello, Mrs. Melty, my name is Natsume Ikaruga. I am the doctor who is about to join Hospital No. 666."

Of course, Ikaruga is not a doctor, and it is precisely because of this that she can get in touch with them.

"Yes...that's it..."

Then, Natsume Ikaruga looked at the mother and daughter in front of him and continued: "To put it simply, I am here to help you and your wife reunite in Washington."

"Natsume..." Melias was about to say that she wanted to give up going to Washington, but was interrupted by her mother Melty.

"Okay! Thank you, Doctor Natsume!" Melty held Natsume Ikaruga's hand, "If you can let me meet Alex, that would be great!"

Natsume Ikaruga looked at Melty and Melias in front of her, and she began to think of her mother.

Her mother always taught her a lesson, telling her not to listen to her father in everything. She was particularly worried that because she was closer to her father, she would follow the same path as her father after becoming a supernatural doctor.

"You must never enter the Curses Department in the future." My mother said to herself: "Ikaruga, I don't want you to do the research and development of curses. Many people think that the Curses Department is not a clinical department and is safer than an outpatient department, but I am

Everyone knows that the Cursed Objects Department is actually the most dangerous department. The Cursed Objects Department is the department that is really exposed to the invasion of the abyss. If you stay there, no one can guarantee that one day you will be assimilated into a part of the abyss."

"Mom, but I am against curses..."

"Why are you interested in this kind of thing? Do you think cursed objects are good things?" At this time, my mother will become hysterical: "Why don't you want to listen to me? Why would you rather listen to your father than listen to it?


At that time, her relationship with her mother was the same as the mother and daughter in front of her.

Turtle dove actually likes his mother very much.

But what pained her was that she found that her mother disliked her father less and less. Their marriage relationship was getting closer to the freezing point. Ikaruga realized that maybe one day, her father and mother would be separated.

For a child, the greatest pain caused by the divorce of his parents is often that he only has to choose one person between his father and his mother to be his guardian. In an era when divorce is like eating and drinking, few people can truly understand that children have to endure the divorce of their parents.

The pain of the time. If we really face that day, then it is probably inevitable that Ibis will follow his mother and he will follow his father.

And now...

Both her father and mother are dead. She doesn't have to choose.

She will never know whether her mother will choose to live with her if her parents separate.

In fact, this incident tortured her to a great extent.

Even at this stage of research and development of causal spells, it is still impossible to resurrect the dead.


Looking at the night sky, Natsume Ikaruga made up his mind.

She wants to leave here and stay away from Hospital 666 forever.

Of course, she knew that her sister Ibis would not go with her.

Both parents are gone.

But she will eventually be completely separated from Ibis...

This chapter has been completed!
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