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In the eyes of almost all doctors, Lelia Faust was indifferent to favor and disgrace, and could express her emotions and anger. Because of this, when they heard about Natsume Ikaruga, her extreme loss of composure made everyone unbelievable.

And her first reaction was to demand that the person directly responsible be executed.

She didn't show any mercy at all. If she said she would be executed, she would be executed. And if anyone came to persuade her, she would ask for execution in the same way.

"This is the curse of the law of cause and effect! You didn't realize that the other party can directly tamper with the past timeline!" This made her extremely angry: "It just tampered with our memories collectively!"

In fact, it cannot be said to be tampering.

Rather, it is a complete revision of the past timeline.

Lelia Faust dreamed of possessing a magic object that could modify the timeline and affect the high-dimensional abyss. However, Natsume Ikaruga actually escaped.

Logically speaking, she is destined to become a doctor, and there is no way she can escape.

But... for a person who possesses the Law of Karma, she cannot ensure that the other person has the ability to do more amazing things.


After a long time, someone dared to say to Lelia: "We have arranged for people to track her. Don't worry, we will capture her as soon as possible."

Lelia said coldly: "Take good care of Natsume Toki and keep an eye on her 24 hours a day. Even if you go to the toilet, you can't let her out of your sight!"

As a demon doctor, her body was shaking a little.

What does the law of karma mantra mean?

This means that your past may also be modified.

The other party does not need to actually do anything. He can rely on his own will to modify the past in this three-dimensional world where matter is stable and the timeline is fixed forward.

The past that has happened, in the materially stable three-dimensional world, is absolute history. No one can change what has happened. Only demonic curses involving high dimensions can change this law. But now, Natsume Ikaruga has become an exception.

From now on, you will no longer be safe.

Of course Lelia knew rationally that Natsume Ikaruga's will could not change the past timeline at will. Even a small change within a few days might cost her a huge price. However, she would grow. And

She is not sure enough to catch a person who possesses the curse of the law of cause and effect.

"Natsume Ikaruga?"

Dai Lin received a call from Director Green at this time.

"Yes. The situation happened completely beyond my expectation," Green said extremely anxiously: "Now, even Miss Lelia has begun to pay attention to this matter."

Nowadays, as the director of the Demon Department, Lelia is a feared presence in the entire hospital. Although the successor of the Faust family is Klein, everyone knows that Lelia is much more powerful than Klein.

Most of all, what she lost to Klein was just her gender.

For Lelia, this was simply a great shame.

This experiment on the law of cause and effect curse on Sister Natsume is the most important project that she has been promoting. Once it succeeds, the significance will be extremely huge. So on the other hand, if it fails, there is no doubt that it will have an impact on her status.

"The two doctors directly responsible have been directly executed, including one doctor who interceded. Now, the entire hospital is in chaos... This is the first causal spell that has been successfully developed in the history of our hospital.


Dai Lin is indeed very interested in the law of cause and effect.

If he can get in touch with it, with the ability of the devil's eye, maybe from now on, he will also be able to possess the ability of the law of cause and effect. In this way, even if he returns to Hospital No. 444, he will not be afraid of Yin Wuque.

However, saying that is just a theoretical statement. This kind of curse may also pose a threat to oneself.

"Anyway, let me remind you that if...Ms. Natsume comes to see you..."

"Why did she come to me?" Dai Lin was puzzled. He didn't know this person at all.

"She ran away this time after watching the video you sent. Moreover, according to the surveillance of her, it was found that her expression changed greatly after watching the video. Therefore, it can be inferred that she may come to you


Come to find yourself?

Dai Lin thought of something.

He has been "assimilated" by the world of this time layer. In other words, he has a completely different past in this world, so it is not impossible that he could have crossed paths with this person named Natsume Ikaruga in the past of this world.


Dai Lin didn't expect that he would suddenly provoke a seemingly dangerous person out of nowhere. He was wary of everyone in this hospital. After all, all the supernatural doctors here were dangerous demon hosts and belonged to the director.

running dog.

Natsume Ikaruga is currently unable to determine how her future is related to Dai Lin.

However, from the part of the future timeline that she can observe, it can be basically inferred that... this connection is probably... involving a very private relationship.

The most important thing is that her thoughts and emotions in the future timeline will have an impact on her present self to some extent. This is also a side effect of the curse. She cannot be sure whether everything she is experiencing now belongs to her future self.

Will. Once the law of cause and effect curse grows to a certain extent, everything she experiences now may be what she wants in the future, rather than what she would have experienced originally.

This is also the ultimate in the curse that my father originally hoped to develop.

"Human suffering lies in the inability to predict the future and the inability to change the past." This is what my father once said.

When she was a child, Natsume Ikaruga couldn't understand this sentence, but now...she feels the same way.

"If we can determine our past and future according to our own wishes, then our lives can be truly complete." The father continued: "Don't you think this is very beautiful? Ikaruga?"

My mother always felt that my father's idea was too crazy. After all, the matter in the three-dimensional world is stable, the past that has happened cannot be changed, and the future also has countless possibilities, but if there is some kind of magic that can really modify the past and present

, the three-dimensional space is no longer three-dimensional, but may actually be eroded by high-dimensional pollution.

Beyond three dimensions, there is no distinction between time and space. The high-dimensional world is uniformly called the "abyss." Therefore, this is always considered an untouchable taboo and the ultimate path to the unattainable curse!

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